Indestructible God King Chapter 589: Splendid Text

After Ximen beat Cao Xiong smoothly, he began to beat the Temple of War with his backhand!

Murong old dog, this group of veteran soldiers, although their heads are flexible and shameless. But where is Simon Shun Shui’s opponent? Ximen was gentle and gentle, but with a few words of admiration, but with a gun and a stick, he instantly beat Murong and the others to lose their temper.

How do you say this? This is the art of language.

What’s special, now take Wang Ke to leave, that is, the Temple of War is a deserter, this has to be spread out, not to mention the reaction of others, return to the Temple of War, and the God of War will not forgive you.

Can you leave without Wang Ke and let Wang Ke answer the questions? Answer the question! After the results, Wang Ke’s article was criticized for nothing. Isn’t that even more embarrassing? Wang Ke, originally only represented him. It was your God of War Temple who stood up as Wang Ke’s platform. Now Wang Ke is ashamed. Isn’t that the shame of your God of War Temple?

What to do?

“I said, the prime minister is an old fox. We will definitely be out of luck when we go back this time!” a rough veteran soldier whispered depressed.

Old dog Murong’s face twitched: “Even if the Temple of War is defeated, he will never be a deserter, even if he knows he is dead, he must go up! Wang Ke, you continue to take the test!”

Wang Ke’s face was dark, and I took a woolen examination. I was looking for an excuse to leave the examination room. Even if you, Cao Xiong, you slander me, I can’t beat him with my mouth. I didn’t want to help, but you suddenly ran over to support me, and now are you forcing me to take the exam? Special, how many years have I stopped taking exams, do you know?

“Wang Ke, you can write whatever you want. Originally, the Temple of War God is not good at articles and can’t lose many people! But if you leave, you are a deserter, and the Temple of War God is really shameful!” Zhang Right way to persuade.

Wang Ke: “………………!”

Looking at the encouragement of a group of veterans, Wang Ke’s face twitched and he could only sit down.

No way, this time to find You Yue, I still need the help of the War God Temple. I’m going to really go, and there will be no backstage at that time.

“Well, irrelevant personnel, don’t make noise in the examination room!” Ximen said quietly.

A group of veterans shrugged. Then, they walked to the side stand together.

All the candidates showed doubts, and at this moment they no longer take Wang Ke seriously. They thought it was the son of a big man, who turned out to be a brash man in the Temple of War, which shocked us.

The examiners return to their positions. Although Cao Xiong was beaten by the prime minister, he was secretly refreshed at this moment, and he was also happy to watch Wang Ke deflate in the distance.

Originally, Wang Ke was going to assassinate Wang Ke, but unfortunately, Wang Ke approached the Temple of War, and the assassination completely failed. The assassination failed, there is no need to kill Wang Ke, but the evil spirit in my heart is hard to eliminate. It is not the third prince’s task now. It is now a personal grievance. Seeing Wang Ke unlucky, Cao Xiong is happy.

For a while, the exam room resumed its previous tranquility, and all the candidates continued to answer the questions.

Wang Ke looked at the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table in front of him, feeling depressed for a while.

“The Dashan Dynasty enlightens the world? This, this is to use the eight-part essay, how to write it? I can write narratives, argumentative essays, and prose. I have studied it before in school, but I have never learned the eight-part essay! Do you really want to write?” Wang Ke said depressed.

While Wang Ke was meditating, some candidates had already conceived and started to write.


Suddenly, bursts of colorful light appeared above an examinee’s head. It is extremely eye-catching from a distance.

“That’s the literary spirit? Where is the examinee? I just wrote a few words, and the literary spirit is gushing out?” an invigilator asked in surprise.


A burst of colorful light appeared above the head of another candidate.

“It’s another one, this candidate has more style, good, good!”




There were more and more people writing around, and before long, dozens of people were already braving their heads.

“Look, that person’s literary spirit actually condenses into silk? This is a beautiful literary spirit, a beautiful article? Who is he…?” an official exclaimed.

Everyone looked around, but saw an examinee wearing a half-iron mask. Under the pen, the writing style on the head was beautiful.

“Iron mask candidates? Why, candidates can still wear masks? Now the exam is really not rigorous!” Old Murong dog in the stands said jealously.

“Splendid article? Another one, look at it. The acne-prone examinee has a fine-textured style. This kind of article is rare in ten years. It’s really unpredictable!” A group of invigilators were surprised. Tao.

Above the stand, Zhang Zhengdao stared at the acne-prone examinee, his eyes were full of strangeness: “Why is this face a bit the same as Wang Ke Yirong’s effect?”

Above the examination room, when the candidates keep writing, the real talents are quickly revealed. The gushing literary spirit fully demonstrates the talents of this Enke University Exam.

When Murong Old Dog, Cao Xiong and others looked at Wang Ke, they saw Wang Kechu motionless there.

Cao Xiong showed a triumphant look. Sure enough, the Temple of War is a group of reckless men, and Wang Ke is a domineering blessing in Shiwan Dashan, relying solely on bragging. You are far behind literary talent.

Old Murong dog is also anxious, is Wang Ke going to hand in a blank paper? This is really a blank paper. Isn’t the Temple of War wise and sweeping?

