Indestructible God King Chapter 666: Two hundred catties of God’s penalty


  The terrifying thundercloud of Heaven’s Punishment enveloped the entire Red Lotus Saint Envoy Island, and a strong wind blew across the island. A horrible oppression made hundreds of people on the island tremble.

  ”Who, who is crazy, how big a pumice was chiseled? Who is going to kill, who is it!” The floating prison suddenly heard a jailer’s curse.

  ”Is this going to kill us? Such a terrifying robbery, even if you kill you, we were also attacked by the aftermath, help!”

  ”Quickly, release me from prison, I don’t want to die!”

  ”Let me out!”




  The floating prison was in chaos. Obviously, everyone thought that the fine thundercloud was in the prison that day. Someone must have chiseled a large piece of pumice.

  The prison is in chaos. At this moment, the Red Lotus Saint Envoy’s palace, a group of gangsters stared at Wang Ke.

  Looking at the two hundred catties of floating stone in his hand, a group of big men already knew what the surprise Wang Ke said was.

  Although I don’t understand, why Wang Ke was fine with catching the floating stone, and it was fine when it fell on our hands, but it was true that God’s punishment locked me and waited!

  Surprise? Surprise for your mother!

  For every extra catty of pumice stone, the level of heaven’s punishment will go up to the next level. This is so two hundred catties, how many levels have it been up to?

  ”Wang Ke, you are looking for death! I will kill you!” The Red Lotus envoy roared toward Wang Ke with grief and indignation.


  At this moment, above the sky, a blood-colored thunder dragon descended from the sky. It was ten feet thick and one hundred feet long. During the roar, countless blood-colored thunder and lightning were dragged out of his body, and it went down in an instant.

  The Red Lotus envoy wants to kill the king, but at this moment, how dare you? All the magic weapons were taken out in a hurry and skyrocketed.

  ”Break it for me!” The Red Lotus envoy shouted.


   There was a loud noise, and the hall where everyone was in exploded. There were countless buildings in the entire palace exploded instantly. Even the Shura army outside the palace was also under this impact, and it exploded out countless in an instant, staggering for a while, a mess.

  ”What did you post? What’s the matter? The punishment came to the palace this day?” a group of soldiers exclaimed.

  Under the thunder and lightning explosion, Wang Ke, Rabbit King and others naturally bear the brunt. Even if Wang Ke and others turn around, it’s too late. The explosion is too close.

  ”Boss, how do you use me to cushion you, I can’t stop you!” The Rabbit King exclaimed.


  In the big explosion that blazed into the sky, Wang Ke and the rabbit monsters suddenly exploded.


  A group of people landed on a pile of ruins. The Rabbit King was completely black, and Wang Ke’s clothes were also broken innumerably. Fortunately, the Rabbit King was in front of him.

  ”My lord, puff!” A group of rabbit monsters climbed up with difficulty.

   “It’s okay, okay, we are far from the source of the explosion! I don’t know what happened to the Red Lotus envoy!” Wang Ke said anxiously.

  Everyone looked along the source of the explosion just now, but saw that the previous hall had become a huge pit.

  In the huge pit, the Red Lotus envoy was blown into the ground, and his clothes were broken a lot, and there were many charred spots on his body, and the charred cracks were full of blood.

   “Puff!” The Red Lotus Saint Envoy stood up with difficulty spouting blood.

  ”The Red Lotus envoy is still alive?” The Rabbit King spit out blood and exclaimed.

  ”It’s not over yet, the punishment has just begun!” Wang Ke’s eyes lit up.

  ”Ah! Aung! Aung!”

  Five Scarlet Thunder Dragons roared straight down again.

  ”No! Part, let’s part!” a black-robed man exclaimed.

  But, it was too late. The Thunder Dragon came too fast, and the punishment came, and no one could escape. Amidst an exclaim, five Thunder Dragons instantly submerged the ruins of the palace.


  The piercing light of thunder and lightning made the entire night sky bright.

  ”Ah!”, “Ah!”, “Ah!”………………

  A scream came again.

  Not only the few people who suffered from the punishment of heaven, the whole palace was expanded and shattered again in the big explosion, and the Asura army under the envoy of the Red Lotus, vomiting blood, flew out one after another. .

  Wang Ke and the rabbit demon naturally fled outside for the first time.


  In mid-air, the Rabbit King spouted blood again.

  ”Boss, why are you using me as a back cushion again!” The Rabbit King cried angrily.

  ”I’m the boss, you are the bodyguard now, don’t you want to protect me? Hurry up and take me to the Black Lotus Saint Envoy Island. I can’t stay in this place!” Wang Ke shouted.

  The Rabbit King looked depressed: “Go, go!”

  A group of people fled outside immediately.

  Not only Wang Ke and his party were fleeing, but countless people near the palace were fleeing. This world-destroying god’s punishment was too terrifying.

  The Shura Army is responsible for it, and dare not escape. At this moment, it is suffering from a big explosion.

  After the second wave of punishment, the entire palace sank into a huge pit. A group of black-robed men and the Red Lotus envoy were extremely embarrassed and vomited blood.

   “We can’t be together, so the punishment will be more difficult to get through. Disperse quickly, hurry up, leave in all directions, go quickly, and cross each other’s punishment, otherwise the punishment will be accumulated!” A man in black robes is depressed. Roared.

  ”This is really a surprise, puff!” Another black-robed man spouted a gloomy mouthful of blood and shot towards the distance.

  ”Go to special, two hundred catties of pumice stone, is it worth such a big punishment?”

  ”Go, go!”

  The four black-robed men and the Red Lotus envoy vomited blood in depression.

