Indestructible God King Chapter 652: Give me face

  Ten Thousand Knife Combinations!

  The black fog covered the sky, killing intent everywhere. Although he was killing the Tiger Emperor just now, Huang Tianfeng still felt the boundless killing intent locked on him, as if as long as he moved, a huge sword would slash towards him.

  ”The ghost sword is opened?” Huang Tianfeng still squinted at the ghost sword in Princess Youyue’s hand.

  Huang Tianfeng’s persistent eyes made Wang Ke frown. What nerves does Huang Tianfeng make? Are all surrounded, still care about this sword? Are you going to die?

   “Huang Tianfeng, now you can catch it with your hands, otherwise, don’t blame me for being polite!” Cheng Baichuan said coldly.

  Cheng Baichuan waved his probing hand, and countless knives suddenly appeared around him, and a hundred-zhang knives gathered, seeming to cut towards Huang Tianfeng with Cheng Baichuan’s thought.

  Huang Tianfeng showed a murderous look, as if he didn’t care about the sword, his eyes were red staring at the ghost sword.

  This is not a good signal! Wang Ke frowned and thought.

  ”Wait a minute!” Wang Ke called out suddenly.

  ”Huh?” Cheng Baichuan looked at Wang Ke.

  Huang Tianfeng also frowned at Wang Ke.

   “Old Cheng, give me face, forget it, let him go!” Wang Ke said.

  ”Wh, what?” Cheng Baichuan stared at Wang Ke.

  Huang Tianfeng also stared at Wang Ke, what do you mean? You let Cheng Baichuan let me go?

  ”Old Cheng, you don’t know, these days I have been living in Lao Huang’s house. Although Lao Huang deliberately concealed his identity, he did a good job. He let me live with You Yue in the big house. His subordinates served me up and down, and even went around and let the whole town help me! Give me face, forget it, let Huang go!” Wang Ke persuaded.

  Wang can’t help not to persuade him, because of Huang Tianfeng’s posture, today he is going crazy to grab the ghost sword, how can this work?

  It’s not that Wang Ke doesn’t believe in Cheng Baichuan’s army. The key is that the real example is here. The Tiger Emperor escaped, even if he was seriously injured. Huang Tianfeng’s strength is equal to that of the Tiger Emperor. This is going crazy to grab the ghost sword, and then fleeing with serious injuries, then isn’t it a chicken fly, what can’t be found? What if he goes crazy again and hurts You Yue?

  Instead of fighting a dead fish and breaking the net, it is better to take a step back, Huang Tianfeng, you leave soon, and You Yue and I will return to the gods, and we will be fine by then.

  ”Wang Ke, he is the demon **** of the Great Evil Dynasty, how can he let him go?” Cheng Baichuan stared.

   “Old Cheng, you believe me, old yellow guys are good! Don’t kill them all!” Wang Ke desperately blinked at Cheng Baichuan.

  Can you not see the hint I gave you? I can’t say why I put Huang Tianfeng on it. If I say it, Huang Tianfeng has the support, and what should I do if he refuses to retreat?

Not far from   , Huang Tianfeng also looked at Wang Ke with a twitching face: “Wang Ke, you are crazy, who wants you to give face?”

  ”Lao Huang, don’t be stubborn, and go! I’ll stop you, Lao Cheng and I still have some friendship, hurry up!” Wang Ke urged.

  Cheng Baichuan: “…………!”

  Huang Tianfeng: “…………!”

  ”You can’t let him go, he is a great demon god, and if you can’t catch it, you can’t let him run!” the third prince cried weakly.

  ”Ximenjing, plug his mouth for me, what’s the matter, it’s your turn to speak here? No big or small!” Wang Ke stared at the third prince.

  The third prince stared at Wang Ke, who was so big or not?

  ”Old Huang, hurry up, hurry up, they will change their minds later!” Wang Ke urged.

  Huang Tianfeng’s face twitched: “Wang Ke, this demon **** has not fallen to the pitiful state of a Nascent Soul!”

  ”Old Huang, why are you so stubborn? Who pity you? I just think you are a good person and want to recognize you as a friend. Do you have persecution paranoia? Don’t go!” Wang Ke urged.

  Huang Tianfeng: “………………!”

