Indestructible God King Chapter 49: Go and save Mrs. Wang together

Zhuxian Town, Nie’s family!

“Uncle San, it’s not good, it’s not good!” A child of the Nie family ran into the Nie family compound.

“What’s the matter? Why is the town so noisy?” An old Nie family asked in a deep voice.

“I just went to the Gongyi Tea House to see a lot of people! I can’t squeeze in! I heard what Wang Ke was shouting inside? Sanshu, is Wang Ke back?” The Nie disciple worried.

“How is it possible? If Wang Ke can come back, wouldn’t he be swallowed alive?” the old man said coldly.

“Maybe it’s just killing the king alive? Should we notify the Patriarch?”

“I can’t tell, the Patriarch said to retreat, I don’t know where the Patriarch is! Go again, squeeze in and see what’s going on!” The old man said solemnly.



Nie’s water prison.

The Princess Youyue in the cage closed her eyes and sensed Acacia Pearl, and saw what was happening in Gongyi Tea House. Listening to Wang Ke turning black and white there, a group of immortal cultivators were bluntly advertised.

This kind of nonsense, if someone had mentioned it to Princess Youyue before, it would be impossible for Princess Youyue to believe it.

Today, it’s really a long experience.

“The most painful thing in the world is that people are still alive and money is gone!”

Hearing Wang Ke’s words, Princess You Yue finally couldn’t hold back, she burst out laughing.

This smile caused Nie Tianba, who was not far away to sacrifice his flying sword, to arouse his spirits and opened his eyes to look at Princess Youyue.

What’s the situation? Didn’t Princess You Yue just make a crazy noise? Why are you laughing now? Is she crazy?

“Princess You Yue, what are you laughing at?” Nie Tianba couldn’t understand.

“It’s nothing, I just think you are going to be unlucky!” Princess You Yue smiled.

“Unlucky? Hmph, Wang Ke is unlucky, I will not be unlucky! I was deceived last time, this time, do you think I will be deceived by your rhetoric? What’s more, you are better at deceiving people than Wang Ke It’s too far, hum!” Nie Tianba snorted coldly, ignoring Princess You Yue.

Princess Youyue’s mind is all on the high platform of Gongyi Tea House, and naturally she has no thoughts of arguing with Nie Tianba.

In the picture, Wang Ke said, ‘The most painful thing in the world is that people are still alive and money is gone! After that, the entire backyard of the Gongyi Tea House fell into a deadly silence and irritability.

So heartbreaking! The knife pierced our heart!

Pain? Yes, everyone is suffering during this time! Although this money is also ill-gotten wealth, it was obtained from my own bad things over the years, but it is also my money. Don’t we feel sad if we lost it so plainly?

Wang Ke originally sold wealth management products to people who were not good people. Therefore, Wang Ke is now fooling around, and there is no psychological burden.

“Wang Ke, what’s the use of you saying so much? What’s the use of money? What about the big split in your letter? What about the money?” a Patriarch cried.

“Yes, Wang Ke, where is the money? Look at the wealth management products I bought, there are contracts here, I brought them all, you pay back the money, I don’t need interest anymore, you return the principal to me! “Everyone shouted.

At this moment, everyone also accepted that Nie Tianba deceived himself, but didn’t see the money. Does it matter who cheated himself? You just give money, we all believe in you!

“Now, let’s talk about money!” Wang Ke shouted loudly.

There is no need for the ‘support’ in the crowd to speak, everyone quieted down instantly.

“Your money can be divided into two categories. The first is the money defrauded by Nie Tianba by the masters. The second is the money you want to refund the wealth management products! Is it right?” Wang Ke asked Tao.

“Not bad!” everyone shouted loudly.

“Let’s talk about the money defrauded by Nie Tianba by the lord, let’s talk about the money for buying wealth management products first!” Wang Ke said.

“Okay!” Everyone yelled.

“You all know that my royal family was served by Nie Tianba in one pot! All your money for buying wealth management products was robbed by Nie Tianba. Now, Jinshan Yinshan, all piled in Nie’s house, as long as I will With this money back, it must be refunded to you in accordance with the contract!” Wang Ke said.

