Indestructible God King Chapter 640: Crash Therapy

Outside Yinbeixian Town!

Ximenjing hid in a dark place, staring at the mayor’s mansion from a distance, her eyes full of expectation.

“Father said I’m stupid in my practice and can’t use tricks? My trick is to kill someone with a knife? Humph, Wang Ke, this time you are dead. The formation that this group of demons almost used that day, I I know they are not easy, I see how you died this time!” Ximen Jing waited expectantly.

Ximenjing hoped that Wang could die, but she did not hope that Princess Youyue would die.

“The princess has the magic weapon of the good emperor, it should be able to last a while, when the time comes, I will save the princess, if it can’t be saved, I will notify the nearby garrison, haha, Wang Ke, you are dead!” Ximen Jing There was a hideous color on his face.

I saw that at the mayor’s house in the distance, the original white mist suddenly gathered and turned into pitch black, as if a black mist enveloped the mayor’s house.

“This is a hands-on? Black Mist? Is it a military formation, Wandaohui one kill formation? No way, in order to deal with Wang Ke, this group of demons used such a killing formation? This is at least one hundred and eight. A strong person above the Nascent Soul Realm can do it at the same time, or countless magic weapons arrays, this, this, this…, this is really great, hahaha, even if the Martial God Realm enters, it’s hard to figure it out, Wang Ke died. It’s settled, hahaha, hahahaha!” Ximen Jing was shaking with excitement.

Just as Ximen Jing was excited, a voice suddenly came from behind Ximen Jing.

“Ximengjing, what are you doing?” There was a chopped drink.

Ximen Jing was taken aback: “Did I have auditory hallucinations? How did I hear Wang Ke’s voice?”

“What’s your question? Didn’t I ask you to go to Yinshan to search for Huang Tianfeng? What are you doing here? You got blood covered in blood, and you were smirking all by yourself. Are you mentally abnormal?” Wang But the voice came again.

Ximeng Jing finally turned her head in a daze.

I saw Wang Ke, Princess Youyue, and Rat King staring at themselves together. It looked like he was looking at a fool.

“Wang, Wang, Wang Ke? You, you, why are you here?” Ximen Jing exclaimed, staring.

“Are you going crazy? What’s wrong with me here? The blood on your body is your own? You are hurt like this, and you still smirk on your stomach? Are you sick? You don’t care about the true essence blood. Tell me, give it to me, this can be sold for money. What are you doing?” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

Ximen Jing: “………………!”

Ximeng Jing has been determined, this, this is not a dream, this is a real king.

But, special, why is Wang Ke here?

“Wang, Wang Ke…!” Ximen Jing looked at Wang Ke incredulously.

“Ah, you are not old or young anymore, don’t you see that I don’t call the teacher, am I going to write your disrespectful teacher in a small book, tell your father, let your father smoke you? “Wang Ke scolded, staring.

Ximen Jing: “…………!”

“Ximen Jing, what Wang Ke would like to ask you, why are you hiding here if you don’t go to Yinshan? Just now, what were you laughing at?” Princess You Yue curiously asked.

“Me!” Ximen Jing looked at the dark fog of the mayor’s house in the distance, not knowing how to explain it for a while.

“Huh? Isn’t the mayor’s house white mist before? How did it become black mist? The smoke array we arranged was moved by the mayor?” Princess You Yue asked in surprise.

“The Mayor Huang’s family is just an ordinary small family. They know what formations they must have encountered, and they must leave them alone!” Wang Ke said.

Ximen Jing: “…………!”

“Lord, here is the hole, I will seal it up first?” The Rat King sealed a tunnel hole on the side with a big stone.

It turns out that the three of Wang Ke came out of this tunnel just now, but as soon as they came out, they saw Ximen Jing lying there smirking.

Ximengjing looked at the tunnel for a long time, when did it happen?

“Well, You Yue and I inspected your tunnel just now, Rat King, your tunnel is not good. It is easy to collapse. Turn around and get some reinforced concrete to reinforce it! Don’t hurt yourself someday !” Wang Ke solemnly ordered.