“Wang Ke, you write! Write to me too!” Murong old dog shouted angrily.

“Please be quiet, I will disturb the candidates again, please leave the examination room!” An invigilator immediately came forward to scold Murong Old Dog.

“Huh!” Old Murong dog let out a depressed snort.

However, Murong’s words still reached Wang Ke in the distance.

Wang Ke looked depressed: “I really want to write, the key eight-legged essay, I don’t know how to write the eight-legged essay. , How do I write…, uh, no, I seem to have read one!”

Wang Ke was taken aback for a moment. Not long ago, Wang Youli, Shangshu Wang of the Ministry of Rites, didn’t he write an article for himself to repay a debt of five million catties of spirit stones? I have read one.

But, that one was a flattering to my old husband, can you write it?

“Writing, go to special, if the text is wrong, then the text is wrong. It’s better than writing nothing!” Wang Ke took a deep breath.

Close his eyes, Wang Ke recalled every word in the “Song Shan Huang”.

Seeing Wang Ke closing his eyes, Cao Xiong almost laughed. You are giving up on yourself, giving up yourself completely, are you going to sleep? Murong Old Dog and others also showed a look of despair. Several veterans twitched their faces and were about to leave the examination room. It was too shameful to be here.

At this moment, the king suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes sparkling. The detective picked up a brush and started to write.

“When the holy emperor comes out forever, the world will come out with one word!”

Wang Ke wrote the first pen. In an instant, Wang Ke felt a tremor in the pen, as if the paper in front of him was locked by something, like an invisible energy rushing from a Confucian Temple not far away. Flattery in his own pen.


In an instant, a large number of colorful rays of light burst out of the pen, and instantly hit Wang Ke’s head. The colorful rays of light illuminate the sky above Wang Ke only at once.

The dazzling light made all the examiners in the examination room look alive.

“Who is it? Whose style? So dazzling?” The examiner was surprised again.

When everyone looked around, they saw the candidate clearly, yes, is it Wang Ke? Is Wang Ke recommended by the Temple of War?

“How is it possible that he only wrote the first sentence, so he has so much style? This is only the first sentence, so let him continue to write, that style is pretty good?” An examiner exclaimed. .

Cao Xiong stared at the writing style above Wang Ke’s head: “This is impossible, this is impossible, it must be an illusion, it must be an illusion! I have checked all the information about Wang Ke, he has never written an article at all. I haven’t written an article before, so how come there is so much essays?”

In the stands, the veteran ruffians who felt embarrassed to leave, they all stopped immediately after they just started.

“Grandpa Te, what’s the situation? Old dog, can this Wang write an article? Only after writing the first sentence, there is so much literature?” A group of veterans stared at Murong Old Dog.

But when I saw the old dog Murong, I saw the old dog Murong smoking his mouth!

“Flap! Pop!”

“What are you doing?” a veteran asked in astonishment.

“I’ll beat myself to see if I’m dreaming!” Old Murong dog also exclaimed with staring eyes.


The old soldier slapped Murong’s face with a slap.

“Why are you hitting me?” Old Murong dog stared angrily.

“How can you be sure if you smoke yourself so lightly? I’ll make sure for you. Now, are you awake? Didn’t you dream?” the old soldier asked.

Old dog Murong stared fiercely at the veteran ruffian: “What’s so special, I don’t want you to confirm it! Who told you to smoke me?”

“You never told us that Wang Ke is so good at writing articles!”

“Yes! Just now, we are all leaving. The people in the Temple of War have written such a good article. If I leave, wouldn’t I see this group of civilians ashamed?”

“Yes, that is, old dog Murong, you are not authentic!”




A group of veterans scolded Murong old dog.

“How do I know? How do I know! Ask Zhang Zhengdao! He and Wang Ke are the most familiar!” Murong Old Dog stared.

A group of people looked at Zhang Zhengdao. Zhang Zhengdao also stiffened his face for a while: “I, I don’t know, I have never seen Wang Ke write an article! In my impression, Wang Ke can make money in addition to bragging! I haven’t seen him write anything. What article!”

“Then this is…!” everyone wondered.

I saw that Wang Ke continued to write over there. Wang Ke’s article is not a flash in the pan, not only the first sentence is wonderful, but the more you write, the more wonderful you write, and the more you write, the more eloquent you write.


I saw that as Wang Ke continued to write, the literary spirit on Wang Ke’s head spurted and condensed, and quickly condensed into a beautiful appearance of filaments, and this beautiful article was continuously enlarged and changed more and more. Clear!

“Splendid article-level style? Is this really true? Wang Ke is going to fly!” Zhang Zhengdao stared.

“Who said that we are all illiterate in the Temple of War? What is it, can an illiterate write such a beautiful article?” An veteran ruffian suddenly said with excitement.

“Yes, this is the representative of our Temple of War, and it represents the level of knowledge and culture of our Temple of War! Especially, my Temple of War must be proud!”

“Hurry up, call some old guys over again, and say that our Temple of War is going to slap their civil officials in the face!”

“Yes, Wang Ke represents our Temple of War. Don’t be slandered and slandered by these civilian officials later. Go and call for more people!”




A group of veteran soldiers in the Temple of War became excited instantly.

PS: Four more complete!

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