Indestructible God King Chapter 706: Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array

A high replica of a dark ghost sword appeared in front of the Tiger King!

The Tiger Emperor was also taken aback, how did the purple ghost sword become black? This is the Ninth Divine Sword in the world, how did you ruin it?

Of course, Tiger King also suspects that this sword is fake, but Tiger King doesn’t care. If the sword is fake, I will kill you!

“Take me to see!” Tiger Emperor said solemnly.

Wang Ke held the ghost and **** sword imitation of the floating stone high and stared at Tiger King and said, “Brother Tiger, I really want to make friends with you. Before giving the sword to you, I’ll persuade you! “

“Mother-in-law, what are you going to do?” Tiger Emperor stared at Wang Ke.

“It’s like this. Everyone is brother. This ghost sword is a dowry gift for my girlfriend. If you are willing to give me face, don’t take it. Let’s shake hands and make peace. How about it? “Wang Ke finally persuaded Tiger Emperor.

“Ha, ha ha ha, shake hands and make peace, until the end? Give you a face? Ha ha ha, are you worthy?” Tiger King roared.

While speaking, I opened my mouth and sucked.


The high imitation of the ghost sword in Wang Ke’s hand flew to the Tiger Emperor in an instant.

“Wait a minute! Be careful!” Wang Ke suddenly took a breath.


A rush of suction directed at the high imitation of the ghost sword, sucking the turbid essence from the ghost sword frantically.

The tiger king looked at it and thought that the king would take it back.

“Looking for death!” Tiger Emperor roared.


A strong wind instantly drove Wang Ke back again and again, and the Tiger Emperor grabbed his claws and grabbed the ghost sword under his own tiger claws.

“I want to grab the things in the hands of the emperor? You dream! Roar~~~~~~~~!” Tiger emperor roared tauntingly.


The Ghost Sword was instantly stepped under its claws.

“My ghost sword? Hahaha!” Tiger Emperor looked down in ecstasy.


The tiger’s claw was too hard, and a black long sword was instantly stepped on and broken in two.

“The Ghost God Sword was broken by the Tiger Emperor?” Zhang Zhengdao stared in astonishment.

“The Ninth Divine Sword in the World, is it so crisp?” Ximen Jing also stared in astonishment.

Huhuang’s face twitched, broken? Is my strength too strong, or the ghost sword too fragile?

“I said, let you be careful!” Wang Ke backed away again and again.

Wang Ke retreated to the side of You Yue, pulling Princess You Yue to run.

“Fake, fake, it’s not a ghost sword at all, Wang Ke, you are looking for death! Do I want to tear you to pieces?” Tiger Emperor suddenly looked at Wang Ke with a roar.


Suddenly a loud bang sounded, countless dark clouds quickly gathered over the Yinshan Mountain, and the mighty power of great destruction rushed towards the Tiger Emperor.

The instinctive hair of the tiger emperor’s whole body exploded, and a threat of death instantly enveloped his whole body.

The Tiger Emperor’s face changed and he suddenly raised his head: “This, is this…?”

I saw that the dark clouds in the sky became denser and denser, and countless scarlet lightnings circled the clouds, looking like the end of the world.

“Wang Ke, what’s the situation? What a terrifying Tianwei!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

“This, what is this?” Ximen Jing also showed horror on his face.

You must know that everyone is only suffering from the aftermath, and all their hairs have been blown up. How much heartbreak should the Tiger Emperor at the penalty center suffer at this moment?

“This, this Tianwei, Jieyun?” Tiger Emperor said in astonishment.

“Huh, Tiger King, do you think I came back alone? Do you think I’m really afraid of you? Bah! I just gave you the opportunity to stop with you, shake hands and make peace, don’t you Promise, then don’t blame me, brothers, the big formation is ready, lock the Tiger Emperor, don’t let him run away!” Wang Ke roared at the Heaven’s Punishment Jieyun in the sky.

“Wh, what? Is this someone setting up?” Ximen Jing exclaimed.

“Wang Ke, what kind of formation is this? It’s so scary? Who is setting up the formation?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

“Of course, the strong men of the Great Evil Dynasty followed me to arrange the formation. I am the Red Lotus envoy now, and I have countless people from the Great Evil Dynasty to follow. This time I came back, the evil emperor sent three more One hundred and sixty-one demon kings followed me to protect the law. Unexpectedly, when they came back, they met the Tiger Emperor who did not live or die. Huh, today, you must die under my great formation!” Wang Ke said coldly.

Wang Ke is naturally delaying time, in order to make Heaven Punishment accumulate more power, there is no way, Heaven Punishment also has to accumulate power sometimes.

“Three hundred and sixty one Demon King? Great formation? Isn’t this Tianwei? What great formation? Why don’t I know? Demon King formation? How could it be so powerful?” Tiger Emperor cried out in disbelief Tao.

“This is the Yao Clan’s Zhoutian Star Fighting Array!” Wang Ke explained.

“Zhou Tian’s star battle array?” A group of people stared at Wang Ke.

Have you never heard of it? What’s the origin?

“Have never heard of Zhou Tian’s star battle? It was arranged by the Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons to understand the star battle, don’t you know?” Wang Ke stared.

“What the Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons? Fart, how can there be any Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons? Wang Ke, what can you do with me? You dream! I will kill you now!” Tiger Emperor Surprised and uncertain.



At this moment, Heaven’s Punishment Jieyun finally accumulated enough strength, and suddenly turned into a blood-colored thunder dragon and rushed straight down towards the tiger emperor.

The Tiger Emperor was about to pounce on Wang Ke’s, but the threat above his head was even greater, and there was a wave of uncertainty in his heart. After all, his own safety was important, and he immediately rushed to the sky and pounced on the Scarlet Thunder Dragon.




