Indestructible God King Chapter 73: Yangmou

Wang Ke knew that Tong An’an and the Northern God of Gamblers were calculating themselves, so Wang Ke was very careful. Wang Ke thought about the many conspiracies they might use, but Wang Ke never expected that they would not play conspiracies this time, they would play Yangmou?

Under everyone’s eyes, kick me into the pool?

Wang Ke is also considered to be familiar with the art of war, but after all, he is still careless, thinking that the demons have spent such an old nose, they must have a trick waiting for him, but, how could Wang Ke think that it would be like this How about kicking people directly into the water?

You have to kick me into the pool, you don’t have to do so many bells and whistles. It is the enthusiasm of the Wang brothers, and you continue to lose money to me, and help me cheat the saint’s money. No need, just kick it right from the beginning, can’t it?

Wang Ke never expected this trick.

The surrounding viper saw Wang Ke sinking into the pool, and immediately rushed towards Wang Ke.

Wang Ke instinctively wanted to swim ashore, but the next moment, Wang Ke’s expression changed.

“No, the Northern Gods of Gamblers have kicked me blatantly. I swam ashore and I must have been kicked again. Now they are going to tear their skin, can I swim back?” Wang Ke’s expression sank. .

You can turn your head to look at the crowd of onlookers on the shore. There are no Northern Gamblers who can calculate himself?

What’s the situation? Didn’t you switch to Yangmou? People?

Wang Ke couldn’t understand it for a while. Are these demons who calculated themselves hiding in the crowd? Are they still afraid of exposure?

You are afraid of exposure, why do you kick me into the pool in full view?

No, no! They may still worry about other demons gossiping, if not, they still don’t want to expose it?

If I swim back like this, they are forced to stop me from going ashore again! But if I don’t go back, will I be bitten by a snake?

“Yeah, someone jumped into the Ten Thousand Snake Pond to save the kid?” Someone suddenly yelled.

I don’t know who yelled a word, which instantly inspired Wang Ke.

Yes, these demons who calculated me don’t want to expose themselves and don’t let me go ashore, but if I have an excuse, how can they stop it? Many other unexplained demons must be on my side!

Save people, save people first!

Wang Ke wanted to understand everything, and turned his head to swim towards the center of Wan Snake Pond.

“He really went to save the kid!”

“Who is that? It seems to be Brother Wang?”

“Brother Wang just came to Shenlong Island, and he definitely didn’t know the kid. He jumped down without hesitation, and he didn’t care about his life and death!”

“For my demon child, Brother Wang went to the death to save him, he is really the pillar of my demon!”

“What kind of spirit is this?”




The demons on the shore sighed.

Only Zhu Wei is on the side, with a look of stunned expression.

“What’s the situation? Wang Ke, I kicked you into the pool, and you didn’t hesitate to save people? This, it’s not like your style? Sacrifice yourself? Why?” Zhu Wei looked blank.

“Ah, a group of snakes bit him!” An evil spirit said worriedly.

The group of snakes pounced on Wang Ke, and suddenly, dozens of venomous snakes bit Wang Ke.

The Ten Thousand Snake Pool was suppressed by formations. Wang Ke couldn’t use too much power, so he could only swim like a mortal. Even if his body was turbid, it was difficult for him to penetrate the body.

However, it can’t penetrate the body, but it can stick to the skin, and it can be hidden in the pores. It’s like a sponge full of water. Full and not scattered.

The king is not afraid of biting these dozens of venomous snakes. Wang Ke has long been venomous. How could he be afraid of snake venom?


The group of snakes bit Wang Ke’s body, and took a bite, as if biting into a sponge, the sponge is elastic, the sponge is fine, but the water in the sponge hole is poured out, and the turbid vitality in Wang Ke’s pores is immediately blocked. The mouth of the crowd was full.


The sound of a thunderbolt sounded in the mind of the group of snakes, biting Wang Ke’s group of snakes, and instantly felt the full of malice from human beings.

Special, is this a human thing?

I’ll just bite, do you need to hurt me like this? What’s filling my mouth?


Any venomous snake that had bitten Wang Ke instantly turned his eyes and floated limply on the surface of the water.

Wang Ke kept swimming towards the center of Wan Snake Pond, wherever he passed, poisonous snakes floated up in batches, one by one with their belly facing upwards, as if convulsing.

“Brother Wang, be careful!” a demon cried out on the shore.

“Many snakes are going to bite the king brother!”

“Yes, but why did those snakes bite Brother Wang suddenly calm down?”

“Yes, the snakes in Wanshechi have always been the most venomous and ferocious? What’s wrong with this?”

“Brother Wang has to swim past the bite of a poisonous snake? I can’t do it!”

“Too brave!”




The demons on the shore were amazed, but no one would enter the Ten Thousand Snake Pool to find out.

“Help, are you all blind? Help me!” the little boy in the middle of Wanshechi cried.

The group of snakes bites, it hurts, I can’t hold on, I’m going to die. I’m dying?

“Uuuuuu, save me, save me! I am the Son, save me!” the little boy shouted desperately.

Seeing that the little boy turned purple all over, he was about to be bitten by a group of snakes.

At this moment, a figure jumped out of Wanshe Pond without hesitation, and swam towards him.

Finally, someone finally came to rescue me?

“I’m here, I’m here!” The little boy cried with joy.

Unfortunately, the head wears a hood, which makes it difficult to see his face.

