Indestructible God King Chapter 498: Everything is under control

I have long heard that Wang Ke makes a lot of money, and there are twelve Ding Haizhu in his body. I thought he had caught a big fish. But, is this a big fish? There is not a piece of broken spirit stone, are you mad at you?

“Where’s the money? Where’s Ding Haizhu?” Dragon Blood roared, staring.

“I said, I didn’t bring it! Why don’t you believe it! Or, you search it again?” Wang Ke looked at the dragon blood.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

It’s useless if I search ten more times. You have this storage bracelet all over your body!

Only not far away, Nie Qingqing stared and wondered, this Wang Ke, is such a great hiding money? There is no place to hide things in this sea of ​​blood. Why is your money gone? Ding Haizhu is gone too? I remember, you obviously brought a lot of storage bracelets, why are they gone?

“Old blood, don’t always look to money when you are a man. Look at me. I don’t have money, but life is very happy! Don’t be lost by money! You can live happily without money!” Wang Can be comforted.

Dragon Blood looked at Wang Ke with a black face. Why do I want you to comfort me? Fuck your mother! Live happily? Happy your sister!

“No!” Dragon Blood’s face suddenly sank.

“What’s wrong? Old blood, if you can’t see it, I don’t mind if you give me a bracelet filled with millions of catties of spirit stones!” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Last time in the abyss of Duxue Temple, before you jumped into the sea of ​​blood, I checked your body. You didn’t wear a storage bracelet or a sea pearl, but you were in the depths of the blood sea and used it. Ding Haizhu, and the fixed light mirror! You must be hiding, hiding in a place I don’t know?” Dragon Blood suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Wang Ke was taken aback. Has this dragon blood become smarter?

“Last time? Uh, the last time was a coincidence. It was during your melee. Zhang Zhengdao helped me find the lost storage bracelet and Ding Haizhu. Then he plunged into the bubble space along with your blood and sea water. I picked it up again. I didn’t bring a storage bracelet last time, nor did I bring any money this time. It’s very reasonable!” Wang Ke defended.

“Hmph, do you think I’m a good liar?” Dragon Blood sneered.

Wang Ke looked weird for a while, should I tell you the truth frankly? I’m afraid you can’t bear it!

“I see, Wang Ke’s storage bracelet must have been placed on Nie Qingqing, and they came together!” Nie Tianba exclaimed, staring.

“Nie Tianba, what are you talking about?” Nie Qingqing stared.

“Search Nie Qingqing’s body, and you will definitely find twelve Ding Haizhu!” Nie Tianba suddenly called.

“Presumptuous!” Nie Qingqing stared.

This grand-nephew, in order to please the dragon’s blood, will he hesitate to bury me?

“Nie Qingqing?” Dragon Blood narrowed his eyes and looked at Nie Qingqing.

Now, only Nie Qingqing can be suspected. Are they here together?

“Hey, I said, my money is not here, let alone Nie Qingqing, why don’t you believe it?” Wang Ke stared.

“Shut up, you don’t have to speak!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Why don’t I have the right to speak? My money, you want my money, I can’t say a word? I can’t tell the truth?” Wang Ke stared.

“Noisy again, I will kill you!” Dragon Blood stared.

“If I don’t make any noise, you are not going to kill me?” Wang Ke stared.

Dragon Blood’s face sank. I have never seen such a skinless and faceless person. What a peculiar thing, you are all a prisoner, and you dare to stand up against me?


At this moment, there was a scream of Saint Son not far away.

However, I saw that the Son suddenly fell weakly, and the whole person lost a lot of weight, as if people were shriveled a lot.

“Kongbone, he is your son. Did you drew out his blood? No, the saint son is thin like this, and it’s impossible to be so shrivelled if all the blood is exhausted, you, you even the saint son Most of the fat in the body has been removed? You are a beast!” Wang Ke exclaimed.


The keel roared.

A large amount of dragon blood entered the body, and suddenly bursts of red light appeared all over the body, and then the bones slowly turned golden, and at the same time, a trace of flesh and blood slowly appeared on the bones.

“Dragon Bone, how much flesh and blood did you draw the Saint Son?” Dragon Blood stared.

“He is my seed, everything he has is given by me. I don’t take it for granted? Don’t worry, keep a breath! I want to refine the fire dragon soul, how can I do without eating?” Keel Shen said.

“You are not my father, I hate you!” Shengzi let out a weak voice unwillingly.

The Son is really weak. At this moment, he has no strength to move a finger. He can only look at the dragon bone with his eyes open, with hatred and discomfort in his eyes.

“Dragon Blood, you tell your blood **** son to stop strangling the son, and then strangling, the son will be out of breath, the son has only one breath left, don’t really let him die Ah!” Wang Ke called out anxiously.

“Huh, do you really care about the son?” Dragon Blood snorted coldly.

With a wave of his hand in a cold snort, the blood **** sons who had entangled the son dispersed one after another.

“Of course, the son is my buddy. If it weren’t for you to keep the son, I would have done my best with you!” Wang Ke stared.

Dragon Blood stared at Wang Ke, you guy is crazy, don’t you forget to brag?

“Why are you looking at me like this? Do you think I’m bragging with you? What I said is true!” Wang Ke stared.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

“Roar~~~~~~~~~!” Keel roared suddenly.

But I saw that the keel had grown again, as if it had recovered its original appearance, but there was no blood on one face, and it clearly only seemed to have recovered, much worse than at the peak.

