Indestructible God King Chapter 597: Second Test First (Fixed)

  The Confucian Temple examination room!

  All the exam papers have all been obscured. Wang Ke’s examination paper was also accepted.

  There are thousands of test papers, but there are also many examiners. All of the examiners immediately began to read the papers. In order to be fair and just, everyone was waiting patiently, and the results came out on the spot.

  Fuzzy names are naturally more than just covering up, making people unable to see each candidate’s name even if they have spells.

  An ordinary handyman quickly took away the pen and ink on the table, and at the same time gave all the candidates snacks and tea.

  Everyone is waiting.

   “It’s getting dark, old dog, are we still waiting here?” an old soldier frowned.

  ”Nonsense, our people from the Temple of War are fighting, you are leaving? Don’t say I know you from now on!” Murong Old Dog stared.

   “That’s right! I never do deserters in the Temple of War!” a group of veterans said suddenly.

  ”But, is it possible for the king to pass?” the old soldier worried.

  A group of veterans fell silent. Ever? Have a woolen thread! Wang Ke has never heard of Yinshan before, and now he is going to write about the formation of that battle. If this can be passed, how can the people who have fought on the frontline be so good?

  ”I see, Wang Ke seems to have filled up a paper!” Zhang Zhengdao said by the side.

  ”Really?” A group of people looked weird.

What did    write? In this case, Wang Ke can still blow up the whole paper? Everyone can’t imagine it anymore.

  If it hadn’t been for the Temple of War who had never been a deserter, and was stunned by Simon, everyone would have ran away a long time ago. It would be shameful not to be here.

  Revision of papers is a big project. All examiners take turns to score points and compare them with each other.

  has been busy until dawn, and finally, all 1,000 examination papers have been successfully reviewed.

  At this moment, a group of examiners is also entangled for a while, staring at the two papers, it is difficult to make a decision for a while.

  ” Prime Minister, now all the grades of the papers have been scored, and now this is the first one, but it is a bit embarrassing. Both of these are the best choices. The one on the left is the center of the atmosphere, and the formation of troops is extremely stable. Flawless, it is the best choice! The sword on the right is slanting, and the formation of troops uses the art of martial arts. It is also exceptionally wonderful, and it is also the best choice! Please make the decision!” An examiner said.

   “Yes, I think so!” A group of examiners looked at the prime minister.

  The prime minister stared at the two examination papers and pondered for a moment: “If it is normal, I will choose the one on the left, because the marching focus is on security, not greedy for meritorious advances, and defense as the offensive is enough to win thousands of miles! The awe-inspiring soldiers have magical effects. But, it’s not the right way! If it was in the past, I would choose the left side as the first. But today, I want to choose the right side as the first!”

  ”The one on the right?” A group of examiners frowned, but did not refute.

  Only the Bingbu Shangshu Jie Bingjia said in a deep voice: “Prime Minister, why? Why do you choose the one on the right as the first?”

  ”There is no why!” The prime minister shook his head, seemingly reluctant to say.

  ”Heh, Prime Minister, I know why, I know Linglang, and I recognize it at a glance. This central and majestic marching strategy on the left is the handwriting of Linglang Ximenjing, right?” Jie Bingjia laughed.

  ”What? Son of Simon?” a group of examiners asked in surprise.

  ”The prime minister, I know, you have to avoid suspicion, and you don’t want Ling Lang to win the first place, but, prime minister, you are not Ximenjing’s father now. You are the chief examiner of this imperial examination. How can you deliberately avoid suspicion? Is it biased?” Jie Bingjia said suddenly.

  All the examiners looked at Ximen together.

  Ximen frowned slightly along the water.

  ”The prime minister, the so-called appointees don’t avoid relatives. The son of Simon has this ability. Why must he suppress it? I wait for the examiner. The most important thing is to give justice. I implore the prime minister to put the justice of the country as the priority and choose the one on the left. First!” Jie Bingjia said suddenly.

  The Dissolution Armor can be seen at a glance. The article on the left was written by myself and helped Simon Jing cheat. I am a book for the Ministry of War. I know the topic in advance, prepare in advance, inquire about the information, and be an examiner. If you still can’t get the first place, isn’t it just hitting yourself in the face?

  ”Prime Minister, the appointees do not avoid relatives, please maintain the fairness of the examination room!” A group of examiners suddenly added.

  This is not a contradiction to Ximen Shunshui, because this paper belongs to the son of Ximen Shunshui. This is a gift to Prime Minister Ximen. Of course everyone has come forward.

  Ximen looked weird along the water: “Well, since all of you believe that the one on the left is the first, let the one on the left be the first!”

  Ximen Shunshui also looks confused at this moment, because Ximen Shunshui knows how many kilograms his son is. He doesn’t have the ability to write this article, but this handwriting? Forget it, you can’t belittle your son in public. Since it is fair, let it be fair!

  The first ray of eyes shone down in the morning.

  Everyone waited all night, and some veterans fell asleep in the stands.

  ”Now that all the examination papers have been corrected and the rankings have been set, we will begin to uncover the papers and report the names!” An examiner shouted loudly.

  ”Huh? Has it been corrected?” The old dog Murong rubbed his distressed eyes.

  The veterans of the Temple of War did not report much hope. They just don’t want to be deserters. Isn’t it just a sign? It’s just a big deal, and it doesn’t matter to everyone.

