Indestructible God King Chapter 575: Under planning

There is a campfire on the edge of a valley!

Wang Ke and Wang Youli sat on the floor, looking at the spicy rabbit head in the pot.

Wang Youli sniffed his nose and swallowed: “Wang Ke, you really didn’t lie to me, this bunny head can really eat? It smells so good!”

“I just said casually. I asked myself if I had enough field equipment to go out. You are even more exaggerated. Pots and pans, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, all kinds of condiments? Are you going to open one all the way? Is it a restaurant?” Wang Ke stared at Wang Youli.

“You don’t understand, in life, only food can’t live up to it!” Wang Youli shook his head and said.

Speaking, Wang Youli picked up the spicy rabbit head that Wang Ke had just cooked.

“His, delicious, Wang Ke, the news I’ve got before has always described you as Wang Ke, never won a fight, never lost a boast, I didn’t expect you to burn a rabbit head like this?” Wang The polite and scalded mouth crooked and kept talking.

Wang Ke said with a black face: “Who gave you the description? Who gave you the description? This is slander, what does it mean that you have never won a fight, and you haven’t lost a boast? You go to the mountain of 100,000 to find out, 100,000 Dashan, who is my opponent!”

Wang Youli stopped chewing on the rabbit’s head and stared at Wang Ke. Are you sure there is something wrong with my description? How do I feel that the description is so appropriate?

“Eat the food I cooked, and give me a rumor! Wang Youli, don’t think you are the book of great kind etiquette, I will not dare to beat you, my girlfriend is Dashan princess, I am also a messenger anyway, you Give me a spoil, don’t blame me for being polite!” Wang Ke stared.

Wang Youli: “………………!”

“My lord is the official book of the Ministry of Great Kindness and Etiquette, and the courtesy is the world, how can it be possible to spread rumors?” The groom stared at Wang Ke.

“I am chatting with Wang Youli, what are you talking about!” Wang Ke stared.

The horseman stared and wanted to argue for Wang Youli, but Wang Youli waved his hand to stop him from arguing.

“By the way, I’m surprised. Didn’t I give you three bunny monsters last time? It’s only a few days now, why are they gone? This time the spicy bunny head actually used ordinary hares, those three rabbits Where is the demon? You can’t eat it anymore?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“They? I sold them!” Wang Youli said.

Wang Ke was taken aback: “Sold? Sold? You detained the three rabbit monsters just to sell?”

“Yeah, I’m a little struggling recently! Sell it to improve your life!” Wang Youli said.

“Sell? Someone else buys this stuff? What price?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“The dead rabbit demon killed by Zhang Zhengdao is worthless. It can only sell 300,000 catties of spirit stones. Those two live ones can sell 1.2 million catties of spirit stones each!” Wang Youli said .

“You, you, you cheated my money!” Wang Ke stared.

“No, I bought one million catties from you! I paid, you made a lot of money, I only drank some soup!” Wang Youli explained.

Wang Ke: “…………!”

What’s special? Fortunately, I was smart at the beginning and discounted it directly. Otherwise, Wang Youli owed you personal love and directly gave you greed.

“Also, don’t think I made your money. Even if you have three rabbit monsters, you have no place to sell them. How many people do you think in this world dare to spend money to buy members of the rabbit group?” Wang Youli Shook his head and said.

“Do you mean…?” Wang Ke’s expression moved.

“Because I am the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette of the Dashan Dynasty, I have a wide range of paths! Ordinary people have no way to buy and sell monsters!” Wang Youli explained.

“Oh? Someone really bought monsters? It’s more expensive to live?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“Yes, there are a lot of rich people in this world, and I always like to catch a few powerful monsters to make mountain guard beasts or mounts, to satisfy vanity, but I don’t have the ability to catch, I can only buy it!” Wang Youli explained .

“Sure enough, there are still many rich people outside the 100,000 Dashan Mountain!” Wang Ke’s eyes lit up.

“Are you sure, the rabbit group found countless monsters around to catch me?” Wang Youli frowned.

“Yes, the portraits of Zhang Zhengdao and I were advertised everywhere. I just quietly caught the mayor and asked about it. It was released by a monster, indicating that the portrait was given by Cao Xiong to the rabbit king. They weren’t the two. Did you kill and live? How did you get involved? Now it seems that in addition to the rabbit group, Cao Xiong also has major suspicions for assassinating you!” Wang Ke said.

Wang Youli looked at Wang Ke weirdly: “You will not deliberately plant Cao Xiong?”

“Am I that kind of person?” Wang Ke stared.

Wang Youli’s face twitched. With the cowhide you just blown, I can hardly believe you!

“Now countless monsters are looking for you, you also took me to burn the spicy rabbit head at the foot of the mountain, you are not afraid to expose, the fire in the mountains in this dark night, but it is very eye-catching! This only needs to be discovered by a monster , We are all over!” Wang Ke looked at Wang Youli.

Wang Youli touched his beard, squinted his eyes and said: “Don’t worry, I was in an ambush by the rabbit group a few days ago, I am ready!”

“Ready?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“Didn’t you see that my groom is missing one person?” Wang Youli believed in himself.

“Oh?” Wang Ke looked at only one horseman left.

