Indestructible God King Chapter 693: I blamed you by mistake

How could Wang Ke think that the evil court would be so messy? How could it be possible that the Red Lotus Emperor actually dared to make small moves during the court meeting, and in front of the evil emperor, he would shame himself?

The red lotus karmic fire, that burst of red lotus karmic fire, even the ordinary Yuanshen realm will burn to death! Isn’t this huge force killing me?

The red lotus karma fired into the body, and was instantly absorbed by his own turbid essence!

Zhuozhenyuan is inclusive of all rivers, and there are no taboos. The force that was hit can be absorbed, and this red lotus karma fire has not been tempered in an instant?

The energy provided by the red lotus karma fire immediately smashed Wang Kexiu’s base to the fifth stage of the Nascent Infant Realm.

This is so special, I was completely caught off guard!

How could Wang Ke think that he broke through in this situation? I have to wait to collect enough merits. This time, the fifth stage of the Zi Yuanying Stage, the turbid true essence has turned black, this is about to be cremated!

Gosh, I have no merit!

The Red Lotus Emperor rushed forward, and Wang Ke instinctively spit out his turbid true essence, which instantly burned into a fireball.

But, it’s useless, all the turbid essence in the body is about to burn!

“Gongde, merit, where is merit?” Wang Ke looked anxious.

Suddenly, Wang Ke discovered merit, but there was a mass of merit among the poinsettia in his palm. The first-grade red lotus has completely recognized the master, the king may feel that he can manipulate it at will, and the merits on the lotus platform of the first-grade red lotus are also extremely huge and can be collected at any time.

Just now, the evil emperor bestowed an innate merit! And the Red Lotus Human Emperor might think that he is going to die, and he also used a merit to protect himself from the Red Lotus Karma. The amount of innate merits this time was twice that used by the previous generation of Red Lotus Saint Envoy.

Two times? enough?

If it were the time of Slashing the Dragon King, it was more than enough, but now I have the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, it seems that it is not enough!

Not enough return is not enough, better than nothing. Even if the turbid true essence can’t recover its golden color, it’s better to return to the previous gray.

It’s just that, during the meeting, the demons looked around, can I absorb the merits? Isn’t that revealing my identity as the right way? Am I going to die?

Watching the merits can’t be used! Wang Ke is about to be cremated again, the only way is to eat fairy ice!

Suppress the flames in your body first, you can drag it for a while, wait for the evil temple, and then absorb the merits. Fortunately, not long ago, when I was floating in the prison, I got a large amount of fairy ice, which was nearly 100,000 catties!

Without hesitation, he grabbed the fairy ice, and Wang Ke stuffed it into his own mouth.

Eat, eat, eat!

The last time I ate four yuan, I could suppress it for a while. This time, it seems that the body is cremated even more, four yuan? Four hundred catties? What a joke, it’s not enough!

Wang Ke suddenly began to eat and drink.

The picture at this moment also instantly plunged the courtiers into great silence.

“Xian, Xianren Bing?” An official said with a look of astonishment.

This Wang Ke, can’t he take poison to commit suicide to stand up to his power?

“Wang Ke, you, what are you doing?” Huang Tianfeng’s eyes also protruded.

Fairy ice, the Nascent Soul Realm will die instantly after eating it, and the Nascent Soul Stage will freeze for a while after eating a piece. You desperately put it in your mouth, it’s all 200 kilograms, right? fast? What are you doing?

“I have a red lotus karma fire in my body. It burns so badly. I use ice to cool down. You don’t care about me. Let me eat for a while to soothe the heat in my body! Ah, ah!” Wang Ke suddenly Called.

After speaking, Wang Ke continued to stuff the fairy ice.

A group of officials stared at Wang Ke. It was fairy ice, not ice! It’s poison, it’s formation material. What are you going to do?

“The fairy ice can suppress the red lotus industry fire?” Huang Tianfeng looked at the red lotus emperor.

The Red Lotus Emperor: “…!”

What are you looking at me doing, I haven’t eaten it, how do I know? This king can be nervous, how do I know what he is going to do?

“Wang Ke, don’t eat anymore, I will help you get rid of the red lotus industry fire!” Huang Tianfeng stepped forward.

