Indestructible God King Chapter 725: Buddha Fury Red Lotus


This is just an excuse for the ghoul national teacher to find Wang Ke trouble.

These days, the ghoul national teacher also wants to quietly assassinate Wang Ke. The key is that Wang Ke is with this group of people every day, how can he assassinate him? As long as you do it, it’s easy to reveal that these people are all in the original spirit realm, and are they not blind? He couldn’t hide in the central area of ​​the crowd at all, so it was impossible to assassinate it quietly.

It is very difficult to shoot even if wrapped in a black robe. Princess Youyue has been by Wang Ke’s side all the time, and she has a Zi Luo fairy clothing body guard. As long as Princess Youyue helps Wang Ke resist, she will be exposed!

At this moment, looking at this group of people who didn’t know what they were going to do, they all flew to the Bailian Dynasty, which went deep into the heart of the evil demon, and then dragged it down, not knowing what would happen.

So, the National Ghoul Master found an excuse to return to Poinsettia.

Ghou Gui Guoshi has also studied Shenwang Company these days and understands the importance of Poinsettia Red Lotus to Wang Ke. Shenwang Company needs Poinsettia Red Lotus to help Wang Ke rectify his name. If this is less than Poinsettia Red Lotus, then Wang Ke is this red lotus. Even if the emperor is in an improper position, the evil emperor will not do anything, but the four lotus emperors and the great emperors seem to have enemies with the king. If they know this, they will definitely embarrass the king and think of ways to attack the king. of.

So Wang Ke should refuse to lose Poinsettia.

In this way, I can use the Poinsettia Red Lotus as an excuse to turn the assassination into the pursuit of the family’s relics, and then the first gang of Master Jiang, Chen Tianyuan and Shan Huang will not have an excuse to target themselves.

This is going to cause trouble, if I accidentally kill Wang Ke, can this blame me? He was the one who fought with me and missed a fight. I can’t be blamed!

The ghoul master looked at Wang Ke confidently. Sure enough, a group of people on the flying boat thought about it, and stared at the ghoul national teacher one by one.

“You know, Poinsettia is the relic of my junior brother, my junior is the sage of the previous generation of red lotus, lurking the magic way, can also be regarded as a hero of the right way, can’t let the hero of the right way be peaceful after death, right? It’s his relic. As a senior, I have the right to take it back. What do you think, Wang Ke?” The ghoul master looked at Wang Ke with a sneer.

Everyone stared suddenly and wanted to say something, but Wang Ke stopped them.

“Guoji national teacher, I think you are right!” Wang Ke nodded.

“Huh?” Everyone stared at Wang Ke.

You, do you really plan to give a poinsettia red lotus to the ghoul national teacher? What about Shenwang Company?

The ghoul national teacher was also taken aback, waiting for Wang Ke to get angry, so that he could take the opportunity to fight, and then kill Wang Ke by mistake. Now, what do you mean by this?

“It’s okay if you want Poinsettia, but do you know the characteristics of Poinsettia?” Wang Ke asked in a deep voice.

“Characteristics? What’s the matter about characteristics?” The ghoul master stared.

“Poinsettia red lotus belongs to the world’s precious treasures. The precious treasure chooses the master. You can’t get it if I don’t give it to you!” Wang Ke explained.

The ghoul national teacher looked at Wang Ke with a black face: “What are you talking about? What precious treasure? You mean I don’t understand treasure?”

“You don’t know, when I was in the Great Evil Dynasty, I wanted to get a poinsettia, but the poinsettia did not agree to it. It was the evil emperor who gave the decree and was led by the emperor to make the poinsettia recognize me as the master. This It’s not easy!” Wang Ke explained.

“Wang Ke, don’t you want to give it to me?” The ghoul national teacher said coldly.

“No, I didn’t say not to give it to you, I just want to explain the situation to you clearly before giving it to you. After you take the poinsettia, you can’t get the poinsettia to recognize the master, and instead come to slander me! I’m afraid of being stigmatized now, I want to make it clear to you in advance!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

The ghoul national teacher looked at Wang Ke with a weird face, is your special mother crazy, give me the poinsettia red lotus? Also explain its characteristics to me.

