Indestructible God King Chapter 657: Prison bullying incident

  Honglian Saint Envoy Island, floating prison!

  Wang Ke came to the prison under the leadership of a jailer. There is a wall formation around it, making it impossible for people to escape.

  The prison is huge, with a large black mountain in the center. The entire prison seems to surround this mountain. The sky above the mountain is densely covered with dark clouds, as if there are countless thunder and lightning shining in it.

  ”Take it, this is your release number plate! Five thousand jin, this is your imprisonment level!” The jailer gave Wang Ke a black sign.

  ”The imprisonment level, five thousand catties? What do you mean?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

  ”Did you see the floating mountain?” The jailer pointed to the **** mountain in the center of the prison.

  ”Floating Mountain?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

  ”That’s right, this is the floating mountain. You only need to dig five thousand catties of floating stones from the floating mountain and hand in, and you can be released!” The jailer explained.

  Wang Ke glared: “What kind of prison is this? As long as I cut down five thousand catties of floating stones, I can get out of jail? You don’t want to seal my cultivation base, just how I can do it? I don’t want to go out. Can you go out?”

  ”Uh, you can try! As long as you chisel down five thousand catties of spiritual stones and hand them in, you can go out at any time!” The jailer nodded affirmatively.

  Wang Ke was stunned for a while, is this prison so casual? Open a mine and you can go out?

  ”Pumice stone? Wait, isn’t the pumice stone just the material needed in the flying sword, and on Huang Tianfeng’s flying boat, there are also many made of this pumice stone? Pumice stone?” Wang Ke suddenly caught his eye. There was a burst of light.

  Because, as a refining material that can make magic weapons fly in the air, the degree of cherishment is much higher than the price of spirit stones!

   “That’s right, it’s the floating stone, this floating prison, which protects this floating mountain. The criminals in this prison can get rid of their crimes as long as they mine mines. You? Five thousand catties? Gee!” That jailer A look of pity.

  ”It’s only five thousand catties of Lingshi, what is your expression!” Wang Ke stared in surprise.

  ”I advise you, don’t chisel the pumice stone more than one catty at a time!” said the jailer.

  Speaking, the jailer turned around and left.

  Wang Ke watched the jailer leave with a strange expression, he could only chisel a catty every time? why?

  The chisel must be chiseled. After all, it is too unsafe to expect Huang Tianfeng to intercede with him. Wouldn’t it be better if he could get out of prison by himself? Out of the prison door, who can find me?


  Wang was not in a hurry, but went around the floating mountain to observe.

  There are three thousand prisoners in this prison, but at this moment, most of them are hiding from this floating mountain, and the king who is watching can be puzzled.

  ”This Xiongtai?” Wang Ke approached a prisoner and wanted to ask.

  ”Huh? Go away!” The prisoner’s eyes widened, fierce and vicious, obviously not a good person.

  On the other side, there are many small groups of prisoners, and a fierce light flashes at Wang Ke, as if they come out to find Wang Ke’s fault at any time.

  Sure enough, after waiting a while, what Wang Ke was worried about still happened.

  ”Boy, what did you commit? Did you carry any money? Is there true blood?” The head of a small group suddenly said.

  Wang Ke raised his brows. Is this prison bullying? The boss of the club is here to ask for protection money?

  The king can look at the jailers on the prison outposts in the distance, but there is no jailer to take care of here, as if this kind of prison bullying is very common.

  ”I want to ask you something. I heard that you have brought a lot of money and true essence blood with you. Take it out, my uncle wants it now! Give it to me!” The first prisoner looked at Wang Ke viciously.

  ”Do you think I’m a bully?” Wang Ke narrowed his eyes.

  The headed prisoner raised his brows and looked at one of his men.

   “Boss, boss Rabbit said that this person only has the Nascent Soul Stage, so don’t worry!” a prisoner’s younger brother whispered.

  ”Nascent Infant Realm?” The prisoner boss looked at Wang Ke again.

