Indestructible God King Chapter 457: The whole story of Yaochi divine art

In the underground palace!

Wang Ke, Zhang Li’er, Zhang Zhengdao, and Rat King, in front of Zhou Lin and the eight bronze men who were opposite, bound the ten captured bronze men with their seal repairs.

“Come on, if you take one step forward, I will kill them!” Zhang Lier called.

“Catch it before you suspend your hands, or I will kill them!” The Rat King also stared.

Not far away, Zhou Lin and the eight bronze men looked ugly.

It was not that ten seniors were caught by Wang Ke, and it was not that they were threatened.

But Wang Ke and his party took out all the storage bracelets of the ten captured brothers in front of him.

“The old rules, distribution according to work, I use the gods seal to suppress the six bronze men, the most effort, I get four storage bracelets, Zhang Li’er is the strongest, three storage bracelets, Zhang Zhengdao is so-so. , Got two storage bracelets, the rat king is the most trash, get a storage bracelet!” Wang Ke distributed.

“Okay!” Zhang Li’er and Zhang Zhengdao nodded, naturally they had no opinion.

“I also scored?” Rat King was taken aback.

“Nonsense, you worked hard, and of course you scored. Ten monks and ten storage bracelets were caught. This time we don’t look at what’s in the storage bracelets. It’s all luck!” Wang Ke said in a deep voice.


Wang Ke took four storage bracelets, Zhang Li’er took three, Zhang Zhengdao took two, and Rat King took a storage bracelet with an incredible look.

“Rat King, what is your expression?” Wang Ke stared.

“I, I’m just with you, the first time I got back money!” The Rat King said with an incredible expression.

“You are now my subordinate, naturally follow me to eat meat, you used to deal with me, of course I have to confiscate your money, lest you do evil!” Wang Ke stared.

“That’s right, although Wang Ke is stingy, he definitely does not take advantage of others when sharing the spoils! You just helped us hold the group of monks, of course some of them! If you feel uncomfortable, you can Give me your share!” Zhang Zhengdao probed for it.

“Fart, this is mine!” The Rat King swallowed the storage bracelet in one bite.

A group of people finished sharing the spoils, and suddenly looked at the nine Zhou Lin who were facing each other.

Just now, the Rat King’s eyes were still vacillating, but as soon as the benefits were divided, the Rat King’s eyes were suddenly red.

“Wang Ke, Zhang Zhengdao, Zhang Li’er, there are nine more people here, should we work hard together to take them down, there must be money in them!” The Rat King said with passion.

On the other side, Zhou Lin and the others’ faces became stiff. On the one hand, everyone was afraid of throwing a mouse, and on the other hand, they were worried about Wang Ke’s **** seal. That thing was simply unstoppable and could only hide!

Wang Ke also saw the people’s caution, and understood that the God King Seal might not have the magical effect for the time being.

“The eighteen bronzes guard the treasure here? Zhou Lin knew about this, and he wanted to follow us earlier to report the letter to the eighteen bronzes! The eighteen bronze guards, does it mean that the treasures here, you Can you take it away?” Wang Ke frowned.

“Hmph!” A group of bronze monks and immortals refused to explain.

“Hahaha, of course they can’t take it away, this has my grandpa’s seal!” Zhang Zhengdao suddenly smiled.

Speaking, Zhang Zhengdao probed his hand to touch the treasure with red light.


I saw that the red light trembled, as if forming a barrier, shaking Zhang Zhengdao away.

“This is?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in astonishment.

“Huh, it can’t be opened. If it could be opened, we would have taken it away. Do you think we are willing to stay here?” A bronze man stared.

“I think they use Zhang Shenxu’s blood every time they open the seal of Tianshi Zhang, do they want your blood?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Yes!” Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes lit up.

In order to obtain the treasure, Zhang Zhengdao also fought, and immediately cut his fingers with a knife and dripped blood on the seal.

However, the seal did not move.

“Why is it useless?” Zhang Zhengdao stared.

“Hmph, your blood, we’ve tried it a long time ago! If it could be taken, we would have taken it long ago!” The bronze man said with disdain.

Zhang Zhengdao: “…………!”

You tried it, and I didn’t say it earlier, which caused me to cut a hole.

“Zhang Zhengdao, come and see these monks, let me try!” Zhang Lier said.

“Okay!” Zhang Zhengdao came over to see the ten monks.

Zhang Li’er walked closer and probed his hand. A flame burst out of Zhang Li’er’s palm. Obviously, Zhang Li’er could ignore the barrier and want to go through.

Just as flames burst out of Zhang Li’er’s palm, the enchantment in front of him seemed to feel the breath of Zhang Li’er, and suddenly trembled, and thousands of red lights appeared.

“What’s going on? I haven’t started yet!” Zhang Li’er said in astonishment.

But I saw that the enchantment shook and trembled, and then turned into a ball of flame. In the center of the flame, a jade-shaped treasure was floating in the air.

“This, this, I haven’t done anything yet, what is this?” Zhang Li’er said in astonishment.

“Zhang Li’er, this is a treasure that your grandfather specially left for you. After sensing your breath, did you automatically recognize the lord?” Wang Ke asked in astonishment.

“Zhang Lier’s?” a group of bronze people exclaimed.

“What is it? What’s inside? Master promised me that this treasure was given to me, what is it?” Zhou Lin said eagerly.

But I saw that the jade-shaped treasure slowly fell into Zhang Li’er’s hands, and the flames on it suddenly converged, revealing four characters.

“Yaochi magic?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.