“Wang Ke, I gave him a poinsettia red lotus, what do you do?” Murong old dog said anxiously.

“That is, if it affects the King’s company, how can we make money?” A group of warriors also anxiously asked.

“Everyone, stay calm, everyone, the national ghoul master came to talk to me personally, I want to give him face anyway, just a lotus flower, it’s okay, I am the red lotus envoy, not because A lotus flower will be deposed, it’s not a big deal!” Wang Ke explained.

The national ghoul master looked at Wang Ke with a weird look, as if, I’m here to find Wang Ke, and I’m going to kill Wang Ke, why, why is there something wrong with the picture in front of me? Wang Ke is helping me to appease these irritable fighters? Why has the atmosphere changed?

“Wang Ke, if you are willing to give it to me, then give it back to me!” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“Wait a minute, National Ghoul, don’t worry, I’ll tell you clearly, if something goes wrong in the province, you still have to ask me, can I tell you clearly once? A few words You won’t be able to delay you for a long time!” Wang Ke immediately calmed down.

Ghoul State Master: “…………!”

“Poinsettia now recognizes me as the master. If I give it to others, it will definitely have a violent temper. I also hope you can bear it a little bit more. If it gets angry, I hope you can treat it kindly!” Wang Ke explained.

“Wang Ke, who are you bluffing? Poinsettia red lotus, just a magic weapon, still recognizes people? Will you lose your temper?” The Ghoul State Master looked disbelief.

“Have you never seen a poinsettia red lotus?” Wang Ke asked again, confirming.

“Hmph, I haven’t seen it before, but it’s just a magic weapon. You blow it like a person, and you will lose your temper? Who are you lying to?” The ghoul master stared.

“It’s true, you don’t understand. It’s not an ordinary magic weapon. It is a spiritual treasure, a rare spiritual treasure in the world. It has its own consciousness. Once someone wants to use it strong, it You will even fight to the death at all costs, even if you die together, you must keep your dignity!” Wang Ke said.

At this moment, let alone the ghoul national teacher, even the people on the flying boat have a face of disbelief, Wang Ke, what are you talking about? Are you good to be a ghoul teacher?

“Wang Ke, if you don’t want to give me a poinsettia, then don’t blame me for being rude!” said the ghoul national teacher coldly.

“Listen to me. If the poinsettia is forced by someone, do you know what it will do? It will exhaust all its power, petrify its whole body, and turn all the power of the red lotus into a monstrous storm. Die together with the people who forced him, and turn into a red lotus of Buddha’s anger, leading to the disaster of extinction!” Wang Ke emphasized.

“The first-grade red lotus is petrified, self-destructive, and turned into a red lotus of Buddha’s anger, leading to the disaster of world extinction? Wang Ke, who are you deceiving? If you don’t give it to me, I will do it myself!” .

“Yes, give it now!” Wang Ke interrupted immediately.

The ghoul national teacher’s face became stiff, but you refused, what’s special, are you really giving it?

Wang Ke took a deep breath and turned his head away, as if he was hiding something in his arms.

“Poinsettia red lotus, you see, this can’t be blamed on me, someone is robbing you, complain about him if you want to complain, go! Find him and go desperately!” Wang Ke solemnly said.


While speaking, Wang Ke instantly took out a lotus flower from his arms.

As soon as the lotus flower came out, there was a raging fire.

“This is a poinsettia red lotus?” Ximen Jing stared curiously.

“The shape is okay. In the war, I saw the previous generation of Red Lotus envoys. I saw him use them, but there was no such big flame at the time?” Murong old dog curiously asked.

“Guoji national teacher, you must not use it hard! Treat it well!” Wang Ke said.

Speaking, Wang Ke immediately threw the poinsettia in his hand into the sky.

The gaze of the ghoul national teacher followed the flame lotus, and instantly rushed to the sky.

“Go, go!” Wang Ke called.

The flying boat immediately lased towards the front.

The ghoul national teacher’s face changed, what’s the situation? What is Wang Ke doing in such a hurry? Abandon the car to be handsome, he wants to run away?