The Tiger Emperor and Thunder Dragon collided, and a monstrous storm suddenly exploded from the sky above Yinshan Mountain.


The Tiger King let out a scream, and was smashed into a mountain not far away. In an instant, the mountain collapsed.

“Let me go, this week, the star battle is so fierce?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.

Wang Ke glanced at Zhang Zhengdao, I’m so nonsense, do you really believe it? Haven’t seen it yet to be God’s punishment?

Zhang Zhengdao didn’t see it, isn’t it because Tiger King hasn’t seen it either.

Wang Ke’s eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted to the sky.

“Brothers, don’t care about my life and death, hold on to Zhou Tian’s star battle formation, as long as the Tiger Emperor does not leave this area, your formation will not disperse, lock it, and continue to attack! One thunder dragon is not enough. Bar!” Wang Ke yelled at Jieyun.

As I shouted, Zhang Zhengdao and Ximen Jing stared.

Wang Ke went to the Great Evil Dynasty this time. How much benefit did Wang Ke gain? There are still three hundred and sixty-one demon kings as personal bodyguards? This is so special that Zhou Tianxing fights the big formation, and it is not that the gods block and kill the gods? Are we still worried about the king?


As soon as Tiger Emperor climbed out of the ruins, he heard Wang Ke’s shout.

“Ang!” “Ang!” “Ang!”…………

In the heavenly punishment and robbery cloud, five scarlet thunder dragons suddenly rushed out, as Wang Ke had just requested, the five thunder dragons rushed towards the tiger emperor.

“Asshole, Wang Ke, you are looking for death!” Tiger Emperor roared angrily.

A Thunder Dragon smashed itself into the ground just now. Although he was not injured badly, but five of them all at once, the degree is different.


Suddenly, the five dragons rushed to the top, causing Tiger Emperor to fall into a pit in an instant, and the smoke soared into the sky.

“Brothers, your moving speed is not as fast as Tiger Emperor. If he escapes, you will not be able to catch up. Hurry up, while he is still in place, open the Zhoutian Star Dou formation to the maximum and kill him directly!” Wang Ke confronted him. Heaven Punishment Jieyun roared.

Wang Ke said this to the Tiger Emperor. Tiger Emperor can only escape the Zhou Tianxing Star Array if he escapes. Otherwise, it will only become more tragic.

“Wang Ke, you bastard, wait for me to come back and see if I don’t kill you!” Tiger King roared.

While speaking, the Tiger King opened his mouth and vomited, like a huge hood falling from the sky, instantly knocking Wang Ke upside down.


Wang Ke and his party were trapped in this huge cover.

The Tiger King suddenly fled towards the distance. Run, those demon kings must be flying faster than me!

“Brothers, go chase, don’t run away for the tiger emperor, go!” Wang Ke yelled at the sky.


The Heavenly Punishment and Jieyun in the sky chased the Tiger Emperor away at such a fast speed that the Tiger Emperor who was fleeing in front was dumbfounded.

“It’s impossible, it’s impossible, how can your speed be similar to mine? Wherever I run, where will you run? What kind of star battle array is this? When will my monster race have such a terrifying array Of?” Tiger Emperor exclaimed.

“Ang!” “Ang!” “Ang!”…………

Nine Scarlet Thunder Dragons rushed down from the Heaven’s Punishment Tribulation Cloud again.

Huhuang’s face changed: “No!”


The Tiger Emperor was hit by a huge impact, and he slammed into the foot of a mountain in the sky, smashing a huge pit from the foot of the mountain.

On the horizon, the Tiger Sovereign got up from the huge pit with his body scorched and watched the sky brewing an increasingly terrifying punishment.

“The Zhoutian star battle array? No, how can you be so fast? No, at my full speed, you can’t chase me, you can’t chase me!” Tiger Emperor roared sadly.


The tiger emperor’s speed is turned on to the maximum, and he shoots towards the farther horizon, but the speed of Jieyun is not weaker than the tiger emperor, and he is chasing.

Wang Ke and others who stood on the Yinshan Mountain stared wide-eyed.

“You have reached the horizon, can’t you see it?” Ximen Jing said in astonishment.

“Wang Ke, your group of subordinates are too awesome, right? Zhou Tian Xing Dou Dazhen? What’s the background? Why have I never heard of it before?” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

Wang Ke looked at the surprise of the two, showing a strange look, do you really believe it?

Ignoring the surprise of the two, Wang Ke walked not far away and picked up the black sword that was broken by Tiger Emperor’s foot.

“Wang Ke, you haven’t said yet, what’s the origin of Zhou Tian’s star battle?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in surprise.

“Zhang Zhengdao, haven’t you seen me for a while and your head is pretty funny?” Wang Ke stared.

“Uh? You lied to the Tiger Emperor? It’s not a star battle formation at all?” Zhang Zhengdao suddenly got excited and reacted.

“This is not a ghost sword, this is a floating stone?” Ximen Jing also stared at the broken sword in Wang Ke’s hand.

“Floating stone, is it a god’s punishment? But, why did you take it all right, Tiger Emperor just…!” Zhang Zhengdao also reacted, with a look of astonishment.

Wang Ke looked at Broken Sword and sighed slightly: “It’s a pity, I have already carved the ghost and **** sword imitations very full, but it can only be 200 kilograms! Forget it, I will be the cheap tiger king. !”

Zhang Zhengdao and Ximen Jing stared at Wang Ke. You made the tiger king like this. Are you calling him cheap? Do you have any misunderstandings about the meaning of the word ‘cheap’?

PS: First! Thank you all for coming to the Book Banner to support “The Immortal King”, the data has improved a bit in the past two days!

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