Indestructible God King Chapter 479: Murong old dog

The sea of ​​blood suddenly became quiet. Wang Ke waited for a while, but no one took care of him! His own spirit stone disappeared.

“Who and who you love! My money can’t be lost anymore!” Wang Ke’s eyes stared and made up his mind.


Wang Ke removed the fixing lens and immediately took the remaining Lingshi into his arms. Wang Ke carried the cocoon-shaped Zhang Li’er and immediately soared into the sky.

Without the fixed light lens and continue to illuminate, the blue light that has fixed the blood sea does not disappear all at once, but a process of slowly dissipating.

When Wang Ke reached the surface of the sea, the effect of the fixed lens finally disappeared.


The sea surface that had just stopped moving slowly.

Wang Ke stepped on two flying swords under his feet, sliding quickly along the edge of the sea like a ski.

“Brother Wang, come here!” A cry from the Immortal Sect Master came from Feilai Peak.

Wang Ke raised his head and glanced, then he rushed to ignore him.

I’m sick. Duxue Temple is such a big goal. Didn’t I go to seek death? As long as I go ashore and get into the sandstorm, no one will find me!


Suddenly, there was a huge wave on the sea of ​​blood.

Wang Ke’s expression changed and his speed became faster.

The sea of ​​blood is only twenty miles in diameter, not too big. When Wang Ke reached the shore, a long-lost voice finally came from the sea of ​​blood.

“Wang Ke, you are bad for me, I am going to kill you, roar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!”

A roar came from the sea of ​​blood, and I saw that the sea of ​​blood suddenly soared into the sky, rolling up a huge wave, overwhelming the sky, like a cloud of blood, sweeping toward Wang Ke.

“Dragon blood? Are you still alive?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

Screaming, Wang Ke rushed into the desert without hesitation, and escaped as quickly as possible.

“Stop, stop for me, you bastard, today, I am going to kill you! Roar!” The voice of dragon blood swept through again.


The blood covering the sky rushed towards the desert, and swept towards Wang Ke frantically.

Fly on the peak.

One of the immortal disciples widened their eyes.

“This sea of ​​blood is moving?”

“Can the sea of ​​blood move? This whole sea of ​​blood is chasing Wang Ke!”

“The king is going to be miserable!”




Many people expressed anxiety.

“Dragon Blood won? Is Lustful Dead?” Fang squinted.

Taking a deep breath, Fang screamed into the sky, heading towards the place where the sea of ​​blood surged in the distance.

“Abbot Fang, wait for me, we will go with you to save the king brother!”

“Abbot Fang, wait for me!”




For a time, a group of strong men followed, but Fang An seemed to have his own mind at this moment, and he didn’t wait for everyone, and instantly rushed into the sky full of wind and sand.

The vast sea of ​​blood disappeared before everyone in a blink of an eye.

In the depths of the desert, Wang Ke hurried all the way!

“Dragon Blood, you are sick, why are you chasing me? You have won all of them, **** is dead, are you still chasing me? You have become the biggest winner!” Wang Ke’s side Shouted while running away.

“Fart, Lust has found my Innate Demon Seed and it has been integrated into my Inborn Demon Seed! He is now fusing. Because of the refining of the sea of ​​blood, I merged the Demon Seed into the sea of ​​blood, and he was drilled. Kongzi, I blame you, I blame you, I want you to die!” A roar came from the sea of ​​blood.


A blood wave struck, instantly crushing countless rubbles in the desert where Wang Ke was located.

Wang can flee, but he can’t hide from the chase of blood! As for using the fixed light mirror, it is too late! It is not too late to urge, but too late to pour a lot of spirit stones.

“Dragon Blood, don’t push me! If you push me too hard, don’t blame me for killing you!” Wang Ke roared as he ran.

Resurrected dragon blood slowly emerged from the sea of ​​blood. Hearing the threat of the king’s bragging in front of him, the dragon blood twitched his face.

“Kill me? Come on! Come on!” Dragon Blood roared.


Just as Wang Ke rushed forward, a huge bone spur suddenly grew in front of Wang Ke.


Wang Ke crashed and fell.

“Who? Which shamelessly blocking my way?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

“It’s me!”

A cold voice sounded, but I saw a figure standing above the bone spurs. Who is it if it is not the keel?


The surrounding blood sea immediately circled Wang Ke’s place, and the rolling sea surrounded Wang Ke in all directions, blocking Wang Ke’s path.

“Keel? Why are you here again?” Wang Ke stared.

“I’ll kill you, why did you say I’m here again?” Keel said fiercely.

“Do you want to die with Dragon Blood too?” Wang Ke stared.

Keel: “………………!”

Dragon Blood: “………………!”

“When death is imminent, you still speak up, Wang Ke, when can you get rid of this stinking problem?” Keel said with a grinning angrily.

“Who is arrogant? Do you think I’m really afraid of you? I’m giving you a chance to wake up. If you don’t want this chance, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!” Wang Ke said grimly.

Dragon Blood: “…………!”

Keel: “…………!”

“Dragon Blood, don’t talk nonsense with him, this king will be bragging, I’ll kill, you watch!” The keel wanted to rush.


Suddenly, a wave of blood hit the keel, causing the keel that was about to rush towards Wang Ke to hit it instantly.

“What are you doing?” Keel stared at the dragon blood.

“I am here to kill, look at it!” Dragon Blood said coldly.

Dragon Blood hates Wang Ke to death. Now how can the opportunity of cutting Wang Ke be given to others?

