Indestructible God King Chapter 659: Black Lotus Saint Envoy Order

  Floating prison, under a big tree!

  Wang Ke sits on a chair, sipping juice, watching the swollen and swollen body in front of him, the Bunny King and the others who are tied up. There were more than a hundred prisoners around, looking at Wang Ke together, with curiosity in their eyes.

  ”Don’t listen to him nonsense, Wang Ke only has the Yuanying stage, only the Yuanying stage. He lied to you, he lied to you!” The Rabbit King cried depressedly.


  The former prisoner boss slapped the rabbit king on the back of his head.


  Huge power, suddenly hit the head of the rabbit king to the ground, smashing a big hole.

  ”You mean, my fist is soft and weak?” The prisoner boss stared angrily.

  I can’t beat this predecessor’s pinky with a single punch. You tell me he is in the Nascent Soul Realm. Who are you lying to?

   “It’s true, you can go and find out, he is Wang Ke! He is the minister of courtesy of the Dashan dynasty! He will deceive people, and what he said is fake!” Rabbit King spit out a gloomy voice. With.

  ”Wang Ke?” The prisoners frowned.

   Obviously, the top powers of the dynasties have news channels about the Shiwan Dashan matter, but ordinary people have never heard of it.

  ”Senior, are you not a leader? He said you are the minister of courtesy of the Dashan Dynasty?” The prisoner boss asked curiously.

  ”Oh? You don’t believe what I said?” Wang Ke put down the juice cup and frowned.

  ”No, no, but this rabbit king is still stiff mouth, I…!” The prisoner’s boss suddenly apologized.

  Of course, the prisoner boss is also wondering at this moment, will I be deceived?

  At this moment, a jailer came over.

  ”Are you all here? That’s good, as the cell boss said just now, you just guilty of wanton fighting, each of you add 100 catties of floating stones!” said the jailer.

  ”What? One hundred catties?” the prisoners exclaimed.

  ”Do you count me?” Wang Ke asked.

   “Uh! Not really!” the jailer frowned weirdly.

  ”I just came in after I talked with Huang Tianfeng and Honglian Saint Envoy. Do they have anything you can bring to me?” Wang Ke asked in a deep voice.

   “Uh, is that enough?” The jailer frowned.

  ”No? Then forget it. Next time they come to see me, tell them that I don’t want to go out for the time being. Let them not disturb me. I have no time to see them!” Wang Ke said in a deep voice.

  The jailer looked strange. After all, if I saw Wang Ke with Huang Tianfeng and the emissary of Honglian before, I didn’t know their relationship, so naturally I didn’t dare to offend him too much.

   “Okay, I will remember!” the jailer said with a weird look.

  ”Hmm! Go!” Wang Ke nodded.

  The jailer left with a look of doubt and frown.

  A group of prisoners around looked at Wang Ke again, and their eyes were different.

  Lying? Is the rabbit king lying, or is the king lying in front of him? Does this still use analysis?

   Huang Tianfeng Demon God, Red Lotus Saint Envoy, both of them are in the Martial God Realm. This group of strong men standing at the top of the Central God Continent will send a Nascent Soul Realm to prison? Isn’t this a joke?

   “King Rabbit, you are looking for death!” The prisoner boss once again punched King Rabbit.

  A group of prisoners looked at a group of rabbit monsters fiercely.

  ”What I said is true, let me go, and I will prove it to you. He is a Nascent Soul Realm. You did not hurt him before. It must have been blocked by some magic weapon. You were deceived. !” The Rabbit King suddenly roared.

   “Fart, if Wang Ke is a Nascent Soul Realm, according to what you said, he is also a Dashan official, how could Huang Tianfeng and Honglian Holy Envoy send him to prison on a special trip? Who are you lying to?” The prisoner boss exasperated. .

  ”Wang Ke lied to you, perhaps it was a coincidence. Huang Tianfeng and Honglian envoy met Wang Ke by coincidence. I can use my life to assure them. They are definitely not related. Wang Ke is fake. He lied to you, you all It’s the boss of all parties, can’t be tricked by him? He has money, he has a lot of money, he is only in the Yuan Ying realm, he has no identity background in the Great Evil Dynasty, he can only blow, he can only deceive people , Don’t be fooled by him, he has no background!” Rabbit King shouted anxiously.

