Indestructible God King Chapter 57: Kid Wang Ke

Ruins of Nie’s house!

Countless demons have already surrounded this place, and some demons have even erected their swords and soldiers to face the group of disciples of the Golden Crow Sect with cold eyes.

Zhang Shenxu and others are already seriously injured, where can they run away? This time, Wang Ke was killed again.

“It’s you again?” Zhu Hongyi squinted at Zhang Shenxu and the others.

Obviously, Zhu Hongyi recognized it. Not long ago, in Wolfxian Town, it was this group of people who exposed themselves and lost their face. Turned out to be them?

“Hall Master, do you know them?” The demons showed their doubts.

Wang Ke rushed to take a step forward: “The disciples of the Golden Crow Sect? Huh, you group of righteous hypocrites, have you finally tasted the pain? Ambush my elder brother before, where are your courage? Come, come and kill! “

Wang Ke arrogantly walked towards Zhang Shenxu and the others, with a fake face, and all the demons who watched frowned. Is this kid going to be so dragged? That point of cultivation will definitely be hacked to death by this group of encircled righteous disciples, right?

Arrogant and domineering, screaming inflated?

The disciples of the Golden Wuzong suddenly opened their eyes. This **** thought that if we got into the Demon Cult, we can’t do anything about you? With a word of Lao Tzu, you can die without a place to bury you, die, die together!

Just as the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect were about to expose Wang Ke Laodi, Wang Ke turned his back to the demons and blinked at Zhang Shenxu and others. At the same time use lips, speak only, and make no sound.

Looking at Wang Ke’s mouth, Zhang Shenxu suddenly read it out.

“If you don’t want to die, shut up! I will save you. Cooperate with me, hold them first, and I will help you contact the Golden Crow Zong!” Wang Ke said with lips.

Cooperate? With a fart, your king is just greedy of life and fear of death, worried that we will reveal your details, right?

“Brother, fight with them, maybe you can make a **** road!” A Golden Crow Sect disciple said grimly.

Zhang Shenxu suddenly stopped the impulsive junior and killed him? Especially, if I had the courage to fight in my heyday, now I’m just looking for death.

I was stared at by Vermillion again. Will he let me go? How can we escape like this?

Zhang Shenxu stared at Wang Ke, so angry! I was able to kill Wang Ke just now. Now, why should I look at Wang Ke’s face?

“Huh, what do you want?” Zhang Shenxu stared at Wang Ke viciously.

In that way, if you can’t save us, then we will die together, and we will also break your identity.

Wang Ke did not speak, and the demons around him mocked.

“What do you want? Since you dare to kill my disciples of the Demon Cult, you must be prepared to be eaten by us, brothers, join me to eat all of this group of Golden Crow Sect disciples!” A demon said. Drink up.

“Okay!” The demons shouted, and they were about to pounce.

“They can’t be so cheap!” Wang Ke shouted.

“Huh?” Everyone looked at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke turned his head: “Hall Master, these Golden Crow Sect disciples, killed like this, it’s hard to understand the hatred in my heart, my brother’s hatred, can’t let this group of murderers die so cheaply!”

“What do you want?” Zhu Hongyi said solemnly.

“Aren’t you going to open the Underworld Conference? Above the Underworld Conference, how can there be no righteous prisoners? The subordinates proposed to bring this group of Golden Crow Sect disciples to the Underworld Conference, so that all my brothers of the Demon Cult will be one After the humiliation, they will end their lives at the Underworld Demon Conference! Let all the righteous disciples know that they will offend my Demon Cult!” Wang Ke said fiercely.

“You are crazy, just eat it, why wait until the Underworld Conference?”

“As long as you talk a lot, what is the difference between eating at the Underworld Conference and eating now?”

“Kill the chicken and warn the monkey to show the right way? Are you sick, right and wrong, do you need to take off your pants and fart?”




Suddenly a group of demons showed impatience.

Wang Ke’s face was bitter: “The hall master forgave the sins, the kid was talking too much, I, I was just angry but they killed my big brother, and I just wanted to give the Underworld Congress a strong voice. The Devil’s Assembly can’t have only one body! It’s too deserted. If you know the right way, wouldn’t it be a joke on us? It’s too shameful!”

