Indestructible God King Chapter 673: The power of the emperor

  In Wang Ke’s room, after bathing and changing clothes, Wang Ke tossed his hair in the mirror! There was a strong expectation in his eyes, and he hummed a little song!

  ”It’s been a long time since I saw Longyu. This hairstyle should be fine, right? No, no, not stable enough, too detached, try again!” Wang Ke tossed his hairstyle again.

  Suddenly, Wang Ke’s face changed and he suddenly turned his head. But there was no one behind him.

   “Wow!” Wang Ke opened the door to look outside in an instant.

  ”Master, what’s wrong?” a guard asked curiously.

  ”Has anyone been here just now?” Wang Ke said solemnly.

   “No, no, we have been guarding nearby, there is no one!” The guard said respectfully.

  Wang Ke walked back to the house with a look of confusion.

   “Do I feel wrong? How do I feel, someone was spying on me just now? Is I too sensitive lately?” Wang Ke muttered to himself with a look of confusion.

  Although he was puzzled, Wang Ke devoted himself to finishing his hairstyle again.

  In the black lotus ambassador’s palace, in the main hall of the devil’s retreat.

  Mozun has put on a white dress and looks extremely tender. Who is the dragon jade that the king could not ask for? Long Yu was brushing her hair in front of the mirror.

   Suddenly, Long Yu raised his brows, his expression condensed, and a chuckle: “You are so vigilant that you can even sense my spiritual consciousness?”

   Smiling, Long Yu no longer looked at the outside world, but focused on looking at himself in the mirror.

  ”Smooth tune, I used to tell me that if you get one of the three, you will be satisfied, but now it has changed? You are not willing to choose one? Huh, do you have to meet me before you are willing to tell your heart? Okay. , I will listen to you tonight!” Long Yu took a deep breath and gently **** his hair.

   After finishing her disguise, Long Yu took another photo of herself in the mirror, with a slight smile on her face, and was about to leave.

  Suddenly, Long Yu’s pupils suddenly shrank. Look up at the sky.

  ”Black Lotus Saint Envoy, I’m waiting for you in Haixi!” A cold voice came into the hall.

  Long Yu’s face darkened, and his eyes changed.

  Looking at himself dressed in the mirror, Long Yu took a deep breath.

   Waved his probing hand, a black robe was put on his body, and at the same time he took out a demon mask and slowly put it on. Turned into the image of the devil again.

  Turning his head, the Demon Lord glanced at the direction where Wang Ke was, a gloomy expression in his eyes, squeezed his fist, his figure shook, and disappeared into the hall.

  Wang Ke walked out of the room in a very good mood at the moment.

  ”Shenlong Master, are you a little different today?” A guard asked in surprise.

   “Of course, how can there be roses for sale around here?” Wang Ke looked at the guard.

  ”What flower?” The guard was taken aback.

  ”Uh, you don’t know after you said it, forget it, I will find it myself!” Wang Ke immediately ignored the guard and left with a cheerful pace.


  An hour later.

  On the west of the sea where evil gods are located, an uninhabited desert island!

  Two men in black robes stood on the deserted island. One of them was the devil wearing a mask, and the other was wearing a black robe, holding a skeleton scepter in his hand, and stepping on it. The mound looked like It became a huge skull.

  Not only the huge skulls, but also the earth and rocks around the desert island, are undergoing strange changes, slowly turning into dead bones, skulls one by one.

  The stone at the feet of the Demon Lord was not affected, but the Demon Lord was also extremely alert.

  ”Black Lotus Human Emperor? You came to me, just let me stand with you?” Mozun said coldly.

  The black-robed man on the opposite side, holding the skeleton scepter, muttered for a while: “Black Lotus Saint Envoy, you have slaughtered all over the Black Lotus Dynasty these years, I am not embarrassed, right?”

  ”To embarrass me? I killed my subordinate, why are you embarrassing me?” Demon Venerable said coldly.

  The Black Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly: “Do you think, if I have the heart to hinder you, can you still kill the Quartet?”

  ”What do you want to say?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

   “I won’t move you, I won’t suppress you! It’s not because you are banned to the evil emperor and can’t keep up with the jealous emperor, but I value your abilities, you are a talent, and I admire you very much!” The Black Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly.

  ”Huh?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

  ”Unfortunately, you are a man! What a pity! If you are a woman, I will marry you into the harem at all costs and let you sit as the lord of my harem!” The Black Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly.

  ”Huh, are you insulting me?” Demon Lord said coldly.

   “No, I said, I appreciate your talent! Would you like to follow me?” The Black Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly.

   “Ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha, follow you? The deity has never followed anyone!” The devil sneered.

  ”Today is your last chance. I told you so much because of my love. Otherwise, I would just do it!” The Black Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly.

  ”Do it? Do you know where this is? No, you are unscrupulous, you are going to do it to me here? The evil emperor has an accident, you are behind the scenes?” The devil suddenly shrank his pupils.

