Indestructible God King Chapter 502: Come on, come train me!

“Wang Ke, what are you messing around at this time?” Zi Bufan stared.

“It’s not that I’m fooling around! I don’t want everyone to sacrifice because of the battle between you two! I am also for everyone’s sake! You can’t talk to Dragon Blood first? After seeking common ground while reserving differences, we saved us first. Then do it again?” Wang Ke said anxiously immediately.

Zi Bufan: “…………!”

“Okay, Dragon Blood, the leader looks at my face, and gives you a chance to negotiate, you can talk!” Wang Ke looked at Dragon Blood.

Dragon Blood looked at Wang Ke with a black face, I want you to give face?


Suddenly, there was a loud drink not far away, but the keel suddenly shook all over, and a large amount of flames shot everywhere, as if he was awake.

“Dragon bone, are you refining?” Dragon Blood said in a deep voice.

“It hasn’t been completely refined yet, but I have mastered most of the power of the fire dragon soul. Sure enough, this is left to me by the Dragon Emperor!” Dragon Bone laughed.

Turning his head, Keel saw Zi Bufan, and his eyelids suddenly picked up.

“Zi Bufan? Are you still here?” Keel said coldly.

“Dragon Bone, have I told you that no one is allowed to draw the blood of the saint son again, he is your son, there is still a breath left!” Zi Bufan stared.

“Huh, what’s the matter with my son? I didn’t eat him, it is already the greatest gift to him, and, Zi Bufan, don’t talk to me in this tone, I’m no longer yours. From now on, I won’t be the hall master of any Taiyin Demon Cult. Your orders are useless!” Keel said coldly.

“You are looking for death!” Zi Bufan said coldly.

The face of Dragon Bone changed, and he immediately stood beside Dragon Blood.

“What to see, Dragon Blood promised to bless me, I still feel more comfortable with Dragon Blood, huh, when I completely refine the Fire Dragon Primordial God, what can you do to me?” Dragon Bone sneered sneer. .

“Long Wu, look, I am with Dragon Bone, do you still have a chance of winning?” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Why don’t you try?” Zi Bufan said coldly.

“Hey, the leader, Dragon Blood, didn’t you just say that you won’t fight? This is going to fight again? Let’s settle first!” Wang Ke said.

Dragon Blood and Zi Bufan ignored Wang Ke, but their eyes were full of murderous aura.

“You don’t believe it, I’ll prove it to you again!” Dragon Blood sneered.

“Proof?” Zi Bufan squinted.

The dragon blood looked at the dragon bone on the side: “Dragon bone, you promised me before, I will help you get the fire dragon soul, you listened to me, remember?”

“Haha, of course I remember, of course I listen to you! Don’t worry, I will resist Zi Bufan with you!” Keel laughed.

Listen to you? Hmph, when I completely refine the fire dragon soul, I will listen to you.

“Well, since you agreed to listen to me, then I only need you to promise one thing!” Dragon Blood squinted.

“A hundred pieces are fine! What do you want me to promise you?” Keel laughed.

“Promise to be my clone!” Dragon Blood squinted.

“What?” Keel was taken aback.

But seeing the dragon blood immediately took out a scroll.

Keel’s face changed, feeling something was wrong, and he turned his head and flew towards the sky.

“Want to leave? It’s too late, this is the scroll that Dragon Emperor prepared for you. I stole it back then, go, lock the body curse!” Dragon Blood shouted.


The scroll flew out and unfolded in an instant. Suddenly, countless golden fonts appeared in the scroll. These fonts seemed to emit bursts of chanting sounds, quickly covering the keel.

“No, no, no, ah, what about my body…!” Keel exclaimed.

I saw that the keel body was like a magnet attracting the scroll. The scroll instantly wrapped the keel. The keel violently tore the scroll. The scroll was torn into pieces, but the gold characters on the scroll came out of the scroll and poured into it. The body of the keel is gone.

“Ah! It’s hot, hotter than the fire dragon soul, what is this, what is this?” Keel roared.

“Body Locking Curse? Locking Body Curse? Impossible, impossible!” Zi Bufan exclaimed.

“There is nothing impossible, the lock curse, you know, this is not a curse that can be placed on someone overnight, but a curse for many years. The Dragon Emperor massaged and combed the blood for us, he was constantly giving We curse, she was so gentle back then, not cherishing us, but cherishing her own clone! This is a body-locking curse seal, once activated, you can’t help yourself!” Dragon Blood said solemnly.

“I feel, I can’t feel my body anymore, Dragon Blood, what are you going to do to me? No, no, you let me go, I will listen to you in the future, I will listen to you in everything, you Let me go, let me go!” Keel roared in horror.

The dragon blood stepped up to the keel.

“You are the physique of Hellfire, and you have incorporated the fire dragon soul. The future is limitless. I will not accept you today, and I will be accepted by the Dragon Emperor in the future. It will be cheaper than the Dragon Emperor. It’s better to make me cheaper, right , Keel?” Dragon Blood smiled.

“No, no, save me, Zi Bufan, no, the leader, save me!” Keel screamed in horror.

“Didn’t you leave the Demon Cult just now? What did you call the leader for?” Wang Ke cried.

“No~~~~~~! I am the father of the Son. The Son cannot be without a father, and the Son cannot be without a father! Help me!” Keel screamed in horror.