“Yes!” Rat King responded.

Wang Ke turned his head to look at Ximen Jing: “You haven’t said yet, why did you drop it? You’re covered in blood, and you’re still smiling?”

Ximen Jing: “………………!”

“You mean?” Princess You Yue also asked.

“Ximenjing: “………………! “

It’s not that I don’t say it, it’s that I can’t say it, what do I say now?

“Could it be that you hurt yourself? It’s okay to kill yourself with a slashed wrist here and still laugh so happy?” Wang Ke looked at Ximen Jing in astonishment.

Ximen Jing: “………………!”

“Wang Ke, you said he was happy for self-harm, it’s impossible, isn’t it?” Princess You Yue asked in astonishment.

“Mother, in fact, I have seen Simon Jing’s situation too! What the Lord said is really possible!” Rat King said from the side.

“Oh? Self-harm is still happy? There are people like this?” Princess You Yue asked in astonishment.

“I’ve seen a kind of people before, they like to hurt their bodies, and even use a knife to cut their flesh to bleed. The more they hurt their bodies, the more excited and happy they are. I don’t know what Reason! But I saw it with my own eyes!” Rat King recalled.

“There is such a person? Isn’t this neuropathy? Happy with self-harm?” You Yue said in astonishment.

“Hey, You Yue, you don’t understand. The Rat King is right. This is a mental illness. Most of these people have no passion for life, and they become numb to emotions and everything. However, they don’t want to be so numb, they will try to find some excitement in life. However, it is very difficult for them to feel stimulated. Only by self-mutilation and self-abuse, through hurting their own body, can they get a sense of excitement and excitement. Excitement, self-harm is mild, serious people will eat some filthy things to get short-term excitement and excitement!” Wang Ke said.

“You said that Ximenjing is now suffering from a mental illness. This is still mild. When it becomes serious, he will still take X!” The Mouse King exclaimed.

“The world is so big, there are no wonders. Didn’t you see it with your own eyes before? This is not a ready-made example? Just now, didn’t we all see it?” Wang Ke said.

“Huh?” Princess Youyue and the Rat King cast pitying eyes to Ximen Jing.

Ximenjing’s face twitched for a while, you are mentally ill, you are numb, and you want to take X. Fuck your mother!

“Oh, your father will hand you over to me. I can’t just sit idly by as a teacher. The teacher will help you today. Let’s go. Let’s take you to see some stimulating things! Hope to be treated by stimulation. Click on you!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“What can irritate me?” Ximen Jing asked rhetorically at the moment.

“Ghost!” Wang Ke said.

“What?” Ximen Jing was taken aback.

“Ghost! Exciting? Come with us, later, you will go ahead! Let you stimulate enough at a time, maybe it can cure your mental illness!” Wang Ke looked forward to.

Ximen Jing: “………………!”

“Damn, can he be cured?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Most of the methods for mental illnesses are to rely on mental stimulation. It is necessary to stimulate him enough at one time to completely activate his numbness! Commonly known as’collapse therapy’, he may be ignited in life as soon as he collapses. The new hope will naturally be fine when the time comes!” Wang Ke thought for a while.

Ximen Jing: “…………!”

Go to Tema’s collapse therapy, I’m not sick! Are you sick?

“Wang Ke, you know so much!” Princess Youyue looked at Wang Ke with pride and admiration.

“Of course! Ximen Jing is the only one who can help him with this disease. Who will let me be his teacher? Let’s go! Rat King, you lead the way!” Wang Ke urged.

“Okay, let’s go, I’ll take you to the hell, Ximen Jing, you go ahead!” The Rat King pulled Ximen Jing and rushed forward.

Ximen Jing: “………………!”

Ximen Jing was angry and wanted to scold him, but he had just designed to frame Wang Ke. He was guilty and didn’t dare to argue, for fear of exposing his previous evil plan. I can only suppress this sulking anger, and go to find a ghost with the rat king!


Yin Beixian Town! Mayor’s Mansion!


In the killing burst of Ten Thousand Blades, the outside world seemed to be shrouded in black mist, and the internal movement was not even heard. However, the inside was roaring and killings occurred everywhere.

