Indestructible God King Chapter 4: Prisoners can also make money

Zhuxian Town!

The hottest news yesterday was that the Wang family sold wealth management products, which attracted a lot of money from the town’s wealthy cultivators, and the most hot news today was the Wang family.

The reward order of the Golden Crow Sect has spread to hundreds of thousands of mountains. Everyone is envious, but they all know that it is a needle in a haystack. They think it is impossible. Who would have thought that the mysterious Princess Youyue would be led by Wang Ke. Caught it?

This is no secret, and I don’t know who preached it. The cultivators of the whole town knew about it, and countless cultivators went to watch and watched the Wang family’s prison cart team slowly return to the door of the Wang family.

At this moment, at the door of Wang’s house, people from all major immortal cultivators in the town are looking at Wang Ke, who is covered in blood in front of him.

Not only was Wang Ke covered with blood, but the Wang family’s children behind him also seemed to be seriously injured. When they came back, they immediately went back to the Wang’s mansion for healing. At the door of Wang’s house, there were two large prison cars at the moment.

The prison car is closed, with only a small hole, and one can vaguely see a person inside.

“Everyone, everybody, this time, my Wang family has suffered a heavy loss in order to arrest Princess You Yue. Don’t squeeze forward, don’t give it to the gangster!” Wang Ke immediately stood in front of the enthusiastic townspeople. , Arched his hands.

Among the crowd, all the children of the major immortal families are all with red eyes at this moment. This is not Princess Youyue, this is the quota of five disciples of the Golden Crow Sect, rob? If it weren’t for too many people here, someone would have stepped forward to **** it.

Fame? What is fame? As long as I become a disciple of the Golden Crow Sect, who would dare to criticize me?

“Of course, if the gangster robs, you should also consider whether you will offend the Golden Crow Sect. Because, I have sent someone to the Golden Crow Sect to report it. It should not be long before the Golden Crow Sect knows that my king has caught Princess Youyue! This’name’ cannot be taken away. Secondly, if Princess Youyue is let go because of the fight, it will offend the entire Golden Crow Sect. I think you don’t want to be an enemy of the Golden Crow Sect, right?” Wang Ke arched his hands again. Smiled.

This said, the expressions of the strong people changed, and they suddenly became a lot weaker.

“Also, the Golden Crow Sect is offering a reward for catching Princess Youyue alive. If it is because of someone who is fighting, Princess Youyue is dead, uh, the Golden Crow Sect is to blame, but it’s a big crime!” Wang Ke laughed again.

Wang is ridiculously casual, but the expressions of the powerful people all around him changed, and the urges just now were completely restrained.

In the large court, fighting for Princess Youyue, if you accidentally kill her, you will be out of luck.

Everyone looked at Wang Ke, and a resentment flashed in their eyes. This Wang Ke, who is also a thief, had already sent someone to inform the Golden Crow Sect. In this way, even if it was taken by force, the Golden Crow Sect might not be able to. Acknowledged.

“Wang Patriarch, what a fortune, Princess You Yue has been caught by you!” a cultivator said with jealousy.

“Luck, luck, hahaha!” Wang Ke didn’t seem to see the other party’s cynicism.

“The King Patriarch, the Golden Crow Sect’s reward order, there is no portrait of Princess Youyue at all. Are you sure you caught Princess Youyue? Make no mistake!” Another person said with jealousy.

“Haha, can’t be wrong, let’s say, I dare to use a fake Princess Youyue to trick the Golden Crow Sect? I don’t want my Wang family to annoy the Golden Crow Sect being destroyed!” Wang Ke laughed.

“That’s right, Patriarch Wang has always been cautious in doing things. If he dares to report to the Golden Crow Sect, he must not be wrong! I think it must be Princess Youyue!” someone in the crowd said.

“Who would use a fake Princess Youyue to trick the Golden Crow Sect, that is to live impatiently, I think it is true!”

“I have done business with Patriarch Wang, and I am not 100% sure, how can Patriarch Wang agree!”

“It’s true, Patriarch Wang, great luck!”




In the crowd, there was a discussion, and Wang Ke smiled satisfied as he watched the ‘support’ he arranged in the crowd was constantly ‘brainwashing’ everyone.

“Wang Patriarch, we have never seen Princess Youyue, can you let us see?”

“Yes, Patriarch Wang, you have this great opportunity now, let us open our eyes too!”

“Yes, let the Golden Crow Zong promise five places, and the Princess Youyue, who will provoke the turmoil of the 100,000 mountains, is definitely not a mortal, let’s open our eyes!”