Wang Ke, Nie Qingqing and others all showed a look of contempt. You just kept saying that you are going to eat the Son, and now you still have the face to say that you are the father of the Son.

“Release the keel!” Zi Bufan called.

“It’s late!” Dragon Blood said in a deep voice.

While speaking, the dragon blood probe pointed his brow to the keel. Like a mass of blood poured into the center of the keel’s eyebrows.

“Don’t!” Keel roared in shock.

Zi Bufan stepped forward instantly. Dragon Blood backhanded.


The two palms collided, immediately exploding countless waves of blood, Zi Bufan and dragon blood split instantly.

The keel in the center was trembling all over, and suddenly his pupils dilated.

“Father!” Shengzi cried weakly.

“Dead? The keel is really dead this time?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“You killed the keel?” Zi Bufan stared.

“It wasn’t the dragon bone I killed, it was the body-locking curse left by the dragon king back then. The dragon bone body will become someone else’s clone sooner or later, so it’s better to become mine!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Crack, click, click!”

The body of the keel trembled abruptly, and then the divergent pupils converged, as if they had come back to life.

“Long Wu, I didn’t lie to you!” Keel suddenly sneered.

But at this moment, the keel’s sneer is extremely cold, because the smile is exactly the same as that of the dragon’s blood.

“The dragon bone is dead, you made him a clone?” Zi Bufan’s face changed wildly.

“Dragonbone, this was killed by you? Dragon blood, you are too inhuman, right? He is your little one! If you play with the big ones, kill if you say you want to kill?” Wang Ke exclaimed Tao.

Dragon Blood turned his head to look at Wang Ke not far away.

“Yes, if I say kill, kill, and, Wang Ke, don’t you want me to settle you first? Humph, talk nonsense with me for a long time, and give me advice? No problem, I settle you, you just Let’s be my blood **** son together!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Really?” Wang Ke’s eyes lit up.

My original suggestion was to let us go to your bubble space, so that I could go to the snow and wash it again, you, are you getting the hang of it now? Don’t want me to say it, you plan to send me there? so good?

Wang Ke’s excitement made Dragon Blood stunned. You, the king, is crazy, right? You are so happy after being trained as a blood god?

“Dare you!” Zi Bufan immediately rushed to Wang Ke.


The keel body instantly stood in front of Zi Bufan.

“Zi Bufan, I know, today you will save them no matter what, but they are useful to me, and you can’t take them away. If you want to take them away, defeat me first!” Keong Bone sneered. .

“Dragon blood!” Zi Bufan looked at the dragon blood coldly.

“Even if Wang Ke finds you, it is useless. My plan has been successful. I have made the first clone. Now it’s your turn, Longwu, you can be my second clone! “Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Wait a minute, Dragon Blood, didn’t we say it? Let us become blood gods first, what are you eager to fight? When we are settled, you can fight again!” Wang Ke suddenly Anxiously.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

Zi Bufan: “…………!”

Nie Qingqing: “………………!”

“Wang Ke, you are sick, what blood **** do you want to do! You want to do it, but we don’t want to!” the vermilion suit in the dragon egg cursed.

Wang Ke ignored the vermilion clothes, but looked at the dragon blood: “Come on, come on, train me! I can’t wait, hurry up! Train us first, so that you can fight well. Stand up!”

Dragon Blood stared at Wang Ke. This is really crazy. If I train you to become the Blood God Child, will it affect the Blood God Child’s IQ?

“Lord, don’t listen to Wang Ke’s nonsense, he is deliberately disturbing your thinking!” Nie Tianba exclaimed from the side.

“Don’t listen to Nie Tianba, I really want to become a blood god, hurry up, don’t grind! You have to fight here, how can you waste so much time here!” Wang Ke urged.

Wang Ke wants to go to the bubble space in the blood sea too much. After such a period of time, there must be a lot of money stored in it. Let me go in and get it, hurry up, send me in!

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

“Master, you urge him, this dragon blood knows Mo Ji!” Wang Ke asked Zi Bufan for help.

Zi Bufan: “………………!”

This Wang Ke, was frightened stupid?

“Wang Ke, you are…!” Zi Bufan said with a weird face.

“Hmph, Wang Ke, you want to be trained as a blood god, I will fulfill you!” Dragon Blood snorted coldly.

While speaking, immediately, countless blood gods suddenly emerged from around Wang Ke, Nie Qingqing and others, hugged everyone, and dragged everyone into the depths of the blood.

“Stop!” Zi Bufan suddenly rushed.

The dragon blood appeared in front of Zi Bufan instantly, and the dragon bone clone, bombarding Zi Bufan together.


For a time, a huge wave of blood splashed on the sea of ​​blood.

When the two confronted each other, Dragon Blood saw Wang Ke’s smiley expression again.

Wang Ke was dragged into the blood red by the blood god, you laughed? why? You are crazy, you are dying, and you can still laugh?

“Nie Tianba, you stare at him, Wang Ke has been sealed by me. If he dares to play any tricks, just hit me!” Dragon Blood roared.

“Yes!” Nie Tianba yelled and chased after him.


Above the sea of ​​blood, another wave of tsunamis fiercely rolled up again, Zi Bufan held the Leiyin Zen stick in his hand, causing countless thunder and lightning to fall from the sky.


“The blood is boundless!”

“Bone Demon Warriors!”


The entire Shenlong Island is full of fierce fighting roars.

PS: Second!

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