Indestructible God King Chapter 584: Pure natural plant extracts

After Shirakawa’s description, Wang Ke understood instantly! This must be Cao Xiong avenging his personal revenge!

What’s so special, before I entered the Good God Capital, he started to search me with public office?

“What did you commit? You let the Criminal Department search more than me?” Cheng Baichuan frowned and looked at Wang Ke.

“Me? My name is Wang Ke. This is the first time I have come to Dashan Dynasty!” Wang Ke said.

“Are you a spy sent by the enemy country?” Cheng Baichuan narrowed his eyes.

Wang Ke: “………………!”

You really can imagine.

“Forget it, if you don’t say it, don’t say it. They are all rewarded by the Ministry of Justice, so I won’t inquire about you. However, there are a lot of guards at the gates of the city, and people from the Ministry of Justice are also waiting. It’s a bit difficult to enter the good gods!” Cheng Baichuan sighed and squinted.

“Do you want to enter the city of good gods?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Yes, I want to see the emperor! The emperor of the emperor, the dragon does not see the head, and rarely shows up. This time Enke, I will rarely show up once. I will take this opportunity to see the emperor. , But now, the good gods are so tightly guarded, I can’t even enter the good gods, it’s really ridiculous!” Cheng Baichuan frowned.

“You need road guides and household registration to enter the city? You don’t have this stuff, you definitely can’t enter!” Wang Ke said directly.

“I just caught a person and snatched his guide and household registration. Besides, I am familiar with the Dashan Dynasty. When the guard asks the official where my household registration is located to verify my identity, I can also pass the customs, but , My face is too sharp, it can definitely be recognized at a glance!” Cheng Baichuan frowned.

“Then you just need to change your face? How simple is it?” Wang Ke stared.

“Disguise, is it that easy? You are a fool as a guard? They all have spiritual knowledge. If you sweep, my disguise will be useless?” Cheng Baichuan said solemnly.

Wang Ke was taken aback: “I have a way to deal with the divine consciousness!”

“Huh?” Cheng Baichuan looked at Wang Ke suspiciously.

“Look, I have a miracle medicine for disguise, and I can’t find it out by my spiritual sense!” Wang Ke immediately promoted.

“What are you kidding? At that time, when verifying your identity, you will not be allowed to cover up with divine consciousness!” Cheng Baichuan stared.

“No, look, I’ll test it for you!” Wang Ke said immediately.

“Oh?” Cheng Baichuan looked at Wang Ke suspiciously.

I saw that Wang Ke immediately applied the potion on his face.

For an instant, Wang Ke’s face made a sound of corrosion. Acne quickly appeared on Wang Ke’s face visible to the naked eye. Soon, Wang Ke’s face was completely blank.

“You, your disguise is to poison yourself and disfigure yourself?” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed.

“How is it? Can you still scan out my original appearance?” Wang Ke said with a smile.

“Are you crazy, you don’t need your face in order to enter the city? I have such a handsome face, which will accompany you in a crazy disfigurement?” Cheng Baichuan stared in horror.

“This is not a disfigurement, there is an antidote, look again!” Wang Ke immediately took out another bottle of antidote.

“Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah!”

The antidote splashed on his face, and Wang Ke’s face returned to its original shape in a blink of an eye.

Cheng Baichuan stared at Wang Ke: “This, this, and this thing? Can I recover?”

“Of course, this is my heirloom, pure natural plant extracts, no need of refrigeration, no preservatives, no side effects, it is a must-have magic medicine for home travel and killing!” Wang Ke explained hard. Tao.

Cheng Baichuan was taken aback: “Are you…?”

“Today, I think I have a relationship with you. How about selling you a bottle of 100,000 catties of Lingshi? Buy one get one free, buy a bottle of disfigurement medicine, and get a bottle of beauty medicine. It’s very worthwhile!” Wang Ke persuaded Cheng. Shirakawa.

Cheng Baichuan: “………………!”

How do I feel, you are selling me products?

“Cheng Baichuan, you are a great master of the Primordial God Realm, one hundred thousand catties of spiritual stones, you will not detain and search? This affects your handsome temperament, anyway, you are also worth 30 million catties of spiritual stones. I’m offering a reward. I sold it to you at a big price. It only depends on your good people. Don’t you want to enter the city?” Wang Ke stared at Cheng Baichuan and introduced.

Cheng Baichuan’s expression was complicated. After Wang Ke’s promotion, he finally took out one hundred thousand catties of Lingshi.

Wang Ke’s eyes lit up: “Haha, Cheng Baichuan, there will be business in the future, continue to introduce to me, I will give you a commission!”

This allergy medicine can sell 100,000 catties of spirit stones, which is a huge profit!

Cheng Baichuan glanced at Wang Ke, gritted his teeth and applied the allergy medicine to his face.

“Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah!”

After a sound of corrosion from sulfuric acid, Cheng Baichuan looked at his face in the mirror with a strong convulsion and disgust. Obviously, Cheng Baichuan attached great importance to his handsome face.

“Wang Ke, if you can’t recover, I must make you look good!” Cheng Baichuan stared at Wang Ke.