“What? You mean, if you don’t get back Nie Tianba’s money, you won’t withdraw?” Someone angered.

“Don’t make a noise, let Patriarch Wang finish!” “Thank” in the crowd scolded.

“The shopkeeper asked just now, if I don’t get the money back, I won’t refund? Do you think I’m as arrogant as Nie Tianba? No, you underestimated my Wang. But after doing business for so many years, reputation has always been the first priority! What do you rely on when I do business? Conscience! Conscience, do you understand?” Wang Ke cursed at the crowd.

But at this moment, being scolded by Wang Ke like this, I don’t know why, but it is very comfortable.

“My king can make money. Others never want to take advantage of me, and I never take advantage of others! The account book for buying wealth management products such as recorder was also snatched by the Nie family. I only need to find this account book, and my king can exchange it. !” Wang Ke shouted at everyone.

“Patriarch Wang, if you can’t find the account books, you won’t exchange it?” someone asked impatiently.

“Wang Patriarch, do you have any money?”

“Shut up and let Patriarch Wang say it!” Others in the crowd interrupted.

“Everyone, do you know what happened during this period? Why did the Golden Crow Zong withdraw the reward of Princess Youyue? How dare my king come back?” Wang Ke looked at everyone.

Everyone looked confused.

“Because, that day, Nie’s family destroyed my king’s family, and I ran away in a hurry and took Princess Youyue! I went to the fairy gate to receive the reward, and handed over Princess Youyue, then the Golden Crow Zong withdrew the reward order! “Wang Ke explained.

“You handed Princess Youyue to the Golden Crow Sect? The Golden Crow Sect accepted you as a disciple according to the reward?” The crowd asked in surprise.

Wang Ke didn’t explain whether he was worshipping the Golden Crow Sect or the Sky Wolf Sect, but he just waved his hand.


A flying sword flew around Wang Ke in an instant, streamers lasing, and everyone watching turned red.

“Flying sword? This is a flying sword. How can you have a magic weapon that is not necessarily in the Golden Core Realm?” everyone exclaimed.

Flying sword, it’s a legend in ordinary fairy towns! Now he appeared in front of Wang Ke.

“I worshipped the immortal gate and was given a flying sword. Why is it difficult?” Wang Ke turned his hand and took the flying sword.

At this moment, who doesn’t believe Wang Ke’s words? At the same time, it’s good luck to scold the king one by one. Although the whole clan is dead, you have entered the fairy gate. Jin Wuzong has five places, did you exchange the other four for a flying sword?

“You think, my king can still afford the money?” Wang Ke looked at everyone.

We all worshipped the Golden Crow Sect, how could I have no money? This Feijian is more than just our money to buy wealth management products!

“I think some of you must have lost their contract, right?” Wang Ke looked at everyone.

“Yes, I thought you were dead before, but I tore it out in anger!”

“Me too, I took the contract to find Nie’s house, but they tore it!”




Some unlucky depressed among the crowd said.

“It doesn’t matter if I tear it up, just get back my Wang’s account book, and I will exchange it according to the account book, everyone! Do you think I want to get the account book back?” Wang Ke looked at those people.

“You must find it back, you must come back!” The group of people suddenly excited.

“How long has it been down, maybe the account books have been destroyed by the Nie family?” A Patriarch frowned.

“Yes, that’s why I came to you. It doesn’t matter if the account book is destroyed, my Wang family still has a backup account book!” Wang Ke said.

“Oh?” Everyone was taken aback. Backed up?

“Back up the account books, in my wife’s hands! As long as you find my wife, all the truth can be revealed!” Wang Ke explained.

“Your wife? We haven’t heard of it?” The crowd asked in astonishment.

Ten years, why don’t we know you have a wife?

“My wife has never gone out in the past ten years. You naturally don’t know her, but all of you have seen her look!” Wang Ke explained.

“What?” everyone puzzled.

