Indestructible God King Chapter 685: Good job with the knife

“I’m sorry, I said, I’m not talented! You have to believe me, I’m really not talented, or else, forget it?” Wang Ke suddenly smiled bitterly.

The Demon Thirteen is holding his bladder, what’s so, if it weren’t for the evil emperor here, I would have killed you long ago, your mother is not talented! Are you here specifically to harm me?

Wang Ke handed the knife to Huang Tianfeng: “Old Huang, do it!”

The Thirteenth took a deep breath, and looked at Huang Tianfeng expectantly. What’s more, being tortured by Wang Ke, it would be better to be killed by Huang Tianfeng comfortably.

“No, kid, you go on!” The evil emperor suddenly said again.


Huang Tianfeng put the long knife in Wang Ke’s hand again.

“Old Huang, don’t cheat me!” Wang Ke said depressed.

“I didn’t hear what the evil emperor said? Continue to kill, it is rare for the evil emperor to be so happy! Go!” Huang Tianfeng stared.

Wang Ke’s face is black, which eye of your eyes sees the evil emperor happy?

“Go!” Huang Tianfeng urged with staring eyes.

Wang Ke grabbed the long knife and turned to look at Mo Thirteen.

The Devil Thirteen also suddenly stiffened when he saw Wang Ke coming.

“Senior, what you promised earlier, don’t hate me!” Wang Ke swallowed.

“Quick, quick, kill me, behead my head, kill me!” Mo Shisan suddenly roared with red eyes.

Wang Ke grabbed the long knife and stared at Mo Thirteen.

This time, in Wang Ke’s eyes, the Devil Thirteen had more flaws in its whole body. It seemed that there were more than six hundred, and the head was more dense. It seemed that Devil Thirteen would die from any angle.

As long as it is cut down, the Devil Thirteen is dead?

But, Wang dare not! If I want to kill me, I will be exposed as a righteous person, and it is me who died!

Wang Ke’s eyes were very wide. Looking at the head of Mo Thirteen, looking for the gap between every dead spot, Wang Ke lifted the knife and dropped it, cutting it away in an instant.

“Come on!” An expectation of relief flashed in the eyes of Mo Thirteen.

“Bah Bah Bah!”

Wang Ke slashed the head of Mo Shisan with a long knife.

“Ah!” Mo Thirteen suddenly screamed in pain, clutching his right eye and nose.

“Wang Ke, didn’t you let you kill Demon Thirteen? What is your knife doing around Demon Thirteen’s eyes and nose? Are you practicing carving? Look, his right eyeball and nose are both You are going to dig it down, what are you doing?” Huang Tianfeng exclaimed, staring.

“Little boy, you are looking for death!” Mo Shisan shouted while clutching his fallen nose.

At this moment, Mo Thirteen was suffering from sweat all over his body.

Wang Ke’s face was bitter, and I couldn’t help it. There was no dead spot on the face of Mo Shisan!

“Magic Thirteen, is your body suffering a huge loss?” The evil emperor’s voice suddenly came.

Mo Shisan’s expression suddenly changed, as if his secret had been discovered.

“Ha, ha ha ha, for a long time, the demon is invisible, without flaws, indestructible! Indestructible, indestructible! It turns out that you have flaws!” The evil emperor said solemnly.

Mo Shisan’s face changed, and his face was **** and ferocious, and he went straight to Wang Ke.

“Presumptuous!” The evil emperor’s eyes stared.


On the ground, a thorn suddenly appeared, and the Demon Thirteen instantly pierced through it and died on the spot.

The body of the Demon Thirteen suddenly turned into a black mist, and the black mist gathered into a mass, slowly condensing the figure of the Demon Thirteen.

The Thirteenth is resurrected again.

“Magic Thirteen, you just wanted to kill the king?” Huang Tianfeng stared.

When the evil emperor waved his hand, Wang Ke was suddenly drawn to the top of the mountain by a strong wind and stood beside the evil emperor.

“This kid has discovered your secret, do you want to kill someone?” the evil emperor said coldly.

“Magic Thirteen, you don’t talk about martial arts, you say you really hate me, you just wanted to kill me?” Wang Ke stared depressed.

I can’t get any harm right now, it was dangerous just now.

Mo Shisan stared at Wang Ke. At this moment, he was guarded by the evil emperor. He wanted to kill Wang Ke. I’m afraid it won’t be easy.

“Evil Emperor, it was the third time I died just now, and there are three more chances!” Mo Thirteen said depressed.

“Huh? Demon Thirteen, how do I feel, you seem to be a bit shorter?” Huang Tianfeng suddenly surprised.

“A centimeter shorter? Your body size has shrunk, and you really lost a lot this time!” The evil emperor’s eyes lit up.

“The evil emperor’s action is naturally extraordinary. When the evil emperor is killed, the loss of the minister is naturally greater than just now!” Mo Thirteen lowered his head and said.

“No, your loss did not come from me, but from this kid just now!” The evil emperor took a deep breath.

Turning his head, the evil emperor looks at Wang Ke.

“Boy? What did you do just now?” The evil emperor said solemnly.

“The kid is called Wang Ke, and the evil emperor calls me Wang Ke. Well, the Devil Thirteen is nothing to say, so I want to retaliate against me, and ask the evil emperor to help me call the shots!” Wang Ke suddenly respected.

The Demon Thirteen below looked at Wang Ke viciously.

“You discovered his secret, and he wanted to kill him. If you tell the secret, it’s okay! Say! Why did you make the Demon Thirteen so painful and wasted so much? You killed him, Why is it different from Huang Tianfeng’s?” The evil emperor said solemnly.

“Uh!” Wang Ke’s face froze.

I didn’t kill him just now, what do you want me to say?

