Indestructible God King Chapter 650: The oriole is behind

  Zombies, skeletons, ghosts!

  The appearance of countless army of ghosts gave Wang Ke, Simon Jing, Mouse King, and the Third Prince a lesson. I used to think that there were no ghosts in the world. This scene completely subverted everyone’s three views.

  Ghosts, so close!

  ”Ghost Sword? Command the army of thousands of ghosts, listen to the order? Puff, what a ghost sword!” A bitterness flashed in the eyes of the third prince.

  Although he was seriously injured and weak, the third prince still couldn’t hide his unwillingness.

  ”A Bing, don’t be sour, the ghost **** sword has already recognized the lord of my house, Youyue, you have a bad mind, don’t blame me, you are welcome!” Wang Ke stared at the third prince.

  ”What do you call me? A, A, Bing?” The third prince stared at Wang Ke.

  ”What is your name, Ah Bing? Can you still call you old ginger? Don’t think I take advantage of you. If you didn’t save Youyue and got my approval just now, I wouldn’t call it!” Wang Ke stared. Tao.

  ”You called me A Bing because you gave me face?” The third prince stared.

  Why should I thank you? Growing up, who would dare to call me Bing? You are so bored.

  ”Okay, Bing, I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you. Youyue urges the Ghost Sword, which seems to consume a lot. This Ghost Sword is not very good, and the host needs to contribute? It won’t show off its own power. Ah!” Wang Ke frowned and looked at You Yue, who was sweating on his forehead, with a distressed expression on his face.

  ”Do you want the magic weapon to do your own work? The magic weapon owner sits and enjoys it? Are you dreaming!” The third prince stared in contempt.

  ”What dreams, my magic weapon is like this, the seal of the **** king, if I give merit, it will work hard to suppress others. Fix the light mirror, if I give some money, it will work hard to anchor others. My big Luo Jin Bo, I exempt it from renting it. It flies over and hits people on its nose. It doesn’t require me to bother!” Wang Ke said.

  My great sun is immortal sword, so it is, it is great for giving merit.

  ”Uh!” The third prince’s face became stiff.

   special, why are your magic weapons with this temperament? Do it by yourself?

  ”Take people’s money and help them eliminate disasters. The magic weapon should have this self-consciousness. After taking my merits, spiritual stones, and rent, do you want me to work hard with it? I paid the money. Ah! My magic weapon knows the rules better. Those magic weapons of yours are all used to you, and the owner of the magic weapon should accompany it to fight together, just like your golden ring is broken, and you have to go back to your master. , Are you raising an uncle? What about your dignity?” Wang Ke stared.

  The third prince stared at Wang Ke, really wanting to scold the king for bragging, but look at the fixed-light mirror at this moment. Wang Ke keeps giving it spirit stones and money. It does not involve Wang Ke at all. , How well-behaved, know the rules. Think about it again. Just now, the Golden Ring of Geng Bing broke apart and suffered a serious injury. It’s really Bao Bi Bao, so annoying!

  ”You Yue, how are you?” Wang Ke looked at Princess You Yue distressed and worried.

  ”This is the first time I have used the ghost sword, and I am still a little unfamiliar. I am almost out of strength!” Princess Youyue showed anxious expression.

  ”Quickly, very quickly, they are all overwhelmed by ghosts in the Disarmed Armor, and there are screams everywhere, they should be almost dead!” Wang Ke frowned.

  At this moment, there are zombies, skeletons, and ghosts everywhere. The three thousand black armored soldiers have been completely submerged, and there are screams and weak calls for help. The whole army is about to be overwhelmed. Up.

  ”Me, I will hold on for a while!” Princess You Yue means.

  Speaking, Princess Youyue fully urged the Ghost Divine Sword, so she persisted for a long time.

  The purple light on the ghost sword suddenly converged.

  ”I can’t do it anymore!” You Yue’s body suddenly softened and she was about to fall down.

  ”You Yue!” Wang Ke stepped forward to support the limp Princess You Yue.


  At the moment when Princess You Yue stopped urging the ghost sword, the red light in the eyes of all the skeletons disappeared, and they fell to the ground instantly, as if they had lost all their strength, and turned into a pile of dead bones scattered on the ground.

