Indestructible God King Chapter 47: Do you remember my king?

Zhuxian Town, in a secret water prison of the Nie family.

At this moment, Princess You Yue was imprisoned in a cage in the water prison, coldly looking at Nie Tianba outside the cage.

“Princess You Yue? Unexpectedly, it’s only a few months now? You have been locked in again?” Nie Tianba’s face showed a smug look.

“Nie Tianba, don’t be too early!” Princess You Yue said coldly.

“It’s too early to be proud? Humph, I’m not too early to be proud, I am too late to be proud! Only now, I know that I have an aunt who is in a high position in the Sirius sect? Why? Why don’t you care about my Nie family? Do you know how difficult it is for me to lead the Nie family to survive these years? I can’t go to the fairy gate, but she is in a high position in the top fairy gate and ignores us? Why? Have you come to me until now?” A fierce anger flashed in Nie Tianba’s eyes.

“Nie Jiexue came to you? Are you still not satisfied?” Princess You Yue asked in a puzzled way.

“How good would she be if she came half a year earlier? Come half a year earlier?” A depressed color flashed across Nie Tianba’s face.

“You are not a disciple of the Demon Cult, what are you complaining about? In the future, Nie Jijie will lead you to the Sirius Sect. Isn’t it the best thing for you?” Princess Youyue frowned.

Nie Tianba looked at Princess Youyue coldly, without explaining.

“Forget it! Just assume that there is no such aunt. In these two days, my aunt will send someone to pick you up! When that happens, you will leave early, hum!” Nie Tianba said coldly.

“Nie extinct? She is crazy! Actually handing me over to you?” Princess You Yue said depressed.

“You will tell her then, but it seems that you won’t live for two days!” Nie Tianba sneered.

“No, someone will come to rescue me soon!” Princess Youyue didn’t lose sight.

“Help you? Hahahaha, do you know where this is? This is my Nie family water prison, no one can save you out!” Nie Tianba said coldly.

“Last time, I was rescued, didn’t I? Last time, it was the same this time!” Princess Youyue believed herself.

“Last time?” Nie Tianba’s face went dark.

The last time Princess Youyue was deceived, it was a shame.

“No, not this time. Last time I listened to Wang Ke cheating and was disturbed by outside sounds. This time, I will block this place so that outside sounds cannot come in. I can’t listen. No one wants to trick you out of any deceptive voice!” Nie Tianba said coldly.

“You…!” Princess You Yue’s expression changed.

“In just these two days, my aunt will come to pick you up. If you die, I won’t care! Don’t worry, someone will be buried with you!” Nie Tianba sneered.

“Give me the funeral? Who?” Princess Youyue seemed to have a bad feeling.

“Who else? Of course it is Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao, huh, they actually picked up such a bargain and worshipped the Sirius Sect. They care about your life and death, right?” Nie Tianba sneered.

“What do you mean?” Princess You Yue worried.

“It doesn’t mean anything. If they want to save you, they only need to go out of the Heavenly Wolf Sect. I guarantee that they will die without a place to be buried!” Nie Tianba sneered.

“Impossible, you are not their opponent at all!” Princess You Yue said anxiously.

Princess Youyue quietly left the Lovesick Bead, waiting for Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao to rescue him, how could something happen to them?

“Hahahaha, then wait and see!” Nie Tianba smiled triumphantly.

“Nie Tianba, you can tell me clearly why the king is in danger when he comes out of the Sky Wolf Sect? You tell me clearly!” Princess Youyue called through the cage.

However, Nie Tianba ignored it, and instead walked to the other side of the dungeon.

On the other side, a child of the Nie family was waiting.

“Patriarch, are you still out of this dungeon today?” The Nie family asked.

“No, my aunt is coming in these two days. There must not be any trouble. Don’t let others know about this, so as not to miss the opportunity!” Nie Tianba said in a deep voice.

“Don’t worry, Patriarch, we are imprisoning Princess Youyue in this water prison. Only three people in my Nie family know about it, and my family’s children don’t know about it. This time, we won’t make the mistake of the last time!” The Nie family’s children Respectfully said.

