Indestructible God King Chapter 528: Bazi Ke Peach Blossom (repair)

“Meet the leader, the leader of the magic dragon, Xianfu Yongxiang, longevity and heaven!”

“Meet the leader, the godlong leader, immortal blessing and eternal happiness, longevity and heaven!”

Under the arrangement of Mozun and Zi Bufan, all the disciples of the Demon Cult paid a visit to the two great leaders of the Taiyin Demon Cult.

The rudder masters already know that some people will be selected to follow the hundred thousand mountains. After the Taiyin Demon Cult, these two masters will be in power.

Wang Ke and Zhu Hongyi, one has the first influence in the magic sect, and the other has the first strength in the magic sect. They are not unreasonable at first, not to mention that they are backed by the Mozun and Zi Bufan. , Who dares to oppose?

Aren’t they just two leaders! This is nothing!

Only Wang Ke looks weird, me, am I really the leader of the demon cult? Or the **** of dragons? Special mother, I can’t afford this name? I’m the boss undercover, can I go back?

“Wang Ke!” Mozun shouted.


Wang Ke immediately went for a walk with Demon Zun.

Ju Hongyi and Zi Bufan naturally did not bother.

Mozun took Wang Ke to the beach and looked at the miasma in front of him.

“Mozun, are you looking for me alone?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

Mozun turned his back to Wang Ke, and groaned for a while: “I saw it just now, did you find another Taoist companion?”

“You said Zhang Lier? Yes, I don’t know what’s going on. Ever since I came into this world, I’ve been frustrated in feelings. Every time I just got a girlfriend, I’m going to be beaten by a mandarin duck, too. It’s wicked! Am I trying to stop the peach blossoms?” Wang Ke said with a depressed expression.

“Ba Zi Ke Peach Blossom?” Demon Lord said strangely.

“Yeah, how much energy I had lost this time before I caught up with Zhang Li’er. You have seen the devil. I even spared my blood in order to chase the girl. I finally caught up. As a result, his father came. , I also said that Zhang’s and Wang’s surnames are not allowed to marry, it is an old hatred! My…! The more you talk, the more sad!” Wang Ke said with a look of regret.

Mozun: “………………!”

“I remember you had a Taoist couple before, uh, your girlfriend? Princess Youyue?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“Yes, You Yue, you know, just two days after she promised me, her father came and beat the mandarin ducks and said that I was not worthy of her. He also used money to hit me. Don’t you know?” Wang Ke asked.

“I know, I mean, you already have a girlfriend, why are you still looking for a girlfriend? You have Princess Youyue, why are you looking for Zhang Lier? Are you two boats? “The Demon Lord asked in a deep voice.

“Mozun, I’m not on two boats. What? I just got the ticket, but I didn’t even go on a boat! If I have a girlfriend, do I need to look for it again? I’m so miserable too! I want to marry a wife and have children, and I want to inherit my family from the old Wang family. I can’t be a bachelor for the rest of my life, right?” Wang Ke depressed.

Mozun: “………………!”

“Also, Mozun, you made a mistake. Apart from Princess You Yue and Zhang Li’er, I also talked about a girlfriend named Long Yu, your maid, and now your disciple. You know about this. Yes, when I asked Demon Lord to let Demon Lord release Dragon Jade free, I wanted to redeem her! But, Demon Lord, if you don’t agree, you can beat the mandarin ducks. I was so miserable!” Wang Ke was depressed. Tao.

Although the devil is wearing a mask, his face is stiff. Have you talked with Long Yu about a girlfriend? Fart, when did Longyu promise you?

“Wang Ke, Long Yu never told me about this!” Mozun said solemnly.

“Didn’t you say? Long Yu certainly didn’t dare to say it. Demon Lord, let me tell you that Long Yu and I are happy, but she is too loyal to you. I said that I was in the Buddha Head Temple. , Why did Long Yu look at me reluctantly, and refused to agree to stay? It turned out to be to follow the Demon Venerable! Demon Venerable, or you will be merciful and promise me Long Yu! This way, I My heart has settled down, and I don’t have to bother to find a girlfriend anymore. This way everything is satisfied!” Wang Ke said anxiously.

Mozun turned his head and looked at Wang Ke: “You want to marry Longyu? What about Princess Youyue and Zhang Lier?”

“Mozun, what you said is like I am a love saint!” Wang Ke stared.

Mozun: “…………!”

What do you mean?

“Princess Youyue, Longyu, and Zhang Li’er, if I can marry someone, I will burn a lot of incense. You don’t know, find someone you like, who is also in love with each other. This How difficult is it! You don’t think that all three of me will marry, do you?” Wang Ke stared.

“You don’t think so? There are too many three wives and four concubines outside! Tian Shizhong just said that he has eight wives and concubines, why can’t you?” Mozun said in a deep voice.

“That’s because they didn’t pursue it! I am a pursuer. How could I find someone to marry? If this were the case, I would have married a wife and had children, and I still need to wait until now?” Wang Ke stared.

“Do you mean…?” The Demon Lord said in a deep voice that he didn’t understand.

