Indestructible God King Chapter 719: Wang Ke is really a good man

  Below the God of War!

  Wang Youli watched more and more people gather, and stared at Ximenjing.

  ”Ximengjing, you called me, but there were so many people. What if there is a stampede, if someone is dead?” Wang Youli stared.

  ”I didn’t expect the princess to boldly publish the emperor’s list. The people sent it spontaneously. I went back to find my dad, but I didn’t find it. I can only come to you. But don’t worry, I will follow the teacher’s request. I also invited Cheng Baichuan and asked him to mobilize the city guard to maintain order. There should be no trouble!” Ximen Jing said.

  ”Cheng Baichuan?” Wang Youli was taken aback.

  ”Yes, he is an admirer of the Ministry of War, shouldn’t it be difficult to maintain a little order?” Ximen Jing thought for a while.

  ”Is this a bit of order? The people in this city are about to get news, and those who have lost their loved ones are going crazy to rush to the mountains! There are too many people! Did you tell him there will be so many people? “Wang Youli frowned.

  ”Uh, I said that officials of the Ministry of Etiquette will go up the mountain to rescue the teacher. At that time, they may invite some people of high respect. I didn’t expect that there will be so many people. However, after all, he is the Minister of War. Come on!” Ximen Jing recalled.

  At this moment, among the noisy crowd, Cheng Baichuan’s shout came from nowhere.

  ”Ximenjing, you turtle grandson, you cheated me? I didn’t bring many people here, ah, don’t squeeze! People in the Ministry of War, don’t hurt the people, don’t run into the people! Ah, who Step on me, ah!”

  Cheng Baichuan’s voice soon drowned in the crowd.

  Ximen Jing’s face stiffened: “Is that Cheng Baichuan’s voice just now?”

  Wang Youli also looked ugly, and swallowed: “Fortunately, we walked in front and were not stepped on. The officials of the Ministry of Rites did not want to be trampled to death by people behind, so hurry forward!”

  The people were about to rush upward, when suddenly, Wang Ke appeared on a huge stone terrace halfway up the mountain.

  ”Everyone, I am Wang Ke!” Wang Ke shouted.

  The people who were still excited just now suddenly had a meal and looked at Wang Ke on the huge stone terrace together.

  ”Wang Ke? Did someone from my family be rescued?”

  ”Wang Ke, did you save my brother?”

  ”Wang Ke, where is my father?”




  A group of people suddenly shouted excitedly.

  On the boulder terrace, Wang Ke’s face became stiff. Didn’t you come to rescue the hero Wang Ke? No one cared about me!

  ”Everyone, please listen to me!” Wang Ke shouted again.

  Suddenly, all the people fell silent.

  ”Before I finish speaking, please don’t interrupt! Lest my message cannot be conveyed to you smoothly!” Wang Ke shouted again.

  Sure enough, Wu Bai nodded.

  ”You are right to see the emperor’s list. This time I risked my death and lurked the evil gods, and indeed rescued five hundred righteous people. They are here, and they are extremely weak at this moment. I don’t know who their relatives are. , But, I can be sure that there are only five hundred righteous people who cannot satisfy the wishes of all of you. I hope everyone will not be disappointed!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

  ”Five hundred people? Maybe there is my brother!”

  ”Quickly, let us see who it is!”

  ”Wang Ke, where is the man!”

  ”Don’t make noise, don’t make noise, let Wang Ke speak!”

  ”Shut up, don’t interrupt!”



  Naturally, someone called to Wang Ke to be quiet.

   “Everyone, I rescued five hundred people. It is a great joy. I don’t want to become a great compassion. Don’t crowd, don’t push, please pay attention to your safety!” Wang Ke said.

  No hundreds of surnames have calmed down a bit.

  ”These five hundred people, I will show them in the Shenwang Industrial Park No. 1 in the east of the city. They are healing their injuries to avoid secondary injuries! So please calm down!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

  ”What secondary damage can there be!” someone shouted.