While trying to stop Wang Ke, he also wanted Poinsettia. The ghoul national teacher was embarrassed.

“Hmph, get the first poinsettia red lotus first, and I’ll deal with your neurosis later!” The ghoul master stared.

While speaking, the National Ghoul Master instantly soared up into the sky, and his detective hand grabbed the poinsettia that was burning in the raging fire.

“Poinsettia Red Lotus? What a powerful flame, even my hood was burned, and it burned directly into my hand?” A surprise flashed in the eyes of the National Ghoul Master.


The National Ghoul Master suddenly urged a stream of air to go straight to the poinsettia red lotus, to suppress the flames of this poinsettia red lotus.


There was a crisp sound, the flame went out, and the poinsettia red lotus was instantly crushed by his own breath.

“Broken, broken?” The national ghoul’s face changed.

Grabbing a pile of broken stones, the ghoul national teacher’s face changed: “The first grade red lotus destroys itself? The petrified into the Buddha’s angry red lotus, leading to the calamity of the world?”


Suddenly, the sky suddenly became densely covered with dark clouds, and the billowing dark clouds rolled wildly. In an instant, a wave of heavenly power came straight to the ghoul national teacher. Amidst the layers of dark clouds, a breath of ruining the sky and the earth surged. The face of the ghoul national teacher instantly changed wildly.

“Buddha angry and red lotus? How is this possible? Such a temper?” The ghoul national teacher’s face changed wildly.

Looking up at the threat that enveloped him, the National Ghoul was stunned for a while, recalling the story that Wang Ke just told, and his scalp exploded in an instant. No, wouldn’t it be so unlucky?

This time when I think about the story that Wang Ke just told, Wang Ke’s flying boat in the distance has already flown away.

Suddenly, the National Ghoul Master seemed to have thought of something, Buddha angered Honglian? No one has ever said that it was a lie to me, right?

Looking down again, the material of the poinsettia petrified is actually pumice.

“It’s not a Buddha’s anger red lotus, it’s a floating stone supervised by the heavenly path? It’s a heavenly punishment? This is so special is a heavenly punishment? Wang Ke, you lie to me!” The ghoul master roared.


Suddenly, a huge scarlet thunder dragon descended from the sky, coming straight towards the ghoul national teacher.

The ghoul national teacher’s face changed, and he could only take a depressed blow to the sky.


A loud noise and a huge impact triggered a huge wave of sea water.

“It’s God’s punishment, Wang Ke, you **** it, come back!” The ghoul master yelled.

No matter what, Feizhou has already flown far, and the ghoul national teacher is shrouded in the cloud of punishment, and there is no way to deal with Wang Ke.

Wang Ke’s flying boat flew farther and farther.

On the flying boat, Murong Old Dog and others stared into the distance.

“Wh, what’s the situation? Buddha’s anger and red lotus?” Murong old dog said in astonishment.

“It turns out that it’s the same as the one who killed the tiger king last time? It’s a pumice stone?” Ximen Jing stared into the distance.

“As soon as I saw Wang Ke telling a story, I guessed it! Ximen Jing, you’ve seen it last time, and you just interrupted!” Zhang Zhengdao’s expression had already seen through.

“But, why? Since you can cheat the ghoul national teacher, don’t you just give it to him? I want to say so much?” You Yue asked curiously.

“Before the punishment comes, there is a time to accumulate energy. At this time, if the ghoul master guessed the cause early, he would definitely rush to do it to me before the punishment comes! I tell him a story, no need to hide He is too long, just need him to accumulate energy in this short period of time, he will be stunned for a while! Now, even if he reacts, it doesn’t matter! Heaven’s punishment is coming, this is a three-hundred-jin of heaven’s punishment. Ah! Tsk tusk! Deserve it!” Wang Ke said proudly looking at the distance.

“Telling the story is to delay him for a while? Wang Ke, you are so smart!” Princess Youyue suddenly saw Xi Shi’s praise in the eyes of her lover.

Others looked at Wang Ke weirdly. Is he smart? This is called “damage”!

PS: Second!

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