  Who would have thought that Wang Ke would be treated like a cat and a mouse, but as a result, the cat was pitted by the mouse?

  How could there be such evil things?

  Four black-robed men shot in the four directions of the Red Lotus Saint Envoy Island, and did not escape the robbery cloud because of this. They saw that the robbery cloud seemed to be able to do so, and one robbery cloud turned into five. , Four of them chased in the direction where the four black-robed men ran away. As fast as the black-robed man, Jieyun will be as fast as possible.

  ”Ang!” Suddenly, five blood-colored thunder dragons were spit out from each robbery cloud, and they rushed towards the red lotus envoy and the four black-robed men.

  As for the previous woman, she seemed to have died in the first wave of robbery.


  The Red Lotus Saint Envoy suffered another wave of Heavenly Punishment Thunder Dragon, and immediately splashed with blood, which was not tragic.

  In the tragic period, the Red Lotus envoy also flew out of his own island, but could fly into the air, and the Red Lotus envoy suddenly saw Wang Ke and his party not far away.

  Wang Ke and the rabbit monsters are fleeing south. While escaping, he also looked at God’s punishment everywhere. His eyes widened at this moment, full of horror.

  ”Boss, how did you do it? Such a terrible punishment?” The Rabbit King was horrified.

  The Rabbit King thought he would be dead today, but he didn’t expect that he could survive from desperation? Although I don’t know what Wang Ke did, the excitement was overwhelming at the moment.

  ”Run away, the Red Lotus envoy sees your smiling face, maybe he will chase after you nervously!” Wang Ke shouted.

  ”Ah, good!” The Rabbit King suddenly anxiously took Wang Ke to fly quickly.

  Wang Ke and the rabbit demon have arrived in the safe area, and the fourth wave of Heavenly Punishment on the head of the Red Lotus envoy is coming. This time Nine Scarlet Thunder Dragons.

  The Red Lotus envoy looked at the two hundred catties of floating stone in his hand, with a look of grief and anger. This is so peculiar, two hundred catties of floating stones, how offended it is, this wave is more ruthless, can I go chasing and killing a king?

  ”Surprise to go to Te Niang! All the Shura army obey orders, leave me alone, you go and kill Wang Ke, I want Wang Ke to die, I want to see people when I live, I want to see the corpses when I die, and I will catch them. I want Wang Ke to die!” The Red Lotus envoy yelled, pointing in the direction where Wang Ke was.


  A group of Shura army, like a pardon, immediately soared to the sky and chased Wang Kezha.

  ”What are you doing after me? Don’t protect the Red Lotus envoy!” Wang Ke shouted from a distance.

  ”Rabbit King, fly fast, fly fast, what the Shura army is chasing!” Wang Ke shouted at the rabbit king.

  ”I know, I know, puff! Why do I have to run for my life every time I meet you? Boss, are you a catastrophe?” The Rabbit King flew desperately depressed.

   “Your sister, the catastrophe star, if it weren’t for me, you would have died just now! Don’t hurry up! They are going to chase you!” Wang Ke cursed.

  ”I’m desperate! I met the Red Lotus sage before, wasn’t it because of you?” Rabbit King said depressed.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense!” Wang Ke scolded again.


  The Red Lotus envoy once again passed the fourth wave of punishment.

   However, the punishment of heaven seems to be endless, wave after wave. It’s not gorgeous.

  It’s not just Red Lotus Saint Envoy Island. At this moment, at the end of the distant sea, the other four black-robed men are also suffering the same punishment.

  ”Wang Ke, you **** bastard, wait for me to come back and kill you!”

  ”Fuck your mother’s surprise, Wang Ke, you killed me!”

  ”Damn bastard, when is the penalty this day?”





  The huge movement of Heaven’s Punishment everywhere, and the turbulent sea all set off huge waves.

  The huge sound spread throughout the eight islands, and even the central island of the evil god.

  This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

  Eight island powerhouses came out one after another to look at the land of Heaven’s Punishment, and the peerless powerhouses of the evil gods also flew into the sky for a while, coming towards the Red Lotus Saint Envoy Island.

   Tomorrow morning, the big news of the punishment must be discussed by the major families and major officials. Everyone must know the first-hand information, so as not to miss all opportunities and opportunities in the meeting tomorrow.

  In addition to the terrifying scenes of crossing the catastrophe everywhere, there is also a scene of chasing at sea that has attracted the attention of the powerful from all sides.

  It is the Asura army of the Red Lotus envoy, who is hunting and killing a big rabbit collectively.

  The rabbit demon became larger, clutching ten little bunnies and Wang Ke hurriedly chasing towards the Black Lotus Saint Envoy Island.

  ”Stop, don’t run!”

  ”Let’s release the arrow, don’t run away for them!”

  ”Damn thing, I offended the Red Lotus envoy, and want to run?”

  ”Catch them!”



  The Shura Army quickly pursued and killed them.

  ”Puff, boss, my back seems to have been hit by an arrow! You guys helped me stop the arrow!” Rabbit King spit out blood and depressed.

  ”It’s okay, it’s okay, skin trauma, your heart and head, we will help you block it, hurry up and get to the Black Lotus Mission Island first!” Wang Ke said immediately.

   “Skin trauma? How do I feel that the arrows of the feathers have come out of my chest?” The Rabbit King cried depressed.

  ”Don’t worry, your heart and head are protected. You can’t die from arrows in other places. You can’t see it, you’ll be here soon, let’s work harder!” Wang Ke urged.

   Rabbit King: “…………!”

  You don’t want to see, because you didn’t hit the arrow, I hit it! I’m vomiting blood! Didn’t you see it?

  PS: Three changes are over!

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