Indestructible God King Chapter 389: I have a sudden heart attack

The king can suppress Zhou Lin instantly!

Zhang Zhengdao is already in the Nascent Soul Stage, and his combat effectiveness is also very good. Because he has seized the opportunity, he has been pressing Nie Tianba to fight, and the snake king and the rat king are old enemies, and they are also fiercely entangled at this moment.


Sandstorms soared into the sky and roared everywhere.

Wang Ke took a long knife and placed it on Zhou Lin’s neck.

“Come, whoever dares to come over, I will let Zhou Lin’s head fall. Believe it or not, you can try it! Or, whoever has enemies with Zhou Lin and wants to borrow a knife to kill, step forward!” Wang Ke directed at The blood demons around shouted.

The blood demons all around suddenly looked ugly, but no one came forward.

“Wang Ke, you attacked me? Today, none of you can leave!” Zhou Lin said grimly.


The long knife was attached to Zhou Lin’s neck. In an instant, Zhou Lin persuaded.

“The Rat King, don’t stop, if you don’t stop, I will kill Zhou Lin!” Wang Ke shouted at the Rat King.

In the distance, during the battle between the Rat King and the Snake King, he glanced at the location of King Ke and ignored him.

“Did you not hear me? Don’t stop, Zhou Lin will die!” Wang Ke shouted.

“I’ll take him to death!” The Rat King ignored him.

Wang Ke; “………………!”

Zhou Lin: “………………!”

“This Rat King is too inhuman, right? Watching you die?” Wang Ke looked at Zhou Lin weirdly.

“Humph!” Zhou Lin was depressed and didn’t want to talk!

“Don’t ask, Nie Tianba definitely doesn’t care about your life or death! What’s special, Zhou Lin, why is your popularity so bad? There is no one who wants to save you!” Wang Ke said with a strange expression.

Zhou Lin: “…………!”

“Come, I’m just idle, let’s talk, before Nie Tianba was in front of you and the Rat King, and he didn’t even dare to breathe. Why do you suddenly recognize Nie Tianba as the boss now? This is unreasonable. Ah, I think that Nie Tianba’s strength is average? Can’t even beat Zhang Zhengdao!” Wang Ke looked curious.

“You know what a fart!” Zhou Lin scolded.


Wang Ke’s eyes widened, the long knife in his hand shook, and the blade trembled on Zhou Lin’s neck, immediately causing Zhou Lin’s hair to burst and he recognized the counsel again.

“After the last battle of the Sirius Sect, I returned to the Lotus Blood Cave and conquered the blood demons in the Lotus Blood Cave. The Rat King also came here during this time. We have not finished fighting for the lotus blood cave boundary. , Nie Tianba came, and Nie Tianba suppressed us! No, to be precise, it was the strong inside Nie Tianba who suppressed us!” Zhou Lin immediately explained clearly.

“The strong man in Nie Tianba’s body? That red eyeball? No, it should be a clone of Dragon Blood?” Wang Ke’s expression moved.

“Do you know dragon blood?” Zhou Lin asked in surprise.

“Nonsense, what do I not know? I ask you, where is Zhang Shenxu?” Wang Ke asked.

“On the altar of the lotus blood cave. The dragon’s blood will use Zhang Shenxu’s blood to open the seal. Last night he drew a whole body of blood, but it was not enough. Now he saved his life and returned the blood to him. Wait for Zhang Shenxu. The virtual blood is replenished, and the seal of the lotus blood cave can be opened by drawing it again!” Zhou Lin said solemnly.

“Not enough blood?” Wang Ke’s expression moved.

“Hmph, Wang Ke, I advise you to hurry up, the Lord’s Dragon Blood is sleeping in Nie Tianba’s body. After a while, you won’t be able to leave!” Zhou Lin said solemnly. .

“What are you kidding, how could I go?” Wang Ke suddenly dismissed.

“Die me!” Zhang Zhengdao shouted in the distance.