“Wang Ke, whatever the evil emperor asks, just say what you say!” Huang Tianfeng stared.

Wang Ke swallowed: “I can say, but please don’t blame the evil emperor!”

“I forgive you for not guilty!” The evil emperor said solemnly.

“Yes, you asked me to kill Demon Thirteen just now, but Huang knows that my king is a peace-loving person. Where can I kill? Killing is not illegal, and I can’t do it!” Wang Ke explained.

Huang Tianfeng looked at Wang Ke with a black face, you are a special mother, can you stop boasting at this time? Are you still peace-loving? I searched for your information every time you go, wherever you go, it’s not a matter of life and death, and there is no grass.

“But, when I saw Mo Thirteen just now, for the first time, I saw more than a hundred flaws in his body. I don’t know how I discovered these flaws. It seems that someone is psychologically suggesting me, as long as Cut it in this place, and he will die! Evil emperor, you know who I am, I don’t want to kill, so I deliberately avoided more than a hundred flaws, and wanted to give him a chance to rehabilitate and stab him. , As a result, I stabbed him in the waist!” Wang Ke explained.

“More than a hundred flaws?” The evil emperor squinted.

“Yes, to be precise, it is one hundred and sixty-two places. I’m afraid you don’t know the evil emperor. I am a small business and I am very sensitive to numbers! I can’t count them wrong!” Wang Ke explained.

The Demon Shisan’s face underneath became stiff. Are you so crazy that you deliberately didn’t cut the flaws I sold you?

“The second time, there were more flaws in Mo Thirteen. There were three hundred and twenty-four. And for some reason, the word’death point’ appeared in my mind, and every dead point seemed to be Saying to me, come on, cut me off, anyway, I have a lot of time! Evil emperor, you know, I am a serious person, how could I be tempted by them and avoided them!” Wang Ke explained.

The evil emperor, Huang Tianfeng, the two emperors, and the white lotus sage all stared at Wang Ke and asked you to cut someone off. Why did you feel like you were visiting the brothel?

“The third time, there were 636 dead spots on the Mo Thirteen. The picture was unsightly! I also managed to avoid it because I was able to do well with the sword, otherwise…!” Wang Ke Explained.

“What’s unsightly, where’s it?” Mo Thirteen roared angrily.

Where did the neurosis come from, and the secret of the victim was exposed?

Huang Tianfeng looked at Mo Thirteen’s recovered face, Wang Ke almost cut his nose and eyes just now. What a sword skill?

“Huang Tianfeng, follow Wang Ke’s method just now!” said the evil emperor.

“Yes!” Huang Tianfeng replied.

Holding a long knife in his hand, he looks at Mo Thirteen. Raise a knife, you have to do it.

“Huh? Sure enough, there are a lot of flaws in Demon Thirteen?” Huang Tianfeng asked in surprise.


With a knife, Huang Tianfeng stabbed it.

“Ah!” Mo Thirteen screamed.

“You, what did you chop off my toes? Huang Tianfeng, let you kill me, what did you chop off my toes? Can you kill someone?” Mo Shisan roared.

“The evil emperor, as Wang Ke said, the moment I was doing it, it seemed that I was weakly hypnotized. Mo Thirteen deliberately hypnotized me, and psychologically hinted that I would kill him according to the flaws he gave! Two times, I am afraid it was also a hit!” Huang Tianfeng frowned and looked at the evil emperor.

The evil emperor stared at Demon Thirteen, looking at Demon Thirteen’s painful expression.

“The demon, the immortal body, the formless and invisible, the resurrection of killing, the resurrection of death, and the resurrection of death! Rumor has it that every time you are killed, you will be stronger! Demon Thirteen, for a long time, I think you have no flaws It turns out that you have a flaw!” The evil emperor narrowed his eyes.

“What? Every time you are killed, you will be stronger?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

What kind of monster is this? So evil? Strong by being killed?

“Devil Thirteen, you were killed by me twice before. Your face turned pale. You lied to me? Not only did you not wear out, but you were stronger?” Huang Tianfeng also stared at Devil Thirteen.

The eyelids of the Thirteenth Devil leaped wildly: “Evil Emperor, how did you know my secret?”

“Your secret? Huh! From more than a thousand years ago to the present, from the time I saw you to the present, you have died 36 times, and I personally killed you 12 times, but every time you Stronger! Ha, ha, demon? Demon? It turns out that you have flaws! Die and live? You are not afraid of death! You are afraid of pain! Pain is the key to depleting you! Are you afraid of pain? You like to bring it Other people’s pain, torture the spirit of others! But you yourself are more afraid of pain? Good, good, good, you have weaknesses! Huang Tianfeng, go on! Go on!” The evil emperor suddenly said with a hideous expression.

“Evil emperor, don’t, the minister knows he was wrong!” Mo Shisan’s expression changed suddenly.

“No, you have promised just now to help those six people condemn them, die six times, and if I fulfill you, you must be condemned! Otherwise, get out of the evil dynasty, and I will erase all traces of you. ! Let all your efforts be abandoned!” The evil emperor said coldly.

Mo Shisan’s expression changed, and finally bowed with a gloomy voice: “Yes! The minister will continue to lead death!”

After finishing speaking, Mo Shisan looked at Wang Ke, his eyes seemed to kill Wang Ke.

Wang Ke’s face stiffened: “Thirteen Demon Gods, you said it before, don’t hate me, they want me to kill you, from the bottom of my heart, I don’t want you to die, you look at me so viciously , Am I completely hated by you?”

“Hmph!” Mo Thirteen snorted coldly.

What do you say? This is so special, the secret of our Celestial Demon clan, was revealed by you today? Do you still think I don’t hate you?

PS: First!

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