Indestructible God King Chapter 394: Magic Dragon Yuan

“Hahaha, no, this evil dragon knife belongs to me, you have been in the lotus blood cave for so many years, you just want to trick me to collect the evil dragon knife for you? It’s a pity, I’m here, you didn’t see it Is it close to me? This is mine! Hahahaha! Dawei Tianlong!” Lu Yutian yelled.


The black dragon roared, desperately breaking away from the surrounding sea of ​​blood, and in an instant, it rushed to the place of lust.

“Close!” Lust shouted loudly.

I saw that the huge black dragon suddenly rushed into the body of lust.


The black dragon enters the body, and countless black qi bursts out of the whole body in an instant.

“Lust, you are so brave, you dare to **** my things?” Yin and soft Nie Tianba said fiercely.

Amidst the ferociousness, he suddenly manipulated the sea of ​​blood to soar into the sky, turning into blood dragons from all directions and roaring towards the sky.

“Ridiculous? You attacked me with a sea of ​​blood? You are a blood demon, and I am also a blood demon! Although, the blood demon’s supernatural powers you have been hiding and refusing to tell me, but it does not matter, since I have joined the blood demon, I won’t be afraid of that blood demon’s moves, Dawei Tianlong!” Lust stopped drinking.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Sex Yutian slapped with one palm and one palm, and suddenly exploded all the blood dragons around him. In this gap time, the feminine Nie Tianba suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yutian and slapped Lu Yutian with his face.

“Dead!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba yelled.

“Thousand-handed Jizo!” Lu Yutian cried out.

Suddenly, countless phantoms of palms appeared behind Se Yutian to continue blocking the blood dragon’s impact, and Se Yutian’s palms rushed towards the feminine Nie Tianba.


There was a loud noise, the two palms collided, and the huge impact caused a sea of ​​blood to explode in an instant.

For a time, the two are in a stalemate in the air, regardless of the outcome?

“Master?” The blood demon below suddenly looked towards the sky in surprise.

The blood demons are not worshiping Nie Tianba, but to Luyutian, showing excitement one by one.

“Little ones, who are you worshipping?” Lust shouted.

“I am lustful!” All the blood demons shouted together.

The group of demons drank the name of **** and desire, and the feminine Nie Tianba’s face suddenly sank. The group of blood demons that he had just conquered didn’t really surrender themselves?

“Hahahaha, good! Because of your allegiance, the deity grants you a good fortune, Molongyuan, go!” Lu Yutian shouted loudly.


Suddenly, the four hundred magic dragon elements that had surrounded the black dragon instantly rushed to the crowds of blood demons below.

“Presumptuous, that’s mine!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba exclaimed.


Lust suddenly used force, pushing the feminine Nie Tianba into the sky.

“My site, everything is mine!” Lust laughed.

“Nascent Infant Realm Great Perfection? Gained the power increase of Nielongdao again? Lust, you are so powerful!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba said coldly.

“Slightly better than you!” Lu Yutian sneered.

“Hmph, I gave you everything you have, and you want to grab my things too?” Yin and soft Nie Tianba stared.

“How many times did I ask you how to unlock the seal of this lotus blood cave, you never told me, every day to persuade me to become one with you? I knew that you just wanted to take my body That’s all! Today, I will let you draw the water from the bamboo basket, I will accept the evil dragon knife, and my group of subordinates will also accept the magic dragon yuan! Haha, hahaha!” Lu Yutian laughed.


In just this short time, four hundred magic dragon yuan instantly poured into the blood demons.


The gorefiends suddenly screamed in pain.

“What’s the situation? The magic dragon Yuan entered the body, didn’t you get a big advantage? Why are you so painful?” Zhang Zhengdao stared at the four hundred blood demons.

“Dark clouds?” Wang Ke looked up at the sky.

But I don’t know when, countless dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky.

“Boom, click, click!”

For a time, thunder and lightning went straight to the gorefiends.

“This is…?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

“Nascent Soul’s Tribulation? The devilish power in this Devil Dragon Yuan is so huge? They are about to break through so soon?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.


Suddenly, the sky thunder struck each of the blood demons, and they saw that the blood demons were screaming and the whole body was metamorphosing.


A blood demon couldn’t bear the sky thunder, and exploded suddenly, and most of the magic dragon yuan in his body was consumed and exposed.

“Go, go!” Wang Ke excitedly urged God Wang Yin.

Suddenly, Shen Wang Yin flew into the chaotic lightning strike environment and slammed into Wang Ke, a devil dragon element that consumed more than half of his energy.

“Boom!” Wang Ke quickly put it in the jade box and put it away.

“Go again, hurry, there is another explosion over there. Although the magic dragon yuan consumes a lot, the rest is good stuff!” Wang Ke excitedly manipulated the **** king seal to collect the shrunken magic dragon yuan .


A blood demon has survived nine times of sky-thunder bombardment, and immediately, his body exudes a powerful aura. At the same time, the magic dragon essence in his body has not been completely refined, and is in rapid refining.

“Thank you, Lord, your subordinates broke through the Nascent Soul Realm!” a blood demon exclaimed excitedly.

“Thank you, the master, the subordinates have also reached the Nascent Soul Stage!” another blood demon roared.


The sky thunder continued. Some blood demons were killed on the spot, but there were also blood demons who broke through to the Nascent Infant Realm.

The scene was out of control for a while, and Zhang Zhengdao was even more shocked.

