Indestructible God King Chapter 503: Back to the treasure house again

Above the sea of ​​blood, dragon blood fights purple!

At the time of the war, there is always a bad feeling. This feeling came from Wang Ke’s strange reaction, being refined into a blood **** child, so happy? why?

“I must be thinking too much. Even if Wang Ke is not disturbed by the blood **** son, but he is already a waste man by my seal and repair, what can he do? Which blood **** son did not eat him to death What’s more, I let Nie Tianba follow, there should be nothing wrong!” Dragon Blood comforted himself.

“Kill!” The dragon blood shouted.

The avatar of dragon blood and keel rushed straight into the center of Zi Bufan, and at the same time, countless blood gods all around followed closely, like a thousand troops rushing towards Zi Bufan.

Zi Bufan’s eyes became cold, and the thunder scepter in his hand suddenly slammed on the sea of ​​blood, countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and at the same time, Zi Bufan suddenly appeared behind him a Tathagata Buddha image.


As soon as the Tathagata Buddha’s Dharma image appeared, a huge breath of Dharma instantly washed through the entire sea of ​​blood, and the monstrous might burst out.


The battle between the two sides has become more intense, and the entire Shenlong Island is shaking strongly.


In the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

The dragon eggs of Wang Ke, Shengzi, Nie Qingqing, and Vermillion were quickly dragged into the bubble space by a group of blood gods.


Nie Qingqing and Shengzi let out a painful cry on the ground.

A group of blood gods surrounded the crowd, beckoning, there seemed to be some sarcoma flesh and blood rushing toward the four of them.

“Wang Ke, is this the placement you want?” Nie Qingqing cried depressed.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay! Here, it’s safe!” Wang Ke said.

Shengzi, Nie Qingqing stared at Wang Ke, do you know what is safe? We are all in the cave, still safe?

“Sure enough, everyone is there?” Wang Ke stared at countless sarcomas around him with bright eyes.

Among the sarcoma, all the demons here are sealed.

“My cultivation base is now blocked, and I can’t stop these blood gods. What a mess!” Nie Qingqing said anxiously.

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell.


Nie Tianba followed closely. Nie Tianba held a blood sea pass token in his hand and took a photo at the blood gods.

“Seeing Ling as the Lord, all blood gods, stop!” Nie Tianba snorted softly.

With a buzzing sound, the blood gods suddenly stopped moving.

“Nie Tianba? Are you trying to correct evil and save us?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“Who is going to save you? Wang Ke, which eye did you see that I was going to save you?” Nie Tianba sneered.

“Aren’t you helping us get rid of the blood **** sons? Dragon blood wants to make us into blood **** sons. What are you doing to stop the blood **** sons and not helping us? It turns out that you have always endured humiliation and lurked in dragon blood The undercover by your side?” Wang Ke asked in surprise.

“Bah! You are the undercover! I will be loyal to the Dragon Blood Lord, I have been loyal to the Dragon Blood Lord, Wang Ke, don’t slander me, although the Lord can’t hear you, I know, you I definitely want to pour dirty water on me again!” Nie Tianba stared angrily.

“Uh!” Wang Ke was taken aback.

When did Nie Tianba become so alert?

“Nie Tianba, what do you want to do?” Nie Qingqing frowned and looked at Nie Tianba.

“What are you doing? Hehe, of course, do a good job of searching for what good things you have!” Nie Tianba sneered.

“Do you want to rob us?” Wang Ke stared.

“What do you mean?” Nie Tianba sneered.

“I don’t have money with me, you don’t know it!” Wang Ke said.

“You don’t have one, but Saint Son must have it. Nie Qingqing must have it too!” Nie Tianba said anticipatingly.

“Nie Tianba, you are looking for death, do you want to search for me?” Nie Qingqing stared and furious.

“Nie Qingqing, don’t show your aunt’s style to talk to me, you aunt, I don’t recognize it. Today is your death date. Instead of your storage bracelet being taken by someone else, it’s better to give it to me. Right, it’s also considered to leave a legacy for the Nie family, isn’t it?” Nie Tianba sneered.

“Dare you!” Nie Qingqing was angry.

“Hahahaha, what dare you dare? Right now, all of you are useless, but what am I saying? Even if you die in a while, I can say it was an accident!” Nie Tianba sneered. .

“You mean, you want to grab the money from the dragon’s blood?” Wang Ke stared.

“Hmph, Wang Ke, don’t give me a set, you will suffer from it soon! Today, you obediently take out everything on your body, or do you want me to do it?” Nie Tianba said coldly.

“Okay, okay, okay, how many times Wang Ke told me that you are a white-eyed wolf, I never believed it, because you are from the Nie family, but today, I believe it, if I don’t die, I will decide Nie family righteously destroys relatives, eradicate you who deceived masters and ancestors!” Nie Qingqing stared.

“You are still stiff, Nie Qingqing, you are looking for death!” Nie Tianba’s eyes stared at him.

“Dare you!” The vermilion suit in the dragon egg exclaimed in anger.



Nie Tianba suddenly turned back, clutching his nose. And the big Luo Jinbo flew back to Wang Ke’s hands.

“Wang Ke, you, is your big Luo Jinbo still in your hands?” Nie Tianba exclaimed.

“Yes, the big Luo Jinbo is still there! No one is here to take it away, I can’t help it!” Wang Ke said.

“Catch Wang Ke for me, catch him for me!” Nie Tianba shouted, clutching his nose.

“Huh!” A group of blood gods pounced on Wang Ke.

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”………………

The familiar applause sounded again, and one by one, the blood gods were instantly taken away.

Nie Tianba’s face changed: “This, this, this is impossible, haven’t you been repaired by the seal?”