  A group of prisoners frowned at Wang Ke.

  After all, everyone is not really stupid. After the impulse just now, he calmed down at this moment. In front of him, the king just blocked a punch. The rest is up to him. Who can prove it? Besides, what the Rabbit King said makes sense. How could he be in prison if he had a friendship with Huang Tianfeng and Honglian Saint Envoy? Is he going to jail himself? Is this a bit illogical?

  A group of prisoners frowned at Wang Ke. Everyone showed suspicion.

This is not the first time that Wang Ke has encountered this kind of scene. How could he be afraid?

  Wang Ke took a sip of the juice and chuckled: “By the way, a friend of mine gave me a token a few days ago, saying that as long as it is his subordinates, he will listen to my orders! The tokens are me too. Bring it, you can help me see, is this token real?”

  Wang Ke was very relaxed on the chair and threw out a token.

  ”Token?” The prisoner boss took it.

  ”Wang Ke, hahaha, you just want to deceive people with a token that no one has seen? You dream!” Rabbit King said grimly.

  At this moment, everyone is suspicious of Wang Ke. What can a token solve?

  Just as the Rabbit King was proud, the prisoner boss suddenly changed his face, and he almost couldn’t grasp the token in his hand.

  ”Boss Chen, Boss Ma, come and see, come and see!” The prisoner boss said with a trembling voice.

   Suddenly, a group of bosses came up, and after looking carefully one by one, they suddenly looked at each other bloodlessly.

  ”Is it his?” the former boss asked.

  The bosses nodded suddenly.


  I shook my hand and almost couldn’t hold the token firmly.

   swallowed, the boss before that stepped forward cautiously.

   “Predecessor, take the token, there should be no subordinate in this prison!” the prisoner boss said.

  ”Oh? That’s a shame!” Wang Ke sighed.

   “Boss Pei, what do you guys look like? What’s wrong with this token? Wang Ke takes a token at random, how can you possibly know it? Whose token, are you scared like this?” Rabbit King said anxiously .

  ”Black Lotus Divine Envoy Order, see the Black Lotus Divine Envoy Order, if you see the Black Lotus Divine Envoy coming! Anyone who offends, shall be regarded as offending the Black Lotus Divine Envoy!” said Boss Pei.

  ”Black lotus ambassador’s order?” The Rabbit King was excited.

  ”Black Lotus Saint Envoy Order?” The prisoners all around suddenly shuddered and exclaimed.

  Wang Ke was also taken aback. Under what circumstances, my token is so devastating? The Demon Lord gave me this token at the beginning, and I have never used it. Today, I just ask you to confirm your identity. I am so good about the next flicker, don’t you want me to flicker?

  ”My friend gave me this token, saying that it can be seen by people, so that it won’t misunderstand me! Do you know my friend? Does he have a great reputation?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

  The faces of the prisoners were strange.

  ”Don’t you know the black lotus envoy?” Boss Pei asked curiously.

  ”I want you to say it!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

  ”Yes, the black lotus sage is the only one of the four lotus sages. It seems to be the weakest of the four lotus sages. However, his sage is too evil. These years Fighting countless times, all you have to do! The strong in the Primordial God Realm has never been killed with one move!”

  ”Yes, the black lotus envoy kills people like hemp, wherever he goes, corpses are everywhere!”

  ”The Black Lotus envoy likes to cut grass and roots, and kill them all!”

  ”The last time a strong man was behind the black lotus envoy, he was sent to the black lotus saint to get the news and beheaded! I heard that there are still a few people in the family who are evil officials, and none of them escaped. Kill all!”



  Among a group of prisoners, looking at Wang Ke’s eyes at the same time was different.

  Wang Ke has handed over with Huang Tianfeng and Honglian Saint Envoy, that’s not a big deal. After all, these two powerhouses are superior, and generally rarely deal with the grievances of low-level powerhouses, but the Black Lotus Saint Envoy is different. Not to mention the moodiness, at least it will kill people like a numb, anyone who scolds him will die.

  Now, the Black Lotus Holy Envoy has issued…!