  ”Hey, since the second injury is mentioned, let me just say something, for example, someone I rescued was the heir of a certain family before, but he was taken away by the evil demon, then is this family serious? Choose a new heir? Will the return of the old heir pose a threat to the new heir? The new heir may not have the heart to murder the old heir, but will the followers of the new heir take risks and assassinate the old heir for the sake of the owner’s choice , To maintain the status of the new heir?” Wang Ke asked.

   Suddenly, the faces of all the people who came were stiff.

  ”Of course, I’m just giving you an example. There are other possibilities. I hope you will come back and take care of your internal conflicts before you come to pick up your relatives. After all, they are escaping from the dead, I don’t want them If I get hurt again, I will also be responsible for their safety!” Wang Keyu persuaded earnestly.

  ”Wang Ke, I really wanted to save people!”

  ”Wang Ke is really a good man!”

  ”Wang Ke is so thoughtful!”



No Hundreds of people nodded for a while, of course, some people frowned, but at this moment, in full view, they did not dare to show their sinister intentions.

  Wang Ke watched everyone listen to what he said, and he sighed. These five hundred righteous prisoners all owe me money. If one of them dies, wouldn’t I have a big loss?

   “Everyone, ten days later, the No. 1 King of God Industrial Park begins to accept everyone’s claims for their loved ones! At the same time, there is good news to tell everyone!” Wang Ke took a deep breath.

  ”Good news?”

  ”Yes, the good news is that these five hundred righteous prisoners are just the beginning, I, Wang Ke! I have officially opened up the channel of the evil gods. From then on, I will continue to rescue the righteous disciples from the Great Evil Dynasty. , This is only the first batch, this is also the least batch, and then there will be a second batch, a third batch, a fourth batch…, a steady stream, as long as you are still alive, as long as you want to save, you can come back! Less, come back all!” Wang Ke solemnly shouted.

  ”What? There will be many more in the future?”

  ”Why would the Great Evil Dynasty allow it?”

  ”How is this possible?”



  Everyone understands that evil spirits are in great need of righteous prisoners, how can they be released?

  ”I know that everyone is skeptical, but someone must know that I came out of Shiwan Dashan, Shiwan Dashan, Shenwang Company has rescued over 10,000 righteous prisoners from the magic road, and it is still flowing continuously. For the rescue, our God King Company never brags, seeks truth from facts, and devotes itself to the right cause, and it is only after death!” Wang Ke shouted loudly.

  On the God of War Mountain.

  Zhang Zhengdao and others heard Wang Ke’s ‘Never Brag’, and his face twitched unconsciously for a while. Do you believe this thing you are talking about?

  ”Wang Ke, what you said is true?” someone cried out in astonishment.

  ”It’s really not true. You will see the difference in ten days. If you have someone who really wants to save in the future, you can register with Shenwang Company. I will speed up the progress of registrants as appropriate. Of course, Shenwang Company also has The rules of Shenwang Company, please follow the rules of our Shenwang Company to claim your loved ones.” Wang Ke solemnly said.

  ”It should be, it should be!”

  ”Shenwang Company rescued our relatives, if anyone dares to go to Shenwang Company to make trouble, don’t blame us for turning our faces!”

  ”Yes, as long as I can save my dad, no matter how many rules of Shenwang Company, I will follow it!”



   Countless people shouted suddenly.

   “Thank you for your understanding, and now please step back slowly, and don’t cause trampling injuries because of today’s big day!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

  ”Okay, okay!” The people nodded unwillingly.

  Obviously, everyone still wants to see these five hundred righteous prisoners, but they have their own relatives, but Wang Ke has already said this, everyone can only bear it!

  ”Wang Ke, the emperor of Shan said on the emperor’s list that you are being tried in the Temple of War? Let us help you get justice? You are…!” A commoner curiously asked.

  ”Yes, Wang Ke, have you been wronged in the Temple of War?” Some people curiously asked.