Nie Qingqing and Shengzi stared at Wang Ke. You weren’t repaired by the seal? why?

“Uh, originally the dragon blood was going to seal my dantian. I twisted my waist at the time, and the power of the seal was skewed, and the seal was on my waist!” Wang Ke said nonsense.

“When being sealed, just twist your waist? How is this possible?” Nie Qingqing said in astonishment.

Are you a fool when you think of dragon blood? You don’t know if it is sealed on your waist?

However, Nie Tianba believed it. If it weren’t for this reason, how could Wang Ke be okay?

“Wang Ke, what if you haven’t been sealed and repaired right now? You are only in the Golden Core Realm, and your Divine King Seal has no merit to use, you can still beat me?” Nie Tianba’s face changed. Pounced.

“Go!” Wang Ke threw the big Luojin bowl again.

“Hide!” Nie Tianba turned his head and avoided the big Luo Jinbo.

“Hahahaha, it’s useless! Wang Ke, you die for me!” Nie Tianba laughed.

“Be careful!” Nie Qingqing exclaimed.

Wang Ke wants to be careful, but Nie Tianba is in the Nascent Soul Realm, this speed is faster than himself, it is too late. In that instant, Nie Tianba had already arrived in front of Wang Ke. In this moment, Wang Ke could only master two turbid true yuan balls.


Nie Tianba slapped Wang Ke’s chest with a slap.

Everyone can’t bear to look straight, because under this palm, the king should definitely vomit blood and fly upside down.

But, no!

Wang Ke took a palm motionlessly, standing there as if there was nothing wrong, Wang Ke hugged Nie Tianba’s body, and a turbid true yuan ball suddenly slid into Nie Tianba’s mouth.


There was a thunder in his mind, and Nie Tianba was almost choked to death.

However, fortunately, Nie Tianba was still struggling, making a violent effort.


Wang Ke was knocked out.

“Oh!” “Oh!” “Oh!”…………

Nie Tianba was lying on the ground and vomiting.

“This is…?” Nie Qingqing looked at Wang Ke in confusion. What do you eat for Nie Tianba?

Fortunately, Nie Tianba didn’t eat much, so he woke up after vomiting.

“Wang Ke, I want your life!” Nie Tianba roared.

“Hehe, now, I don’t know who will kill him!” Wang Ke sneered.

I saw that Wang Ke was holding a token in his hand. It was a token of Blood Sea Pass that was detained from Nie Tianba’s hand when he was entangled with Nie Tianba just now when he was attracted by the stench.

With this token, you can not be disturbed by the sea of ​​blood, and can even mobilize the blood **** child to a certain extent.

“Grab it!” Wang Ke pointed at Nie Tianba while urging the token.

“What?” Nie Tianba’s expression changed.

But I saw that the twenty blood gods around suddenly turned into his own appearance and rushed forward.

“No~~~~~~~!” Nie Tianba exclaimed.


Twenty blood gods beat Nie Tianba swollen with three hits and five divided two. Soon, Nie Tianba fell into a pool of blood.

Wang Ke stepped forward and fumbled on Nie Tianba.

“Wang Ke, I won’t let you go!” Nie Tianba said bitterly.

“If nothing happened just now, you will let me go!” Wang Ke said with disdain.

Drawing out two storage bracelets, Wang Ke instructed the blood gods: “Okay, do it!”


Suddenly, some flesh and blood fell from the top and quickly wrapped Nie Tianba, who quickly wrapped Nie Tianba into a human sarcoma and hung up.

“No, Auntie, save me, I can’t be tempered into a blood god. If the Lord knows that I’m not doing well, he will kill me!” Nie Tianba exclaimed.

However, at this moment, no one cares about Nie Tianba anymore, and Nie Qingqing doesn’t look away. How many times have he saved this white-eyed wolf, and he will avenge his revenge as soon as he turns around. This is not the only one in the Nie family. There are still many descendants of the Nie family in Zhuxian Town. Why do you want to save this person who deceived the ancestor?

Nie Qingqing’s ignorance made Nie Tianba look desperate: “No, no!”

Unfortunately, this sarcoma has a paralyzing effect. Soon, Nie Tianba fell into a sleep state and fell asleep.

“You blood **** sons, protect Nie Qingqing, the vermilion dragon egg and the saint son! No one is allowed to approach, no blood **** son is allowed to approach!” Wang Ke urged the blood sea to pass token and ordered.

A group of blood gods immediately surrounded the three of them respectfully.

“Wang Ke, what are you going to do?” Nie Qingqing asked curiously.

“Uh, I’m the Golden Core Realm cultivation base, you are all Nascent Soul Realm bosses, I can’t untie your seals, you just have a rest here, I’ll be back soon, don’t worry, I won’t go out soon Come back!” Wang Ke said.

“What are you going to do?” Shengzi said weakly and curiously.

“What else can you do? Wang Ke is so shameless, what else can you do? It must be the looting of the treasure house of dragon blood, he went to grab the money!” Zhu Hongyi in the dragon egg said with disdain.

Nie Qingqing: “…………!”

Holy Son: “………………!”

It’s no wonder that Wang Ke was so excited when he heard that he was going to be refined into a blood **** son. It turns out that you are here to rob!

“Lao Zhu, don’t be sour, you are all the **** of the Primordial God Realm, and I am embarrassed to jealous of my little money? This is my life in exchange, why not take it?” Wang Ke suddenly stared .

After finishing speaking, Wang Ding ran away.

“I am a dragon egg, not a Dandan, special mother, Wang Ke, can you speak! Besides Dandan, I will slap you to death!” The vermilion suit in the dragon egg scolded.

PS: Three changes are over!

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