Indestructible God King Chapter 593: Be fair and just

  Three days later, the square outside the Confucian Temple!

  ”This time the Enke first test is the first place, recommended by the Temple of War, one hundred thousand Dashanrenshi, Wang Ke! See it, don’t see it, that’s my recommendation, I’ll give the scholarship book quota!” Old Murong dog looked at the high list and laughed.

  ”Murong old dog, you old illiterate, can you do something that we admire?” An old soldier asked in surprise.

  ”But, why do those scholars, when they see Wang Ke’s articles, show disgusting expressions one by one?” Another veteran asked curiously.

  The Confucian Temple Square was the place for the previous exams. Naturally, no casual person can enter. At the moment, it is outside the Confucian Temple Square and there is an outer square.

  Outside the square, crowds of scholars are looking at an examination paper.

  And the first test paper is naturally read by everyone in the first time.

  Many scholars saw Wang Ke’s “Song of the Emperor” and they were all shocked by the heavens.

  The writing style is compelling. This is what it should be. The key is that this whole article is flattering the emperor. Can you write an article for this kind of thing? Can also be the first? Stop the morality of the scholars?

  The readers split into two groups in an instant, and one group has a look of contempt. The other group looked excited, as if they were in the direction of future life development, quietly looking at Wang Ke’s article in admiration, but on the surface they still attacked this article with others.

  For a time, Wang Ke’s “Song Shan Huang” became the most controversial article in the first test. There were even candidates who encouraged them to go to the officials to parade. Can’t encourage this unhealthy trend. Can you get the first place by flattering? How can this work?

  The readers are making a noise about Wang Ke’s articles at this moment.

  A group of veterans in the Temple of War do not understand.

  At this moment, watching the scholars yelling there, one by one stared.

  ”Don’t pay attention to these acid talents, they are jealous! The king got the first place. It was appointed by the prime minister. It was appointed by all the examiners. These acid talents are better than the prime minister and the examiners? Besides, the Confucian Temple exam, Even the Wenquxing enshrined in the Confucian Temple gave Wang Ke the spirit of the Jinxiu Mountain and River Picture, and he was naturally recognized. This group of people is jealous!” said Murong Old Dog.

  ”Yes, bah, the literati suppressed our Temple of War. Seeing that it was the people who came from the Temple of War, they picked bones from the eggs, baah, and didn’t look at who maintained their safety!” So ​​did a veteran soldier! Disdain.

  ”Go, call the old guys, let’s go have a drink and be happy today!” Another old soldier suggested.

  ”Agree, haha, today this wine must be Murong old dog please!”

  ”That’s right, that’s right! Old dog Murong, today you have to ask, we are happy, not drunk nor return!”




  Amidst a group of veterans booing, Murong’s face went completely black.

   “Why should I please? I have no money! If you want to please, it is also Wang Ke’s request, he said, he wants to treat someone to drink!” Murong Old Dog suddenly stared.

  ”Wang Ke is preparing for the second exam. He is in isolation at this moment. How did he get out?” said an old soldier.

  ”Then please wait until he gets the top pick!” Murong Old Dog said.

  A group of veterans stared at the old dog Murong. What do you think? The first place in the first test is that Wang Kezu’s grave has been smoked. How many tests do you want Wang Ke to pass?

  ”Why? Don’t you have no confidence at all?” Old Murong dog stared.

  A group of veterans: “…………!”

  ”Actually, we can have hope, but I am worried that someone will deliberately wear shoes to Wang Ke in the second game!” Murong Old Dog said.

  ”Wear little shoes?” The faces of the veterans were darkened.

  ”Yes, you saw it three days ago. Because Wang Ke was recommended by our Temple of War, he had completely offended the group of examiners. Because of the beautiful pictures of mountains and rivers, the examiners did not dare to stab him. But what about the second test? That’s not the literary talent of the test! At that time, no one will reveal the literary spirit. Then the results will be determined by the examiners themselves, and they will determine by themselves, and if Wang Ke offends them, what will be the result?” Murong The old dog asked.

  ”What’s the matter, these civil officials are not good things, they will definitely kill Wang Ke down!” A group of veterans stared.

  ”Yes, they must wear small shoes for Wang Ke! Then what do you think?” Murong Old Dog said.

  ”No, we people in the Temple of War, how can we be bullied by others, let’s find the prime minister’s theory!” An veteran said in a deep voice.

  ”The prime minister won’t pay attention to us at all!” Murong Old Dog said solemnly.

  ”Then find the God of War, let the God of War appear, the prime minister will definitely give the God of War face, we don’t need to cheat for favoritism, we just need to be fair!” said a veteran soldier.

  ”Yes, we want to be fair and just!” A group of veterans suddenly shouted and left.


  Good God Capital, Prime Minister’s Mansion!

  Several examiners gathered in the prime minister’s mansion, and looked strangely towards Ximen.

  ”The prime minister, the yellow war god, really said that?”

  ”The Temple of War is worried about our favoritism and fraud? How is this possible?”

  ”Prime Minister, you know, we can’t cheat for personal gains, so many examiners have to conduct several examinations, how can they cheat for personal gains!”

  ”Isn’t the yellow war **** okay to find trouble?”




  A group of examiners said depressed.