“Don’t worry, my king can sell things, he’s not deceived! Disfigured like this, I promise your mother doesn’t know you!” Wang Ke said.

Cheng Baichuan nodded: “Then I will pass!”

Speaking, Cheng Baichuan flew to a gate in the distance.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the city, he was stopped, routinely, and began to review, Cheng Baichuan was very confident, took out the road guide and the household registration certificate, and was about to explain the accident in his face.

However, several officials of the Criminal Department suddenly raised their brows when they saw Cheng Baichuan’s face, and then whispered that someone quickly ran into the city.

Wang Ke watched Cheng Baichuan walking through the program. Suddenly, Wang Ke’s expression changed: “Well, Cao Xiong seems to know my disfigurement method. Will he pay more attention to that disfigured face? Huh?”

Wang Ke was puzzled, and Cheng Baichuan was surrounded by a group of soldiers in the distance.

“You guys, what are you doing? I have a household registration certificate, and I have a guide. My face was injured by an accident. I…!” Cheng Baichuan’s expression changed as he watched more and more soldiers gather around.

“Yes, it’s this face, hurry, grab him, the adults have orders, and those who offer a reward for arrest will be easily disfigured and acne, he is the one we were looking for, and he caught him. , Hahaha, fast, take down, fast, take down!” A criminal ministry official laughed.

“Ha!” A group of soldiers suddenly rushed over.


Cheng Baichuan blasted a group of soldiers with one palm, and suddenly flew out.

“What are you doing? I am disfigured, do you still recognize?” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed.

“Disfigured? Pretend in front of us? Bah, don’t run away for him! Get hold of it, a magic weapon!” yelled the criminal department official.

Cheng Baichuan suddenly lost his breath.

“How did you find me, how did you recognize me? This is so special, I have become like this, my mother doesn’t recognize me anymore, how did you find me?” Cheng Baichuan exclaimed .

“Grab him!” A group of soldiers culled.


Suddenly, Cheng Baichuan fought farther and farther, and more and more people chased him away.

While Cheng Baichuan was flying backwards, he was still flying towards Wang Ke’s place, but when he flew to Wang Ke’s place, Wang Ke had gone to the building and disappeared.

Wang Ke had already hid under the mountain, under a big tree, watching Cheng Baichuan be chased away.

“Old Cheng, you can’t blame me, I’m just selling goods, we have already paid off the goods, and I don’t refund!” Wang Ke said silently.


Wang Ke watched Cheng Baichuan being chased to the horizon.

“Oh, it’s none of my business, Lao Cheng, run faster!” Wang Ke comforted.

Speaking, Wang Ke turned his head to look at the Good God Capital.

What’s so special, Cao Xiong sent someone to search him, and he didn’t even let go of his disfigured face. How did he get into the good god?

If you can’t get in, how can you go to the Temple of War to file a complaint?

Wang Ke was depressed for a while.

At this moment, Wang Ke saw a group of people at the gate of the city, and he entered the city without being censored at all.

“Huh? Why aren’t those people being searched? Shouldn’t this? It stands to reason that everyone should be searched by the Ministry of Criminal Justice? These people don’t look like high-ranking officials? Why do they have this privilege? “Wang Ke looked at another passage at the gate of the city in surprise.

Wang Ke wore a hat and simply covered his face and looked closer.

“Anyone else? This Enke, the exam will start tomorrow. Are there any candidates from all over the world? Are there any scholars’ books? Come with me, don’t you want to take the exam? “An official shouted from the high platform at the gate of the city.

“Ah, I, I’m late, my lord, sorry!” A man ran over in a panic.

The man took out a special paperwork. The officer immediately checked.

“Yes, it’s the scholar’s book issued by our official department. You, rash, know when it is now? Only now? The other candidates have arrived a month in advance! “The official of the official department scolded.

“Yes, yes, the villain was delayed on the road. He fell ill on the road and couldn’t make his way, so it’s only now!” the man cried.

“Okay, okay, don’t cry with me, follow the staff, and go!” the official cried.

“Yes, yes, thank you, sir!” The man bowed with excitement.

The man quickly entered the city gate under the guidance of the officials of the official department. The officials of the criminal department at the gate wanted to check, but the officials of the official department stared.

“What are you doing? This person has a scholar’s book. I have checked them all just now. They have the same blood and energy. Are you still coming to check if you are a fugitive? Are you sick? What is your name? Which branch of the Criminal Department are you from? In the annual assessment, do you want our staff to give you an inferior score?” The staff official stared.

The criminal officer’s face changed, and he suddenly smiled and said: “No, no, I don’t want to check, please!”

“Huh!” The official snorted coldly, and led the candidates into the city.

Wang Ke sees all of this.

“There is this kind of operation? Shizishu? I, I seem to have one too. It was the old dog Murong who asked Zhang Zhengdao to bring me the Shizishu from me? Can this stuff go directly into the city? Did I bring it?” Wang Ke searched for it suddenly.

After searching, Wang Ke suddenly found the scholar’s book.

Wang Ke’s eyes lit up: “It’s great, it’s an inexhaustible road! Haha!”

Speaking, Wang Ke took the scholar’s book and walked to the yelling official.

PS: Second!

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