“No need, no, it’s very comfortable to eat like this. You can wait a while, and I’ll take a few more bites!” Wang Ke suddenly avoided.

You help me? Didn’t I show my stuff?

Huang Tianfeng looked at Wang Ke with a dark face. It tasted comfortable? So it’s the material for the formation, and it’s severe cold poison, you still eat it quite comfortable? Why don’t you eat to death!

In this way, a group of people stared at Wang Ke, watching Wang Ke eat fairy ice there, eating a whole 10,000 catties.

Ten thousand catties, if ordinary people’s stomachs would burst, but, Wang Keke was in the Yuan Ying realm, and the immortal entered his body with ice. He was immediately taken into the dantian and poured into Wang Ke’s little Yuan Ying.

Finally, after ten thousand catties, Wang Ke’s Nascent Soul seemed to be frozen in ice, and Wang Ke was finally relieved.

Wang Ke hissed.

Ten thousand catties, four hundred catties was enough last time, this time 10,000 catties, and it seems that you can only last for one day at most!

“Thank you for the evil emperor’s concern, Wang Ke, the minister Honglian Saint Envoy, thanks to the evil emperor, the minister is much better now!” Wang Ke respectfully bowed.

I saw that Wang Ke’s body was covered with a layer of hoarfrost. Obviously, the coldness of 10,000 catties of Immortal Ice was too heavy.

“Wang Ke, how did you use the immortal ice to seal the red lotus industry fire?” the red lotus emperor asked in a deep voice.

Wang Ke glanced at the Red Lotus Emperor: “The ice is overwhelming the fire, isn’t this basic common sense?”

“The red lotus industry fire is not an ordinary flame, nor is the fairy ice ordinary hard ice, how could it be basic common sense?” The Red Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly.

“Uh, you can try it yourself, isn’t this a living example?” Wang Ke said solemnly.

The Red Lotus Human Emperor was silent for a while, you mean, let me burn my stomach, and then swallow the fairy ice like you? I am not sick.

“The Emperor Red Lotus, what you did this time is indeed too much!” A voice sounded.

Everyone looked at it, but saw that it was the mouth of the Demon Shisan.

“Uh? Thirteen Demon Gods, are you defending me?” Wang Ke was surprised.

You help me scold the Red Lotus Emperor? No, shouldn’t you be the same as the Red Lotus Emperor?

The Demon Thirteen looked at Wang Ke coldly, shall I protect you? What dream do you do? I can’t wait for you to die!

Take a deep breath, and Demon Thirteen said in a deep voice: “Wang Ke, since you are all right, that’s just right. Today, the official has a book to play!”

While speaking, Mo Thirteen looked at the evil emperor.

“Oh? Demon Thirteen, you have died six times before, and you are unwilling to heal your wounds at the mansion. What is it for you to start?” The evil emperor narrowed his eyes to look at Demon Thirteen.

“Yes, the minister is dedicated to my devildom, and naturally everything is focused on the cause of the great evil dynasty! How can I abolish the public for private purposes?” Demon Thirteen respectfully said.

Wang Ke raised his brows on the side: “You didn’t defend me just now, but I was just glad that the Red Lotus Emperor did not kill me. You want me to live for your enlightenment? The Thirteen Demon Gods, I have nothing wrong with you. Have no grudges, do you need to be deliberate about me?”

On the side, Mo Thirteen looked at Wang Ke with a dark face. Bah, how can you say such a thing?

“Magic Thirteen, what do you want to play?” the evil emperor said solemnly.

“The minister wants to participate in the book of Huang Tianfeng Demon God. Although Huang Tianfeng Demon God is powerful, but his eyes are unclear and he can’t distinguish the right demon, he has the power to verify the identity of the emissary. He does not deserve this right! He should be responsible for resignation!” Mo Thirteen solemnly said.

“Magic Thirteen, are you stupid? Who is unclear? You are obviously blind. You have been tried by the Red Lotus envoy of the previous generation. He is the right way, but if you allow him to pass the trial, it will be red. Sage Lian, you can’t tell the righteous demon and you’re blind, so the evil emperor revoked your right to me. Are you confused? What are you doing for me?” Huang Tianfeng scolded.