With a loud noise, Nie Tianba fell from the sky, and suddenly fell into a sandstorm.

“Hahahaha, Nie Tianba, you are also the third strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, and you want to stop me? Hand over Zhang Shenxu!” Zhang Zhengdao cut away with a single sword.


A sword light rushed out, and wherever it passed, the wind broke through the sand, and Nie Tianba’s face changed wildly with a murderous intent.

“Lord, help!” Nie Tianba exclaimed.

At this moment, countless blood mist suddenly appeared on Nie Tianba’s body, and the blood mist instantly enveloped Nie Tianba.

“Just hide in the blood mist? Go!” Zhang Zhengdao cried out.


There was a loud noise, and the blood mist exploded, but Zhang Zhengdao was also fixed there, but the long sword in his hand seemed to be stuck.

“Huh?” Zhang Zhengdao screamed and drew his sword continuously.

However, the long sword did not move. Nie Tianba, who was exploded by the blood mist, was caught between two fingers. At this moment, Nie Tianba’s right eye was also covered with a layer of blood mist.

“Why, how could this be?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

At this moment, a soft voice came from Nie Tianba’s mouth.

“Nie Tianba, you really disappoint me. I have given you so much power. You can’t fight this person?”

The voice is very feminine, and it makes people feel creepy.

“Nie Tianba? You, why do you make a sissy voice?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.

“Huh?” The feminine voice was filled with anger.

I saw that Nie Tianba snapped his finger.


The long sword in Zhang Zhengdao’s hand burst open, and this finger popped out, as if a huge finger rushed towards Zhang Zhengdao’s chest in an instant.

“What?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.


That Zhigang instantly flew out Zhang Zhengdao’s bullet, thrown it far away, fell to the ground, and his chest collapsed. A puff of blood spurted out.

“What, what? Nie Tianba, why did you suddenly become so powerful? The power of the Primordial Divine Realm? Impossible!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed, clutching his chest.

I was not as good as myself just now, but now it became so terrifying that I was hit hard by a single finger?

“Master, the subordinates are incompetent!” Nie Tianba’s voice returned to his usual begging for mercy.

“Hmph, my concentrated strength is attached to you, it is really a waste!” The feminine voice came from Nie Tianba’s mouth again.

Speaking, Nie Tianba slowly walked towards Zhang Zhengdao. At this moment, Nie Tianba was surrounded by a cloud of blood, looking gloomy, like a **** devil.

“Nie Tianba, you, are you not Nie Tianba?” Zhang Zhengdao screamed, clutching his chest and backing away.

“Lord, help me!” Zhou Lin shouted in the distance.

Wang Ke’s face also changed drastically at this moment: “What kind of mouth do you have?”

However, I saw that the feminine Nie Tianba suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Ke.

“Hehe? You are Wang Ke? Innate merit? Fantian seal?” The feminine Nie Tianba showed a cold smile.

“It’s me, this senior Dragon Blood, do you know me too?” Wang Ke showed a worried awkward smile.

The feminine Nie Tianba sneered and waved his hand.


In the surrounding desert, countless yellow sands suddenly soared into the sky, flying into the air, turning into giant dragons of sand condensed.

“Ang!” “Ang!” “Ang!”………………

Sandstorm dragons roared straight towards Wang Ke.

“Senior, if you have something to say!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

While screaming, he urged God King Yin to resist.


Several sandstorm dragons slammed into the seal of the king of the gods, and they saw that the seal of the king of gods floating in the air trembled frantically, and the shaking became smaller and smaller!

“Senior, misunderstanding, senior!” Wang Ke exclaimed.


Sandstorm dragons continue to flow, and in just a few moments, the seal of the gods has been completely reduced to its original size.

“The innate merits in the Fantian Seal have been exhausted! Now, you have no treasures to use!” The feminine Nie Tianba sneered with a gloomy sneer.

Wang Ke grasped the divine king’s seal, which had become smaller, and his face was ugly.

The countless sandstorm dragons did not disappear, but with a finger from the feminine Nie Tianba, they immediately went straight to the Snake King!