In the crowd, there was a lot of noise, all clamoring to see Princess Youyue in the cage.

“This…?” Wang Ke was embarrassed.

Although Wang Ke was embarrassed, he was extremely satisfied in his heart, and at the same time, he was waiting for his “support” to continue to speak.

“Wang Patriarch, I know that there are many people with mixed eyes, and you are afraid of trouble, otherwise, I will give out ten catties of spiritual stones, how about you let me see?” said a cultivator in the crowd.

Everyone is scornful, do you still want to use the spirit stone to buy the Wang Patriarch? Do you know that Wang’s Patriarch is the richest man in Zhuxian Town.

Wang Ke looked at the immortal cultivator whom everyone despised, but nodded weirdly: “No matter, it’s all from the same town. My king has got luck. If you don’t satisfy everyone’s curiosity, it’s too unethical. However, there are too many people, and my palace will not be able to receive it after all, Princess Youyue, I can’t let her have trouble! So, ten catties of Lingshi is ten catties of Lingshi, you can watch the incense time from a distance! And follow the order of my royal family. , Can it?”

The immortal cultivators all around were taken aback. Is it really okay? Is this a ticket?

“Okay, thank you, Patriarch Wang!” “Tuo” in the crowd called out suddenly.

Although the crowd of immortal cultivators in the surrounding area are a little painful of ten catties of spirit stones, most of them can also be obtained. Everyone pays for it, and there is nothing to say about it.

It’s just that this Wang Ke is too good at making money, right? To catch a prisoner and sell tickets to make money?

“In that case, wait a moment, everyone, I will place Princess Youyue in the backyard of the mansion. When that happens, I will arrange for everyone to come in and watch, wait a moment!” Wang Ke arched his hands at the crowd.

The cultivators were weird, and finally nodded.

Wang Ke immediately took two prison wagons back to the mansion under the **** of the Wang family’s children, and the door slammed shut.

Outside the gate, a group of immortal cultivators waited anxiously.

It didn’t take long for the door to open suddenly.

I saw that a large number of subordinates walked out of the Wang Family Mansion and fenced the door of the Wang Family, leaving only a constantly twisting passage to maintain order, and at the door, it was even more posed. After setting up a table, the shopkeepers sat down one by one, with baskets placed next to them, ready to collect the spirit stones.

“Everyone, the Patriarch has already placed Princess Youyue, you can buy tickets here, first come in first, and then see later! The backyard of my king’s family has replaced Princess Youyue with a hollow cage, guarantee Everyone can see clearly in a stick of incense time!” A Wang’s shopkeeper bowed his hand at the crowd.

The cultivators looked at each other, this Wang Ke, is he really using prisoners to make money? Can you make money like this? Wang Ke thinks money is crazy, right?

“Come on, give you ten catties of spirit stones, I’ll go in and have a look!”

One of the “support” in the crowd followed the fence passage to the shopkeeper at the door, paid the money, and walked towards the backyard under the guidance of the servants of the Wang family.

With the first to take the lead, others followed suit.


Wang family, a hall entrance.

Wang Ke took a shower and changed his clothes, changed his clothes and walked out, just in time to see Zhang Zhengdao with a stunned look.

“Brother Wang, the people in Zhuxian Town are all fools? They spend ten catties of spirit stones just to see the two prisoners? They are crazy? It’s no good, why, why are there so many people?” Zhang Zhengdao He didn’t understand.

“They are not looking at two prisoners, but five Golden Crow Sect disciples!” Wang Ke shook his head.

“What do you mean?” Zhang Zhengdao was still puzzled.

“Do you think I scared them outside the gate just now? No, they weren’t scared, it’s just that it’s not easy to do things in the public. People who buy tickets almost have the same idea!” A wave of confidence flashed in Wang Ke’s eyes.

“What do you think?” Zhang Zhengdao asked puzzled.

“Spend ten catties of spirit stone, see Princess Youyue clearly, wait for the opportunity, grab it into your own hands, and then go to Jinwuzong to receive the reward!” Wang Ke believed.

“Are they all trying to grab Princess Youyue?” Zhang Zhengdao was agitated.

“Yes! That’s why they are willing to spend money to recognize Princess Youyue’s face!” Wang Ke believed.

“Recognize Princess You Yue’s face?” Zhang Zhengdao swallowed.

Because, at this moment, the “Princess You Yue” in the exhibition is not someone else, but the big cousin with a long beard! So many people want to grab the big cousin? Is this the pinnacle of the big cousin’s life?