“My grandfather, left me a copy of “Yaochi Magical Art”? What’s a joke? I am practicing Yaochi Magical Art. What is the use if I want this?” Zhang Lier was surprised.

“Yaochi magical skill?” Zhou Lin and the others also stared in astonishment.


Suddenly, in the jade book, a red light seemed to flood into Zhang Li’er’s eyebrows, Zhang Li’er trembled, and then a white net-like breath emerged from the surface.

“This is…!” Wang Ke was puzzled.

Zhang Li’er closed his eyes and sensed, and suddenly his face changed a lot, and his whole body trembled.

“Zhang Li’er, what’s the matter with you?” Wang Ke called.

Zhang Li’er opened his eyes and looked at Wang Ke with a horror: “Wang Ke, did you see the breath coming out of my body just now? What color and shape?”

“The big white net is like a big net covering your whole body!” Wang Ke said.

“Big White Net? That’s true, grandpa, thank you, thank you, otherwise, my granddaughter will be miserable in this life!” A horror flashed across Zhang Li’er’s face.

“What’s the matter? What do you thank Grandpa for doing? You have practiced the Yaochi magical skills, and you have repeated what Grandpa gave you!” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

“No, what I practiced before was only fragments of Yaochi’s divine art. To be precise, they were fragments that were deliberately tampered with!” Zhang Li’er said with an ugly expression.

“What do you mean?” Zhang Zhengdao asked puzzled.

“I practiced Yaochi magical art, but it’s not complete! Some very important things were deleted artificially, and then filled in with other things. My name is Yaochi magical art. It’s better to say that it’s marrying clothes magical art for others. As a wedding gown, I will only cultivate myself into a puppet magic weapon to the end, the puppet magic weapon of the person who gave me the practice, from then on, I can only be controlled by him, become his tool, and be enslaved by him!” Zhang Li’er trembled all over.

“What?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

“Just now, my grandfather’s ray of sound knowledge passed me a letter, telling me the secret of Yaochi divine art. Yaochi divine art is at the Taoist gate. It is indeed the top technique, but it was tampered with by a peerless genius two thousand years ago. Let it be a technique used to enslave others. I am afraid that someone has already targeted me. He is waiting for me to become stronger and waiting for the day to control me!” Zhang Li’er swallowed.

“There is still this, don’t your father know?” Zhang Zhengdao stared.

“I chose Yaochi magical art. My father didn’t know it. My master took me to choose. Maybe…!” Zhang Lier’s face was ugly.

“What should I do now?” Wang Ke worried.

“Ha, so, I have a good grandfather. Grandpa left this whole article for me. Grandpa also left me with a cracking method. My grandpa helped me think of everything. No wonder I used to feel that Taoism is the best Why can’t my Yaochi magical power burst out to be as powerful as it should be? That’s why! I want to comprehend the whole story of Yaochi magical power. I want to lift the shackles on my body, and you help me protect the law!” Zhang Lier said.

“It’s not very convenient, right? Shall we go back first?” Wang Ke asked.

“I can’t wait, I can’t wait a moment, this **** Yaochi magical fragment, I’m scared to think about it!” Zhang Li’er said.

Speaking of this, Zhang Li’er urged the jade book in his hand, and suddenly, the jade book melted, slowly pouring into the center of Zhang Li’er’s eyebrows.


The red jade book suddenly poured into Zhang Li’er’s body. For a while, countless flames appeared on Zhang Li’er’s body, and at the same time, countless feathers appeared again all over his body.

Wang Ke’s face became stiff, he came again, Zhang Li’er started to grow hair again!

“Yaochi magic?” Zhou Lin looked tangled.

“Don’t even think about it. This is what Tianshi Zhang gave to his granddaughter. Even if you get it, it’s useless! There is Tianshi Zhang’s ban in it. Can you untie it? You eighteen bronzes have been cracking it here for a long time. Okay, does it work? There is no fart! Wash and sleep!” Wang Ke waved his hand.

“That is, my grandfather’s seal, even the Dragon Emperor can seal it, you can dream it!” Zhang Zhengdao said with disdain.

“Wang Ke, let go of my brothers, we will assume that nothing happened!” A bronze monk said solemnly.

“Let it go? Yes, follow the rules!” Wang Ke took a deep breath.

“What rules?” Zhou Lin and others frowned.

“In the beginning, Wu Youdao and Elder Bai wanted to kill me, and then how to redeem it, do you remember? There are ten bronze men! Uh, just follow this rule, what do you think?” Wang Kejian To the opposite, Zhou Lin and others.

“Ah, **** it, why didn’t I expect it? Wang Ke, I said you refused to kill every time. This is money. Then Wu Youdao and Elder Bai, you demanded a ransom of more than ten million catties. Shi, how many are there! Ten bronze monks, that’s not…!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed excitedly.

The faces of Zhou Lin and others on the other side turned black in an instant. Are you trying to ruin our money?

“Don’t blame me for not giving face. I used to give you face. I have to cooperate with you. You ignore me and kill me. You see, since you choose to kill me, then don’t talk about love, we will do business in business. People, you can redeem it! Anyway, you have money in the Blood Temple! I don’t ask for the price blindly. It was the last rule that one person will buy three million catties of spiritual stones for life, and there will be another three million catties of spiritual stones. Security deposit! One person is six million catties of spirit stones, pay the money to get someone!” Wang Ke said.

Zhou Lin looked at Wang Ke with a dark face, 60 million catties of spirit stone? Why don’t you die!

PS: Second!

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