Indestructible God King Chapter 609: Evil Demon Armored Armor

  In the Temple of Goodness!

  Because of Wang Youli’s initiative, Wang Youli’s assassination was delayed for the time being, so let’s continue with the palace test!

  ”Okay, the palace test continues, next, whose turn is it?” Shan Huang said solemnly.

  Wang Ke has already decided first, or the son-in-law promised by the emperor, how can the remaining nine candidates compete? This day is full of excitement.

   “Old Cheng, it’s time for you, my old husband, no, the emperor asks you something, why did you come to participate in the imperial examination!” Wang Ke pushed Cheng Baichuan next to him!

  Cheng Baichuan took a deep breath and took a step forward.

  ”Caomin participated in the imperial examination, not for the examination itself, but to ask to see the emperor!” Cheng Baichuan immediately respectfully saluted.

  A group of officials stared at Cheng Baichuan together. Is this another unreasonable card? You are not for the exam, to see the emperor? Your flattery is too explicit, right?

  ”Please see me?” Shanhuang said solemnly.

   “Yes, in fact, I am not a candidate, I am posing as an impersonator!” Cheng Baichuan respectfully said.

  ”What?” A group of officials suddenly changed their expressions.

  Wang Ke also stared at Cheng Baichuan, how did you tell the truth?

  ”Pretending to be? You stunned the examinee and snatched his scholar’s book, which is you?” Cao Xiong, the Shangshu of the Criminal Department, stared in surprise.

   “Old Cheng, your head is broken?” Wang Ke stared aside.

  ”Actually, this is not my true face. The emperor, the grassroots Cheng Baichuan, has important information to report!” Cheng Baichuan suddenly knelt down.

  At the same time, he took out a bottle of potion and suddenly splashed it on his face.


  I saw Cheng Baichuan’s disfigured acne face, recovering quickly. He soon revealed his true colors.

  ”Cheng Baichuan?” Suddenly, the hall was filled with surprises.

   “Presumptuous Cheng Baichuan, you dare to pretend to be an examinee, mix into the city of good gods, come, take it for me!” Cao Xiong suddenly exclaimed.

  ”The emperor is here, how can you let you order?” Cheng Baichuan stared at Cao Xiong.

   Outside the hall, no guards dared to come in.

  The chief guard who guards the temple is the best to look at people’s winks. There is no anger in Shan Huang’s eyes, only curiosity. At this time, I brought people in and arrested people. Isn’t that ill? Therefore, even though the Xingbu Shangshu shouted, the chief guard stopped his subordinates and did not enter the temple, waiting for the emperor’s order.

  ”Cheng Baichuan? The disguise potion you used was given to you by Wang Ke?” Emperor Shan curiously asked.

  ”Huh? Yes!” Cheng Baichuan was taken aback.

  Emperor, why do you pay attention to my disguise potion?

  ”Since the king can help you disguise, there must be something hidden, I will give you a chance to make a statement!” Shan Huang sat on the dragon chair and said calmly.

  The hundred officials in the main hall looked at Emperor Shan in astonishment, the emperor, you looked at Wang Ke’s face and gave Cheng Baichuan a chance to speak?

  Wang Ke is also confused at this moment, is my allergy medicine so famous now? Even Shan Huang knows, and can tell at a glance?

  Cheng Baichuan also looked at Wang Ke in surprise. This time, he had inherited Wang Ke’s favor, so he had the opportunity to state the facts?

  ”Yes, Caomin Cheng Baichuan, who has been dismissed from office over the years and fled, has been dissatisfied with the betrayal of the year. While being chased by the Ministry of Justice, he is constantly searching for the truth of the year, the emperor, the case of Zhang Xilai betraying the Temple of War. , Things are strange, Zhang Xilai did not betray the Temple of War, and the ninth sword in the world, the “Ghost Sword”, was not dedicated to the Great Evil Dynasty. Everything was a conspiracy, was framed and framed, and the minister was subjected to it in the past. Implicated, the same is true!” Cheng Baichuan respectfully said.

