Indestructible God King Chapter 529: Ruthless Demon Lord

Du Xue Temple!

After more than a month of recuperating, Fang An has completely recovered.

At this moment, looking at a pile of information, his face was ugly, and Mo Sanshan was also waiting nervously.

“Mo Sanshan, why are you still staying at Duxue Temple?” Fang frowned.

“The devil is not dead! The devil is back! Don’t you know the news from Longxian Town a few days ago?” Mo Sanshan’s scalp numb.

Who would have thought how terrified Mo Sanshan was when he got the information a few days ago.

The devil is not dead, he is back! And now it was so powerful that it was astonishing that one finger killed Tian Shizhong’s senior, and even Dragon Blood wanted to trouble Demon Venerable, but he was frightened by one finger and fled.

The key point, Mo Sanshan himself had calculated the demon lord before! Demon Lord wants to seek revenge. It’s useless to hide under the Shaoyin fan of the Sky Wolf Sect.

Mo Sanshan came to Duxue Temple for the first time to escape the disaster.

“Co-author, you stayed at Duxue Temple these few days, so you used me as a shield?” Fang Anguished.

“I am afraid that Demon Venerable will retaliate against me, I am not the opponent of Demon Venerable!” Mo Sanshan smiled bitterly.

“Then, am I the opponent of Demon Venerable?” Fang Anga stared.

“Yes…!” Mo Sanshan looked bitter.

You were planning the calculation of Demon Lord at the beginning. It’s unlucky. Is it unlucky for me to be the only one? Why?

“Okay, don’t worry, the demon is gone!” Fang said in a deep voice.

“Leave?” Mo Sanshan refused to believe.

“The Demon Venerable wants to kill you. I will kill you a long time ago. I must have forgotten you a long time ago. Don’t worry! This is the latest information. Teach the disciples!” Fang An said.

“Zi Bufan, the leader of the Demon Cult has been taken away? The Demon Cult is not a piece of sand now?” Mo Sanshan said with a strange expression after receiving the information.

“Who said there was a dish of loose sand? Now there is a new leader!” Fang groaned and stopped fighting.

Mo Sanshan took a closer look at the information, and his face became extremely exciting.

“Zhu Hongyi was named the leader of the dragon, and Wang Ke was named the leader of the dragon?” Mo Sanshan exclaimed, staring.

“Yes, Wang Ke is now the leader of the demon cult! One person equals the rank, and one person is above ten thousand! The demon cult is unified!” Fang An said with a strange expression on his face.

Mo Sanshan looked at the intelligence and remained silent for a long time.

Wang Ke, this scourge, became an undercover agent and became the boss? Couldn’t the king mobilize the entire demon sect to deal with me?

“The devil is gone, how about we gather righteous disciples, can we go to crusade the king together?” Mo Sanshan asked expectantly.

Fang An looked at Mo Sanshan: “You can go now, but don’t use the name of Duxue Temple!”

“Why?” Mo Sanshan asked puzzledly.

“If you want to kill Wang Ke, you will come quietly. You are shouting slogans so publicly, for fear that others will not know? Although the devil has left the mountain, but if the king can write to the devil, please What should I do when I come back?” Fang An stared.

Mo Sanshan: “…………!”

The devil comes back, isn’t that the end of the game again?

“But, didn’t the Demon Venerable say that that day? The major forces outside the Hundred Thousand Dashan Mountains are not allowed to intervene in the affairs of the Hundred Thousand Dashan Mountains. Does the Demon Venerable dare to violate…!” Mo Sanshan frowned.

“Why don’t you try?” Fang An asked.

Mo Sanshan: “………………!”

I’m not insane, why should I go to test the bottom line of the demon?

“Let’s do this first, there is news from outside the Shiwan Dashan Mountain, the Demon Lord is outside the Shiwan Dashan Mountain, and he has smashed a **** road. Now he is the black lotus envoy, and his enemies are all over the world. He kills the right way and kills the devil way! After the **** storm, such a spoiler usually doesn’t live long. Wait, maybe after a while, news of the death of the Demon Venerable will come!” Fang frowned.

“Okay, I will listen to the abbot!” Mo Sanshan nodded immediately.

At this time, who would dare to touch the Demon Sovereign Nilin? Looking for death!


Half a year later, Shenlong Island!

Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu are back, standing next to Wang Ke, looking at the newly renovated Shenwang Building in front of them!

