Indestructible God King Chapter 660: Tiandao supervision

  The Rabbit King recognizes Boss Wang Ke and will follow Boss Wang in the future. He looks desperate at this moment!

  ”Let’s untie!” Wang Ke looked at the former prisoner boss.

  ”Senior, senior, he may have lied to you, you want to release the Rabbit King so casually?” The prisoner boss said in astonishment.

  ”Huh?” Wang Ke stared.

  ”Yes! I’m talking too much!” the prisoner boss responded.

  Suddenly, all the rabbit monsters were loosened.

  The Rabbit King was untied at this moment, and he was not happy at all. Instead, there was a sense of despair. Now I look at a group of prisoner bosses. This group of bosses did not smile because the rabbit king was free, but instinctively avoided the rabbit king. general.

  ”Okay, all of you are busy with your own work? Rabbit King, you can stay here!” Wang Ke said.

  ”Huh? Good!” A group of prisoners nodded, and slowly dispersed with a confused look.

  The Rabbit King looked at Wang Ke at this moment, and his eyes changed drastically. I wanted to do it now, but when he saw the black lotus envoy order in Wang Ke’s hand, the Rabbit King suddenly showed a look of despair.

  Do it? I’m looking for death!

  The news reached the Black Lotus Saint Envoy, and even if he fled to the end of the world, he would be dead.

   “King Rabbit, what is your expression? Shouldn’t you feel honored to follow me? Especially, look at what life you have lived before. The knife head licks blood, and if you are not careful, you will fart! Follow along I, at least safety is guaranteed, do you still have a look of disgust?” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

  ”No, boss, this…!” The Rabbit King showed a bitterness.

   “What’s wrong? They don’t know my details, you should know my details, what is my status in the Great Evil Dynasty, and in the Great Evil Dynasty, I still have the Black Lotus Order. Why? You still look down on it?” Wang Ke stared.

  The Rabbit King showed a bitterness. Indeed, compared to Wang Ke’s identity, what qualifications do he have to dislike?

  ”Boss, you don’t know, Black Lotus Saint made him…!” The Rabbit King showed a tragic look.

  ”You are worried about following me because of your status as the Black Lotus Saint Envoy? What happened to the Black Lotus Saint Envoy? Can’t you cover you?” Wang Ke stared.

  ”No, the black lotus envoy is too ferocious, so ferocious that the sky is angry and people complain!” The Rabbit King said bitterly.

  ”Oh?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

  ”Where the black lotus envoy goes, those who follow me will prosper against me and perish! When he first inherited the black lotus envoy, the lords, that is, the major families under him, wanted Fighting for power with the black lotus emissary, was killed by the black lotus emissary, from top to bottom, intertwined, all killed! Even the black lotus emperor spoke to persuade him, the black lotus emissary did not care, anyway, it was a kill! The upper part disrespects the Black Lotus Emperor, and the lower ignores the subordinates of the aristocratic family. In the Black Lotus Dynasty, he is a peerless demon!” said the Rabbit King.

   “So what, those subordinates want to take off the Black Lotus Saint Envoy, and the Black Lotus Saint Envoy clears the disobedient men. What’s wrong?” Wang Ke stared.

  ”You may not know that the major families of the Four Lotus dynasties are intertwined. Those families have been married for many years. In fact, they have been all over the five dynasties. The Black Lotus Saint envoy does not care if their family children married to other dynasties. From the Black Lotus Dynasty to the Red Lotus Dynasty, from the Red Lotus Dynasty to the White Lotus Dynasty, from the White Lotus Dynasty to the Purple Lotus Dynasty, and even the Great Evil Dynasty, wherever they went, corpses were everywhere, wherever they went, blood flowed into rivers. Whoever has a relationship with these families, if you want to stop them, kill them, even if there are family children who have been spies for the right way, and want to go to the right way to seek protection from the great right way dynasties, it is useless, the black lotus envoy even directly enters the right way. The few great dynasties of China have all killed this group of aristocratic children!” The Rabbit King said with a wry smile.

  ”The demon is so fierce?” Wang Ke asked in astonishment.

  ”Did you know? Although the black lotus envoy is fierce and tyrannical, everyone knows, but again, because of the impact of this cleanup, the enemy is everywhere! Nowadays, the dynasties don’t wait to see him, many Although the family is afraid of him, they also hate him, wishing that he would die without a place to be buried!” Rabbit King said bitterly.

  ”Oh?” Wang Ke raised his eyelids.

  ”If you can’t kill the Black Lotus Envoy, those families want to kill the Black Lotus Envoy’s relatives and friends, such as you!” said the Rabbit King.

  Wang Ke’s face became stiff.

  ”There is no black lotus envoy in this prison, because, you must not live long when you come in. And the surrounding prisoners, you see that they are so afraid of you, but there are children from these families, and some people want you. Fate!” said the Rabbit King.

  Wang Ke: “…………!”

  ”If I follow the boss, then I will also be labeled as someone related to the Black Lotus Saint Envoy. I am afraid I will also be remembered by countless families. I, I…!” Rabbit King looked desperate.

  I just want to take revenge, so why did I get in? As he spoke, Rabbit King’s tears came down.

  ”Great King, Great King!” A group of rabbit monsters comforted the crying rabbit king.

  Wang Ke’s face became stiff. Did I make a mistake? This black lotus sacred envoy can’t see the light at all?

  ”Okay, cry a fart, I’m not afraid, you’re afraid of wool, look back for some time, I will take you to the black lotus envoy to visit a pier, let others know it honestly, if you want to deal with you, first weigh Weigh the attitude of the Black Lotus Saint Envoy!” Wang Ke stared.