  The black lotus human emperor stared at the demon lord for a while: “You really are alert enough, the evil emperor has an accident? You have found it! Yes, you guessed it! The evil emperor has an accident, no one in this world can protect you. You, as long as you surrender to me, I will not only let you go, but also will bring you to a higher level in the future!”

  ”Impossible, impossible, the strength of the evil emperor is the best in the world in the Central God Continent, how can you hurt the evil emperor silently? This is impossible, you lie!” The devil is suddenly Retorted.

  ”Lying? What do you think this is?” The Black Lotus Human Emperor sneered.

  While speaking, the Black Lotus Human Emperor threw a piece of jade pendant.

  The jade pendant is unbiased and falls on the palm of the Demon Lord.

  ”Is the jade pendant that the evil emperor always wears on his chest? The jade pendant that has never been taken off? Is it true that something happened to the evil emperor? The evil emperor in the palace is fake, even the jade pendant You have made a fake one?” The Demon Venerable’s pupils shrank and stared at the Black Lotus Emperor.

  ”This jade pendant is actually not a powerful magic weapon, it is just for commemoration! It doesn’t matter if I show it to you! At this moment, you should also know our methods and understand your situation better! Now, I will give you another chance to surrender to me! As long as you surrender to me, I will continue to have everything that you have, and at the same time, I will let you have more!” The Black Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly.

  ”You just said’our method’? It means that you are not the only one who dealt with the evil emperor this time! There are others who have the same status as you, and the other emperors?” The devil squinted his eyes.

  ”Submit me, I can tell you everything! Even let you join in! Surrender me, let me give you a curse seal, from now on, you and I share honor and disgrace! You will enjoy endless glory and wealth, enjoy not The supreme right! Otherwise, today will be your death date!” The Black Lotus Human Emperor said solemnly.

  ”Give me a curse mark? Become your slave since then? Ha, ha, the black lotus emperor, do you think the deity will agree?” the demon said coldly.

  ”You and the red lotus envoy, I saw! That day is already your limit, the original spirit realm will always be the original spirit realm, and the red lotus envoy is the weakest of the four great sage envoys. Yes, it is nothing that you defeated him, but it also exposed your shortcomings! I want to destroy you, it is easy to turn around. If you don’t surrender at this moment, you will disappear!” said the Black Lotus Emperor.

  ”Then try it!” The demon was about to leave.


  The skull scepter in the hands of the Black Lotus Human Emperor instantly hit the huge skull on the ground.

  ”Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

  In the sea on all sides of the desert island, four huge skeleton frames suddenly broke through the water. Each skeleton frame is fifty feet high, like four fifty feet high giants, exuding a torrent of weather.

  As soon as the four skeleton giants came out, they suddenly roared to the sky.


  When he roared, the world changed color, and countless black winds suddenly shrouded all around.

  The billowing black storm seemed to form a monstrous array, wrapping around the desert island.

  The Demon Lord stepped in the air and shot towards the distance, but at this moment, a skeleton giant instantly slapped him with a palm.


   There was a loud noise, and the devil’s figure retreated by the skeleton giant.

  ”Is this the power of entering the Martial God Realm for the first time?” The Demon Lord looked at the power of the skeleton giant in surprise.

Not far from   , the Black Lotus Man Emperor waved the skeleton scepter in his hand.


  The earth and rocks around the desert island were completely turned into dry bones. From the pile of dry bones, they crawled out of the skeletons and soldiers, holding bone knives, and all pointed at the devil.

  ”Black Lotus Saint Envoy, you are very talented and strong, but you don’t know anything about power! Your Master Dragon Emperor, who was only named Black Lotus Saint Envoy back then, left with anger , Go to Shiwan Dashan to dominate the king, do you think he is just being angry? It is because it can’t fight me! It keeps saying that it is going to make a comeback? But the result is death! It is ridiculous! The Dragon King was not mine back then Opponent, relying on you? This is my Bone Sea Realm! You are a Primordial Divine Realm, you can’t even break my realm, hahahaha!” Black Lotus Human Emperor laughed.

   “Kill!” Countless skeleton soldiers shouted.


  In an instant, all the skeleton soldiers rushed to the Black Lotus Saint Envoy, and the four skeleton giants formed a large array, blocking all the way of Demon Lord, and the battle fought fiercely in an instant. Mozun instantly fell into a huge predicament.


  A shocking battle broke out in the field of bones.

  Unfortunately, no viewers can see it at the moment.


  Next to the Black Lotus Saint Envoy Island, on a small stone island.

  Wang Ke leaned on a large rock, holding a rose that looked a little like a rose in his mouth, waiting patiently.

  The sky is getting darker.

  Wang, for some unknown reason, suddenly felt a sense of irritability in his heart.

  ”Aren’t I waiting for Longyu? Why are my eyelids beating wildly? Why isn’t Longyu coming yet? Longyu, come quickly!” Wang Ke frowned and walked back and forth beside the big stone. With.

  The bright moon slowly lifted into the sky, but at this moment, Wang Ke felt more and more irritable in his heart.

  ”What the **** is going on with me? I will see Long Yu soon, why am I getting more and more upset?” Wang Ke himself didn’t know what was wrong.

  PS: First!

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