  ”Everyone, thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness! This time I opened up the channel of the evil gods, which must be very confusing. The Temple of War just asked me to ask what happened. Now it has been found out. My king is innocent, and my king is committed to the right way, and to be an example of the world! The God of War praised me personally, and said that the warriors in the Temple of War should learn more from me and focus on the right way. Putting it on top of the common people in the world, it is our responsibility to save the common people! Say that I am a hero of the right way!” Wang Ke suddenly explained.

On the   mountain, Jiang No.1 looked at the king halfway up the mountain with a black face, but he was talking nonsense there, who praised you? Who said that you are the best in the world? Who said you are a hero of the right way? Youyue falsely preach the imperial decree, your special mother’s false preaching of the will of the God of War Still faked it in front of us?

  ”God of War is right!”

  ”Wang Ke, you deserve the title of righteous hero!”

  ”The God of War said that you are a righteous hero, that must be!”



  Suddenly, many people nodded.

  ”Well, everyone, let’s go back and discuss it first. See you in the No. 1 King Industrial Park in ten days!” Wang Ke laughed.

  ”Okay!” No hundreds of surnames responded.

  ”Everyone, be careful on the way, don’t fall down the mountain!” Wang Ke shouted.

  ”Wang Ke, what a good person!”

  Amidst the gratitude of the hundreds of people, a vigorous rush to the mountain ended, the tide receded, and the God of War Mountain suddenly became a lot quieter.

  Ximen Jing and Wang Youli came over curiously.

  ”Ah Yo!”

  Not far away, Cheng Baichuan, whose footprints were all over his body, followed.

  ”Wang Ke, how come every time I see you, I have to be unlucky!” Cheng Baichuan looked at Wang Ke depressed.

  Cheng Baichuan is a strong master in the Primordial Divine Realm. He obviously didn’t want to hurt the people before being trampled on so many feet.

  ”Wang Ke, is it going well?” Wang Youli also asked.

  ”Thank you for your concern! Master Chen Tianyuan is back. He is now the third-ranked God of War, and has returned my innocence. Prime Minister Ximen is also on the mountain. I just ran for me. Thank you for your righteousness today. , I invite you all, don’t get drunk or return!” Wang Ke immediately bowed to everyone gratefully.

  Everyone can come to support immediately at their own request. No matter how effective they are, Wang Ke is still grateful for this kind of intention, and he is naturally very polite.

  ”It’s okay? Then, I still have a lot of things to deal with in the etiquette department, so I don’t drink. When the matter on your side is over, I will come to thank me with gifts in person!” Wang Youli said suddenly.

  Wang Ke’s face became stiff.

  ”Yes, who wants to drink your wine? The officer is not busy? What is special, the prime minister is still there later, let’s go drinking, do you think we will be at ease? Be grateful, bring money back, and come to thank you Me! Special mother, with all the footprints on my face, can I still see people? People from the Ministry of War, gone!” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed.


  A group of officials slowly retreated following Wang Youli and Cheng Baichuan.

  Wang Ke smiled gratefully as everyone left.

  ”Ximen Jing, your father is on it, let’s go!” Wang Ke looked at Ximen Jing.

  Ximeng Jing’s expression was complicated for a while: “You, you will be fine like this? It made me run for nothing!”

  ”It’s not for nothing, today’s appearance, but it made a sensational advertisement for Shenwang Company! Tsk tsk, my Shenwang Company is going to make a fortune!” Wang Ke said with excitement with bright eyes.

  Ximen Jing stared at Wang Ke: “…!”

  It’s this time, are you still thinking about making money?

  Wang Ke returned to the square of the Temple of War, Jiang No.1, Ghoul National Master and others had disappeared, and the group of warriors who had surrounded Wang Ke naturally all evacuated. Only a group of people who came to help Wang Ke this time remained.

  ”Master, fortunately, fortunately, I have comforted the people. The people have not complained about the Temple of War. The God of War and the people are still family members!” Wang Ke said with a smile.

  PS: Second!

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