“Well, last time, I just listened to them too many rumors about Wang Ke, but I was deceived by that liar Wang Ke. This time, I won’t listen to any rumors anymore! I’m in this dungeon. Retreat and wait for my aunt to return!” Nie Tianba said solemnly.

“Yes!” The Nie family said respectfully.

“My ancestor gave me a flying sword. I want to make a good sacrifice. You will also handle the various matters of the Nie family. No problems are allowed!” Nie Tianba said coldly.


“Go out, no one is allowed to enter this dungeon again unless the aunt returns! Also, if the dungeon is sealed, I don’t want to hear any outside voices!” Nie Tianba said solemnly.


Then Nie’s children stepped out of the dungeon. The stone gate of the dungeon was closed suddenly.

Nie Tianba sat cross-legged in the corner of the wall, and a flying sword appeared in his palm and started practicing.

As for what’s on Princess Youyue, Nie Tianba didn’t move, because Princess Youyue had restrictions under Nie Extinction, so she couldn’t get close at all!

“Nie Tianba, tell me clearly why Wang Ke is in danger and why?” Princess You Yue anxiously urged.

However, Nie Tianba ignored it, and went to study the operation of the flying sword.

Princess You Yue became more anxious. Is Wang Ke going to be the key to leaving the Acacia Bead by himself?

It’s been a month, won’t Wang already…?

The more I thought about it, the more worried Princess You Yue was, but when Princess You Yue was worried, she suddenly seemed to hear a certain voice.

“Everyone? Do you remember my Wang Ke?”

The voice was extremely ethereal, as if it came from the bottom of my heart, making Princess Youyue startled.

“Wang Ke’s voice? How is this possible?” Princess You Yue asked in surprise.

Princess Youyue calmed down immediately, closed her eyes and felt it with her heart, she suddenly seemed to see a picture, Wang Ke dressed in black robes, standing on a high platform, under the high platform, at this moment is full of people. Wang Ke seems to be speaking?

Wang Ke is speaking? what’s the situation? How could this picture appear in my heart?

Princess You Yue suddenly changed her expression and remembered.

“I see, Acacia beads? The magic weapon my mother gave me, that string of lovesick beads? My mother helped me thoroughly refine it back then. I can have telepathy with that string of beads, as long as the beads are not far away from me. I can sense the picture and sound near the rosary? What mortal dynasty was thrown by Nie Extinction before, now appears near me? Can I see the picture? Wang Ke? Wang Ke found the rosary and found it Here comes? Wang Ke came to save me? He is okay, he is okay? Nie Tianba lied to me?”

Princess You Yue burst into tears for a while, and wiped her tears.

Not far away, Nie Tianba, who sacrificed his flying sword, was at a loss, wondering what happened to Princess Youyue?

Princess Youyue tried to contact the rosary, but unfortunately, she couldn’t pass on her message. At most, she could only hear the sound near the rosary and see the picture near the rosary.

The rosary was worn by Wang Ke on his wrist, standing on a high platform, talking to countless people?

“Wang Ke? Thank you for saving me!” Princess You Yue sat aside gratefully, closing her eyes and looking at Wang Ke in the picture gently.


Zhuxian Town! A Xiuxian family hall.


A teacup was smashed to the ground. A group of family children looked at the owner who threw the teacup.

“Too much deception, Nie Tianba! Actually let me go to the king to ask for money? Back then, I lent him, and he didn’t repay the money. You go and ask for it, but Nie’s family still hurts you?” Said coldly.

“Yes, Patriarch! Not only us, but also several families who went to ask for money, but none of them asked for money, and they were all beaten. Of course, many of the children of the Nie family were injured. We…!” A family child His face was ugly.

“Patriarch, when will we pay this month’s monthly salary? I have reached a level in my practice, and I want money to buy a relief elixir!”