   “Uh!” The Rabbit King was taken aback.

  ”Besides, you really can’t get along in the Great Evil Dynasty. Can you just go to the Great Good Dynasty?” Wang Ke stared.

  ”But, I just escaped from the jail, I am not going back…!” The Rabbit King frowned.

  ”Have you forgotten my identity? Dashan Dynasty, I will say hello to you and it will be all right!” Wang Ke stared.

  The Rabbit King really wants to say that you fart, that’s Dashan Dynasty’s jail, escape from the jail, and want to get rid of the charge? But looking at Wang Ke again, it seems, it doesn’t seem impossible.

  ”Okay, okay, what the boss said, I am relieved! It really doesn’t work, I’m going to Dashan Dynasty!” The Rabbit King hissed.

  ”I haven’t asked you yet, why are you in this floating prison?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

  ”Well, some time ago, when Disband Armor escaped from the jail, I came out with me. After leaving the city of good gods, we were divided into two groups. I went straight to the city of evil gods, because, I The daughter-in-law and the **** are all in the evil gods, so… But, the assassination of Wang Youli came, and I was convicted and detained here!” Rabbit King explained.

  ”Assassinating Wang Youli?” Wang Ke frowned.

  ”Yes, to assassinate Wang Youli, it is a great sin to provoke the conflict between the good and evil! Of course, because I was attempting to assassinate Wang Youli in the realm of the Great Good Dynasty, the blame should be lighter, plus the great evil is lurking. It was planned by the Jie Bingjia, so the guilt was lighter, and this group of men were imprisoned in this prison! Each person is responsible for a thousand catties of pumice stone!” Rabbit King explained.

   “Evil gods can still allow your monsters to live?” Wang Ke looked strange.

  ”I have money, I have money to buy a house, and I can transform into a human form, so the evil gods have turned one eye and closed one eye in order to generate income. In addition to me, there are some monsters who also like to integrate into humans. Live!” Rabbit King explained.

  ”What’s the situation in this floating prison? The culpability is a thousand catties of floating stones? From this floating mountain, a piece of one thousand catties of floating stones can be cut and you will be released from prison?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

  ”Boss, don’t you know?” Rabbit King said in astonishment.

  ”Know what? Say it!” Wang Ke stared.

  ”This is a floating stone mountain, not an ordinary mountain, do you see the dark clouds in the sky?” The Rabbit King pointed to the dark clouds above the floating mountain.

  ”Dark clouds? Isn’t it the formation of formations?” Wang Ke looked at the thick dark clouds suspiciously. There was lightning and thunder inside, giving people a huge pressure.

  ”How is it possible? This is supervised by heaven!” said the Rabbit King.

  ”Heaven’s supervision?” Wang Ke was surprised.

  ”In this world, there are some things that are forbidden areas for sentient beings, and are supervised by the heavens. These things are monitored by the heavens and no creatures are allowed to take them. Otherwise, there will be a heavenly punishment!” Rabbit King Said.

  ”Uh, are you kidding me to play? God also supervises some things so that people don’t touch them?” Wang Ke stared.

  ”It’s true. This pumice stone is a mineral supervised by Heaven. All floating mountains in this world are supervised by Heaven! Every floating mountain mine is locked by Heaven, so it’s not allowed to be touched. !” The Rabbit King solemnly said.

  Wang Ke showed a weird look: “What are you kidding? God still cares about this?”

  ”It’s true. I heard that I’ve heard a legend before. It seems that the things supervised by the heavens can forge some fairy artifacts. These fairy artifacts can escape the supervision of the heavens, break through the scope of the heavens, and enter the starry sky. Deep down. Heaven does not allow this kind of fairy artifact to be born, so it supervises all the materials used to make this kind of fairy artifact and keeps creatures from touching it!” Rabbit King explained.

  Wang Ke looked at the Rabbit King with a black face: “Are you telling me a story? What kind of magic can this thing forge?”

  ”I also heard about it. I don’t know the details. However, the materials supervised by the Heavenly Dao are really peculiar. Didn’t you see? Pumice stone, as long as it is cultivated into the sword a little bit, the sword can become Flying sword! Similarly, there are more pumice materials, and flying boats can be refined! However, flying boats also have restrictions. Flying up to a certain height can not fly up. I heard that these materials supervised by the heavens are magical artifacts that can be forged , Surpassing the limit of the heavens and flying into the control of the heavens, I also heard that our world is also a star, and the heavens do not allow creatures to leave this star. Only immortals and artifacts can take people away from this star. This is Heaven doesn’t allow it, so Heaven must control it!” Rabbit King explained.

  Wang Ke stared at the Rabbit King in astonishment, you mean, this floating stone can forge a spaceship?

  ”Heavenly supervision, people are not allowed to touch these controlled materials, but here…!” Wang Ke looked at the pumice not far away.

  ”People die for wealth and birds die for food. This floating stone is too precious. Even if the way of heaven supervises, people will flock to it. What if there is a punishment? It can’t stop people’s desire for money! The evil dynasty has its hands. In this mine, if the courtiers and soldiers are unwilling to take risks, let the prisoners dig the mine, and let the prisoners bear the punishment of heaven when digging the pumice ore. In this way, the evil dynasty gets the mine, the prisoners are punished, and can Atonement! Get multiple benefits in one fell swoop!” Rabbit King explained.

   “There will be a fine for chiseling this pumice stone? You’re not joking with me, are you?” Wang Ke frowned.

  I just took a thousand catties of pumice, and there was nothing moving. How can there be any punishment?

  PS: Three changes are over!

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