But seeing Wang Ke waved his hand, a scroll appeared in his palm, the scroll unfolded, and a portrait of a graceful woman suddenly appeared. Everyone eagerly watched.

“Huh? Is it her?” everyone exclaimed.

In the Nie’s water prison, Princess Youyue suddenly blushed, because the woman in the portrait was herself.

“Who will be your wife?” Princess You Yue blushed softly.

In the backyard of the Gongyi Tea House, all the patrons stared at the portrait. The portrait was too familiar. Isn’t it the “Princess You Yue” that Zhang Shenxu and Nie Tianba wanted us to find?

“In my royal family, my wife is in charge of the money. She hides a lot of money in different places. Therefore, after Nie Tianba destroyed my royal family, she was still at a loss. I’m forced to ask out all the deposits of my Wang’s family! I also made up a reason to deceive you. Who is Princess Youyue? Let you find it for him? Hahahaha, fart! He Nie Tianba treats you as fools!” Wang Ke said to everyone. Yelled.

Patriarchs: “………………!”

The children of all the Xiuxian families all have blue veins on their foreheads, and they are angry.

It turns out that it’s not Princess Youyue at all, but Wang Ke’s wife?

“I can tell you clearly that my wife was arrested by Nie Tianba! For safety, she told a few places where Wang’s deposit was deposited. The money there has been taken by Nie Tianba! But, still There are many places that I haven’t moved. It must be my wife who is delaying time and buying time for me! My wife is detained somewhere in Nie’s house! As long as my wife is rescued, all the accounts of wealth management products will come out! Money for wealth management products , I can redeem it all for you! Are you willing to help me save my wife?” Wang Ke shouted.

“Yes!” shouted a crowd of people who bought wealth management products.

“Today, my king is coming back. I am here to avenge the tragic death of my king’s family! At the same time, I must save my wife! I will also sort out your accounts! Find Nie Tianba for everyone Ask for justice!” Wang Ke shouted loudly.

“Okay! Patriarch Wang Changliang!” Those who had lost the contract shouted.

“Patriarch Wang, do you want us to be your thugs and help you deal with the Nie family?” A Patriarch saw the reason and asked in a cold voice.

The surroundings were quiet, and they looked at Wang Ke together.

“Yes, Patriarch, you are not willing?” Wang Ke said very directly.

No one expected Wang Ke to be so direct. However, everyone did not quarrel, waiting for Wang Ke to continue.

“Huh, why should we help you? Besides, do you think the Nie family is so easy to deal with?” The Patriarch said coldly.

During this period, the families and the Nie family have been in constant conflicts, but they have never won, so that everyone dare not go against the Nie family.

“What can’t be dealt with? I have also inquired these days, are you at a loss in the hands of the Nie family?” Wang Ke sneered.

“What about the loss?” The Patriarch said with a cold face.

“Stupid, stupid!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

“What did you say?” The Patriarch stared.

“The Nie family is the first immortal cultivation family in Zhuxian Town. If you touch him, isn’t it stupid?” Wang Ke cursed.

“Huh?” Everyone was taken aback.

Don’t you want us to help you deal with the Nie family? Say that we are stupid to deal with the Nie family?

“Of course your family can only fail when dealing with the Nie family! But, will you not unite and go together? How many people are in the Nie family? How many people do you have? How many innate realms does the Nie family have? How many innate realms do you have? If you are united, you will be several times the Nie family, but in the end, you will be attacked separately. Isn’t this stupid, what is it?” Wang Ke cursed.

“Do you think unity is useful? Then Nie Tianba is the pinnacle of innate realm! How are we opponents?” a Patriarch shouted.

“That’s because you Patriarchs are greedy for life and fear of death! You are afraid of being killed by Nie Tianba, so you don’t dare to do your best! Can’t you do it together?” Wang Ke said coldly.

The faces of the Patriarchs were slightly dark, and no one spoke.

Indeed, let’s do it together, Nie Tianba may not be able to win, but we must be killed or injured. What if I am the one who died? I just want money, but don’t I want to die?

