Indestructible God King Chapter 626: Ribu Youshilang

  In the palace! Entrance of Yeezheng Hall.

  Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao looked at each other.

  ”What’s the situation? In this palace, all the warriors in the Temple of War were stopped. I can understand. A group of officials summoned you as the champion, and I can understand, but why let me come with you? ?” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

  ”You ask me, how do I know?” Wang Ke stared and Zhang Zhengdao.

  ”Two, the prime minister and all the adults have been waiting for a long time, please!” an official came forward and invited.

  Wang Ke was slightly puzzled, but followed Zhang Zhengdao into the Palace of Discussion.

  In the Yeezheng Palace, at this moment, it is indeed full of officials, headed by the two grandmaster chairs in the north, Ximen sits on the right chair along the water, the left chair is empty, and both sides are full of grandmaster chairs. At this moment, a large number of officials are sitting. Of course, Among them were some old acquaintances of Wang Ke. Wang Youli, Cheng Baichuan, and Cao Xiong were all listed, and even Qian Duoduo was sitting on both sides.

  At this moment, all the officials did not speak, and they watched Ximen Shunshui on the chair of the Zhengbei Taishi and drank tea together.

  ”Xinke champion, Wang Ke? The champion parade, don’t you feel good!” Ximen put down the tea cup smoothly, and narrowed his eyes to Wang Kedao.

  Ximen Shunshui naturally said that Wang Ke advertised Shenwang Company.

  Wang Ke also understood, but at this time, those who should shake the pot still have to shake the pot.

  ”It’s not bad, everything is arranged according to the officials of the staff. I have reported every behavior to the officials of the staff. It’s a pity that I can only parade for a long time. Some are not very happy!” Wang Ridiculously.

  All the officials all around looked at Wang Ke with a black face, and let me parade for a long time. I don’t want the face of Dashan officialdom anymore.

  ”Since it was allowed by the officials of the ministries, the ministries can only be responsible for this accident!” Ximen looked at a group of ministries officials along the water.

  ”The prime minister puts an end to his anger!” A group of officials were suddenly panicked.

  Ximen glanced coldly at the water, but didn’t give all the officials a good face.

  ”Report, Wang Ke’s next official position!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Ximen…, Prime Minister Ximen, you don’t need to care about the official position you are in. I heard that the emperor told you the conditions for me to marry Princess Youyue? Could you please make it clear?” Wang Ke is the first step. Tao.

  The officials looked at Wang Ke in surprise, you really don’t care about official positions at all? Before the palace exam, are you serious?

  ”Wait for the announcement!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”But…!” Wang Ke still refused.

   Ximen said in a deep voice, “The princess is in the side hall at this moment. I wait for the conversation to be in the ears of the princess. After the announcement, the officer will tell you the emperor’s decision!”

  Wang Ke was taken aback, You Yue was in the next room? There is a sound barrier here, I can’t feel it myself.

   However, since I will talk about Youyue right away, I feel relieved. Isn’t it just being an official? I just resign if I don’t like it later.

  ” Wang Ke, the number one scholar in the current division, has won four yuan. He is fortunate to be a great literary literary, and he has done great work in eliminating demons in the Temple of Goodness. Today, he is awarded the title of right minister of the Ministry of Wang Keli. The dignity of the great good, defend the territory of the great good, and don’t forget the heart of serving the country!” an official of the official said solemnly.

  ”Ribu Youshilang? Is the third grade?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment on the side.

  Not far away, there are official robes and big seals sent by officials from the ministries.

  ”This…!” Wang Ke was also puzzled.

  The third product? What do you mean?

  Wang can look at Wang Youli not far away.

  ”The emperor appointed you to be the third rank. The official tried to win you! Wang Ke, I said surprise you, what do you think?” Wang Youli smiled while touching his beard.

  Wang Youli finished speaking, Cao Xiong, Cheng Baichuan, Qian Duoduo and others rolled their eyes at Wang Youli. What are you striving for? How popular is the king said, and are you still fighting for the past? Especially, when Wang Ke was assigned a position, no one wanted it! You have to let Wang Ke go to the Ministry of Rites if you are crazy

  ”Really? That’s really hard work!” Wang Ke said with a strange expression.