  The same is true for a group of zombies, they fell straight to the ground in an instant, becoming the most common decayed corpse. There were only two zombies. The red light flashed in their eyes, as if they were under control and suddenly gained freedom. They looked around blankly. , And then dived into the ground in horror.


  The two zombies dived into the soil and disappeared.

  The ghosts all around can suddenly control themselves, and they fled away in fright.

  In a blink of an eye, there are only countless bones and countless corpses around the valley.

  Wang Ke supported Princess Youyue, looked at the ghost sword in her hand, and said weirdly: “You ghost sword is specially used for plowing people’s ancestors’ graves? This Yinshan tomb was summoned by this. Planed?”

  ”I, I don’t know too!” Princess Youyue showed confusion.

  ”It’s okay. Go back and study it slowly. After all, you ghost sword is better than my brother’s blind sword. The ghost sword has ploughed the graves of people’s ancestors at most, and my brother’s blind sword even cuts the sword master! Take your time, Study slowly, let’s get out of here soon!” Wang Ke said while holding Princess You Yue.

  ”Well, listen to you!” Princess You Yue nodded.

  ”Lord, take me with you! There are ghosts here, I’m afraid!” The rat king said in a panic.

  Wang Ke stared at Mouse King: “Now there are no ghosts, you are afraid of wool! You are a demon, and you are also afraid of ghosts? My hands are already holding Youyue, and I don’t have hands to hold you!”

  On the side, Third Prince, Ximenjing, and Mouse King all twitched their faces and watched Wang Ke about to run with You Yue. what should we do?


   Suddenly, a loud roar came from a group of dry bones.

  In an instant, a **** figure appeared from the dead bones.

  ”Isn’t this a ghost? Isn’t this a ghost? Mistress, quickly drive this ghost away, he rushed over!” The Rat King exclaimed.

  ”Damn, damn, I will kill you!” The **** figure roared at Wang Ke.

  ”It’s not a ghost, it’s a Liberator? He’s not dead yet?” Ximen Jing exclaimed.


  Not only one of the dead bones crawled out of the understanding armor, but from the other dead bones, there were also black armored soldiers. These soldiers were not tragic, all the armors were torn apart, and countless people were bitten by ghosts. The wound, the whole person is in shape, and even the bones in the flesh and blood can be seen in many places. It is not tragic.

  ”I killed you, I killed you!”

  All the black-armored warriors who climbed up from the pile of bones all rushed towards Wang Ke and Princess Youyue.

  Wang Ke’s face darkened, and he was about to run away holding Princess Youyue: “Disarming, don’t you heal your wounds first? I have bitten so many wounds, prone to tetanus, what are you doing after me?”

  Wang Ke ran away holding Princess Youyue, the third prince, Ximenjing, and the mouse king stared, me, what shall we do?

  Just when a group of **** soldiers was about to chase Wang Ke.


  A feather of an arrow shot out from the fog instantly, pierced the nearest disarming armour in an instant, and its immense strength drove the disarmed armour into flying instantly, hitting a boulder fiercely. Nailed to the boulder.

  ”Wh, what?” Liberator exclaimed.

  ”Shoo!” “Shoo!” “Shoo!”………

  A series of arrow feathers shot from all directions, directed at the **** soldiers in the four directions, they all knocked them off, and they were cruelly nailed to the four boulders.

  ”This, this is…!” The people who were nailed to the boulder by the arrow feathers looked at the arrow feathers in their chests in horror.

  ”Who?” Wang Ke also exclaimed.

  The more than three hundred soldiers who crawled out of the bone pile were nailed to death by a large number of arrow feathers in a blink of an eye? Is someone helping me?


   There was a sound of footsteps, but I saw that the valley was once again surrounded by countless black armored soldiers, each holding a bow and arrow and a long knife, and his eyes were full of murderous air.

  ”Be surrounded again? Are you a soldier in black armor again?” Wang Ke was surprised.

  ”I’m great, the garrison stationed near Yinshan Mountain? Is this the real garrison?” Ximen Jing looked at the group of black armored soldiers in surprise.

  ”The third prince, Princess Youyue, the **** of the servants is late, but I hope to forgive me!” A voice came from not far away among the black armored warriors.

  But I saw a group of soldiers guarding a man in white, walking slowly.