“It’s all about this time. Is it interesting that you two are fighting each other? Anyway, neither is my opponent. You die sooner or later, don’t you all die?” Wang Ke stared at the two of them.

Dragon Blood’s complexion twitched, isn’t this king frightened?

“Wang Ke, spoil my good deeds, destroy my blood **** son, and take my innate demons. Today, I want your life!” Dragon Blood said fiercely.

“Come on, if I don’t cut you with a single sword today, I write Wang Ke’s “king” upside down!” Wang Ke also said with a sullen face.

Wang Ke is ready to use the Great Sun Immortal Sword, you are the one who forced me! court death! Look at the sword!


The dragon blood instantly rushed towards Wang Ke, covering the sky and obscuring the sea of ​​blood. Then, the dragon blood seemed to vent all of its anger at once, and let Wang Ke die without the death of the whole body. Die~~~~~~~~!

With a terrifying aura, even the keel’s face changed and retreated.

“Wang Ke, the dragon blood is crazy, you are dead!” Keel said with a sneer.

I saw an endless sea of ​​blood covering Wang Ke with the dragon’s blood. For a moment that covered Wang Ke, the dragon’s blood saw Wang Ke’s sudden serious eyes.

Seriously? Not panic? why? Isn’t the king afraid? Is he really crazy?



The sound of a sword chirping sounded, a blue sword light instantly illuminates the world, and a huge sea of ​​blood was seen, cut in half by a sword light.

One sword to break the sea? That terrifying murderous spirit even the dragon bones are creepy?

The surrounding sea water instantly collapsed and fell down, and the diving dragon blood was exposed, and the dragon blood was cut in half from it.

One sword cuts the sea, one sword cuts the dragon’s blood?

“No, no, it’s impossible!” Keel exclaimed.

Fang An, who had just chased in the sky, also shuddered suddenly.

“What Wang Ke said is true, he can really cut the dragon blood? This, this is impossible!” Fang An exclaimed.


The sea of ​​blood was cut by a sword, the dragon’s blood was smashed vertically by a sword, and the endless sea of ​​blood instantly collapsed and scattered. The figure of Wang Ke was slowly exposed.

Is it Wang Ke?

Dragon Bone and Fang An looked at Wang Ke in horror.

No, it was not Wang Ke who gave out the sword, but an old man with a green robe who did not know when he appeared.

Wang Ke was also dumbfounded. He was going to use the Great Sun Immortal Sword. Why, how come someone suddenly appeared? Also cut the dragon’s blood with a sword?

“Old Murong dog, it’s you!” Keel exclaimed suddenly.

“The founder of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, Murong Old Dog?” Fang Anguished and exclaimed.

Wang Ke stared at the old man with white beard. This is Murong Luguang’s grandfather? The founder of the Sky Wolf Sect, he, why is he here?

“Little guy, I have not fallen into the prestige of my Sirius sect. I am not chaotic and fearless when I die. Okay, I am indeed a disciple of Chen Tianyuan! I am an enemy of my grandson! You did not disappoint me, I Murong The old dog is very pleased!” A bronze long sword in the old man’s hand slowly returned to its sheath.

Wang Ke stared at the old man in front of him.

“Hahahaha, don’t be surprised, when you settled in the sea of ​​blood, I was there. I have been watching you until now, and there is no need to thank me. Your brother Li Beidou said a lot of good things for you, and entrust me to take care of you. , You don’t have to look at me with such surprise, although I am already very mighty, hahahaha!” The old man laughed proudly.

“No, I always thought Dragon Bone called you Murong Old Dog, he was scolding you! Together, your real name is Murong Old Dog?” Wang Ke stared in astonishment.

Old dog Murong’s smile froze, and he stared at Wang Ke: “You looked at me in amazement because of this?”

“Uh, I sighed for a while. I studied it. Old Murong…, the old Sovereign Murong, doesn’t take an ordinary way, and the names are so free and easy. The younger generation admire them very much. For a while, don’t take offense!” Wang Ke said immediately.

Murong old dog: “………………!”

Your focus, why is it so strange, what’s wrong with my name? What’s so special, outside of Shiwan Dashan, when others hear the word “Old Dog”, they are all frightened. You, a junior, dare to make fun of it?


I saw that the sea of ​​blood was tossing, and the dragon blood that had just been slain was surging in the sea of ​​blood, and was resurrected again, slowly resurfacing from the sea of ​​blood.

“Wang Ke? I said why you suddenly became nervous and not afraid of death. So, you knew that the old dog Murong was here? Today, even if there is old dog Murong, I will kill you!” Dragon Blood roared fiercely. Tao.

Old Murong dog’s eyes were cold, and the long sword in his hand was about to be unsheathed. However, Wang Ke suddenly got ahead.

“Dragon Blood, when you die, why are you still here? Do you think you are invincible? Not to mention the return of the founder of the Sirius sect. Even without the founder of the Sirius sect, you will not escape today. The end of death and death, look at who is behind you? It’s Duxue Temple Fang’s! Do you know how many masters there are in Feilai Peak? Do you know who Fang’s invited over from outside the 100,000 Dashan Mountains? Today , We are going to dry your blood and let you die without a place to die!” Wang Ke shouted.

“Huh?” Dragon Blood turned his head and suddenly saw Fang’s anguish in midair.

Fang An’s face turned dark, don’t listen to Wang Ke’s nonsense, I’m with you!

However, the appearance of the old dog Murong made Dragon Blood’s heart out of his mind. Seeing Fang An standing behind him, he instinctively felt a sense of crisis.

PS: Three changes are over!

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