  Wang Ke’s appearance, there is no surprise, as if he didn’t care much.

  ”Please put blood on this document!” the official explained.

  Wang Ke dropped his blood on the document and saw a flash of red light.


  Wang Ke felt as if he was locked in by something, his face suddenly changed and he became alert.

  A golden light fell from the sky and instantly enveloped Wang Ke.

  ”What!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

  The next moment, Wang Ke’s expression changed: “Bonus? Is it innate merit? So many?”

  Wang Ke immediately took out the fixing lens, and incorporated the innate merits that flooded into his body into the fixing lens.

  ”How can there be merit? This time, more than I have collected in half a year?” Wang Ke was surprised.

  ”It is a gift from you when you enter the post, with a positive grade 3 or above, and you will receive merits and salaries every year!” Wang Youli explained.

   “Haha, is there such a good thing? Every year?” Wang Ke said in surprise.

   “Of course, otherwise, look at my six books, the body of a civil official, why can I easily reach the primordial spirit state? It is the help of merit! From this moment on, you will be the right minister of the Ministry of Rites! I will not understand in the future. You can ask me!” Wang Youli said with a smile.

  ”Okay, then I’m welcome!” Wang Ke was extremely happy.

  I thought that being an official was to be restrained, but I didn’t expect to have merit? For this, don’t rush to resign, let’s take a look first. Why did the literary officer arrive at the Primordial God Realm because of merit?

  ”Zhang Zhengdao!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Yes!” Zhang Zhengdao took a step forward.

  ”Cheng Baichuan was rehabilitated and resumed the post of Shangshu in the Ministry of War. Your father’s case was also mentioned to the emperor by this officer!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Oh?” Zhang Zhengdao was suddenly excited.

  ”Your father was indeed wronged for the loss of the Ghost Excalibur case, but your father committed more than this. What the officer can do is to eliminate the guilt in the Ghost Excalibur case first, and let Your father has been able to eliminate the sin, and the officer asked your father. Your father is willing to forgive the emperor’s grace to you. From then on, you are no longer a sinner! There is no need to report to Cao Xiong all the time. Now. You are free!” Ximen said solemnly along the river.

  ”Really? Prime Minister Xie Ximen, Prime Minister Xie Ximen!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately trembled with excitement.

  ”Shang Shu of the Ministry of War, it is up to you to lift Zhang Zhengdao from the shackles!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Yes!” Cheng Baichuan answered.

  Cheng Baichuan immediately stepped forward, took a deep breath and said: “Zhang Zhengdao, thanks to your father’s care in the past, it’s a pity that you were involved in that unjust case and killed you for many years. Now, I will help you untie it, don’t Move!”

  Zhang Zhengdao suddenly stood still.

  I saw Cheng Baichuan probing his hand and patted Zhang Zhengdao on the back.

  Zhang Zhengdao’s body suddenly made a sound of chain breaking.


   There was a loud noise, and immediately, Zhang Zhengdao burst into countless golden lights, a huge breath erupted from Zhang Zhengdao’s body, and the wind was blowing in the hall.

  Cheng Baichuan looked at Zhang Zhengdao’s swelling flu and sighed: “As expected of your father’s son, even if he has been imprisoned for many years, his cultivation will not retreat but advance!”

  ”Nascent Soul Realm? Zhang Zhengdao, do you rely on breaking the seal for your breakthrough cultivation?” Wang Ke stared in astonishment.

  ”Hahaha, Wang Ke, you are wrong. I originally had this cultivation base. I just divided the sins on behalf of my father. I have been suppressed all the time. I was too reckless in the past. Over the years, I have learned too much. Something!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

  ”Are you kidding and deceiving?” Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao.

  Zhang Zhengdao’s face became stiff, he stared and said: “Didn’t you learn it from you?”

   “Fart, I never cheat! It’s your nature!” Wang Ke stared.

  Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”

  ”Today, I ask you all to stay and see Wang Ke’s and Zhang Zhengdao’s impunity. It is also necessary for everyone to see clearly! Starting today, Wang Ke is also a member of my great officialdom. At the same time, I don’t want to hear anymore. Someone talked about Zhang Zhengdao’s father and son. Zhang Xi came to the God of War, even if he imprisoned the Penalty Department, that would be my Great God of War! Those who insult the God of War will be severely punished by Dashan!” Ximen said in a deep voice.

  ”Yes!” All the officials suddenly grumbled and responded.

   “Look and see, let’s go on your own!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Yes!” the officials answered.

   Then, a group of officials left the meeting hall.

  ”Zhang Zhengdao, go see your father too!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Ah, good!” Zhang Zhengdao nodded excitedly.

  Soon, only Ximen Shunshui and Wang Ke were left in the hall.

  Wang Ke showed a trace of doubt, what does Ximen mean by smooth flow? Call the hundred officials in front of you and watch me become an official? Is he protecting me? why?

  ”Wang Ke, if this official remembers correctly, this official is the chief examiner of this imperial examination, this official should be your teacher? This official will help you ask the emperor to kiss Princess Youyue, and the emperor will fulfill yours Marriage will help you become the top pick in the new discipline, and help you suppress the impeachment of many officials against you. Don’t you want to come and worship my teacher?” Ximen looked at Wang Ke calmly.

  Wang Ke’s face froze, Master? Being an examiner is the teacher of all candidates? Can you take advantage of this?

   Although a little reluctant, it was indeed thanks to Ximen Shunshui that he could let Shan Huang recognize You Yue’s promise and allow You Yue to marry herself. This is indeed a favor. Otherwise, letting the careful old man let go, I don’t know how much effort it will take.

  ”Thank you very much, Prime Minister Simon, for your perfection this time. Please be respected by me!” Wang Ke stepped forward to be grateful.

   “No need!” Ximen Shunshui suddenly interrupted.

  ”Oh?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

  You want me to be grateful for you, don’t you want it?

  ”Wang Ke, your gratitude, this official is no longer needed, you don’t need to worship me as a teacher, you only have to promise me one thing, even if you and I don’t owe each other!” Ximen said solemnly.

  ”Promise you one thing?” Wang Ke asked suspiciously.

  This Ximen is going well, won’t you get me off?

   “Ximen Jing, come out!” Ximen said quietly.

   Suddenly, from the mouth of a side hall on the side, the weak Ximen Jing staggered out.

  ”Father, Wang Ke detained the child, robbed me of all my money, and drew all my blood. Today is even a paradox. Why are you still helping him!” Ximen Jing said anxiously.

  ”Kneel down!” Ximen stared smoothly.

  Ximen Jing is taken aback, what are you doing? Dad, I’m here to sue, what did you make me kneel for?

  However, the majesty of Ximen Shunshui was too great after all, Ximen Jing did not dare to rebel, and suddenly knelt down.

  ”What did you say at the foot of Hero Mountain yesterday? You trespassed into a private place, the owner couldn’t drive away, he was regarded as a robber, and he could be killed without forgiveness and innocence. When the king killed you, no one could blame him, and in the end he gave it back Let you go, but you don’t know what’s good or what’s wrong, you are biting at random, you really don’t know whether to live or die!” Ximen stared straightly.

  ”Father! Why are you facing him?” Ximen Jing exclaimed.

  Wang Ke also showed curiosity on the side. What is Ximen Shunshui doing? A bitter trick? Can’t scare me with insulting my son?

  ”Wang Ke, what I said just now, I will help you with everything I can exchange for you!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Huh? Conditions? Prime Minister Simon, you can talk about it first!” Wang Ke said with a strange expression.

  ”I want you to accept Ximen Jing as a disciple, and let Ximen Jing worship you as a teacher!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”What?” Wang Ke stared in astonishment.

  ”Father, what are you talking about? Don’t be kidding, daddy!” Ximen Jing exclaimed as she knelt on the ground.

  ”I’m not kidding, I want you to worship the king as a teacher, just now!” Ximen said quietly.

  Wang Ke: “………………!”

   Ximen Jing: “………………!”

  PS; second one!

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