   “Wang Ke, it is not your turn to direct the important affairs of the country! The devil cannot be released!” Cheng Baichuan said coldly.

  ”Old Cheng, your task is to capture the soldiers and the soldiers. Have you ever gotten orders to kill the devil? The two great dynasties have just ended their war a few years ago. The evil dynasty officially established diplomatic relations between the two countries and established diplomatic relations for peace. If you kill the devil, what will it be? Will you provoke a new war between the two dynasties? Can you afford this kind of diplomatic responsibility? You Have you asked the Prime Minister for instructions? You didn’t get the order from your superiors to kill the big figures in your friends here. What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?” Wang Ke scolded.

  Cheng Baichuan looked at Wang Ke with a black face, where is your special mother?

  ”Lao Huang, well, Lao Cheng has been persuaded by me. You go, hurry up, what are you doing in a daze?” Wang Ke urged with a hate of iron and steel.

  Huang Tianfeng’s face twitched. He was already ready for the battle. Now Wang Ke’s persuasion, what do you want me to do?

  ”If you want me to go, you can also return the ghost sword to me!” Huang Tianfeng said coldly.

  Huang Tianfeng is strange to Wang Ke’s attitude, but his mind is still very calm. Naturally it is impossible to forget one’s own purpose.

  ”Old Huang, you are too much, what is the ghost sword to return to you? Our ghost sword is taken from the tiger emperor’s hands, and not from your hands. When will it become yours? Why are you so unreasonable? It’s yours, we don’t want it, it’s not yours, what do you want from us?” Wang Ke stared.

  What a joke, this is one of the three best betrothal gifts for me to marry Youyue. I’ve given it to you. What do I take to marry a wife?

  ”I gave him the Tiger Emperor’s Ghost Sword. I have been guarding it for thirty years. I cannot leave without taking the Ghost Sword!” Huang Tianfeng said coldly.

  ”Yes, your ghost sword is given to the tiger king, you should ask the tiger king, what are you looking for us to do? It is the ghost sword that the tiger king owes you, and it is not the ghost sword that we owe you. You are looking for the wrong It’s human! It’s like, you lent the money to the Tiger Emperor. If you don’t ask the Tiger Emperor for debt, what are you doing with us? We don’t owe you!” Wang Ke stared.

  ”Wang Ke, don’t play word games for me. This sword is mine from the beginning!” Huang Tianfeng said coldly.

  ”At the beginning? You said at the beginning, then let’s calculate the beginning, where did you get this ghost sword? At the beginning, it belonged to the Dashan Dynasty. What does it have to do with you! “Wang Ke stared.

  ”Hehe, Wang Ke, if you don’t give it, I will grab it too!” Huang Tianfeng said grimly.

  ”If you dare to grab, I won’t help you escape safely!” Wang Ke stared.

  Huang Tianfeng looked at Wang Ke with a black face: “Do you think they can stop me? Have something to come!”

  While speaking, Huang Tianfeng went straight to Princess You Yue.

  ”Cut!” Cheng Baichuan cried out.


  The huge knife gang slashed on Huang Tianfeng’s body.


  Huang Tianfeng was suddenly affected by this huge impact, and his body retreated. Crashed a mountain. Roll up the dust.

  Wang Ke guarded You Yue behind him, he was also surprised, Huang Tianfeng, you are running fast!

   “The ghost and **** sword is mine, no one wants to take it!” Huang Tianfeng vomited blood and charged straight again.

  ”What? Don’t run away for him, cut from behind him!” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed with wide eyes.


  A Baizhang Daogang chased from behind Huang Tianfeng.

   Wang Ke’s face changed. Huang Tianfeng, you are so crazy. The Tiger King just took the opportunity to run, and you also took the opportunity to run away. If you don’t run, do you want to grab the ghost sword? Don’t hurt me and You Yue!

   Just as Wang Ke nervously watched that Baizhang Daogang cut to Huang Tianfeng, a shout suddenly came not far away.

  ”Devil, no!” The shout was extremely intense.

  Wang Ke turned his head, but saw that the group of Huang Tianfeng’s family members didn’t know when they got in and wanted to stop it, but they couldn’t stop it. He watched the sword slash towards Huang Tianfeng.