“Hey! Blame me too, my eyes are too picky. It’s not easy to find a favorite and suitable one. Even if I find it, it’s like being cursed. It’s bad luck! Look, You Yue, Long Yu and Li’er are both like this. As soon as the talks were concluded, they were beaten to a mandarin duck! This is like an arrangement of fate, and I am also helpless! Others, I look down upon them! Any one of these three can succeed. , I’m satisfied, how dare I think of three wives and four concubines! My life goal is very small!” Wang Ke sighed.

Mozun: “Your goal in life is…!”

“Wife and child are hot on the bed, that’s enough, and then, there is money to spend for his wife and children! Stay happy and happy for a lifetime, guard the little home! That’s it!” Wang Ke took a deep breath.

Mozun looked at Wang Ke with a weird look: “That’s it?”

“That’s it. Actually speaking, I see those who are strong in cultivation, why are they busy for? I don’t know what they are tossing about! Life is like this, and the happiness of living is just fine! Why do you need to fight for the first in the world? Look at those emperors, the power is in the world, the world is the first! But, being a monarch is in danger of being beheaded by a rebellion, so he lives with his head on his trousers belt. Every day is always busy! When can I enjoy life? It’s too tired to live!” Wang Ke retorted.

Mozun looked at Wang Ke with a strange expression.

“It’s really tiring to fight for the first place!” Mozun sighed slightly.

“So, I don’t want to live like this. I want my wife and children to live a peaceful and happy life.” Wang Ke said.

The Demon Lord stared at Wang Ke for a moment of silence.

“Mozun, why don’t you satisfy my wish and betroth the dragon jade to me, what do you think?” Wang Ke looked at Mozun and asked.

The devil stared at Wang Ke for a long time, and betrothed myself to you, you dreamed!

“Longyu? Impossible, she is my disciple now, I can’t betroth her to you!” Demon Lord said solemnly.

Being to you? Isn’t my identity anymore?

“Look, look, what I said, Demon Lord, how difficult it is to find a good wife, there are countless thorns in the road ahead, and there is no old man on Longyu’s side to stop him, You Yue, Li’er, two An evil old man stopped, do you still think that I am all married? It’s not that I’m dreaming, it’s the devil, you think too much!” Wang Ke sighed.

Mozun: “………………!”

I was quite angry at first. After you explained this, why do I feel better?

“Princess You Yue, Long Yu, Zhang Li’er, if you choose one, who do you choose?” Demon Lord asked in a deep voice.

“I can’t even think about it! Demon Lord, don’t ask this question, okay? If you ask too much, I will think a lot. If you think too much, I won’t get it. All you get is endless pain. Demon Lord, this matter is not my final say, it is God’s final say, God is the biggest, what God says is what!” Wang Ke shouted immediately.

Mozun: “………………!”

Although he didn’t hear the answer he wanted, the Demon Lord didn’t seem to care about it.

“Okay, I won’t ask anymore, do you have anything you want me to bring to Longyu?” Demon Lord asked.

“The devil is willing to help me send a letter? Can I write a letter?” Wang Ke’s eyes lit up.

“No!” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“Why?” Wang Ke said depressed.

“Long Yu is cultivating, so you can’t be distracted. If you write something strange, it will disturb Long Yu’s practice!” Demon Venerable said in a deep voice.

“Uh, how did Mozun know that I want to write a love letter? Mozun, Longyu and I are in love with each other, and she agreed to be my girlfriend, so you don’t want to beat the mandarin ducks anymore, I I promise to honor you with Long Yu in the future, okay?” Wang Ke said eagerly.

“What do you mean?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

You are really thick-skinned. When did I agree to be your girlfriend?

“Uh, okay, the devil, help me bring some other things to Longyu!” Wang Ke took a deep breath.

“Oh?” Demon Lord curiously asked.

“This big Luo Jinbo, you bring her, and these two storage bracelets, you also bring her!” Wang Ke took out three things.

“Large Luojin Bowl? Two storage bracelets? What’s inside?” Demon Lord curiously asked.

“Uh, in the storage bracelet, one is some pocket money, and the other is some ghoul essence water!” Wang Ke said.

“Ghoul Essence?” The devil’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he checked carefully.

“Yes, the devil said that Longyu has been following you, but you have been torn and killed all these years. This time you will take Zi Bufan to fight with you. It must be very dangerous. The ghoul essence water should be able to help Longyu. Cultivate some ghouls and monsters to protect the dragon jade!” Wang Ke said.

The demon lord inspected the ghoul essence water, and there was a moment of silence: “So many ghoul essence water? This is outside the hundred thousand mountains, but it is priceless, not less valuable than the gold fire. You really want to Give Long Yu the blood!”

“Isn’t I making money to marry a wife and have children, and spend money happily? Maybe someday the devil will allow Long Yu to be with me, and I’m not giving it to outsiders! The money is spent on my own wife, which counts as What’s wrong?” Wang Ke stared.

The Demon Lord was silent for a while. Who is your wife?

“Mozun, these three things, please hand them over to Long Yu!” Wang Ke solemnly pleaded.

Mozun took a deep breath, and finally shook his head: “Longyu does not lack pocket money. You can keep this pocket money storage bracelet for yourself. The big Luojin bowl is a treasure of Buddhism. Longyu will be able to bring it with you. Catastrophe. I will help you bring this ghoul essence water to Longyu, which happens to be what we urgently need now!”

“Ah, ok, then trouble Demon Lord!” Wang Ke nodded suddenly.

PS: First!

The Immortal King

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