Indestructible God King Chapter 687: Short half body

Floating prison!

The Demon Thirteen stared at Wang Ke. At this moment, he could not wait to cramp Wang Ke and swallow it again!

Mo Thirteen never thought that a Nascent Soul Realm would actually make him fall into such a big mess. For the first time in over a thousand years, he hates a person so much!

“Magic Thirteen, you have been killed five times just now, the last time, do you want to continue?” Huang Tianfeng said solemnly.

The Demon Thirteen gave Wang Ke a vicious look: “Wang Ke, we will settle the account when we look back!”

“It’s Lao Huang who wants to kill you, but not me. Why are you asking me to settle the account?” Wang Ke said depressed.

What’s the origin of this Demon Thirteen? Do you do whatever you want in the Great Evil Dynasty? The evil emperor dares to threaten me in person? The evil emperor hasn’t done anything yet? Still fighting for rights with him?


Huang Tianfeng once again stabbed Mo Shisan with a knife. Mo Thirteen screamed in pain.

“Old Huang, tap it!” Wang Ke exclaimed, staring.

“Wang Ke, what are you going to do?” Huang Tianfeng stared at Wang Ke.

I’m stabbing Demon Thirteen, and you still help Demon Thirteen to hold the injustice?

“What I mean is, don’t use the knife too full, it’s easy to have accidents, you will kill him accidentally, you can be lighter, you can cut a few more!” Wang Ke explained.

The Devil Thirteen looked at Wang Ke with a black face, you bad embryo! Make me suffer more?

Wang Ke can’t help it. This Demon Thirteen is always trying to deal with himself, so as not to wear you more and make you weaker, how can I live well?

“Why don’t you come?” Huang Tianfeng stared at Wang Ke.

“Forget it, let’s continue!” Wang Ke suddenly shook his head like a rattle.

“Hmph, don’t dare to come, don’t talk nonsense!” Huang Tianfeng stared.

While speaking, Huang Tianfeng used the knife again!

“Ah!”, “Ah!”, “Ah!”…………

The Demon Thirteen screamed in pain again and again. Although Huang Tianfeng ran against Wang Ke, he still did what Wang Ke said. It was lightened with a knife, and Demon Thirteen was not that easy to die.

Just like that, I have been cutting more than a hundred knives!

More than a hundred knives, Huang Tianfeng’s unprecedented number. The Demon Thirteen is already covered in blood at this moment. The key is that Demon Thirteen can’t die. How annoying is this?

“Huang Tianfeng, you kill me with one stab!” Mo Thirteen looked at Huang Tianfeng depressed.

“No, Wang Ke told me to lighten it!” Huang Tianfeng shook his head.

The Mo Thirteen looked at Wang Ke fiercely again.

Wang Ke’s face stiffened: “Old Huang, can you take me away?”

“Ah!” “Ah!”…………

Finally, at the time of two hundred and one dollars, there was an accident.


“Ah, no, I stabbed the wrong one!” Huang Tianfeng’s expression changed.

“Finally we can die!” Before the Mo Thirteen was about to die, he cried with joy.


Suddenly, the corpse of the Demon Thirteen turned into a black mist, and the black mist slowly condensed, and then came back from death.

I saw that the height of Mo Thirteen at this moment was only half of the previous height.

Really only half is left. It looks very weird.

“Chen Demon Thirteen, led the death six times, reborn, and return to the evil emperor!” Demon Thirteen respectfully bowed to the evil emperor.

The evil emperor stared at Mo Shisan for a while: “Height is only half left. The strength of the peak of the Valkyrie has been weakened to the first entering the Martial God Realm? The demon is not without weakness! The demon is also flawed? Ha, ha ha , Hahahaha!”

Mo Thirteen looked resentfully at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke’s eyes lit up. Your strength is weak, so am I safer?

“Okay, that’s it for this time! Human emperor? Holy envoy? Ha ha, there are still those who haven’t come! Mo Thirteen helped you get the crime, thank him!” The evil emperor said coldly Tao.

