Indestructible God King Chapter 460: Prepare matches when you go out.

All around the underground palace, there is a sticky blood-colored liquid. This is the monster called by the rat king. This thick blood pool is even more visible to people’s hearts, condensing the blood gods, blood gods who look exactly like everyone else. Strength, because of their own description and expectations in their hearts as the standard!

For a time, the Eighteen Bronze Men, Zhang Zhengdao, and Zhou Lin were all trapped by their blood **** sons.

The moves you know can be simulated by the Blood God Child. Whatever you do, they will do it. Suddenly, Zhang Zhengdao was severely ravaged, covered in blood, and it was terrible. However, Zhou Lin and Eighteen Bronze People are not much better.

Only Wang Ke, this evil Wang Ke, carrying Zhang Li’er, who is covered in hair, can face his own blood **** with ease.


Wang Ke slapped the blood **** son’s face, and the blood **** son was flew out instantly.

The blood **** child rushed again, not believing in evil!


Wang Ke slapped his blood **** son flying again with a slap.

“Slap!”, “Slap!”, “Slap!”, “Slap!”………………!

Wang Ke is like spinning a top, it’s so easy, it’s so easy.

Not far away, Zhang Zhengdao, the Eighteen Bronze Men, and Zhou Lin all vomited blood, and they were vomited by their own blood **** son.

“Wang Ke, why is your blood **** child so weak? It doesn’t make sense, it’s not logical!” Zhang Zhengdao said dejectedly, covered in blood.

“It’s nothing special, I can see it, as long as I don’t use magic weapons, as long as I draw it by hand, the blood **** child is nothing! You learn from me and try!” Wang Ke said.

Everyone looked weird, but Zhang Zhengdao still put away the sword.


Zhang Zhengdao was beaten up again.

“This doesn’t work!” Zhang Zhengdao spit out blood and roared in midair.

The stick that the Eighteen Bronze Man was about to put away was tightened again.

“No way, this blood **** son is better than me! Your blood **** son only has innate realm, of course you can draw it! We only have to be abused!” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

“Wang Ke, do you expect that you are only innate?” A bronze man also vomited blood and depressed.

“So, you can’t reflect on yourself normally, why should you look at yourself so badly? No, it hurts yourself, you have to look at your own cultivation with a humble heart! Be humble!” Wang Can persuade.

A group of people: “…………!”

Your sister is humble! If a practitioner does not have a strong heart, how can he overcome the difficulties on the path of practice? A person who is not strong enough in his heart can increase his cultivation base?

Who doesn’t want to go to the sky above the nine heavens? Who wants to stay in the mud and refuse to improve? Humble, humble ass!

“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”………………

Looking at Wang Ke drawing the blood **** son there, the group of people beaten by the blood **** son all showed a sorrow and indignation. Why is this so special?

“Wang Ke, don’t smoke, you see, is there a way to escape? Is there a way to open a hole to let us out!” Zhang Zhengdao cried depressed.

“I will try!” Wang Ke said.


Wang Ke pulled away the blood **** son, and immediately hit the roof of the blood pool with a palm. However, the defense of this blood pool was also extremely strong, and Wang Ke couldn’t break it at all.

“It’s useless, it won’t open!” Wang Ke frowned.

“Of course the power of your Golden Core Realm can’t be opened, don’t you have the seal of the **** king? Knock it on! There is also the big Luo Jinbo!” Zhang Zhengdao said eagerly.

“Try it!” Wang Ke turned over and took out the magic weapon.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

The seal of the **** king and the big Luo golden bowl flew out, and a powerful force blasted to the top of the blood pool. However, as the king can use the magic treasure, the top of the blood pool also has the blood **** king seal and the blood water big Luo golden bowl. , Suddenly, after the two sides collided, no effect was achieved.

“Wang Ke, why are your God King Seals and Da Luo Jin Bowl useless? Can’t their blood **** children become weaker?” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

“How to change, I am humble, I can’t let my magic weapon be humble too, this can’t be humble!” Wang Ke said.

Everyone: “………………!”

In depression, everyone can only cope with it. With the magic weapon, the blood pool will condense the magic weapon of the blood **** son, and with the physical power, the blood **** son’s power is only strong but not weak.

For a time, everyone was depressed.

Only Wang Ke, still crackling in that smoke, nothing happened!

“Wang Ke, I can’t go on like this. The Blood God Child will not get hurt, we will be hurt. We are getting more and more injured. The Blood God Child has nothing to do. It won’t be long before we run out of strength and we are finished. That’s it!” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

“I shouldn’t. I don’t need much strength to draw blood. I don’t need much strength. After drawing, I’ll be fully recovered. I don’t know how this thing came from, but, I guess, I will consume it. , It will not be able to stand it first!” Wang Ke said.

The Eighteen Bronze Men: “………………!”

Your energy consumption continues, we can’t consume it, we don’t want to die yet!

“You’re okay, you can consume, then what should I do? I’m going to be eaten like the Rat King!” Zhang Zhengdao stared depressed.

Wang Ke frowned, what would I do?

“Eighteen bronze men, did you just say that this thing is the supernatural power of the blood demon?” Wang Ke frowned and asked.

“Yes, the dragon blood suppressed under Duxue Temple. These blood pools are the power of the blood sea of ​​dragon blood! This is part of the blood sea!” A bronze man said with great difficulty at the moment.