“Shenwang Building No.2? You built it to Shenlong Island? Didn’t you rebuild it in Longxian Town?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in surprise.

“Longxian Town? It is the abyss where the Dragon King is located. Although it has been repaired by the sky-filling stone, it might break down again. Didn’t you see that the residents of Longxian Town are all migrating? No. 2 God Can Wang Mansion be rebuilt there?” Wang Ke stared.

“That’s what I said!” Zhang Zhengdao said with a strange expression.

“When it comes to the two of you, it will take half a year once you have gone out. Do you dare to come to Shenlong Island when you come back? This is the site of the magic sect, you are not afraid now?” Wang Ke stared at the two.

Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu looked at Wang Ke with weird expressions.

“What do you see me doing?” Wang Ke asked puzzled.

“Wang Ke, you, you, have you really become the leader of the demon cult? You are…!” Zhang Shenxu said with a strange expression.

“Zhang Shenxu and I came back. We were silly to hear this news. What do you want to know what the righteous disciples are saying about you now?” Zhang Zhengdao looked strange.

“I don’t want to!” Wang Ke shook his head.

Two people: “………………!”

“What the others say, it’s my shit! Will I resign as the leader because of other people’s gossip? I am not sick again! This is my life in exchange for it!” Wang Ke stared.

The two face twitches, Wang Ke, can you have a face?

“By the way, what’s the situation with Zhang Li’er? Why did he faint suddenly that day?” Wang Ke suddenly looked at the two of them.

“My sister did it on purpose that day!” Zhang Shenxu said.

“Nonsense, of course I know she did it on purpose. I mean, why did she pretend to faint suddenly on purpose?” Wang Ke worried.

“Because someone secretly spoiled him!” Zhang Shenxu said.

“Oh?” Wang Ke was puzzled.

“No one else knows about this. My sister only asked me to tell you. Didn’t my grandfather give my sister the original “Yaochi Magical Art”, my sister used to practice the tampered Yaochi Magical Art, although my sister is now practicing The genuine one, but I am also studying the altered version. The altered version will make practitioners subject to others and become puppets that others can manipulate. The group of people my father brought with him, who didn’t know who among them, suddenly squeezed in secret. I wanted to stun my sister, and this mudra happened to be a tampered version of the Yaochi magical handprint. Although my sister didn’t get the trick, she discovered the impact of this familiar mudra. She immediately made mistakes, deliberately pretending to be dizzy and pretending to be controlled!” Zhang Shenxu said.

“Li’er means…!” Wang Ke narrowed his eyes.

“My sister wants to use this to find out who the murderer is, who wants to harm my sister! My sister said that those who want to harm her will definitely take action. My sister must follow the vine to find the murderer!” Zhang Shen Xu explained.

“So that’s it!” Wang Ke nodded.

“It’s just that, your sister is a bit too risky!” Wang Ke frowned.

“No, my elder sister said, she is now in the Yuanshen Realm, and she has no rivals, and Yaochi’s magical skills are extremely domineering! Let you rest assured!” Zhang Shenxu said.

Wang Ke nodded.

“However, Wang Ke, I feel that you and my sister may be getting more and more out of play!” Zhang Shenxu said weirdly.

“Why?” Wang Ke was puzzled.

“Because my sister suddenly fainted, my father actually called my sister’s master to treat the illness. My sister’s master also hates the surname Wang, and my sister listens to her master’s words very much! Zun tried his best to prevent you from being with my sister, you…!” Zhang Shenxu said with a strange expression.

Wang Ke’s face became stiff, this stick is not enough to beat the mandarin ducks, but he needs to make up a stick? What did Master Zhang Li’er do? The king offended you? I don’t live next door to your house again!

“Forget it, I’ll talk about everything when I’m out of the 100,000 mountains. Why have you two been out for half a year?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“There is a commotion outside, we can’t leave! A group of people in the Heavenly Master Palace desperately want me to leave my grandfather’s realm of the Heavenly Master, and also want to take back my sister’s Gengjin Fire! “Zhang Shenxu said depressed.

“Why do they fart to them? Your dad wouldn’t f*** them?” Wang Ke stared.

“My father is inconvenient because of his identity, so my father invited my sister’s master to come back. This calmed the turmoil, now it’s fine, and finally came back!” Zhang Shenxu said .

“Yeah, he won’t come back, and I won’t be able to come back. Only he knows the treasures my grandfather left me. Are you irritating?” Zhang Zhengdao said depressed.