While speaking, the evil emperor stepped and flickered, turning into a black light and soaring to the sky, rushing towards the palace in the distance.

“Evil Emperor!” Huang Tianfeng was about to follow.

“Old Huang, stop!” Wang Ke suddenly exclaimed.

“What are you doing?” Huang Tianfeng stared.

“The evil emperor is in a bad mood now, don’t find yourself uncomfortable!” Wang Ke suddenly anxiously said.

What is special, the evil emperor is gone, I, the red lotus ambassador, can’t hold down these big guys, and Longyu is just a fake. Once you leave, aren’t we finished?

Huang Tianfeng frowned and looked at Wang Ke.

At this moment, the Demon Thirteen below looked at Wang Ke viciously.

“The Red Lotus envoy? Haha, the Red Lotus envoy? I will make you unable to sit down!” Demon Shisan said fiercely.

“Lao Huang, protect me! I am the red lotus emissary of the evil emperor who has just been appointed. Once I have an accident, but I hit the evil emperor’s face, you protect me, you protect the evil emperor’s face! Come and protect me!” Wang Ke urged immediately.

Huang Tianfeng: “………………!”

If you ask me to help you, you just say, what are you doing in a big circle?

Although Huang Tianfeng looked unhappy, but at this moment, he was next to Wang Ke and looked at Mo Thirteen coldly.

“Magic Thirteen, do you want to resist?” Huang Tianfeng said coldly.

“Hmph!” Mo Thirteen snorted coldly.

Turning his head, Mo Shisan stepped out of the floating prison and disappeared instantly.

And the Black Lotus Human Emperor wrapped in black robe, and the Red Lotus Human Emperor wrapped in red robe also took a deep breath, looked at Wang Ke coldly, turned his head and walked away.

Only the white lotus envoy slowly flew up into the sky and flew towards Wang Ke.

“Bailian Holy Envoy, what do you want to do?” Huang Tianfeng said coldly.

Wang Ke’s expression changed abruptly, he turned his head and quickly probed his hand to catch the fairy ice.

“Wang Ke, what are you doing? Put down the fairy ice!” Saint Bailian stared.

This pit of 100,000 catties of fairy ice, can the king take it alone?

“Lao Huang, this fairy ice seems to be under the White Lotus Saint Envoy. He wants to kill the evil emperor. Although the Demon Thirteen helped him receive the crime and saved him from the death penalty, but if he wants to kill the evil emperor, you Why look at it?” Wang Ke asked.

“The evil emperor is no longer held accountable!” Huang Tianfeng frowned.

“The evil emperor is the evil emperor. If the evil emperor is not held accountable, can’t you be held accountable? If you don’t kill the white lotus emissary, you can’t beat him to vent the evil emperor? You are Yumu’s head. The evil emperor was forced to be helpless and unable to do it. You are now violently beating the white lotus emissary. The evil emperor will know when you look back and understand your painstaking efforts to her. If you don’t fight now, when will you fight? No one is there anymore. !” Wang Ke urged.

Huang Tianfeng raised his eyebrows, yes, the 100,000 catties of fairy ice in this pit must have belonged to the old boy, Saint White Lotus, who killed my goddess. If I don’t kill you, I can’t beat you yet? Vent the goddess, whatever you want!

“Bailian Saint Envoy, I have long seen you upset, I hit you, it has nothing to do with the evil emperor, especially mother, go to death!” Huang Tianfeng suddenly shouted.

“Huang Tianfeng, you listen to the **** Wang Ke’s nonsense, do you believe what he says?” The white lotus envoy changed his face.


The two suddenly rushed into each other.

Huang Tianfeng doesn’t have so much nonsense, and his eyes are naturally red at the moment.

Wang Ke carefully took down the 100,000 catties of immortal ice and put in his own storage bracelet.

“Huh, I can finally continue my life for a while!” Wang Ke exhaled for a long time.

With this one hundred thousand catties of immortal ice, I can save my life for a short time. Unfortunately, immortal ice treats the symptoms but not the root cause. It must be meritorious.