  ”Mozun is so domineering now?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

  Wang Ke also did not expect that the current name of Demon Venerable is actually more terrifying than Huang Tianfeng and Honglian Saint Envoy. I had known that if I took out this token early in the morning, wouldn’t it be okay?

  ”No, how can you have the Black Lotus Divine Envoy Order, how can you have it!” Rabbit King said desperately.

  Special, if you take out that evil star token earlier, do I need to provoke you?

   “By the way, I heard that the Black Lotus Saint Envoy is also here at this moment!” A prisoner said.

  ”What?” The faces of a group of prisoners changed.

  The name of the envoy of the black lotus is just like the name of the **** of death. It was scary at first, but now I heard that the **** of death is next to him. What’s more, who dares to touch the brow of the envoy of the black lotus?

  ”Senior, it’s nothing to do with us. It’s the Rabbit King who has been lying to us. We respect the Black Lotus Saint Envoy, and we respect you!”

  ”Senior, we will help you pick this rabbit king’s skin and make you fur!”

  ”Senior, do you want to eat rabbit meat? I have good craftsmanship!”



  A group of prisoners immediately pleased Wang Ke, and these words sounded like a death knell in the ears of Rabbit King and others.

  ”Floating prison, you can’t kill people, you can’t kill me, you can’t kill me!” Rabbit King suddenly cried out in horror.

  However, a group of prisoners around do not care at all. Floating prisons have this rule, but it is Wang Ke who wants to kill you. What does it have to do with us, we are just fighting. Besides, with Wang Ke’s social circle, can the floating prison dare to move him?

  ”Wang Ke, there are still several litters of newly-born baby bunnies in my family. When I die, they will all be over, Wang Ke, I shouldn’t confuse everyone to deal with you. Please spare me!” Rabbit King was suddenly panicked. Look at Wang Ke.

  Wang Ke drank the juice and looked at the rabbit king and his party, his eyes changed.

  ”Rabbit King, we can be considered old acquaintances. This leader will give you a chance to follow me. Would you like to?” Wang Ke said with a calm expression.

  ”Follow you?” The Rabbit King’s face stiffened.

   “Senior, this Rabbit King just framed you, would you give him a chance?” A prisoner boss asked in surprise.

  The King of Rabbit had a change in the sky, and he swallowed with a look of embarrassment.

  ”It’s okay, you think about it slowly, I’m not in a hurry!” Wang Ke said.

  When I first arrived, the water in this evil **** must be very deep, and I must find a guide. Although I used the devil’s name to suppress the prisoners here, I can’t always keep the devil’s hatred, right? Each of these prisoners seemed incredibly well-behaved, but Wang Ke could see that the flattery on their faces was more of a hidden fear in their eyes and fear of the devil.

  Now it seems that the devil’s enemies are all over the world, and this group of prisoners may have something to do with which demon’s opponent. This should be collected casually. If you turn around and use yourself to harm the demon, isn’t it worth the loss?

  Although the Rabbit King has grievances with him, his background is innocent! Moreover, in the past, using people’s money to help people eliminate disasters was also considered a word. Of course, don’t expect him to be more loyal, but it’s easy to use and rest assured!

  ”Give you time to make incense!” Wang Ke said after taking a sip of his juice.

  ”Aren’t you in a hurry?” The Rabbit King exclaimed reluctantly.

  The king can ignore the Rabbit King, and the Rabbit King also has an anxious look. Obviously, the Black Lotus Saint Envoy is terrifying, but it is also extremely dangerous. If you choose to stand on the side of the Black Lotus Saint Envoy, there will be so many enemies in the future that will make you desperate. Yeah.

  The Rabbit King is anxious, but it’s time to make an incense stick.

   is made into spicy rabbit head? Or should we talk about things later?

  ”The time is up!” Wang Ke put the juice glass down.

   “Boss Wang, I listen to you!” The Rabbit King exclaimed with grief and indignation.

   “Just call the boss, I don’t engage in clubs!” Wang Ke said with satisfaction.

  ”Old, boss!” Rabbit King said desperately.

   With this boss call, I am afraid that I will face the Black Lotus Saint Envoy’s enemy chasing and killing me next time. Especially, why am I so unlucky!

  PS: Second!

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