Indestructible God King Chapter 497: Dragon Blood is good to talk.


The blood **** child who was pumped off pounced on Wang Ke again.


Wang Ke slapped the blood **** child into the air after two slaps.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

“Lord, I told you that the Blood God Child is useless to the king. You see, no matter how much you go there, it’s useless!” Nie Tianba immediately said anxiously.

I saw a group of blood gods pounce on Wang Ke.

“Papa Papa!”

Wang Ke quickly slapped the blood gods out like a fly.

This scene made Nie Qingqing’s eyes widened. This makes no sense. Isn’t the Blood God Child I dealt with so unbearable? Is Wang Ke really a hidden master? However, this power is also in the Golden Core Realm.

The saint son who was entangled and escorted by a group of blood **** sons even widened his eyes: “Wang Ke, you, how did you do it?”

“There is nothing I can’t do, I have said, I treat them like playing!” Wang Ke shouted.


The ten blood **** sons exploded again like goddess scattered flowers.

“How is it possible? Why is my blood **** child invalid?” Dragon Blood also looked at him suspiciously.

“Lord, I told you that Wang Ke is just a lunatic. He expects that he is only a congenital state. Don’t expect the Blood God Child to be useful. He doesn’t ask for progress, he wants to be a mortal!” Nie Tianba guessed from the side.

Dragon Blood: “…………!”

Dragon Blood wanted to scold Nie Tianba for farting, but if Wang Ke didn’t have this expectation in his heart, how could the Blood God Child be so weak and pitiful? Could it be that Wang Ke is really a neurotic.

“Come on, it’s not enough, Dragon Blood, this time I give them one hand, I want to hit a hundred!” Wang Ke shouted at Dragon Blood.

Nie Qingqing: “………………!”

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

Holy Son: “………………!”

You want to hit a hundred? Are you eager to play? Really think this is your big stage?

“Hurry up, Dragon Blood, you blood gods are not good! Before I can help, they fall down, come again, hurry up!” Wang Ke urged.

Dragon Blood has a black face, do you really think they are your sparring partners?

In anger, the dragon blood shook his body.


In an instant, the dragon blood appeared in front of Wang Ke, so fast that everyone didn’t react.

“Wang Ke, be careful!” Nie Qingqing screamed at the sword.

“It’s late!” Dragon Blood snorted coldly.

Take a palm of your hand and pat it on Wang Ke’s Dantian. At the same time, under the control of Dragon Blood, a large number of Blood Gods pounced on Nie Qingqing.

“Boom!” Nie Qingqing was immediately blocked.

“You attacked? Dragon Blood, you are looking for death!” Wang Ke exclaimed.


A palm slapped Wang Ke’s dantian, and Wang Ke trembled all over, agitated.

“Aren’t you going to kill me? What are you doing?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

The king is not afraid of dragon blood attacking him. If the dragon blood move can kill him, the immortal sword will fight back. If the dragon blood move is a normal blow, it can improve his cultivation level and go further from cremation.

But this palm is not strong, so that my cultivation level has not improved. What is this for?

“Wang Ke, do you have a brain disease? My palm is not powerful, it is the power of the seal. If you have sealed your repair, why do you look like this?” Dragon Blood stared in astonishment.

Wang Ke: “………………!”

I was shocked, I thought you came to send me cremation! Seal my repair base? You said it earlier, no wonder it’s not powerful!

The seal power of the Dragon Blood’s Primordial God Realm entered Wang Ke’s Dantian. According to reason, a Golden Core Realm had long been wrapped in the Dantian and sealed the cultivation base, but Wang Ke’s turbid true essence would swallow all kinds of power. Before this palm seal power had time to seal Wang Ke, it was digested by Zhuo Zhenyuan.

“What’s your expression? Wang Ke, are you not afraid?” Dragon Blood stared in astonishment.

I sealed your repair, what are you doing so dumbfounded? Frightened silly?

Wang Ke’s face changed, and he immediately covered his stomach: “Ah, my cultivation base, you, you, you…!”

Dragon Blood stared at Wang Ke’s exaggerated expression. Is this person really sick? Why did I fall into the hands of this kind of person twice? Do you need to be so ostentatious? Also, are you covering the pubic area? That’s the belly! Your dantian is sealed, what are you doing while holding your belly?

“Wang Ke, how are you?” Nie Qingqing said anxiously not far away.

“I could have defeated them, but the dragon blood didn’t follow the rules. I secretly attacked me while I was fighting! For the time being, my cultivation base was sealed and it would be inconvenient to shoot again!” Wang Ke shouted.

Dragon Blood looked at Wang Ke with a black face, just your cultivation base, I still want to sneak attack you? Special mother, I just did it in front of you, you can’t see it, right?

“Damn it!” Nie Qingqing shot anxiously.

“Old Nie, calm down, don’t be impulsive! I’m fine here. Although the dragon blood attacked me, it was still very easy to talk, and it didn’t embarrass me!” Wang Ke shouted at Nie Qingqing.


Nie Qingqing smashed away a few blood gods and jumped away, staring at Wang Ke.

When is this, you tell me not to be impulsive? Still saying that dragon blood is good for talking? He has sealed your cultivation base, and your life and death are just between his thoughts. Isn’t it embarrassing for you?