“Don’t worry, I’m here, hold on for a while!” Wang Ke shouted not far away.

“Yes, thank you, thank you! I will never be headstrong anymore, thank you for saving me!” the little boy cried.

The little boy is the Son, and he knows his temper. But because of the devil’s pampering, the holy child has always been brazen and fearless.

Until now, Shengzi didn’t realize the warmth and coldness of people’s hearts.

Those demons, who usually respect themselves, are all fake, all fake! When I was about to be bitten to death by a poisonous snake, no one, no one came to save me! No one! Was it all because of my own waywardness before?

Only this one, this man save himself?

The Son is grateful for Wang Ke’s arrival. No one can realize that kind of gratitude. Who in this world can fight death for you? No one, only him!

Wang Ke swam to the front, unable to see who the little boy was. Holding the little boy’s chin, he swam back toward the shore.

And the group of snakes rushed to Wang Ke fiercely, and then…!

The Son felt that the number of poisonous snakes that bit him suddenly became much less.

This man, did he help himself to block countless snakes? Would you rather be bitten by a poisonous snake to protect yourself?

“Thank you, thank you!” Shengzi cried moved.

Wang Ke has been swimming for a while, because he is with a child, so he swims very slowly.

At this time, due to the special material, the headgear of the son has slowly melted at this moment, revealing the very embarrassed, and crying son of the son.

When Wang Ke swam to the shore, he shouted: “Quickly, pull us up!”

Wang Ke has no bottom in his heart. He is worried that the Northern God of Gamblers and the others will not be forgiven. Now he has saved a demon boy, hoping that other demons can look at the child’s face and help himself block the Northern God of Gamblers. Convenient to go ashore by yourself.

The demons were surprised at first that Wang Ke could actually come back alive in the pool of ten thousand snakes, this shouldn’t be.

“Why? Wang Ke was not killed by a poisonous snake? Why could he swim back? Why? Is this pool of poisonous snakes fake? It was used by the Demon Cult to scare the righteous disciples? In fact, it’s okay to jump in? “Zhu Wei scolded in disbelief.

The angry Zhu Nai stretched out his hand to touch the water in the pool, but was spotted by a poisonous snake and bit it on his hand.

“Ah-yo, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, let it go!” Zhu Nian screamed and threw the ferocious snake ashore.


Zhu Wei threw the poisonous snake that bit himself to death, but the entire right hand was poisoned, turned black and purple, and swollen.

“Cough cough cough!”

At the moment when the crowd was noisy, Zhu Wei’s complexion turned purple, and he stumbled to a corner, vomiting black blood while detoxifying his injuries.

“Puff, why? Why is it always me who is injured? Why is Wang Ke okay after being bitten, Puff!” Zhu Wei tried to get rid of the poison.

And among the people on the shore, the demons also saw the child clearly.

“Ah, it’s the Son? How could it be the Son? Hurry, save the Son!” the group demon exclaimed.

The Son is going to die here, and everyone here today will be unlucky. The group of demons suddenly panicked.

Fortunately, Wang Ke has already pushed the son ashore.

The holy child can’t swim, and his cultivation base is weak, but his body seems to have the effect of anti-snake venom, and he can’t hold it after being bitten like Zhu Wei.

The Son came ashore, and Wang Ke also climbed ashore.

“Holy Son?” Wang Ke went ashore and looked at the boy he had saved in astonishment.

“Ugh, wow~~~~~!”

The son seemed to be terrified, raised his head and started crying.

“Something has happened!” The group of demons suddenly showed panic.

The Son of God almost died in front of him, so he didn’t even notice? The group of demons felt cold all over. This time they are going to be bad luck. Everyone will be punished. But, fortunately, the king saved the Son, and the Son did not die. This is better than anything else. We are punished at best, and we don’t have to be punished. Put to death.

“Brother Wang, thanks to you this time!” Qun Mo immediately looked at Wang Ke gratefully.

Wang Ke: “………………!”

Where are the demons that were going to calculate me just now? Why can’t you see any of them? Where is the North Gambling God and the South Gambling God? How can I not find it in the crowd? Everyone’s eyes are grateful?

This, this is not right! Didn’t the Northern Gods of Gamblers want to use Yangmou? Is this the end?


The sky is slightly brighter.

At the entrance of the hall where Tong An’an was, a group of demons including the North Gambling God and the South Gambling Sage also looked towards the prison.

“Altar Master, the time is almost up. At this time, the Saint Son should be dead, not drowned, but also bitten to death!” The Northern Gambler spoke to the hall.

“Yes, the headgear of the Son should have melted. Everyone knows it is the Son!”

“It’s too late, it’s just a corpse to save it at this time!”

“Who would dare to go down in the Ten Thousand Snake Pond? Unless you disturb Hall Master Zhu, who can’t get out of the retreat, you can only watch!”




A group of demons who calculated Wang Ke were excited, while waiting for the people in the hall to speak.

In the main hall, Tong An’an walked out with a cup of True Essence Blood, and looked at his group of confidants with a look of satisfaction.

“Although this process has been a lot of twists and turns, you have finally done something that satisfies me. The Son is dead? Ha, well, let’s go, let’s avenge the Son!” Tong Anan’s eyes flashed Passed an expectation.

“Yes! Kill the king, avenge the holy son!” A group of demons were also excited.


While laughing, Tong Anan led a group of demons towards the prison on Shenlong Island.

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