“Ten Nascent Infant Stages? Ten Nascent Infant Stages? Wang Ke, Wang Ke, come and help!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

Because as the Gorefiends continue to get through the tribulation, some people are refining devil energy, but some people are staring at Zhang Zhengdao.

“Shen Wang Yin, town!” Wang Ke stopped drinking.


Shen Wang Yin suddenly blasted the enchantment that enveloped Zhang Shenxu.

“Wang Ke, do you have to wait until the end to take action? What a special thing!” Zhang Zhengdao cursed dejectedly.

Speaking, took Zhang Shenxu to run without hesitation.

“Where to run!” There were three Nascent Soul Realm blood demons chasing Zhang Zhengdao.

“You are crazy, why don’t you help Lutian, what are you doing to stop me?” Zhang Zhengdao said depressed.

“Catch you, hand it over to the Lord!” Three Nascent Soul Stage roared.


A group of Nascent Soul Realm immediately attacked Zhang Zhengdao, Zhang Zhengdao was immediately embarrassed, but Zhang Zhengdao had excellent escape skills, and was beaten while running away.

More blood demons who have just broken through the Nascent Soul Realm suddenly soar into the sky, rushing to the place of lust.

“Lord, let’s help you!” a group of gorefiends roared.

At a glance, there are fifty blood demons who have just reached the Nascent Soul Stage soaring into the sky.

High in the sky, the feminine Nie Tianba, who had never been lustful, was suddenly depressed.

“You group of white-eyed wolves, I am the ancestor of the 100,000 Mountain Gorefiends. You actually helped Shaoyutian? Blood Sea! Roar!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba roared angrily.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​blood rushed straight to a group of Nascent Soul Realm.


The sea of ​​blood was violent, and immediately stopped a crowd of blood demons.

“Hahahaha, Dragon Blood, my subordinates will have more and more Nascent Soul Stages. It is impossible for you to **** the Nie Dragon Sabre today!” Lu Yutian laughed.

“Not necessarily!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba suddenly sneered.

In a sneer, the feminine Nie Tianba looked up at the dark clouds in the sky. A huge breath suddenly suppressed the lust.

“What!” Lulutian’s face changed.

“The evil dragon blade enters the body, the energy of the evil dragon is helping you to become stronger, and it is also pushing up your cultivation base. Lust, your porch is coming!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba smiled.

“Why this time? Why this time?” Lutian’s expression changed.


In an instant, a thunder and lightning of the thickness of a bucket bombarded the sky.

“Dawei Tianlong, break!”

The sky of **** greeted the sky with a palm, instantly bombarding the thunder and lightning that day.


Lust blocked the first wave of thunder and lightning, but when he was distracted, Nie Tianba suddenly appeared in front of him and hit his chest with a punch.


Several ribs of **** was broken.

“Puff!” Lu Yutian spouted blood.

“Are you attacking me?” Lu Yutian roared.

“Yes, I attacked you! Lust, the evil dragon sword just entered your body, you have not had time to refining and fusion, you can’t use it at all. Do you want to survive the catastrophe with peace of mind? With me, you dream, want Do not die under the catastrophe, or die under my fist! Hahahaha!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba laughed.


Another countless thunder and lightning vented violently, and the sky of **** suddenly greeted the sky.

“Broken!” Feminine Nie Tianba cried out.



Se Yutian spouted another mouthful of blood and flew out, covered in blood. I don’t know if it was caused by thunder and lightning, or was injured by a sneak attack by the feminine Nie Tianba.

“Lust, how about? With me, you can’t save the tribulation! I will give you a choice, whether to merge with me or die, what do you choose?” Yin and soft Nie Tianba sneered.

“Meeting with you? Hahaha, merging with you means being taken away by you. You want to lie to me every day for so many years. Do you think I don’t know? Go dreaming!” Lu Yutian wiped the corner of his mouth and stared with blood. .


Another lightning fell from the sky.

“Then you go to death!” Yin and soft Nie Tianba let out a cold drink, and immediately rushed forward again.

The feminine Nie Tianba and the robbery flanked, and Lust was about to be injured again, and even died.

“Roar!” Lu Yutian let out an unwilling roar.


Let’s blasted the whole body of Seyutian, and Seyutian struggled to block another wave of tribulations.

And after the robbery, Lu Yutian vomited blood and looked at the yin and soft Nie Tianba? what happened? Nie Tianba didn’t attack me?

“Is it you?” Lu Yutian exclaimed.

However, at the moment of the moment, Gong Wei suddenly stood in front of Lu Yutian. Withstand the blow of Nie Tianba.

“Puff!” Gong Wei spouted blood.

“Oh? It’s another Nascent Soul Stage peak? Haha, what happened today? Lust, there is someone to protect you from disasters?” Yin and Nie Tianba said in surprise.

“Crazy woman? What, how could it be you?” Lu Yutian exclaimed.

Gong Wei wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth: “Lust, although you are not a thing, but your body is my mate, I can’t let my mate die!”

“Crazy woman, what are you talking about?” Lu Yutian frowned and stared.


Another group of thunder and lightning struck down.

“Success to death!” Nie Tianba shouted.

“I’m here, don’t think about it!” Gong Wei roared and rushed over.


Thunder and lightning enveloped Luyutian, Luyutian watched Gong Wei being beaten by Nie Tianba in the distance and flew out, vomiting blood, and Luyutian’s face suddenly showed a hideous look.

But this ferociousness was instantly submerged in a thunderstorm, and no one saw the flash of concern for Gong Wei in Lu Yutian’s eyes.


The entire lotus blood cave was plunged into a thunderstorm.

PS: Three changes are over!

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