When Wang Ke finished speaking, he did not dare to persuade him, but his eyes were fixed on Vermilion Yi.

Because Wang Ke understands that Zhu Hongyi is the only one who can decide here, as long as he nods, it will be fine.

Although it is still unclear about the relationship between Nie Jiexi and Zhu Hongyi, they were all hugged when I saw that day. There must be adultery! Zhu Wei said that the Underworld Demon Conference was held by Nie Extinction, and I said to help Nie Extinction. Would you agree?

Help young people support the scene? Why is Zhu Hongyi unwilling to do this kind of thing?

“Okay, well said, this hall master likes your kind of demon cult disciple who values ​​your love and righteousness the most. That’s it, and you will bring it to the Underworld Demon Conference! The time saved will not be enough for a Princess Youyue! , If they resist, then kill them all!” Zhu Hongyi waved a big hand and decided.

“Yes!” The demons were depressed for a while.

Zhang Shenxu stared at Wang Ke, this big flicker, in the demons, really calling for the wind and rain? What kind of cowhide can anyone believe? why? Are you all collectively mentally retarded?

Zhang Shenxu only saw Wang Ke exaggerating and talking, but didn’t see Wang Ke talking about Vermilion Yi’s heart. Zhu Hongyi’s extinct affair with Nie is not known to everyone. Wang Ke thought about helping Nie extinct, and Zhu Hongyi naturally gave his full support.

Although countless do not understand, everyone knows that there is no need to die for the time being.

What’s the matter, what is the truth of this king? Will he help us ask for help from the Golden Uzong? What if you lie to us? But now that there is a glimmer of life, it is naturally impossible for everyone to reveal Wang Ke’s secret.

“A group of righteous hypocrites, have you seen it? The hall master will give you some more time to live. Now, hand over all your storage bracelets, storage bags, and magic treasures! Then you can grab them with your hands!” Wang Ke took out one. Big basin, slowly walked forward.

The big pot?

The demons frowned and looked at Wang Ke, this kid, still want to **** the Golden Crow Sect disciple’s storage magic treasure? You kid dreaming!

But what the demons can’t understand is that Zhang Shenxu, who took the lead, really took off the storage bracelet and put it in the basin.


The storage bracelet fell into the basin, and Zhang Shenxu stood by waiting for the demons to bind him.

A lot of demons have their eyes wide open, so are you disarming and surrendering? Are you not righteous disciples? What about your sacrifice for righteousness? What about your impassionedness? We are still waiting for you to be humiliated and jump the wall in a hurry. Why did you surrender?

The battle of the demon is up to this day. Haven’t you seen such a surrender? Do you think you can’t kill if you surrender?

However, the disciple of the Golden Crow Sect really handed over all the storage bracelets, storage bags and weapons and placed them in Wang Ke’s basin.

Many demons pulled their hair, what’s wrong? Haven’t I been out for a long time to walk around? Is the morality of righteousness different now? Is Zhengdao so easy to deal with now?

The demons looked at Wang Ke incomprehensibly, and the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect stared at Wang Ke fiercely, as if saying, if you dare to lie to us, we will kill you and expose you.

“Come on, a few people, tie up this group of righteous ways, they will be caught with their hands, hurry up!” Wang Ke shouted at the demons.

Speaking, Wang Ke walked to Vermilion Yi holding the big basin full of magic treasures.

“Hall Master, the kid has searched all the money and money from the murderers who killed my big brothers. This group of murderers has today, oh~, it’s a pity that my big brothers, they all died in this group for the sake of my demon sect career. Right now. Oh, they died so miserably, what about the older brothers’ orphans? The second elder brother’s old parents, the third elder brother’s disabled wife, the fourth elder brother’s infant son, without the protection of the elder brothers, where can there be Cultivation resources? I have to avoid the righteous chase everywhere, I really, really…!” Wang Ke couldn’t help but wiped his eyes, as if he was sorry for the group of orphans who died of evil spirits.

These demons, for the sake of the Demon Cult, threw their heads and sprinkled their blood, and tragically killed this group of righteous hands. Now, I will collect the money of these murderers for your disposal! So many little brothers, no, so many demonic disciples are watching, can you make the brothers bleed and cry? Do you have the heart to swallow this ill-gotten wealth? If you divide the spoils unfairly, what do you let the brothers think of you in the future? Do you want to take the little brother?