  ”Oh?” Shanhuang looked at Cheng Baichuan.

  Baiguan also looked at Cheng Baichuan in surprise.

  ”You said Zhang Xilai, the God of War, was wronged? Do you have evidence?” A warlord in the Temple of War suddenly exclaimed.

  Wang Ke also showed a look of surprise, who is Zhang Xilai? Isn’t he the father of Zhang Zhengdao? Zhang Zhengdao’s father was imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Justice. He is the God of War in the Temple of War?

  ”The minister has evidence to submit, and the minister has found the approximate location of the ghost sword, please check it out!” Cheng Baichuan immediately took out a jade box.

Not far from   , Ximen glanced at Cheng Baichuan along the water, and took a deep breath and walked towards Cheng Baichuan.

  When he took the jade box from Cheng Baichuan, Ximen had a complicated look on the water, and he sighed slightly: “Cheng Baichuan, you have suffered these years!”

   “Huh?” Cheng Baichuan looked at Ximen in surprise.

  What’s the situation? You know what I’ve wronged, Prime Minister? You haven’t seen the evidence I found, how do you know that I am suffering?

   Ximen turned his head and carried the jade box to Shan Huang.

  Shanhuang opened the jade box, a scroll appeared suddenly, opened the scroll, and looked at it carefully.

  Looking at it, Shanhuang’s face became slightly complicated.

  At this moment, there is a quiet place in the Temple of Goodness, and everyone is waiting for a result.

   “Old Cheng, you used to be a good official? What level?” Wang Ke whispered from the side.

  Cheng Baichuan is now waiting for the King of Shan to make a decision, so naturally there is no answer to King Ke.

  Shanhuang finished reading the scrolls, and squinted at Cheng Baichuan: “Cheng Baichuan, you said that the Armed Forces is a demon?”

  ”The emperor, Cheng Baichuan is talking nonsense, and the minister can release the true yuan for everyone to check. How could the minister be a demon? The emperor, in the past, Cheng Baichuan was the minister of war. He must be jealous of the minister to take his place. Thirty For years, the minister has not been conscientious and conscientious when he was a minister of the Ministry of War. He was an official in the imperial examination a hundred and twenty years ago, and he did not dare to slack in the slightest. The minister personally killed countless demons in the past, and there are records. Please see the emperor!” Jiebing Jia’s face changed.

  ”The emperor, the minister has evidence. On that day thirty years ago, only the disarmed armour could steal the day. He used to be the minister of war, stole my tiger charm, deployed the army, and framed me. I am not jealous of him replacing it. My position, I really found out that he is an evil demon! Moreover, he is one of the deepest spies of the Great Evil Dynasty! The emperor, the minister has evidence!” Cheng Baichuan said with red eyes.

  ”What evidence do you have? My true essence has no devilish energy!” Jie Bingjia stared.

  ”Hmph, demons have mixed into my righteous way. It’s not a day or two. Each has its own way of hiding demonic energy. In order to find out the demons who framed me, I specially lurked to the southern demons site and spent countless prices. Stole a copy of the evil curse from the palace of the evil dynasty!” Cheng Baichuan said solemnly.

  ”Great Evil Curse Elimination Book?” Baiguan asked in surprise.

  ”That’s right, the Great Evil Dynasty sent a spy to lurk in my righteous way, and will use a special curse method on the lurking demons to cover up the devilish curse, so that I can’t detect the right way, the curse of the Great Evil Dynasty There are levels in the law, the highest level, not everyone can use it, it requires a very high cost, but if you become a high official, any price is worth it. And the great evil has a way to eliminate this curse, which is sealed in This great evil curse book. As long as I open this book, the light in the book can eliminate the curse on the spy and expose the spy evil spirit!” Cheng Baichuan took out a book that was as dark as ink.

  ”What? Impossible, Cheng Baichuan, you are talking nonsense!” Jie Bingjia’s face changed.