“I can only say that Nie Tianba was too shocking for you. You are afraid of death, and you are afraid of death, but you will give others a bargain, so you dare not deal with Nie Tianba! But, do you think I will be afraid? “Wang Ke looked at all the Patriarchs.

The heads of the Patriarch changed their expressions and thought of Wang Ke’s flying sword.

“From now on, Nie Tianba will let me deal with it. Do you still dare to go to Nie’s house and ask for debt?” Wang Ke looked at all the Patriarchs.

The heads of the Patriarchs suddenly changed their expressions. Yes, Wang Ke has a flying sword, and he can definitely deal with Nie Tianba. He can deal with Nie Tianba. Then, those ordinary disciples of the Nie family, are we still afraid of being a hairy?

“Patriarch Wang, are you sure?” a Patriarch asked with a frown.

When Wang Ke heard these words, he knew that they were already moved.

“Okay, now, I’m going to the Nie family to save my wife! Pay homage to the undead of my Wang family! At the same time, I want to return all the money from my Nie family, everyone, whoever wants to go tell me, and join me Go to Nie’s house to get back your hard-earned money! The money you get, first repay the part of the wealth management product contract. If there is a surplus, I won’t take the money and distribute it to you! As for those who don’t want to go, just stay here and watch. When the Nie family cheated your money, don’t want to come back, because after today, there will be no Nie family in Zhuxian Town!” Wang Ke shouted loudly.

“I will go!”

“I will go too!”

“House Master Wang, we will accompany you!”

“Down with Nie Tianba! Rescue Mrs. Wang! Give back my hard-earned money!”

“Down with Nie Tianba! Rescue Mrs. Wang! Give back my hard-earned money!”




The entire backyard of Gongyi Tea House is full of shouts.

This is to ask for debt, this is to kill the door to grab money!

Wang Ke’s flying sword is against Nie Tianba, what are we afraid of? We want to get back our hard-earned money, this is what we deserve! Repaying debts is justified!

People who buy wealth management products are naturally willing, and all the family owners have gone through some ideological struggles. He did not hesitate to agree. Not to mention the resentment in the heart of being bullied by Nie Tianba. If we go one step late at this moment, the Nie’s house is gone, so we still have a fart debt?

“Okay, without further ado, let’s leave immediately!” Wang Ke shouted.


The shouts blasted the entire Zhuxian Town.

Headed by Wang Ke, nearly all the strong in Zhuxian Town followed, eagerly gearing their hands, their eyes flushed.

As soon as I walked out of the gate of Gongyi Tea House, I ran into the Nie family’s children who came to inquire about the news.

“That’s the child of the Nie family, don’t run away for him! Stop!” A shout sounded.

There is no need for Wang Ke to speak. Before the children of the Nie family could react, they were beaten and kicked by a group of powerful men with their noses and faces swollen.

“You are looking for death, do you know who I am? I am Nie Jingyun, let me go!” The Nie family cried out.

“You were the one who beat me. The last time I went to your house to ask for money, you kicked me!” someone in the crowd shouted.

“Tie it up and bring it all to Nie’s house!” Wang Ke gave an order.


Soon, a group of Nie’s children who came to inquire about the news were all tied up.

“Down with Nie Tianba, rescue Mrs. Wang, and return my hard-earned money…!”

A group of people shouted slogans, swaggered across the city, and walked through the most prosperous street in Zhuxian Town. Many people in Zhuxian Town cast a curious look. They didn’t understand what had happened, and they faced Wang Ke. The team pointed and pointed, tut amazed.

The guys at the Gongyi Tea House, I don’t know when they will put up their thoughtful banners and carry them among the crowd, so that other unrelated people in Zhuxian Town can also know the reason.

I saw the banner read:

“Down with the thief Nie Tianba!”

“Let’s stop being silent, we’re going to shout!”

“Where there is oppression, there is resistance!”

“Eradicate the Nie’s family, the tumor in Zhuxian Town!”

“Blackheart Nie’s family, get out of Zhuxian Town!”




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