Sure enough, Zhu Hongyi still looked down on this little money, and waved his big hand: “No matter, take these things back to your rudder, and hand them to your rudder master to deal with, just say what I said, all to the tragic death of the disciple The orphans of, shall not be detained in the slightest!”

“Yes, my eldest brother, thank you very much for the hall master! The eldest brothers know well, and they will definitely not regret the sacrifice for the demon sect this time!” Wang Ke said with gratitude.

Countless demons all around looked at Wang Ke with jealousy. What? This kid, who was ahead of him just now, turned out to be grabbing the spoils? Can you eat so many things by yourself?

However, the hall master spoke, how dare you refute?

One can only look at the wealth in Wang Ke’s hands, and at the same time, considering whether to find a chance to kill Wang Ke secretly.

On the other side, the people brought by the Gongyi Tea House have collected the bodies of the dead demons, put them in the coffin, took out their storage magic treasure relics, and repacked them to Wang Ke.

Wang Ke carried the package full of belongings, and put a group of coffins into the storage bracelet. Waiting for the burial in the next day.

On the other side, when the disciples of the Golden Crow Sect were caught, they stared at Wang Ke viciously to warn the king not to lose faith, but in the eyes of the demons, it is not surprising that you group of bones have already surrendered. Is there a way to look at Wang with bitter hatred? Don’t surrender just now!

In the distance, the cursing in Zhang Zhengdao’s mouth has not stopped, mainly because he is jealous of the big liar, what special? After eating the magic way, eat the right way again? How did your kid do it? Benefits are you holding it alone? Why? Why? Are you demons all mentally retarded? Let him fish out all the oil and water?

“Wang Ke, if you ignore me, I will fight back with you!” Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes were bloodshot with jealousy.

In the ruins of Nie’s house, Zhu Hongyi took a group of demons and looked at Princess Youyue again.

“The body of the fetus? Qing’er still has a prejudice against me, and actually hid you here?” Zhu Hongyi stepped forward.

“What do you want to do? Don’t come over!” Princess You Yue said worriedly.

“Hall Master, Princess You Yue seems to have a restriction under Fairy Qing, Fairy Qing will not let anyone approach her!” Wang Ke explained.

It’s not that Wang Ke informs the secret, the key is that this cannot be concealed. Wang Ke mentioned the “Blue Fairy” to remind Zhu Hongyi to be cautious about the attitude of the Green Fairy and don’t mess around.

“I know, before coming, Qing’er had already told me that she asked Nie Tianba to watch Princess Youyue, and asked me to take all the disciples of Qingjing’s demon cult, and take Princess Youyue back together. Underworld Demon Assembly! Haha, Qing’er has asked me for the first time for so many years! I will naturally take Princess Youyue back intact, even if she is restricted by her, I will not move! Boy, you! I did a good job this time and helped me protect Princess You Yue, what is your name?” Zhu Hongyi looked at Wang Ke.

“Kid Wang Ke! Thank you for your appreciation!” Wang Ke immediately reverently said.

Gave me so many benefits, you are my God of Wealth, so it should be respectful!

“Wang Ke? Okay, Wang Ke! Princess Youyue doesn’t seem to reject you? Then you hold Princess Youyue, don’t knock it out, so I can’t explain to Qinger! Now, you are holding Youyue Princess, come back with us!” Zhu Hongyi said solemnly.

“Yes!” Wang Keying said.

“What do you want to do?” Princess You Yue said anxiously.

However, Wang Ke has already grabbed Princess You Yue’s arm and whispered: “Scream, continue to resist me!”

“You let me go!” Princess You Yue rebelled against Wang Ke.

Unfortunately, being held by Wang Ke, the more he resisted, the tighter Wang Ke buckled, making the demons around him look greedy, but he didn’t dare to step forward.

Under Zhu Hongyi’s wave of hands, countless bats flew down again, building a black cloud platform, supporting everyone to fly into the sky and head towards Qingjing.

ps: Today I mourn, may the dead rest in peace, may the living work hard, and may the motherland prosper!

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