  ”Hmph, the secret of the Great Evil Curse Elimination Book, I finally found out, you, as a spy, don’t you know it yourself? Open!” Cheng Baichuan shouted.

  While screaming, Cheng Baichuan immediately unfolded the evil curse book.

  At this moment, countless black lights appeared in this pitch-black book, and the black light instantly enveloped the entire hall.


  The black light made everyone’s eyes tremble, as if they were a little blind. Everyone immediately let out a sigh, guarding the surroundings to prevent someone from attacking.


  The black light flickered, and everyone’s eyes could see it all at once.

  At this moment, everyone saw that the Disband Armor suddenly burst into a raging black air, and the black air seemed to be out of the control of the Disband Armor, and immediately caused a painful color all over the Disband Armor. .


  When the disarming armour was in pain, two blood-colored fangs suddenly appeared in his mouth, and a terrible breath broke out.

  ”Devil, devil, is the demon?” Baiguan exclaimed.

  ”Ah!” “Ah!” “Ah!”…………

  Beside Cheng Baichuan, four of the other eight candidates for the palace exam, four of them also exuded black air all over their bodies, and at the same time vomited their fangs, showing painful colors.

  ”What? There are also four demons among the candidates? Bastard!” a group of war generals exclaimed.

  ”Damn it, run!” Dissolve Armor suddenly shouted.


  The four evil demon candidates suddenly turned their heads and fled outside the hall.

  ”Looking for something dead, don’t look at where this is? Still want to run?” Murong Old Dog stared.


  A group of warlords from the Temple of War immediately chased them out.

  Outside the Temple of Goodness, there was a roaring sound, and the battle started.

  And Disband Armor was the first to bear the brunt, but Disband Armor instantly caught a hostage.


  ”Let go of the Third Prince!”

  ”Unarm, you are looking for death!”




  Suddenly there was a scream in the hall.

  However, it was too late. A long sword in the hands of the Armed Forces Armor was placed on the third prince’s neck. The third prince’s clothes suddenly became extremely tight, and the third prince could not be moved.

  ”My body, my body, how could this be?” The third prince exclaimed.

  I’m in the Primordial God Realm anyway, how come I can’t even guard against it?

  ”Third Prince, don’t struggle, this fairy armor on your body was specially made by the master refiner and sent to you. The fairy armor can not only help you defend against attacks from outsiders, it is also a bondage. Magic weapon, as long as I activate it, you can instantly bind your whole body, and the poisonous needle on the fairy armor pierces your body and injects a lot of toxins! The more you struggle, the tighter the fairy armor binds you, the more poisoned you become If you die, don’t move!” Jiebing Jia shouted ferociously.

  ”You, you, you, Disarmed Armor, you are an evil spy? The previous conspiracy to assassinate Wang Youli was also your evil conspiracy?” The third prince exclaimed.

  ”Yes, who made you too eager for quick success? You are so lied, I don’t lie to you, who am I to lie? You’d better not move, otherwise, we will all die together. If I am killed today, I will hold you back. !” Jie Bingjia said ferociously.

  ”Do you dare to kill me?” The third prince roared in horror.

  ”Don’t blame me? If you want to blame, you blame Cheng Baichuan? No, you should blame Wang Ke! Cheng Baichuan had already been a fugitive from Dashan. If it weren’t for Wang Ke to help him, he wouldn’t be able to come to this kindness. The temple, I blame Wang Ke! Otherwise, I won’t expose it, **** Wang Ke!” Jiebing Jia looked at Wang Ke not far away fiercely.

  ”Third prince, you see, let me say, disarming is not a good person, let you stay away from him, you still don’t listen, you just wanted to listen to me, you won’t be caught by him now !” Wang Ke frowned.

  The third prince looked at Wang Ke with a black face. I was kneeling with my father just now. Why should I stay away from him? I’m already so miserable, what’s the use of talking nonsense? Is it possible that I still have to thank you?

  PS: Three changes are over!

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