“The horseman is my guard. At this moment, he took the three rabbit monsters to sell, and at the same time he went to help me call for rescue. I made an appointment to meet here tonight!” Wang Youli explained.

“Going to call someone? Is the strength enough? There are many strong people in the rabbit group, and the rabbit king is even a high-level strong in the original spirit!” Wang Ke frowned.

“Don’t worry, I am the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette of the Dashan Dynasty. Everything is under my control. If I guess it is right, at this time, my rescue will come!” Wang Youli believed.

“My lord is a great literary sect, who is strategizing and decisively winning thousands of miles away!” The groom believed himself.

“Really?” Wang Ke’s eyes lit up.

So, don’t you have to worry about the retaliation of the rabbit group? Follow Wang Youli, can you go to the good gods smoothly?


Suddenly, there was a loud noise not far away, and a figure appeared on the peak not far away from the canyon.

“Someone is here?” Wang Ke raised his brow.

“My people are here! Don’t worry, it’s safe! This officer never fights insecure battles!” Wang Youli touched his beard and believed.

“Really?” Wang Ke looked forward to.

I heard a shout from a mountain not far away.

“I found it, let the king know, find the Wang Youli in the portrait, hahaha, and the big liar Wang Ke, he is also there, hurry up, send a signal, and found it! Offend our rabbit group, this time You have no place to be buried!” There was a cheer from the mountain peak.


A firework-like magical flame soared into the sky. In an instant, this high sky was lit by the fireworks. It was obvious that in this moment, countless monsters would gather around the originally silent valley.

Below, Wang Ke: “………………!”

Wang Youli: “…………!”

The groom: “…………!”

It was not the rescue that Wang Youli called, but a member of the rabbit group?

“Aren’t you talking about strategizing and winning thousands of miles away? Are you not fighting an uncertain battle? This, this, Wang Youli, would you like to explain to me?” Wang Ke stared at Wang Youli .

“This…!” Wang Youli’s face was ugly.

“It was you who invited me so hard to ask me to make a spicy rabbit head for you to taste. You also said that it is safe to follow you, so I followed you. You, can you explain this?” Wang Ke stared.

“This usually doesn’t happen. Today may be an accident!” Wang Youli frowned.

“What’s the accident?” Wang Ke stared.

“Originally, I did a good job, but this time you have one more accident, so my overall planning is not so accurate anymore!” Wang Youli whispered.

Wang Ke took a cold breath. This ceremonial book Wang is polite. It looks gentle. This method of throwing the pot is really good. In this case, can you throw the black pot to me? Can you make a face?

“My lord is a great scholar of Wenzong. He has written countless books and has never made any mistakes. This time I made a mistake, saying that it was your cause, it was your cause, Wang Ke, this time I was killed by you!” Opened the mouth.

Wang Ke’s face was black: “Go away! What’s special, do you have any part of it? Give me the plant!”

“You!” the groom stared.

“Okay, okay, it’s this time, don’t fight infighting, think about how to deal with it, Wang Ke, I will help you half the responsibility for this matter. Let’s think about what you are now!” Wang Youli Immediately round the ground.

“Fart, what do you mean by doing half of the responsibility for me? I have no responsibility at all. I am unparalleled in my disability. I can go wherever I want. This time I was cheated by you! You are not sure if you still beat me. The battle? I know, you have been making mistakes. First, you were poisoned and forced to abscond separately from the envoy team. Later, you were hit by the magic of three rabbits. If it weren’t for me to save you, you would belch at that time. Now Bring us into this desperate situation, you, you can really cause trouble!” Wang Ke said depressed.

“Don’t worry, my rescue will be scheduled at this time, maybe it will be there soon!” Wang Youli said.

Wang Ke: “…………!”

For a while, there are more and more monsters on the hills around, making it hard for the king to believe in Wang Youli anymore.

“Wang Ke, hahahaha, it’s really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. You deceived us so miserably, how about our gift money? Give us back? Actually deceived our feelings? Looking for death, No one can fight against the rabbit group. You are the first. Today is your death date!” A gruesome roar came from not far from the mountain.

“The Rabbit King is here too?” Wang Ke’s face sank.

“A lot of monsters, come so fast?” The groom also looked anxious.

“Wang Youli, you are the book of rituals of the Dashan dynasty. You must have some way to deal with the situation at hand. These are all murderous demon kings. How can the three of us stop this crowd? You must have something Is the magic weapon right?” Wang Ke looked at Wang Youli expectantly.

Sure enough, Wang Youli was looking for his storage bracelet. Suddenly, Wang Youli’s eyes lit up.

“Do you have a magic weapon to deal with?” Wang Ke also looked forward to.

However, Wang Youli took out a huge bamboo pole from the storage bracelet. On the bamboo pole, a white cloth was hung, and the white cloth fluttered in the wind in the night breeze.

“You, what is your magic weapon? Why don’t I feel the magic weapon aura?” Wang Ke wondered.

“The two armies are at war, don’t cut the enemy, I will surrender!” Wang Youli shouted at the mountain not far away.

Wang Ke stared and suffocated: “………………!”

You surrender? The white cloth on the bamboo pole is not a magic weapon at all, but a white flag of surrender? Your special mother, after searching for it for a long time, you came up with such a thing?

PS: Second!

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