Indestructible God King Chapter 458: It’s all Zhou Lin instigating separation

Zhou Lin and the eight bronze monks stared at Wang Ke with twitching faces!

I just arrested ten of us and demanded 60 million catties of spirit stones from us? Why don’t you die, do you want money?

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, Zhang Li’er is closed, let’s go together, kill Wang Ke, and take back six Ding Haizhu by the way!” Zhou Lin said viciously.

“Let’s go together?” The eight bronze men frowned slightly.

“What are you afraid of? As long as you guard against his Divine King Seal, how could Wang Ke and the others be our opponents? We can win!” Zhou Lin urged.

“Win a fart, if you dare to come up, I will kill these ten monks!” Zhang Zhengdao stared.

“You kill them, you won’t get 60 million catties of spirit stones!” Zhou Lin stared.

“Well, I don’t kill them, you are willing to pay for it! Zhou Lin, do you want them to die?” Zhang Zhengdao stared.

“Don’t listen to Zhang Zhengdao’s threats, what are you waiting for now? Zhang Li’er is already settled, they can’t beat us, let’s go together!” Zhou Lin anxiously called the eight bronze men behind him.

The eight bronze monks frowned slightly, but did not move forward. You Zhou Lin doesn’t care about the life and death of the ten bronze monks, we care, we are the team of the eighteen bronze men, so just watch them die?

So, everyone obviously has the power to suppress Wang Ke, and they throw rats at once.

“Look, have a look, Zhou Lin, why are you so cruel, do you have to die for the bronze monks? What good is it if you die? You can’t just sit down and talk?” Wang Ke stared.

“Fart, what can I talk about with you? Ten of my seniors have fallen into your hands and still have a living. You murderer, what can you talk about?” Zhou Lin stared.

“Ah, I’m going to tell you now, why do you slander me? I am a murderer, tell me, who have I killed? Righteous disciple, who I have killed, can you give May I give you an example?” Wang Ke stared.

Zhou Lin was taken aback, give me an example?

Suddenly, a group of monks looked at Wang Ke with weird expressions, as if for so many years, they had never heard of a righteous disciple who died in Wang Ke’s hands.

Wang did not kill the righteous disciple?

“Look, Wu Youdao, Elder Bai, who wanted to kill me several times back then, didn’t I let them go, I still brought Elder Bai into one million, and I repay my grievances with virtue! Go out and inquire, which is the right way? When the disciple mentioned my name, Wang Ke, he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up! Just you, you don’t know what to get excited about every day, and you always slander me!” Wang Ke stared.

“You, you, you fart!” Zhou Lin stared.

“What did I fart? You said to yourself, you and the rat king killed me several times, how did I treat you? When did I not complain with virtue, you see, come with me this time, I didn’t have a seal Your cultivation base, but you continue to slander me, Zhou Lin, you have to talk about your conscience when you are a human being. Your conscience has been eaten by dogs!” Wang Ke said.

Zhou Lin: “………………!”

What do you mean by virtue of repaying grievance? Didn’t it make me horrible!

“Master Tongren, don’t listen to Zhou Lin’s bluffing. You see, we had a good relationship. I even invited you to cooperate and do business together. How kind I am to you! Today’s fight is totally unnecessary. Ah, it’s all provoked by Zhou Lin. If he doesn’t provocate, you won’t do it! If you don’t do it, we won’t do it. Everyone sits down, drinks tea, chats, how nice and comfortable. You see , Zhou Lin killed you all, but in the end you didn’t get the benefits, and you have to lose a lot of money. Can this be blamed on me? Zhou Lin is all to blame!” Wang Ke counted down.

Zhou Lin: “………………!”

A group of bronze men: “………………!”

“What are you doing looking at me like this? Is what I said wrong? Yes, you are guarding this treasure, but you have a fart to guard it, and you can’t take it away. This is not in conflict with us. Ah, you didn’t get it in the first place. Who blamed it? We don’t blame us! It’s not that we robbed you of your treasure, but that this treasure was originally Zhang Lier’s, put it here for you, and you can’t take it away! There is no conflict with you! Zhou Lin is the one who instigated discord!” Wang Ke stared.

The bronze men frowned and thought.

“Wang Ke, if you fart, it is you who provoke us!” Zhou Lin roared.

“Ah, come here, let’s talk about it. Just now, Zhang Zhengdao grabbed these ten bronze monks and threatened you. You could have been in peace, you could redeem people with money, everyone is kind, yes Who, regardless of the life and death of these ten bronze men? Who insisted that these ten bronze men die and wanted everyone to do it, who was it?” Wang Ke asked.

Zhou Lin and the bronzers looked ugly. Is it Zhou Lin?

“Ten bronze men, you were arrested by me, but, I don’t want your life. Is my life costing more than three million catties of spiritual stones? Is there more than three million catties of spiritual stones in the guarantee? Maybe, You can say a lot, but, I didn’t want your life, I’m asking someone to redeem you, even if others don’t come to redeem you, you can make money to redeem yourself, look at that elder Bai, who earns millions per month, no Are you relying on your own? You were provoked by Zhou Lin to kill me. You see how good I am. I will repay my grievances with virtue and give you a chance to repent and rehabilitate! I am forgiving? Look at Zhou Lin again. What is he for? He just wants you to die. Tell me, who is instigating?” Wang Ke looked at the ten bronze prisoners.