  ”Huang Tianfeng’s group of family members, why are they here? No, they have mixed into this group of black armor. They just rushed to lock and unlock the armor. Is it fake?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

   However, they saw that the group of family members loosened their understanding of Bingjia and other evil demons, and the moment the Disbanding A was out of trouble, they did not worry about Huang Tianfeng.

  ”Catch the thief first, catch the king, hurry, hold the third prince and Princess Youyue, let them cast a rat-avoidance weapon, hurry!” The Liberator yelled.

  In an instant, a group of demons struggled to get hurt and rushed towards You Yue and Third Prince.

  The disarming armour is very close to Wang Ke and You Yue, so it seems to be close.

  ”Fill the arrow!” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed with a change of expression.

  Cheng Baichuan did not expect that the army he had brought was actually mixed with evil spirits? At this critical moment, he almost fell short of his success.


  A lot of arrows rained from the fog, but it was still a bit slower, and the Disband Armor was too close to Princess Youyue. It seemed that Princess You Yue was about to be caught.

  This sudden shock made Wang Ke’s expression change.

  ”Relief Armor, your uncle!” Wang Ke shouted depressedly.

  While yelling, the only thing Wang Ke could do was to throw Princess Youyue away.

   “Old Cheng, protect You Yue!” Wang Ke roared depressed.


   Princess Youyue, who was already weak, fluttered out instantly.

  ”Wang Ke!” Flying in the air, Princess You Yue exclaimed.

  ”Wang Ke, you **** it!” A roar of grief and indignation was made by the Armed Forces Armor.

  Catch Youyue Princess but didn’t catch it, and the Disarming Armor was able to catch Wang Ke.

  ”Boom!” “Boom!”

  Two arrow feathers are inserted into the body of the understanding soldier.

  At this moment, Huang Tianfeng was also hit by Baizhang Daogang.

   “The Devil!” a group of Jiading cried out in horror.


  The huge impact caused Huang Tianfeng to vomit blood instantly, and his back was severed with a huge blade.

  Huang Tianfeng desperately wants to **** the Ghost Sword, and at this moment he has no life. Pounce on where Wang Ke is. Originally wanted to **** the Ghost Divine Sword, but didn’t want to, Wang Ke threw Princess You Yue away.

  In this way, Wang Ke bears the brunt of the reconciliation of the soldiers, and was hit by the inertia from Huang Tianfeng.



  Wang Ke’s reconciliation soldiers screamed, and along with Huang Tianfeng, they crashed into another mountain in the distance.


  There was a loud noise, and the mountain was knocked down.

   “Wang Ke!” Princess You Yue exclaimed.


  Cheng Baichuan flicked his sleeves and supported the thrown Princess Youyue with the wind.

  All of this is in the midst of sparks and fire, too fast, so fast that many people have no time to react.

  The demons who had just escaped were once again pierced by a large amount of arrow rain.

  These demons just attracted the attention of the arrow rain around them, but the family members took the opportunity to rush to the land where Huang Tianfeng collided with the mountain peak.

   “The Devil!” A group of Jiading rushed in.

  ”Quick, quick, surround the place, don’t let any of them run away!” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed.

  ”Take out all the magic weapons and explode! Open the way for the devil!” I don’t know which Jiading shouted.


  A loud noise rang out there, but I saw that the land of the mountain that had just been collapsed was exploded again, and the entire mountainside exploded. The terrifying explosion caused the army to be shaken, nearby The soldiers exploded because of the explosion.

  The sky is full of smoke and dust, and the surrounding mountains are all shaken by the earth.

  Countless soldiers avoided this big explosion.

  Wait for the shattered rocks to disappear, Cheng Baichuan suddenly jumped up.

  ”Quick, quick, don’t run away for them!” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed.

  ”My lord, they blasted a gap in the big formation. They have already run away. They have entered the realm of the Great Evil Dynasty!” a soldier shouted.

  ”What? Where is Wang Ke?” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed.

   “Huang Tianfeng seems to be seriously injured and unconscious, Wang Ke was also taken away by them, and they have entered the realm of the Great Evil Dynasty together, flying farther and farther!” A soldier over there said anxiously.

  ”I can’t run for them, hurry, I can’t run for them!” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed.

  ”Wang Ke, save Wang Ke!” Princess You Yue exclaimed.

  PS: First!

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