  ”Tear!” The first paper torn apart.

  ”This time the first place in the second examination of the imperial examination, recommended by the Temple of War, Wang Ke!” a registered examiner shouted loudly.

  ”What?” a group of examiners suddenly exclaimed.

  First place, isn’t it Ximenjing? How did you become a king?

  ”What’s the situation? I am first? The Temple of War is cheating so badly?” Wang Ke suddenly raised his brows at the desk.

  The countless candidates in the examination room were also a commotion. After all, Wang Ke was the first one in the first test, and Wang Ke was the first one in the second test. Everyone looked at Wang Ke.

  Above the stands.

  ”Zhang Zhengdao, what’s the situation? Why do I seem to hear Wang Ke’s name? Are the civil servants deliberately taunting Wang Ke?” The old dog Murong rubbed his eyes in confusion, apparently he hadn’t heard clearly just now.

  At this moment, the cooking cake in Zhang Zhengdao’s hand was directly bitten off.

  ”Number one? Wang Ke is number one again? This is so special, is it fake?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.


  ”Ah, Zhang Zhengdao, why are you slapping me?” Murong’s old dog was suddenly woken up.

  ”Does it hurt?” Zhang Zhengdao stared.

   “I’ll try to beat you, can it hurt?” Murong Old Dog stared.

  ”First, Wang Ke is first again!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed, staring.

  Excited, a mouthful of cooking cake sprayed Murong old dog’s face.

  ”Do you dare to spray me? Are you looking for death? You are the first? I was the first to kill you! First, first? Wait, who do you say is the first?” Murong Old Dog stared.

  ”Wang Ke’s exam, Wang Ke is number one again. It’s so wicked, it’s arguing over there!” Zhang Zhengdao pointed to the distance and exclaimed.

  Murong old dog suddenly excited, Wang Ke first? Am I dreaming?

  I saw a group of examiners quarreling on the examiner’s platform.

  ”How could it be Wang Ke? How could it be Wang Ke? Shouldn’t it be Ximen Jing?” The first one to jump out and exclaimed.

  This article was clearly arranged for Ximenjing by himself. How did it become Wang Ke’s name?

  ”Yes, this handwriting is not the same as Wang Ke’s, is it a mistake?”

   “No, this is Wang Ke’s name, and the number of the scholar’s book!”

  ”But how could Wang Ke know about the Yinshan World War? And, the various army data in it were written so accurately?”

  ”This is impossible, is it Wang Ke cheating?”




  A group of examiners looked at the test paper questioningly.

  The question of the examiners was immediately heard by the old dog Murong.

   Originally, the old dog Murong didn’t have much hope for Wang Ke, but now, Wang Ke has another moth, and he actually won the first place? Is this okay? More importantly, the group of examiners said that Wang Ke cheated again.

  ”Te Niang, come to slander Wang Ke again?” Murong old dog exclaimed in fright.

  ”Boom, boom, boom…!”

  Murong old dog suddenly kicked in a series, kicking all the veterans who were asleep.


  ”Who kicked me?”

  ”Why don’t you want to live anymore? Who dares to kick me?”

  ”Looking for death!”




  A group of veterans roared angrily.

  ”Kick you still light, get up quickly and work, what’s special, a group of people have been bullied to our Temple of War, and they are still sleeping there? Why don’t you sleep to death?” Murong old dog yelled Tao.

  ”What are you doing? Who is bullying us?” A group of veterans stared.

  ”Wang Ke took the first place in the exam again. Now, this group of civil servants want to retaliate against Wang Ke and slander him for cheating!” Murong Old Dog said with a stare.

  ”First?” A group of veterans were taken aback for a while, suddenly excited.

  ”Look, Wang Ke’s paper is in their hands. They want to pick bones in the egg and slander Wang Ke! The first is their decision. Now because it is Wang Ke, they don’t admit it. This is Didn’t the bullying come to us?” Murong old dog said in a good manner.

  ”What’s the matter, is this something people do?” A group of veterans jumped up. He even hurriedly rushed to the examiner’s desk.

  The candidates were also staring at a group of examiners at this moment, and suddenly looked at Wang Ke one by one with doubts.

  The most shocking of these is Ximen Jing.

  ”The first paper in the exam was my handwriting? My handwriting? How could it be?” Ximen Jing’s expression changed.

  This night, Ximen Jing kept cursing and dismissing Armament Armor in his heart, blaming him for helping himself but not helping. At this moment, Ximen Jing suddenly remembered something.

  ”Seat number, seat number?” Ximen Jing looked at his seat number.

  Ximenjing’s seat number is six or seven eight.

  ” I remembered. I didn’t make a mistake before. Before the fight with Wang Ke, my seat number was 876. After the fight, I picked up the seat number from the ground and changed to 678. I still I thought I remembered it wrong, I remembered it correctly? That Wang Ke’s seat number is eight or seven six? I was in a fight with Wang Ke. We took the wrong seat number plates for each other?” Ximen Jing suddenly said with a face. stiff.

  In this way, it’s all through, and Disband Armor cheated for me, and it was the number one paper, and I used my own handwriting. As a result, I got the wrong seat number and Wang Ke, so it’s all cheap. can?

  ”This, this, this is so special, that is my number one! My!” Ximen Jing suddenly went crazy.

  PS: Four more complete!

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