“Extend your life for a while? Wang Ke, you are in danger now?” Long Yu curiously asked.

“Uh, yes, I want merit, but unfortunately not!” Wang Ke smiled bitterly.

“Gongde? You are in the Hundred Thousand Mountain, and you get that God King coin for merit?” Long Yu curiously asked.

“Uh? Yes!” Wang Ke nodded.

Unexpectedly, Long Yu knew about this.

“Long Yu, don’t worry, I’m fine, I can handle it!” Wang Ke immediately comforted.

Long Yu nodded, and said nothing. It’s just that the whole person seems to be lost in thought.

While Wang Ke received the fairy ice, he still felt unsafe.

“With the immortal ice, I can only extend my life, but there is nothing to save my life. A group of Martial God Realm tycoons are staring, I can’t always rely on Huang Tianfeng and Demon Venerable? Dealing with the Martial God Realm? What should I do?” Wang Ke Frowning.

Suddenly, Wang Ke touched the floating mountain rock he was holding in his hand, and looked down.

“I have Baoshan free, but I can’t use it?” Wang Ke suddenly showed ecstasy.

Suddenly, Wang Ke held a large rock, urged the billowing true essence to pour it into it, and then lit it with a match.


Wang Ke once again burned down a pumice stone weighing a thousand catties.

“This floating stone attracted such a huge penalty last time. Its effect is not the same as that of an atomic bomb? As long as I use it well, it is a fierce weapon. The penalty will also lock the opponent this day. There is also tracking. Function, such a good super bomb, I turned a blind eye to it? Am I so stupid?” Wang Ke said excitedly.

Speaking, Wang Ke immediately went to prepare to burn the second piece.

“Wang Ke, can you take this pumice stone? But, you’d better not get it so obvious, or let others discover the abnormality, and you will definitely investigate it!” Long Yu persuaded.

Wang Ke’s face became stiff, yes, I picked it too obviously, but it will be discovered. What if a group of big guys come to force me to tell the truth?

“Long Yu, you are really my good help! You have discovered this detail!” Wang Ke excitedly hugged Long Yu.

“Someone is coming!” Long Yu suddenly said a little shy.

Wang Ke’s face became stiff, he turned his head and looked around, but he saw the Rabbit King, prisoners, and jailers not far away. Some people were slowly waking up, and outside the floating prison, it seemed that some strong men stepped in. Floating prison.

As soon as I entered it, I saw Wang Ke holding the black lotus emissary.

“This, what’s the situation? The boss still likes men? Still holding the black lotus emissary? Am I drunk and still not awake?” The Rabbit King stared in astonishment.

Wang Ke immediately let go of Longyu.

At the same time, ignoring other people’s gazes, they jumped into the big pit that the evil emperor had just sealed.

The pumice stone outside cannot be taken. No one can see the pumice in this pit! I can take some, of course, not too much!

Wang Ke took another nine thousand jin before he stopped.

It won’t work if you don’t close your hands. If you charge it again, it will be exposed. The big hole has already sunk a lot.

A total of 10,000 catties of floating stones were collected, and Wang Kecai jumped out of the pit contentedly.

As soon as I came out, I saw countless powerful men gathered in the floating prison, watching the sky Huang Tianfeng beat the White Lotus envoy, who was chased and beaten, and finally disappeared into the sky.

“Listen well, everyone. I was named by the evil emperor, the red lotus emperor, the black lotus emperor, the white lotus emissary, the demon **** of Huang Tianfeng, and the testimony of the thirteen demon gods. The status of Saint Lian, from now on, I am the Saint Envoy of Red Lotus! This island, I have to listen to me!” Wang Ke stared and shouted.

Originally, Wang Ke shouldn’t have come by himself for the official name, it’s too low price, but there is no way, a group of big guys before, who wants to sing the official name for themselves, can’t let Longyu come to shout. , I can only shout by myself.

If you shout out, you can restrict these powerful people and keep them from chaos!

Names, in a dynasty, are so important!

PS: Three changes are over!

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