The ten bronze men’s faces became stiff, and then they looked at Zhou Lin with a look of hatred.

“Zhou Lin, you are looking for death!”

“Brothers, don’t listen to Zhou Lin, he is instigating discord!”

“Zhou Lin is just a neurotic, which made me arrested!”




Ten prisoners all counted down Zhou Lin not far away.

Zhou Lin’s face became stiff, what’s wrong with you? Why is this happening? Wang Ke arrested you, robbed you of your money, and even forced you to sell your blood to repay your debts, but you are helping Wang Ke to speak? Why is this so special?

Zhou Lin looked angry and looked at the eight free bronze monks behind him. I hope these eight bronze people can help themselves.

The eight bronze men stared at Zhou Lin: “Humph, I blame you!”

Zhou Lin: “…………!”

Why do you blame me too?

“Look, right? Lin is insane this week. I had nothing to do with you, so I have to create conflicts between us!” Wang Ke said.

Whether the Eighteen Bronze Men were imprisoned or free, they stared at Zhou Lin viciously.

Zhou Lin: “………………!”

“So, I can’t really blame me today. You should blame Zhou Lin for any discrepancies! He is not good!” Wang Ke persuaded.

In the underground palace, the atmosphere was strange.

Zhang Zhengdao also stared at Wang Ke, or would you brag about it? What’s so special? You can come up with such shameless theory?

“What should I do now?” A bronze man stared.

“What can we do? Do we continue to fight to death? We have no grudges and no grievances. It was all instigated by Zhou Lin. You still want these ten bronze brothers to die on the spot, even if In the end, both lose and lose. You are also extremely tragic. You can’t be the one of Lin last week!” Wang Ke persuaded.

“Wang Ke, you fart! They are fooled by you, not mine!” Zhou Lin was depressed.

Zhou Lin could not wait to come up immediately and tear Wang Ke’s mouth apart, but the eight bronze men behind him did not cooperate, what could he do?

“How about this, we all take a step back, you leave here, we also leave here, there must be nothing valuable in this underground palace, we will go back to each house, and go to each mother?” Wang Ke asked.

“What about me brothers?” A bronze man frowned.

“They want to kill me, they have already become prisoners of my rank. You haven’t seen them. They are all adults and are responsible for what you have done wrong! You should go back and report to Master Fang An! Dublood Temple If you want to pay, you can bring 60 million catties of spirit stones to redeem people. Of course, if Duxue Temple doesn’t want to pay this money, it’s easy! I’ll give you a face, and let these ten ranks be imprisoned and redeem yourself. Myself! I don’t earn a cent from you, just give me a little cell rent and staff service fees. It’s not much money! Look at Elder Bai, they all make money to pay off their debts. These ten bronze brothers, that’s it. Don’t you have any responsibility? Work hard to pay off your debts and return to freedom as soon as possible!” Wang Ke persuaded.

The Eighteen Bronze Men: “………………!”

Looking at the silence of the Eighteen Bronze Men, Zhou Lin was anxious: “Brothers, how can you trust Wang Ke? He is a lie!”

“Enough, Zhou Lin, if it weren’t for your provocation this time, we wouldn’t have been so miserable!”

“That is, I blame you, if it weren’t for you, we would have ended up so miserably!”

“You have killed us so badly, do you still want us to die?”

“Dear brothers and sisters, show me Zhou Lin, this **** wants to kill us completely!”




A group of escorted bronze men stalked Zhou Lin one after another, causing Zhou Lin’s face to twitch constantly. What’s so special, you were just arrested, why did you become Wang Ke’s people?

“Look, Zhou Lin, you have to be faithful in your life, just like you, with two sides and three swords, one set in front of one set, one set behind the other. Sooner or later, you will have a big somersault!” Wang Ke sighed.

Zhou Lin: “………………!”

Why is this? We can obviously defeat Wang Ke, so why is everyone not moving? The eight free bronze men have no fighting spirit at all?

“Okay, Wang Ke, take good care of my brother, wait until we report to the abbot!” a bronze man said viciously.

“This is natural, my Wang Ke’s credibility is guaranteed!” Wang Ke nodded immediately.

When Zhou Lin and Zhang Zhengdao stared blankly, a great battle disappeared. How could this be?

“However, I am also surprised, why are you 18 bronze men here? This seal of the heavenly master can be opened as long as it can be opened. The seal is guarded here? Why?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“We are not guarding the seal, we are protecting the seal!” a prisoner bronze man said solemnly.

At this moment, the things in the seal were obtained by Zhang Li’er, and the bronzers didn’t care about this secret anymore.

“Protect? Why do you want to protect? Do you know that we are coming? Guard against us?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“It’s not against you, it’s…!” A bronze man frowned.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a strange sound from all around the underground palace.

“Monster? It’s a man-eating monster here. Run, run!” The Rat King suddenly exclaimed.

“Monsters? The Eighteen Bronze Men are guarding the seal here to prevent the things in the seal from being snatched by the monsters? Are there really monsters?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

The Eighteen Bronze Man also changed his face wildly.

PS: Three changes are over!

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