“Enough, enough to recover so much, the fire dragon soul, it’s mine, smelt!” The keel lunged at the fire dragon with a loud shout.


The fire dragon roared, and instantly burst out a monstrous flame, returning the impact of the keel.

“I have the physique of Hellfire, a wicked animal, you are mine, look at my Dragon Emperor Mantra Scroll!” Keel shouted loudly.

The keel took out a scroll and instantly released thousands of golden light, which enveloped the fire dragon soul, as if forming a golden cage, trapping the fire dragon soul.

“Come on, fuse with me!” The dragon bone immediately rushed towards the fire dragon soul.

“Hmph, the fire dragon soul is mine, you want to get involved, shake!” The vermilion in the dragon egg cried out.


The fire dragon primordial spirit shook abruptly and smashed the keel away, but with the golden light of the scroll, the fire dragon primordial spirit seemed to be imprisoned, and the struggle was not so violent.

“Come!” the dragon bone roared.

“Shake!” the vermilion suit in the dragon egg roared.


The two parties insisted that the dragon bone was out of order for a while, and the fire dragon soul protected the vermilion dragon egg, so that the dragon bone could not harm the dragon egg.

“Dragon Blood, come and help me again!” Keel roared anxiously.

“Dragon bone, you are really a waste. After drinking the blood of the Saint Child, you have nourished the flesh. With the scroll left by the Dragon Emperor, you can’t receive the fire dragon soul?” Dragon blood said coldly.

“The fire dragon primordial spirit has been refined by vermilion robes. I’m competing with vermilion robes, Te Niang. If not refined by vermilion robes, with this scroll, the fire dragon primordial spirit will be obedient and obedient. Now, what do you want me to do? Why don’t you come to help?” Keel said depressed.

“Help? It is not necessary to go to you, just grasp the weakness of the vermilion suit!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“What’s the weakness of Vermilion Yi?” Keel stared.

“His weakness is Nie Qingqing! Just so, Nie Qingqing, didn’t you help Wang Ke hide things? Now, let me spit it out!” The dragon blood immediately rushed towards Nie Qingqing.

“What!” Nie Qingqing’s face changed, and he immediately greeted him with a sword.


With a loud noise, Nie Qingqing was instantly knocked out by the powerful force of the dragon blood, but behind the flying out was a sea of ​​blood rolled up, and a large number of blood gods pounced on the flying Nie Qingqing.

“Dragon Blood, you are sick, I said, Nie Qingqing didn’t take my storage bracelet, I really didn’t bring Haizhu, what are you doing to bully a woman?” Wang Ke suddenly roared.


In the distance, the blood **** son was full of blood in the sea, and Nie Qingqing was submerged in an instant. Dragon Blood ignored Nie Qingqing at all, and immediately stepped forward and slapped Nie Qingqing again.


Nie Qingqing was beaten away again.

“Stop!” the scarlet robe in the dragon egg roared.

Nie Qingqing’s scream is indeed the weakness of Vermilion Yi, and the dragon eggs in Vermilion Yi must rush over.

“Hahaha, Dragon Blood, you are right, Nie Qingqing is indeed the weakness of Vermilion Yi, and want to run, I will let you save her?” Keong laughed as he intercepted. Suddenly, the Fire Dragon Yuanshen was a little unable to resist.

Wang Ke glanced at the two battles and ran to the land of the holy child.

“Wang Ke, do you want to run?” Nie Tianba’s face changed and he rushed.

Wang Ke backhanded a big Luojin bowl.



Nie Tianba screamed, clutching his nose and squatted down.

“Wang Ke, can you still use magic weapons?” Nie Tianba cried out in pain, clutching his nose.

“It’s just a big Luo Jinbo, you don’t know, I just throw it!” Wang Ke said with disdain.


“Come here again, I still have the seal of the **** king!” Wang Ke said with disdain.

“My lord, you just confiscated Wang Ke’s treasure, my lord, you sent some blood gods to deal with Wang Ke!” Nie Tianba shouted depressed.

At this moment, Wang Ke has reached the side of the son and helped him up.

“Holy Son, how are you?” Wang Ke worried.

“One more breath!” Shengzi said weakly.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, everything is under my control, this group of people, I will make them pay a heavy price!” Wang Ke immediately comforted.

Holy Son: “………………!”

Should I believe you? You can’t protect yourself, so you can say such a confident thing? Why? I am no longer the previous seven-year-old wise child, I already have a basic judgment.

“Holy Son, what are you worried about? When did I lie to you?” Wang Ke frowned suddenly.

“Uh!” Shengzi was taken aback.

Yes, Wang Ke doesn’t seem to lie to me. but……!

“Okay, okay, I believe you!” Shengzi nodded out of years of trust.

“Don’t worry, you will be fine soon, everything is under my control!” Wang Ke said.


There was a loud noise in the distance, but a sea of ​​blood was exploding. Nie Qingqing fluttered out immediately and fell onto the sea.

“Puff! Dragon blood, you…!” Nie Qingqing spit out blood and exclaimed.

“Nie Qingqing, I have sealed your cultivation base, you can no longer use true yuan, hahahaha!” Dragon Blood laughed.

Shengzi looked at Wang Ke on the side. Is this everything you say is in your grasp? Nie Qingqing is also abolished! With your grasp, can you be sure that your own side will be wiped out?

PS; first!

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