  Wang Ke raised his brows. Under what circumstances, when he came, someone would know my details? The Martial God Realm just sees my cultivation base, can the prisoners here also see it?

  ”Essential Infant Realm? Haha, who has the news to you? Boy, don’t you know who I am? Are you in Yuanshen Realm?” Wang Ke smiled coldly.

  Wang can take a step forward without letting go.

  Wang Ke does not know what is going on in the floating prison, but Wang Ke understands that if he can’t hold this group of prisoners today, he won’t be able to spend the rest of his time well.

  ”Oh? You know that I am in the Primordial Spirit Realm, do you still have this attitude?” The prisoner boss sneered.

  Wang Ke glanced at the prisoner boss with disdain, you are in the original spirit realm, do you still have to guess? You certainly can’t be in the Martial God Realm, or else you won’t be imprisoned here. Secondly, in my attitude just now, I disdainfully said “Natural Infant Realm”, indicating that you must have transcended the Yuan Infant Realm. Is it Yuanshen Realm?

  ”My attitude has always been this way. You treat me like a fat sheep? Hahaha, no one has dared to look at me like this for many years. Come, don’t you want to grab my money? Who are you? Let me also see how much money you have!” Wang Ke said coldly.

  ”Huh?” The prisoner’s boss narrowed his eyes.

  ”The people over there, and those over there, are all those who want to fight the autumn wind, come on, come together, make it clear at the beginning, otherwise the money will not be divided later!” Wang Ke sneered.

   Suddenly, another group of prisoners came forward.

  A total of thirty prisoners, as if they were divided into three small groups, surrounded Wang Ke, each of them fierce and evil, their eyes shining brightly.

  ”Boy, are you looking for death? Don’t take out the money yet!” The prisoner boss said coldly.

  ”Let’s talk about what you just asked me about. Come and see my jail level!” Wang Ke took out the black card just given by the jailer.

  ”Black card? Five thousand catties? The highest-ranking criminal?” The faces of the prisoners changed.

   “What I committed, murder! No, it should be said to be killing a demon! Killed a demon emperor!” Wang Ke said coldly.

  ”Demon Emperor? Emperor? Martial God Realm?” The expressions of several prisoners changed.

   “Hahahaha, can you kill the Martial God Realm? Who are you scaring? Boy, do you think I’m so good to lie? If you are in the Martial God Realm, how could you be imprisoned?” the prisoner boss stared angrily.

   “You group of prisoners, your cultivation level is the highest, right? Yuanshen state?” Wang Ke looked at the prisoner boss who shouted the most.

  After all, this prisoner boss is standing in C position.

  ”Boss, just now Boss Rabbit sent someone to say that this person is the most deceptive! Don’t listen to his nonsense!” A prisoner stepped forward again.

  ”I will lie? Don’t speak so quietly, I can hear you! I don’t know who caused you to come to me, but now it looks like that person must have hatred with you!” Wang Ke Said coldly.

   “Boy, do you want to defraud us?” the prisoner boss said coldly.

  ”Don’t say I scam you, come, let me give you a punch, I only use one finger, you can make me move, all my money belongs to you, how about?” Wang Ke laughed.

   “Huh?” The faces of a group of prisoners changed.

  ”Boss Rabbit shouldn’t lie to us, right?” The prisoner who spoke before frowned.

  ”Come on, why don’t you dare? I’m standing on this footprint. You use your life’s strongest strength to punch me. I don’t need a shield to defend, and I don’t need any magic weapon. I will use this one. Fingers, come, come! Wasn’t it yelling just now? I don’t have the courage now? Cosmic? Come!” Wang Ke looked at the prisoner boss coldly.

  ”Come, come, roar!” The prisoner boss roared and rushed straight forward.

  I saw a giant bear phantom appeared behind the prisoner boss, as if with monstrous power, he slammed Wang Ke with a punch.