Dragon Blood also stared at Wang Ke. When is it all, should I thank you for helping me comfort Nie Qingqing? Also, when will I be able to talk?

“Wang Ke, you are really not afraid of death!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Who said I’m not afraid of death? I’ve always been afraid of death! Old blood, I didn’t say bad things about you, I said you are approachable, is there anything wrong?” Wang Ke stared.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

“Dragon Blood, don’t talk nonsense with Wang Ke, just kill it!” Long Bone shouted.

“Go and do your business, Wang Ke, I will take care of it!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Hmph!” Keel hummed coldly, and immediately rushed towards the son.

“Father, daddy, what are you going to do? No, daddy, I can draw blood for you, you can draw several times in succession, daddy, don’t clean it all at once, daddy!” Shengzi cried in horror .

No matter what, Keel didn’t pay attention at all, opened his mouth with two fangs, and suddenly pierced the Shengzi’s neck, drawing blood frantically.

“Ah! Dad, don’t~~~~~~~~!” Shengzi cried out in pain.

No matter what, Keel doesn’t care at all. The Blood God Child entangled the Saint Child, so that the Saint Child could not resist at all. For a while, the blood from the whole body of the Saint Child was quickly drawn away, and the Saint Child was in pain.

“Stop!” Nie Qingqing rushed.

“Boom!” A large number of blood gods stopped Nie Qingqing.

“Lao Nie, save effort, don’t go, I won’t do anything, you can’t help them, don’t do it!” Wang Ke persuaded from the side.

“Also, dragon bone, you just promised dragon blood, don’t forget! The blood can be drawn, don’t hurt the life of the son, otherwise you can’t eat it!” Wang Ke also pointed at the dragon bone Shouted.

Dragon Blood stared at Wang Ke, which side are you on? What you said seems to be on my side.

“Wang Ke, don’t think that if you help me speak, I will let you go!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

“Who helped you speak, what I said is the truth! I asked Nie Qingqing to save her strength, don’t do this useless work, what’s wrong? Although you hurt the son, you didn’t want the son. Fate! I just opened one eye and closed one eye, otherwise, do you think I will let you go?” Wang Ke stared.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

“Wang Ke, it’s this time, can you stop bragging?” Nie Qingqing exclaimed depressed.

“I’m not bragging, everything is under my control, as long as you don’t be so impulsive, everyone be patient, wait a minute, I will make the dragon blood and the dragon bone pay a heavy price!” Wang Ke said suddenly.

“You, you, you…!” Nie Qingqing was depressed and didn’t know what to say.

“Wang Ke, you have hysteria, and everything is under your control. That’s it?” Dragon Blood stared.

“Lord, Wang Ke is the best boast, don’t believe what he said!” Nie Tianba called out immediately.

“Nie Tianba, what do you mean by this? When did I brag? I never brag!” Wang Ke stared.

Nie Tianba: “………………!”

“Shut up!” Dragon Blood stared.

“Why? I’m not wrong! How come you can’t listen to others? It’s easy to suffer!” Wang Ke suddenly shouted.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

“Lord, ignore Wang Ke’s nonsense. Didn’t you get four more Ding Hai Zhu? Didn’t you look for Wang Ke’s Ding Hai Zhu? Didn’t you say that Wang Ke had twelve Ding Hai Zhu on his body? Now, the subordinate will help you search?” Nie Tianba said.

“No, I’ll do it myself!” Dragon Blood waved his hand.


Suddenly, the water of the sea of ​​blood poured into Wang Ke’s body.

Soon, a storage bracelet was found on Wang Ke’s wrist.

“Only one storage bracelet?” Dragon Blood frowned.

“Yeah, I was walking in a hurry today. I didn’t bring any money. It’s useless for you to take my storage bracelet. You don’t have any money, and you didn’t bring Ding Haizhu!” Wang Ke said.

“Impossible, Wang Ke, do you think we are a fool?” Nie Tianba stared.

Not far away, Nie Qingqing’s eyes were also staring. That’s not right. When I was flying with Wang Ke today, I saw Wang Ke’s two wrists, each with a row of storage bracelets. There were still two rows of storage bracelets. How about the storage bracelet, why is there only one? What about the others?

“Empty? Is this storage bracelet empty?” Dragon Blood exclaimed, staring.

“What? Impossible!” Nie Tianba exclaimed.

“As I said, I went out in a hurry today and didn’t bring any money! Why don’t you believe it!” Wang Ke stared.

“You, you, why did you bring an empty storage bracelet? Wang Ke, where are your things hidden?” Dragon Blood stared.

“Who said that I brought an empty storage bracelet? My storage bracelet, I used to store the seal of the gods, the big Luojin bowl, and the flying sword under my feet. It contains so many things. , How could it be an empty storage bracelet!” Wang Ke stared.

“You fart, you brought three things with you when you went out? Other things, where did you hide?” Dragon Blood stared.

“I didn’t bring it. Didn’t you search it just now?” Wang Ke stared.

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

If I hadn’t checked it myself, I wouldn’t believe it if the dragon blood was killed, Wang Ke would just be an empty bracelet. This, this is unreasonable! Twelve Dinghaizhu, not one? why?

PS: Three changes are over!

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