“Remember, your own things must never be given to others! You must rely on it! If you lose both the Celestial Master Realm and the Gengjin Fire, don’t mess with me in the future, I can’t afford to lose it. People!” Wang Ke stared.

“Haha, naturally! Not only that, but with our fight, Zhang Shenxu has now grabbed the position of the golden crow sect leader!” Zhang Zhengdao said proudly.

“Jin Crow Sect Master? Zhang Shenxu?” Wang Ke stared.

“Yes, before we came to you, we went back to the Golden Crow Sect, and took over the Golden Crow Sect with Lingzhi. Now, Zhang Shenxu is the master of the Golden Crow Sect!”

“Didn’t you say that Shenwang Company is going to launch a logistics business with a hundred thousand mountains? You also told me that if you can master the Golden Crow Zong, it will be a very important channel. I remember In my heart, when the Golden Crow Sect was about to re-elect the sovereign, I asked Zhang Shenxu to fight!” Zhang Zhengdao said proudly.

“Then Tianshi doesn’t care about the Golden Crow Sect? He is the founder of the Golden Crow Sect!” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“He dare not care!” Zhang Shenxu said.

“Why?” Wang Ke was puzzled.

“Mozun took Zi Bufan out of the Shiwan Dashan Mountain for half a year, killing all quarters. From west to east, the ferocity is terrifying. When he reached the border of the Yama Dynasty, he even let out his words. Tian Shizhong mutilated the founder of the Taiyin Demon Sect and ordered him not to return to one hundred thousand mountains, otherwise he would be chased by thousands of miles! Tian Shizhong was scared to death, how dare he come back?” Zhang Zhengdao recalled.

“The devil is so fierce?” Wang Ke stared.

“It’s more than fierce, you don’t know. More than two hundred years ago, the position of the Black Lotus Saint Envoy was intended for the Dragon Emperor. The Dragon Emperor was humiliated and refused to take up the post before he came to Shiwan Dashan. The position of the Black Lotus Saint Envoy was vacated. For more than two centuries, in the Demon Dao Dynasty, how many powerful families wanted to compete for the position of the Black Lotus Saint Envoy. As a result, no one was competent. This led to the Black Lotus Saint Envoy. The position was vacated. A group of powerful family members who arranged people were nominally under the black lotus emissary, but they had all the powers of the black lotus emissary. I heard that this group of families wanted to find a puppet to be the black lotus emissary. Yes, it was the son of your side that was originally determined, because the black lotus envoy was originally the dragon emperor, and the dragon emperor was unwilling to do the job, would it be better to let his son be a puppet? Later, maybe I can’t wait, so I chose Demon Venerable, after all, Demon Venerable was also a disciple of the Dragon Emperor! I want Demon Venerable to be a puppet, so as to facilitate the control of their so-called family of elders!” Zhang Zhengdao recalled.

“And then?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“The Demon Lord did not follow their arrangements. The Demon Lord secretly went and killed these families and elders. All of the demon families and elders fell to the ground, cutting the grass and roots, and ruthlessly, some of them held great power. The elders killed most of them! Then everyone was quiet, and the Demon Lord sat on the position of the black lotus envoy, and the group of aristocratic families and elders who wanted to take him off the ground were dead, kneeling!” Zhang Zhengdao Said.

“The devil is so fierce?” Wang Ke stared.

“Anyway, facing a strong Yuanshen realm, no one has ever been able to pass the second trick in the hands of Demon Venerable!” Zhang Zhengdao recalled.

Wang Ke: “…………!”

The Demon Lord is really ruthless, even more ruthless after going out!

“Tian Shizhong did not dare to come to the 100,000 Dashan Mountain, but after all, the Jinwuzong was a station of the Yama dynasty in Shiwan Dashan. If Tian Shizhong did not come, the Yama dynasty would still send someone else, instead of sending it there. The people who are against God King’s company will destroy us to make money. It is better to take the opportunity to let Zhang Shenxu occupy this position! In the future, even if you pass the position of Sect Master to others, you can still be your own!” Zhang Zhengdao explained.

“Okay, you did a good job, you did it right! One hundred thousand mountains are ours! What a special thing, why let others stop us from making money!” Wang Ke stared.

“Wang Ke, I did a good job, don’t I have to increase the bonus this month?” Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes lit up and looked forward.

PS: Second!

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