Indestructible God King Chapter 586: The first trial begins

Good God City, Temple of War God!

Zhang Zhengdao once again anxiously came to Murong old dog.

“General Murong, what can I do now?” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

“What shall we do? This time Enke will be held in the Confucian Temple. It is a rare event for the good gods. Let’s go see the excitement then?” Murong Old Dog smiled.

“Why do you still have time to see Enke at this time? I just went outside the city gate to see, people from the Criminal Ministry are going around arresting fugitives!” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

“What happened to the capture of the fugitive?” Murong Old Dog frowned.

“I begged to meet Wang Youli. He said that he was separated from Wang Ke outside the city. I also heard that there was a person who was full of acne before, and I don’t know who it is, and I don’t care about the criminals. Who is he, immediately started and arrested him. Although he was not caught,…!” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

“But what?”

“The Xing Department, regardless of the identity of the other party, grabs those who have acne on their face. Those who have acne on their face are Wang Ke’s characteristic disguise!” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

“What do you mean?” Murong Old Dog’s face sank.

“I guess that the Criminal Ministry’s arrest of fugitives is false. The real purpose is that Cao Xiong’s public revenge, to arrest Wang Ke!” Zhang Zhengdao said.

“What?” Murong Old Dog’s face sank.

“If Wang Ke comes to the city of good gods, I am afraid that he will not even be able to enter the city gate of the city of good gods! Now there are criminal officials who secretly hunt down Wang Ke!” Zhang Zhengdao frowned.

“How can this work? What’s special, if Wang Ke is killed outside the city, how can I explain to Chen Tianyuan?” Murong Old Dog’s expression changed.

“That’s right, what do you say?” Zhang Zhengdao worried.

“What can I do? Go, let’s go to Cao Xiong, Te Niang, who dares to move our Temple of War, what is he going to do?” Murong Old Dog stared.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face stiffened: “Just hit Cao Xiong’s door?”

“Yes, follow me!” Murong Old Dog said solemnly.

Zhang Zhengdao suddenly shook his head like a rattle: “My father is still in prison, I will not go!”

“Are you not going? Are you using me as a gunman?” Old Murong dog stared.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face blackened: “Anyway, I won’t go directly to Cao Xiong, the big deal, I will help you fan the flames in the Temple of War, and encourage some other war generals to go to the Criminal Ministry with you!”

Old Murong dog looked at Zhang Zhengdao weirdly: “Alright, you can fan the flames. If there is a mistake, you can take it yourself!”

Zhang Zhengdao: “………………!”


The second day! Good gods!

Wang Ke slept comfortably, got up and ate some exquisite snacks, and went to the examination room with the people from the Ministry of Justice.

There is no way, maybe the previous bad deeds of the Temple of War have scared the officials of the officials. In the middle of the night, another group of guards have been sent for fear that the king recommended by the Temple of War will suddenly make trouble. Wang Ke got up early in the morning and found that there were several times more people guarding him. What else could he say? I can only not irritate everyone and follow the trend.

Walking all the way, I soon came to the so-called Confucian Temple.

The Confucian Temple is a huge palace. Above the palace, there seems to be bursts of colorful mist floating, making it look extremely dazzling.

“The colorful mist is…?” Wang Ke frowned.

“That is the literary qi, the literary qi that emerges from the Confucian Temple is the literary qi of the magic weapon “Spring and Autumn Pen” left by the immortals in the past!” An official of the staff explained next to him.

While explaining, the officials of the bureaucracy also showed a weird face. What are the people who are sent to the Temple of War every time? Don’t even know the writing style? Coming for an exam?

“Wenqi?” Wang Ke’s expression moved.

Wang Ke remembered that when Wang Youli wrote “Song Shan Huang”, he also produced some colorful writings, but Wang Ke didn’t care about it at the time. There are so many here?

“Who is enshrined in the Confucian Temple?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

The staff official looked at Wang Ke in dismay, do you really know nothing? What’s so special about illiterate people in Dashan Dynasty, don’t you know?

“In the Confucian Temple, Wenquxing is enshrined, and it is the important place for my dynasty’s cultural affairs!” The official said with a weird face.

“Wenquxing? A fairy?” Wang Ke said with a weird look.

“Yes, please take your place, your seat number, which happens to be nine thousand!” The official of the staff no longer wanted to talk nonsense with Wang Ke.

What are the gadgets sent from the Temple of War? I don’t even know about the Temple of Confucius, so I will come for scientific research? If you can pass the exam, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face of our civilian system? Lazy talking nonsense with you.

Wang Ke looked around the Confucian Temple.

In front of the Confucian Temple is a huge square, like the football field of Wang Ke Earth, or even bigger. There are even temporary stands around. Full of guards and officials.

At this moment, the square in front of the Confucian Temple is neatly lined with tables and chairs, and there are already countless people seated at this moment.

Wang Ke glanced at him, and there were nearly 10,000 candidates.

Under the leadership of the officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Wang Ke came to his seat.

Wang Ke’s arrival also attracted the attention and curiosity of the surrounding candidates. After all, everyone came to the seats, and no one had been specially escorted by the officials.

“Whose son is this?”

“The official escorted by the officials personally, it’s a big show!”