“Yes, I was careless last time, so I lost the right to review, I did not argue, but this time, you are careless, you see the right way as a demon, you let the right way pass the trial, You let the righteous disciple become the new red lotus envoy, your sins cannot be forgiven, you should remove the power, and then choose someone to take the power!” Demon Thirteen said in a deep voice.

“You, what did you say? I made a mistake in the audit? I passed the trial of Zhengdao? Let him become the emissary of the Red Lotus? You said that the king is a disciple of the Zhengdao?” Huang Tianfeng’s face sank.

“Yes, the evil emperor gave it to you, don’t blame it! Because I am waiting for the first trial for the evil emperor, the most fundamental culpability lies with the person who made the first trial. I made a mistake in the first trial, so I was willing to step down from the power of the first trial. You Huang Tianfeng too The first trial made a mistake, it should be resigned!” Mo Shisan said in a deep voice.

“I understand, Magic Thirteen, you deliberately waited until I inherited the position of the Red Lotus Saint Emissary before you came to complain? Your purpose is to use me to make Huang Tianfeng lose power? Then this right of review, In the hands of your cronies?” Wang Ke’s expression changed.

Te Niang, the officialdom of this evil dynasty is really messy! Is this power structure so weird? The evil emperor can’t do it arbitrarily? Want to compete with courtiers for rights?

The evil emperor finally took back the right to appoint and remove the personnel and let his cronie Huang Tianfeng take the post. From then on, the evil emperor could arrange himself as a high-ranking official at will. As a result, the Devil Thirteen took a loophole and caused Huang Tianfeng to lose his power. Fight for the right to review again.

This is personnel rights! Wang Ke understands best that in a unit, the power of appointment and removal of personnel and financial power are the key to leading a unit. At this time, the Devil Thirteen is in trouble, and is not afraid of death at all?

That’s right, he can’t die, what’s he afraid of?

“You said, the king is the right way? Not an evil demon?” The evil emperor looked at Demon Thirteen coldly.

“Yes, there are witnesses on my side, which can prove that Wang Ke is an undercover agent sent by the right way! Huang Tianfeng should be exempted from the right of review for oversight!” Mo Thirteen stepped not to give way.

“Witness? What kind of witness?” Huang Tianfeng said coldly.

“It is the Disband Armor you brought back from the Dashan Dynasty! The Disband Armor was arranged by me to enter the Dashan Dynasty. It has been hidden to the status of Shangshu of the Ministry of War. It is because Wang Ke was completely exposed, and a lot of harm was hidden. All those who are exposed! Wang Kenai is the Zuo Shi Lang of the Rites of the Dashan Dynasty, is a standard righteous disciple, and has not been enchanted at all!” The Demon Thirteenth Congress shouted.

At this moment, the Red Lotus Emperor finally understood why the Devil Thirteen didn’t let himself kill the king. Killing Wang Ke, how to use Wang Ke’s identity to make a fuss? How to use Wang Ke to force the palace against the evil emperor? How can we regain the right of appointment and removal from Huang Tianfeng? I almost broke the major event of Devil Thirteen!

“The evil emperor, please declare the soldiers to enter the hall and dismantle the false identity of Wang Ke undercover!” Demon Thirteen shouted loudly.

The evil emperor narrowed his eyes to look at Mo Thirteen, and the hostility in his eyes flashed: “Okay, okay, let’s pass it! I want to see if the secret you said after holding back for so long is true or false. !”

“Untie Armament, the evil emperor declares you to enter the hall!” Mo Thirteen shouted to the outside of the hall.

“The guilty minister is here!” The voice of Liberation Armor came from outside the hall.

At the moment, the civil and military faces of the Manchu dynasty are complex, each one is silent. It turns out that the previous hundred officials and the palace were just appetizers, and this feast has only begun! Mo Thirteen wants to fight for power?

The whole hall and hundreds of officials were suspicious. They swallowed their saliva and stared at them. At the same time, they looked at Wang Ke from time to time. Is this Wang Ke doomed today? right way? Actually got here? Isn’t this looking for death?

Only Wang Ke, stared at the Red Lotus Emperor, special, do I want to thank the Red Lotus Emperor now? Did I blame you wrong? You just burned me to death, actually for my good?

PS: Three changes are over!

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