“A sea of ​​dragon blood? Part of it?” Wang Ke frowned in confusion.

“Yes, two hundred years ago, the Dragon Emperor was suppressed by Zhang Tianshi. The two major guardians of the Dragon Emperor, Longwu and Dragon Blood, were suppressed by the Jinwuzong and Duxue Temple respectively. At that time, a dragon came to my Buddhist monk who was personally suppressed by Luohan. Blood, the dragon blood was refining a mouthful of the dirty spring at the time. To make the dirty spring sacrifice into his sea of ​​blood, Luohan shot and sealed the dragon blood! And also set up the Duxue Temple, arranging people to guard here, want to save The blood demon who transforms dragon blood, but, for more than a hundred years, not only has the dragon blood not been converted, he also succeeded in refining the dirty spring, and the dirty spring has turned into his blood sea. Under the seal, the power of the seal has been broken a bit, and dragon blood can also penetrate through the gaps in the seal to divide a part of the sea of ​​bleeding out to commit sins! Because the range of the sea of ​​blood is limited, it is not overwhelming now, but here it is. Within a certain range, but devouring creatures everywhere, we didn’t expect that these blood sea powers separated by dragon blood would be so powerful, we didn’t expect it!” The bronze man said anxiously.

“In other words, the dragon blood is still suppressed in the Duxue Temple, and the monster blood gods in front of us are just an extension of the dragon blood power? Is this dragon blood so powerful?” Wang Ke was shocked.

This separates a trace of strength, it’s so terrifying, this is a fart!

“Wang Ke, now you can ignore the Blood God Child, can you get out!” A bronze man said anxiously.

Wang Ke looked ugly, what can I do?

“Wait, how about we burn it?” Wang Ke frowned.

“Burn?” Everyone was taken aback.

“Yes, isn’t the sea of ​​blood refined by the dirty spring? The dirty spring is oil, uh, oil that contains spiritual energy. Oil can be burned, shall we give it a try?” Wang Ke frowned.

Everyone: “………………!”

Although I don’t understand what Wang Ke said, there is only a first-line opportunity, and everyone will not give up.


Suddenly, everyone cast their own fire spells, and the flames hit the surrounding blood sea and the blood gods around them.

However, after a wave of blood, all the flames were extinguished.

“Wang Ke, are you teasing us? Can’t burn it!” Zhang Zhengdao said depressed.

“Let me try!” Wang Ke probed his hand to urge a large amount of turbid true essence to a pool of blood.


While pouring the turbid true essence and drawing blood from the **** son to slap, Wang Ke is also busy.

While everyone was anxiously waiting, Wang Ke took out a match.


Wang Ke ignited the match.

Everyone stared at the match flames in Wang Ke’s hand, all showing desperate expressions.

“Wang Ke, are you kidding us? Our Nascent Soul can’t be burned even if the fire is real. Can you have a match?” Zhou Lin angrily cursed.


Suddenly, the pool of blood lit by the match instantly burned, and the flames were extremely turbulent and surging.

Zhou Lin stared: “…!”

The Eighteen Bronze Man stared in his eyes: “………………!”

This special sea of ​​blood can only be ignited with a match? Why is this happening?

“Hey, it’s burning, it seems to be all right!” Wang Ke said in surprise.

Everyone: “………………!”

It turns out that the way to deal with the sea of ​​blood is to burn with matches! Did we discover another blood demon’s secret today? Why, why for so many years, Shiwan Dashan has not found an effective way to deal with it, is it because everyone has never used matches?

Everyone was beaten by their blood **** sons, and at the same time looked suspiciously at a big hole burned in front of Wang Ke.

“Flap!” “Flap!” “Flap!”…

Wang Ke flew the Blood God Son eighteen times. Finally, the flame burned a big hole at the top, and in an instant, a wisp of wind and sand from the outside blew in.

“Burned through, Wang Ke, you burned through?” Zhang Zhengdao said excitedly.

“Next time I go out, do I have to bring a box of matches with me?” A bronze man said blankly.

Wang Ke stepped into the small hole in one step.

Which is so good to burn? Wang Ke poured a lot of turbid true essence, and consumed a lot of it himself in order to burn out this escape hole.

“Hiss, it’s just a part of the sea of ​​blood, not too thick. If it is really a sea of ​​blood, I won’t be able to burn it through!” Wang Kexin said with lingering fear.

In an instant, Wang Ke jumped out of the blood pool.

“I’m out, it’s dangerous!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

Zhang Zhengdao, covered in blood, followed him out of the big hole.

“No, the flames on this big hole are disappearing, and the big hole is about to be filled. Hurry up, get out!” a bronze man shouted.

“Quick! Blood **** son, what are you doing to stop me, get out of me, let me go!” a group of bronze men shouted.

A group of people scrambled out of the blood hole.

At this moment, Wang Ke looked at the sky, but his expression changed.

“Dragon, keel? Why are you here?” Wang Ke exclaimed, staring.

In mid-air, the dragon bone carried an old man, and stared at a group of people crawling out of a blood hole below. The head was actually Wang Ke.

“There is also a monk who does not give up, why are you being held in your arms by the keel? Why are you here?” Wang Ke stared in astonishment.

Not far away, the keel’s face twitched, what kind of eyes do you have, is this in your arms? I’m crazy, holding an old bald head? This is carrying, carrying.

PS: Second!

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