“I have a Princess Youyue, and Nie Tianba also has a Princess Youyue. Why does he believe that what he has in his hands is fake?” Wang Ke laughed.

“Why?” Zhang Zhengdao was puzzled.

“Do you know that the three become tigers?” Wang Ke said with a laugh.

“What do you mean?”

“One person told him that the eldest cousin is Princess Youyue, he didn’t believe it! Two people told him? Three people told him? The whole town told him?” Wang Ke believes.

“Do you mean…?”

“If you want Nie Tianba to believe that what I am holding is real, then everyone in the town must first believe that I am true, and then everyone will tell Nie Tianba that I am true. Keep brainwashing him and destroy his confidence!” Wang Ke believed himself.

“You have been so busy, are you busy showing it to Nie Tianba?”

“How about it?”

“You, you can really toss!”

“This is not tossing, it’s called masturbation!” Wang Ke believed himself.

“Yes, but what I saw was you making money!” Zhang Zhengdao said strangely.

“Huh?” Wang Ke frowned and looked at Zhang Zhengdao.

“Ten catties of spirit stones per person, I just counted them quietly, and hundreds of people came in. You are too good at making money, brother Wang, I don’t care. This time I rescued Princess Youyue. I have a share for the money I earn from selling tickets, I want half!” Zhang Zhengdao said cheeky and excitedly.

Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao, and he said very kindly.

Zhang Zhengdao understood Wang Ke’s meaning, and suddenly said anxiously: “Wang Ke, you can’t do this. This time, I brought you the news. Half of it won’t work. Then four or six. I’m four and six. Why? Well? Don’t be too dark! How about three-seven, three-seven? Forget it, I will suffer a bit, twenty-eight, twenty-eight! My two! You are too dark, nine, nine!”

“When have you seen that someone can swindle money from me?” Wang Ke said with a laugh.

Speaking, Wang Ke stepped towards the backyard, leaving Zhang Zhengdao alone with an angry expression.

“Wang Ke, you want to eat alone? You are not righteous! You will be with you for so long without giving me a piece of spirit stone! You are too stingy! You should not be called Wang Ke, you should be called Wang Ke, no, you are Pick the king! Bah!” Zhang Zheng said angrily.


Nie family!

Nie Tianba listened to a Nie family’s children constantly reporting.

“Receiving tickets?” Nie Tianba looked stunned.

“Yes, in Zhuxian Town, people from all major families have all gone to see, everyone is ten catties of Lingshi, Wang Ke, his heart is too dark!” A Nie family’s younger brother said depressed.

“Hmph, this is Wang Ke’s style, you don’t want to die, you want money!” Nie Tianba said solemnly.

“Patriarch, I went to see it, his Princess You Yue is so ugly, it is fake at first sight, Wang Ke is crazy, right!” said the Nie family kid.

“Ugly?” Nie Tianba was taken aback.

“Yes, although the Princess Youyue we caught has a scar on her face, it is not difficult to see that it has a stunning beauty, but Princess Wang Ke that Youyue is really ugly, he What do you think! Where did you pull the green onions, that looks like a princess?” The Nie disciple looked disgusted.

But Nie Tianba’s face was slightly dark: “Does other people say the same?”

“Huh? Others? They haven’t seen Princess Youyue, naturally they didn’t say it was fake. They just saw the honor of’Princess Youyue’ one by one. They were all amazed, and they said one by one, no wonder Jin Wuzong didn’t give a portrait of Princess Youyue. It turned out that Princess Youyue had never had the face to see people before!” The Nie family’s child recalled.

“But, we have never seen Princess Youyue before!” Nie Tianba frowned.

“We? We are not…!” The face of the younger brother of the Nie family changed.

“Patriarch, you don’t think we caught it, it’s fake, do you?”

Nie Tianba shook his head: “What we caught must be true, huh, Wang Ke wants to lie to the Golden Crow Sect, he is looking for death!”

Although Nie Tianba’s tone was firm, but for some reason, there was a doubt in his heart, and he couldn’t understand why Wang Ke was looking for a fake Princess Youyue to lie to the Golden Crow Sect? Based on my understanding of Wang Ke, he is not that kind of person, is it true that he caught it?

Nie Tianba was also shocked when this thought came out.

“You send someone to continue to inquire!” Nie Tianba said solemnly.


All the children of the Nie family went to investigate, leaving Nie Tianba alone with a gloomy and terrible expression.

“Mine is real, Wang Ke, yours can’t be real!” Nie Tianba squeezed his fist, a cold sweat on his forehead.

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