The snake king and the rat king are fighting, and when the two beasts are fighting against each other, suddenly countless sandstorm dragons rushed forward, suddenly changing their faces and suddenly separating.

“Ah, Wang Ke, what is this, ah~~!”


The scream of the snake king was quickly drowned in the impact of this huge sandstorm.

After a while, the sandstorm stopped without the sound of the snake king.

The sandstorm stopped, revealing the dying Snake King. The Snake King’s body was riddled with holes and blood was overflowing. That ordinary sand condensed salon actually has this terrifying power?

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao all sucked in cold air.

“This, is this just a clone of Dragon Blood? Abusing the Nascent Infant Realm like a chicken abuse? No wonder Nie Tianba refused to listen to Nie Qingqing! He wanted to be loyal to him?” Wang Ke was horrified.

Not far away, the Rat King looked at the tragic image of the Snake King, and his scalp was numb. That day, Zhou Lin and I were almost desperate with Dragon Blood? If I were not loyal to the dragon blood, right now, the snake king would be my fate, right?

“Wang Ke, what, what should I do?” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

At this moment, Zhang Zhengdao didn’t dare to move. This feminine Nie Tianba was too terrifying.

“Thank you, Lord!” Zhou Lin and Rat King suddenly said in horror.

“The three of you are in the Nascent Soul Stage, and you were actually crushed and beaten by the three of them? You are really stupid and incompetent! Shameful!” Feminine Nie Tianba said coldly.

“Master, they are a sneak attack!” Nie Tianba’s voice came angrily.

“When I use this body to talk, should you interrupt?” A soft voice came from Nie Tianba’s mouth.

“Yes, my subordinates dare not!” Nie Tianba’s voice immediately trembled.

“Lord, although Nie Tianba said it badly, it is not unreasonable. Wang Ke is too cunning and has harmed me many times. Please give him to me and let me take revenge. To dispel the hatred!” Zhou Lin said bitterly.

“May the Lord Admiral King Ke and the Snake King grant me revenge!” The Rat King also said bitterly.

Yin and soft Nie Tianba glanced at the two of them, then looked at Wang Ke who was not far away, and shook his head lightly.

“Master?” Zhou Lin and Rat King looked anxious.

“Wang Ke? I don’t care how he provokes you, but I promised the keel a few days ago. If I catch the king and hand it over to the keel, the keel is willing to listen to me! So Wang Ke can’t die now! “Yin and soft Nie Tianba said solemnly.

Not far away, when Wang Ke heard it, the hanging heart fell. Is there such a good thing?

“My lord, then I don’t want to kill the king. You can give him a period of torture to kill the grievances in my heart?” Zhou Lin said anxiously.

“Me too, Lord, we promise to torture the queen, he is still alive!” The Rat King also eagerly said.

The feminine Nie Tianba frowned slightly, as if thinking.

Wang Ke’s face changed, torturing you? How can this be?

“Senior Dragon Blood, I have a sudden heart attack. I cannot be frightened or tortured. Once I am tortured, I will die suddenly!” Wang Ke said anxiously.

Zhou Lin: “…………!”

The Rat King: “…………!”

You have such a thick-skinned skin, will you not be frightened? Sudden death? Who are you lying to?

Yin and soft Nie Tianba stared at Wang Ke for a while, and finally squinted his eyes: “Don’t move Wang Ke, seal his cultivation base, put him in custody, and wait for the keel to arrive!”

“Master!” Zhou Lin and Rat King looked reluctant.

“Huh? My words don’t work?” The feminine Nie Tianba’s eyes were cold.

“Yes! Subordinates don’t dare!” The two of them didn’t dare to refute.

“As for Zhang Zhengdao and the Snake King?” A murderous aura flashed in the eyes of the feminine Nie Tianba.

“Senior Dragon Blood, I also have a sudden heart attack, and I will die suddenly!” Zhang Zhengdao cried out in horror.

PS: First!

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