“Ah!” “Ah!” “Don’t kill me!” “No!”

“The disarming armour, I was hurt by you!”

“Asshole, become a demon!”





After a series of battles, it wasn’t until the group of people brought by Disband Armor turned into the form of evil spirits that Mayor Huang’s face changed during the battle.



Mayor Huang waved his detective hand and a loud noise crushed everyone. The war is over.

“Why are you demons?” Mayor Huang stared in anger.

I was preconceived just now, thinking that Wang Ke came to design to kill himself, so he didn’t ask so much and just slaughtered him, but who would think, this is a monster?

Sailor Armor vomited blood and looked at the surrounding battlefields. Most of the 108 demons he brought with him were dead, and the rest were seriously injured. He also vomited blood. I knew it from the first battle. I hit the iron plate, but I didn’t expect that the person in front of me suddenly stopped doing it.


“You, who are you?” Dissolve Armor looked at Mayor Huang in horror.

On the side, Jiading’s expression changed suddenly: “The Devil, he is a disbander, and there is a portrait of him in the intelligence that just came. It is the disbander of my great evil dynasty, how could it be him?”

“The Devil?” Disarming Armor was taken aback.

I was fighting the demon **** just now?

Suddenly, the Liberation Armor was excited: “You, are you the Huang Tianfeng Demon God among the three demon gods?”

“Do you recognize me?” Mayor Huang said coldly.

“No, I have seen the other two demon gods below, but I have never seen you, the yellow demon god, what happened just now, what happened just now…, the yellow devil god, the king is guilty of death, why should you help him! “Jiebingjia said anxiously.

“Who helped Wang Ke? Disarming Armor, what are you talking nonsense? We thought you and Wang Ke were here to calculate ours!” The family stared.

“How could I, Wang Ke and I have no common grudges!” Jie Bingjia said depressed while vomiting blood.

Mayor Huang looked at the house. That Ding’s expression also changed, and he immediately recounted the incident of the previous attack by Ximen Jing.

For an instant, the confusion in everyone’s eyes became even greater.

“Could it be that Ximen Jing found you, he wanted to kill Wang Ke and kill with a knife?” Jie Bingjia frowned.

The Jie Bingjia was worthy of being a book of the Ministry of War in the past, and everything was analyzed in an instant.

“Can Ximen Jing want to kill the king? To kill with a knife?” Mayor Huang revealed a suspicion.

“It must be, Ximen Jing and Wang Ke have a big feud, he must be killing someone with a knife!” Jie Bingjia said firmly.

At this moment, another family member suddenly rushed into the black mist.

“Ah, demon god, this is, what’s wrong with this? This mansion has been razed to the ground?” the family screamed.

Mayor Huang looked around. Because of the war just now, the entire mayor’s mansion has been completely razed to the ground. If this can be lurking, it will be a hell. I have been lurking for decades, but after all I can’t lurch anymore? Blame this **** Wang Ke!

“Why are you back?” The injured family member asked in a puzzled way.

“I want to ask you again. Didn’t you mean to lie to Wang Ke, Princess Youyue, and Ximen Jing to go to Yinshan to ambush us? I just saw Wang Ke and a few of them entered Yinshan!” Jia Ding said.

“What? They went to Yinshan by themselves?” The previous Ding was taken aback.

“Yes, Yinshan Mountain is foggy. I didn’t have time to call them. They were gone. They didn’t go to our ambush. What’s your situation?” said Jia Ding who had just arrived.

“The Jie Bingjia said that Wang Ke and Ximen Jing were at odds, and they even borrowed the knife to kill. They were together?” the former Jiading asked.

“Yes, I think they talked and laughed along the way, where is the difference?” Jia Ding who had just arrived was puzzled.

Solder Armor glared at the side. Did I guess wrong? It doesn’t make sense. After Ximen Jing set up the bureau, how could he still talk and laugh with Wang Keyou? I have died and dozens of demons’ subordinates, are they talking and laughing? This, this is not logical!

PS: First!

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