“The officials of the staff department won’t help him cheat, right?”

“He won’t peek at my papers then, will he?”




The surrounding area is whispering, but the official’s face is ugly at the moment. Should I cheat for him? I want my life? Especially, this is an uncle, the uncle from the Temple of War, I’m afraid he will make trouble, I want to protect you! You idiots!

While whispering, Wang Ke took his seat.

Nine Thousand!

Wang Ke sat down, and the staff official also left. Wang Ke looked around curiously.

“There is a sound barrier? This is to prevent someone from cheating with God’s consciousness? Also, 10,000 people take an open-air collective exam, which is to prevent someone from cheating? Many invigilators are staring around, and it is impossible to cheat!” Wang Can be surprised to look around.

Wang Ke waited for half an hour, and everyone was there. The environment that was originally whispering suddenly quieted down.

Wang Ke followed everyone’s gaze, only to see a team of officials slowly approaching in front of the Confucian Temple.

The head of an old man, dressed in an official gown, is extraordinary, and behind him is a group of officials who are quite respectful. All the candidates looked at these officials with envy for a while.

Even, seeing the arrival of these officials, many candidates stood up to welcome these officials.

Wang Ke hadn’t planned to take the exam, naturally he ignored him. He sat on the seat with his thighs folded, holding a teacup and drinking tea, as if watching a play, looking at the examiners in front of the Confucian Temple in the distance.

And the officials who escorted Wang Ke to come, kept staring at Wang Ke.

“My lord, you guessed it is correct. What is the name of Wang Ke recommended by the Temple of War? It is indeed not a serious exam. Seeing the prime minister, he is still arrogant. This is the cause of trouble!” The official of the staff worried. Tao.

An official of the official next to him looked ugly: “This big exam is extremely important, but keep an eye on it. The Temple of War is a group of unscrupulous men. If this kid gets nervous, you should do it immediately and catch him. Out of the examination room!”


“No, but, send more people to stare at Wang Ke! Don’t be ruined by him!”


Suddenly, a group of officials from the bureaucracy recruited a group of strong guards to stare at Wang Ke, who was holding Erlang’s legs. But don’t have an accident.

“Dear candidates, this officer is fortunate, as the chief test of this Enke, the officer Ximen is going well!” The oldest official in front of the Confucian Temple said in a deep voice.

“Meeting Prime Minister Simon!” Countless candidates bowed.

Wang Ke tilted Erlang’s legs and looked at Prime Minister Ximen who opened his mouth in the distance, with a look of confusion: “This little old man is Ximenjing’s father? Looks quite impressive?”

Countless candidates looked at the official stage, and the officials on the official stage also looked at the candidates.

Originally, with 10,000 candidates, Wang Ke was not conspicuous in the crowd, but when everyone worshiped the prime minister in the manner of literati, was there such a person with Erlang’s legs up and drinking tea? Looking at the officials just like watching a show, how could the officials on the high platform not be able to find out.

All the officials suddenly stared at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke was taken aback, what was he doing? Didn’t say you can’t drink tea, why are you staring at me together?

The expressions of the officials at the rear of Wang Ke changed. The uncle of the Temple of War, really came to make trouble, which aroused the anger of the big bosses?

In the distance, Ximen Shunshui also saw Wang Ke, but Ximen Shunshui didn’t care about his tolerance. After all, he was a prime minister, and his anger was self-explanatory.

“This official is the chief examiner for this time. Now we announce the test questions for the first test. All the test takers have listened carefully. For the first test, the eight-part essay will be used as the style of the test. !” Ximen shouted in a deep voice along the water.

“The Great Shan Dynasty is enlightened the world!” All the candidates shouted together.

At the same time, Ximen waved his hand along the water, and an official next to him hung up a banner with the eight characters “Great Shan Dynasty Enwei Tianxia”.

The exam questions have been issued, and all the candidates suddenly thought about it.

“Examinees, please answer the questions. Before sunset, it’s time for you to make ideas and write!” Ximen opened his mouth along the water.

“Yes!” All candidates should say.

Suddenly, all the candidates sat down and began to think about their exam questions one by one. The test questions are very simple, only eight characters, but because the test questions are simple, it is more difficult, how to write this?

The examiners sat down with Simon and waited. Our own subordinates serve clear tea. For a time, the Confucian Temple Square in Nuo Da was quiet. The atmosphere became extremely depressing.

Everything was waiting for the candidates to do the questions, until someone suddenly raised his hand.

A candidate raised his hand? All the officials looked suspiciously, and the expressions of the officials in charge of Wang Ke changed. Is this the beginning of the routine riots in the Temple of War? What can the king raise his hand for?

An official of the staff department stepped forward quickly.

“You, you, what are you going to do?” the staff official said nervously.

The officials around them also frowned.

“The tea is gone, give me some tea!” Wang Ke pointed to the teacup that had just been drunk.

The official of the staff department: “………………!”

The curious group officer in the distance: “………………!”

Are you here for the exam, or are you here for tea? At this time, you want to add tea? Would you like to prepare a banquet for you?

“What kind of service attitude do you have, you can’t refill the cup of tea?” Wang Ke asked, staring.

The official of the staff department: “………………!”

PS: There will be a big explosion today, four changes today, the first one!

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