“Patriarch, the last time I fought with the monster beast, the elixir that I only collected, you said that the family will compensate at the price. I need the spirit stone urgently, Patriarch, can you…!”

“Patriarch, I have no money to buy refining materials!”

“Patriarch, when can I withdraw the money I have at home? I’m almost out of rice!”




A group of family children urged.

“Pushing for reminding, I know that for reminding, if I have money, won’t I give it to you? All our money has been taken by the Nie family!” The Patriarch said angrily.

“Patriarch, you lent Nie Tianba to deal with Wang Ke! Did you tell me to wait?” Someone refused.

The children of the surrounding family have no money, and they continue to provoke the authority of the owner in anxiousness, so that the owner of the family becomes more and more irritable, and family conflicts cause a family change to begin.

At this moment, when the hall was noisy, a housekeeper rushed into the hall.

“Patriarch, a letter-deliverer came outside the door just now, saying that it can relieve Patriarch’s troubles!” The steward handed out a letter.

“Relieve me? Unless Nie Tianba pays it back!” The owner of the house was depressed and opened the envelope.

There is only one column of words on the envelope.

“Do you want to get back the money to buy wealth management products? Do you want to get back the money defrauded by Nie Tianba? At noon, the Gongyi Tea House will pay a large amount of money! It is out of date!”

A column of characters, the Patriarch who was looking at suddenly raised his eyelids, and his fists were squeezed.

At noon? Gongyi Tea House? Divide money? Divide money? Could it be…?

“Patriarch? What do you believe?” A child asked curiously.

“Is rich? I’m going to be rich? Hurry up, call the children of the Shang clan, let’s go to Gongyi Tea House, I want to see where the money comes from!” The Patriarch ordered immediately.

The children of all the families were taken aback when they heard that they were rich, and then quickly took the letter and looked at it. Who sent this? However, it doesn’t matter who sent it. At noon, everything will be clear. No matter what else, you won’t lose anything anyway. What if the letter really turns into money? Go, must go!

This scene happened not only in this family, but in almost all families in the town. Not only that, those ordinary unjust immortals who had bought wealth management products also received letters one after another.

Before noon arrived, the Gongyi Tea House in the town was surrounded by crowds of people.

Today, the employees of Gongyi Tea House seem to have expected it, and they continue to lead everyone to the backyard.

The backyard is very large, like a large square, which can accommodate thousands of people.

In the backyard, more and more powerful people gathered in the town. One by one, they were curious about the purpose of this gathering of workers and tea houses, while looking at a high platform in the center of the backyard.

There is a curtain on the high platform, but under the eager eyes of everyone, a man can still vaguely see a man sitting on the armchair, drinking tea, and waiting quietly.

“Where is the shopkeeper of Gongyi Tea House? What is the intention of calling us with an unknown letter?”

“That’s right, didn’t you mean to divide the money? What about the money?”

“Do you want to pay back Wang Ke and Nie Tianba? Where’s the money?”

“If you don’t see the money today, I will smash your Gongyi Tea House!”




For a time, the backyard of Connaught University was clamoring and clamoring. The masters of the various immortal cultivators, despite the clamor of their own family’s children, did not speak one by one, but just squinted curiously and looked behind the curtain on the high platform.

Who the **** is it? What a big handwriting, has gathered all the strong people in the town? Don’t be afraid that everyone will be upset and tear you apart?

“It’s noon!” The shopkeeper of the Gongyi Tea House shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the whole backyard was silent, and the curtain on the high platform was slowly opened.

On the grandmaster’s chair behind the curtain, a man in a black robe slowly stood up.

When seeing the man’s face, almost everyone who came here opened their eyes wide, as if the hungry dog ​​saw the fleshy bones, and they wished to pounce on them and swallow them alive.

“Everyone? Do you remember my Wang Ke?”

The black-robed man was not someone else, but Wang Ke. He put down his teacup and looked at everyone with a smile.

Do you remember your king? We all know you turned into ashes, you big liar, you still have the face to come back?

Repay the money, pay it back soon!

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