  ”Cheng Baichuan?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

  Cheng Baichuan saw Wang Ke and smiled: “Wang Ke, haha, didn’t you expect it? You actually know my portrait, and thousands of people are looking for me, the most beautiful man in the world!”

  ”The portrait of Huang Tianfeng is you? Are you narcissistically retouching your own portrait? Cheng Baichuan, why is that portrait so like you? Are you sick, give me your own portrait, do you know? I know, I almost killed me!” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

   “Ah, haha, sorry, sorry, I got it wrong that day! Besides, are you okay?” Cheng Baichuan immediately apologized.

  ”It’s okay, but you look at the people here, how miserable!” Wang Ke stared.

  ”Don’t worry, everything is under my control!” Cheng Baichuan said with a smile.

  Wang Ke’s face blackened: “Where are you in your control? How crazy they were in the disarmed armour, do you know?”

   “Know, know, I have been monitoring him since the jail, this time in order to catch these big fish, it is not easy, thanks to you, I will write down your achievements together when I look back !” Cheng Baichuan immediately apologized.

  Wang Ke raised his brows: “What do you mean?”

  ”It’s not what I meant, but the prime minister’s meaning!” Cheng Baichuan said immediately.

  ”Ximen is going well?” Wang Ke raised his brows.

  ”Yes, some time ago, there were border guards who died bizarrely in the frontier. The prime minister guessed that demons had mixed into the army and went offline. Those who were willing to enter the demons continued to lurch, and those who did not want to enter the demons died in the military. Therefore, the Prime Minister wanted to thoroughly investigate the evil spirits in the army, but couldn’t make a big fanfare, so he used a trick to lead the snake out of the hole, and let the Disband Armor find all the demons in the army. The Disband Armor did it, one-time, and help us. The three thousand lurking demons in the army have all been found!” Cheng Baichuan said.

  ”Cheng Baichuan? You, you, I escaped from the prison. It was you deliberately setting up a situation to let me chase Wang Ke and help you find the lurking demons? I said why I always feel that someone is watching us, I feel right, you have been following me all the time?” Sergeant Armor exclaimed.

  ”Yes, a game set by the prime minister to lead the snake out of the hole. I, Cheng Baichuan, will be responsible for coordinating and executing everything. The way you find Wang Ke is provided by us. The first time you deploy demons from the army, we have already All I know, this second time, you actually mobilized three thousand demons out, and it really scared us. You are really unscrupulous. Over the years, you have developed so many offline. If it were not for the prime minister’s vigilance, This Yinshan garrison is going to be swallowed by you all? It’s dangerous!” Cheng Baichuan said with an ugly expression.

  ”In other words, not only did I fail to break my merits, but I also exposed more lurking demons, adding sin to sin? Simon counted me once? He counted me a second time? All my actions, Are all under your supervision, step by step in your trap? No, no, I don’t want to be a sinner, I’m fighting with you!” The Liberator was about to rush in horror.

  ”Boom, boom, boom…………!”

   is another series of arrow feathers, which firmly nailed the disbanding armour to the big rock.

  ”The prime minister strategizes, it is your honor to calculate you! Humph! With you, I want to escape the palm of the prime minister and dream!” Cheng Baichuan sneered.

  Wang Ke stared at the side: “That is to say, You Yue and I came to Yinshan to find the Ghost Sword. It was Ximen Shunshui who deliberately told the Disarmed Armor? Let You Yue and I be the bait to attract the demons to encircle us. ? Then you will kill all the demons in one go? What is it, why Simon Shunshui is so damaged? I’m still helping him with the children, and he actually counts me?”

  ”The prime minister asked me to accompany you and Princess Youyue as a gift, saying that it’s a matter of great kindness to the people of the world. This time I will use it without notice. It is indeed a bit sorry for you, but the prime minister said that he will do his best to compensate you. Do your best to help you and Princess You Yue get married!” Cheng Baichuan said.

  Wang Ke’s face is black. Is this giving a sweet date with a stick?

  Although he was a little unhappy in his heart, at this moment, Wang Ke had to admit that Ximen’s smooth flow was really amazing! It’s no wonder that you can be a great good prime minister. This yin person uses a set of methods.

  PS: Second!

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