  Ximen took a deep breath: “The Yellow God of War did not want to interfere with the examination room, but asked me to urge justice, so this face must be given!”

  ”Yes, Prime Minister, we were just fair!” An examiner said with a complicated expression.

  ”Since I have agreed to the Yellow War God, I naturally have to do something, try a second time, and make a name correction!” Ximen said smoothly.

  “Fuzzy name correction? That is to say, after the test taker, he will paste the name position on the test paper with paper, so that people don’t know who the paper belongs to. After all the changes are completed, the ranking will be determined and the paste will be removed. Famous paper?” An examiner asked curiously.

  ”Not bad!” Ximen nodded smoothly.

  ”Ah, what is this, haha, it’s still thoughtful of the prime minister! We are all together, this is nothing!” A group of examiners suddenly laughed.

  ”There will be a second test tomorrow, let’s wait for it!” Ximen said quietly.

  ”Yes!” The examiners stepped back in response.


  Shendu, a rest area for candidates.

  After the first test, 10,000 candidates have been swiped out of 9,000, and 1,000 are left. All of these 1,000 candidates have entered the Dashan Dynasty’s standby official database. It can be said that one first test has already One foot stepped into the officialdom of the Dashan Dynasty.

  It’s been three days, and a second test will take place tomorrow.

  ”Wang Ke, this is your table number for tomorrow! Take it, and you will have a dinner and rest. You can take a seat tomorrow morning!” An official handed over a small sign.

  ”Uh, am I not the first place in the first test? How come it is number six, seven, eight, or number six hundred and seventy-eight? Shouldn’t it be table number one?” Wang Ke stared.

   “Uh, the table numbers of all candidates are random, not based on the first test ranking!” said the official.

  ”Oh? It doesn’t matter, but, is it too early for you to give it? I remember the first test, you only give it to me before the test!” Wang Ke curiously asked.

  ”Uh, sorry, logically, it should be given to you in advance. At that time, it was just for you to keep it for you!” The official explained.

  At that time, Wang Ke, who was recommended by the Temple of War, was afraid of making trouble, so the seat number was detained. This time Wang Ke has been on the list of many people’s attention. Naturally, these small officials in charge of daily life did not dare to do any more tricks.

  ”Oh? That’s fine! Let’s go, take me to dinner!” Wang Ke said.

  In fact, when you arrive at Wang Ke’s cultivation base, it doesn’t matter whether you eat or not, but it’s too boring to be in this room every day, so it’s okay to go for a walk.

   Soon, Wang Ke arrived at the dining area.

  In the dining area, dozens of people have already started to eat.

  ”Uh, this is the dining area for candidates? Isn’t this the cafeteria fast food buffet?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

  Light car and familiar road, Wang Ke took a dinner plate, walked to a long dish area, chose his favorite dish, put it on the plate, brought another glass of wine, and went to find a place.

  At this moment, the test-takers were eating and chatting in groups, just like the dining hall when Wang Ke was in school.

  Wang Ke’s arrival, all the examinees have seen it, pointed and pointed one by one, whispering about Wang Ke in a low voice.

  Wang Ke looked around, no one invited him, and it didn’t matter to him. Suddenly, Wang Ke’s eyes lit up and he saw an acquaintance.

  At a corner table, there was a candidate in white clothes, who was eating with his head down without looking at Wang Ke. But, Wang Ke knows him.

  ”Cheng Baichuan? He is also an examinee? Also, why is his face still acne? Doesn’t it use my antidote?” Wang Ke was surprised.

   Surprised, Wang Ke walked towards Cheng Baichuan with the dinner plate.

  Cheng Baichuan raised his head to see Wang Ke coming, his face changed suddenly, holding the dinner plate, he was about to leave.

   “Old Cheng, what are you running, I won’t eat you again!” Wang Ke suddenly said.

   Cheng Baichuan’s face became stiff, and he could only sit down and whispered: “How do you recognize me?”

  ”You are really funny. I can recognize your face when it turns into ashes. This familiar acne is not at the expense of me? Didn’t you get chased by a group of criminal officials and guards? Why did you take the exam? “Wang Ke curiously said.

  Cheng Baichuan looked at Wang Ke with a complicated expression: “Be quiet, don’t expose me!”

  ”What do you mean?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

  ”I’m a fake, my current candidate, my surname is Chen! I’m taking the test!” Cheng Baichuan whispered to Wang Ke.

  Wang Ke stared: “That is to say, Cao Xiong did not lie? The one who stunned the candidate, snatched the scholar’s book, pretended to be the candidate and entered the examination room. It was not me, it was you?”

   “Speak down, my face is you who helped me disguise, so if I have an accident, you are an accessory, and you can’t run away!” Cheng Baichuan suddenly stared and threatened.

  ”Who can prove to you that I helped you to disguise?” Wang Ke said with disdain.

  Cheng Baichuan: “………………!”

  This, this is so special, yeah, who can prove it to me? This can’t plant you anymore?

  ”Okay, it doesn’t matter, I don’t care about your business anymore! I won’t expose you, anyway, it’s no good! Hey, no, I think of it, you seem to have been offered a reward of 30 million catties of spirit stones? “Wang Ke suddenly brightened his eyes and looked at Cheng Baichuan.

  Cheng Baichuan: “………………!”

  PS: Four more complete!

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