  Wang Ke downplayed, reaching out with a little finger.

  At this moment, everyone’s eyes widened. What is this person’s background, a little finger? Are you looking for death?


   There was a muffled sound, and a huge storm suddenly splashed around Wang Ke and the prisoner boss, and a large amount of smoke splashed into the sky.

  I saw that the prisoner boss and Wang Ke seemed to be still, motionless. Wang Ke still stretched out a little finger, but the casserole-sized fist of the prisoner boss was blocked by the little finger.

  Wang Ke smiled slightly, but the prisoner’s boss was suddenly sweating and looked at Wang Ke in horror.

  ”Boss Rabbit lied to me, Boss Rabbit lied to me?” The prisoner boss looked at Wang Ke in horror.

  The other twenty-nine prisoners changed their faces and were about to flee.

  ”Flee? Whoever flees, who I want to die!” Wang Ke said with a cold eyes.

  A group of prisoners who were about to escape suddenly changed their faces and stopped under their feet.

  ”This senior, we were also deceived!” a group of prisoners screamed in horror.

  Wang Ke was proud of his heart, and after all, he was calm. Haha!

  Original God Realm? This prisoner boss was only a middle-level in the Primordial God Realm. Although a punch made his cultivation level rise a lot, he did not allow himself to break through the first level after all. Therefore, it is still within the tolerance range.

   However, if you don’t handle it well this time, you will find faults a few times, but it will be troublesome and you must scare them all at once.

  ”The ignorant is fearless. You are indeed so. When the leader of the priest entered the floating prison, the envoy of Honglian and Huang Tianfeng personally sent me to jail! Both of them saw me and didn’t dare to follow me. Presumptuous, you guys? Haha, good, good, very good!” Wang Ke sneered.

  ”Wh, what?” A group of prisoners changed their faces.

  ”This matter should not be a secret. The floating prison is so loosely managed. It shouldn’t be difficult for you to talk to the jailer. Haven’t you asked the jailer about my background?” Wang Ke sneered.

  A group of prisoners looked stiff, everyone can indeed ask the jailer for advice, you are so unconcealed, are you really…?

  ”At the beginning, the Demon Emperor was presumptuous in front of me, knowing how to live and die, and was beaten to death by me. The blood was splattered, and the flesh of the Demon Emperor. I didn’t bother to eat it, and gave it to my subordinates? This time? I confessed my guilt and took the initiative to enter the floating prison to be quiet and quiet, tut! There are still people who don’t have eyes!” Wang Ke looked at a group of prisoners coldly.

  ”Senior, we don’t know, we were cheated!”

  ”It’s the rabbit boss, he lied to us!”

  ”I said why the boss didn’t come by himself, but let us come. He was killing someone with a knife!”

  ”Senior, we are innocent!”



   exclaimed a group of prisoners.

  ” By the way, your fist just now hurt my little finger. Now, let’s go the other way. I will punch you with all my strength. You use your little finger to receive my punch. If you can’t blow you up, then We’ll just clean up, how?” Wang Ke looked at the prisoner boss just now with a smile.

  The prisoner’s boss immediately stared at Wang Ke, his scalp exploded and his face was full of horror. Are you going to punch me with all your strength? You lose if you don’t beat it? What’s so special, the demon clan’s body is tyrannical, and the demon emperor was beaten to death by you. Can my little arms and legs stand it? Just now, your little finger blocked my full blow. Now, if you punch me with full strength, I won’t explode anymore.

  ”Senior forgive me, the villain deserves to die, senior, I have old fathers and mothers who are about to die, and my infant children to support. If I die, our family will be over. Please forgive me. Ah!” The prisoner’s boss knelt down immediately, begging for mercy with a look of despair.

  ”Senior, please spare your life!” Twenty-nine prisoners who came to find the fault also knelt down, shaking with fright.

  Where did this killer come from? Why are we so unlucky this time?

  PS: Three changes are over!

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