Indestructible God King Chapter 376: Dragons

“So, you golden bone dragon was forged by the Dragon King for the Saint Child, not you! It was just borrowed from you to keep it for a period of time, but you are turning the cart before the horse and want to drain the blood of the Saint Child? Looking for death!” Zi Bufan Said coldly.

“Impossible, impossible, this golden bone dragon belongs to me, no one wants to take it! Longwu? You want to grab my golden bone dragon and dream!” The dragon bone roared, pushing with all its strength. Golden bone dragon.

“Holy Son, give me a drop of blood!” Zi Bufan called.

“Don’t give it!” Keel exclaimed.

However, Wang Ke has already helped Shengzi to force a drop of blood out of his fingers.

Zi Bufan flicks his finger.

The drop of blood immediately rushed towards the golden bone dragon, and wherever it passed, the ripples of power produced by the bone dragon were unimpeded.


The drop of blood instantly fell into the center of the golden bone dragon’s eyebrows. Then penetrated into the body of the golden bone dragon.


The golden bone dragon trembled and suddenly stopped moving.

“Impossible, my primordial spirit, my primordial spirit, start it for me!” Longgu exclaimed.


The golden bone dragon shuddered, breaking the shackles of the dragon bone’s control over it.

With a bang, the shackles broke, and the keel that was impacted by the force of backlash flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


The golden bone dragon roared, and suddenly went straight to the son.

“My, my, give it back to me!” Keel exclaimed.


The Tathagata Buddha’s Faxiang blocked the dragon bone with a palm, and saw that the golden bone dragon instantly penetrated into the Saint Child’s body, and then disappeared.

The whole body of the holy son, countless golden lights appeared in an instant. Then, I saw that the body of the Saint Son was swelling.

“Which, what’s the matter?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

“Wang Ke, you get out of the way, the son is all right!” Zi Bufan said solemnly.

“Is it okay? Shengzi’s clothes are bursting, ah, this is deformation? This is…!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

However, he saw that the body of the Saint Son was changing rapidly, getting bigger and longer, and his original human form turned into a golden dragon.

The scales are reflective and golden!

Dragon? Is this a living dragon?

The king has seen the dragon veins of the earth, but it is only the spirit body, but what about it? But it’s a real body, dragon? A golden dragon?

“Holy Son, how did you become a dragon?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

“Holy Son was originally a dragon!” Zi Bufan said solemnly.

“Huh?” Wang Ke looked at Zi Bufan in surprise.

“The Son is the son of the Dragon King! The Dragon King is the Dragon Clan, and the Saint Son is naturally also the Dragon Clan!” Zi Bufan explained.

“Holy Son is not a human? Can a monster become a human?” Wang Ke stared in astonishment.

“Monster beast? How can the monster be compared with the dragon clan?” Zi Bufan said with disdain.

“The dragon is not a monster?” Wang Ke was surprised.

However, I saw the son transforming into a ten-foot-long golden dragon, slowly circling up, as if entering a state of sleep.

“Did you see? The golden bone dragon entered the Saint Child and turned into the bones of the Saint Child. It was to help the Saint Child transform the dragon! It was not for you at all! Humph!” Zi Bufan said coldly at the dragon bone.

The keel’s eyes are red, and his face is spiteful at the moment. However, seeing the saint child transforming into a dragon, the dragon bone also knew that he was deceived by the dragon king. This golden bone dragon will never come back again.

“Kongbone, don’t look at it, huh! I don’t know what you think, you have been so badly dealt with to the Son! He is your own son!” Zi Bufan said solemnly.

“The Dragon King said back then that the golden keel was for me…!” The keel was still brooding.

“Have you never heard of it? The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is!” Wang Ke interrupted.

Keel looked at Wang Ke in black, I want you to teach? Pretty fart! The key is that the Dragon Emperor is not beautiful!

“Well, the golden bone dragon was bestowed by the Dragon King to the Son, so don’t think about it. If you dare to attack the Son, I promise, I will kill you!” Zi Bufan said coldly .

The keel squeezed his fist and looked at Zi Bufan with resentment on his face.

“Hmph, if you were not the father of the Saint Son, I would have given you death a long time ago due to your fault!” Zi Bufan said coldly.

Keel looked at Zi Bufan, and a remorse flashed in his eyes. It would be great if Zi Bufan had been taken down earlier in the first place. I blame Wang Ke this bastard. If I had brought Zi Bufan into the harem, how could there be so many things?

“I’m back, so take your heart! The Taiyin Demon Sect is originally mine, and I am the leader! Do you still want to try my power?” Zi Bufan looked at the keel coldly.

Keel is full of resentment, but at this moment he can only grit his teeth!

“Kongbone, don’t say I don’t give you a chance. It’s because of the face of the Son of God. Now I will give you a choice! Or, as in the past, you will temporarily be a hall master under my hand! Or, leave ten Wan Dashan, you don’t need you here!” Zi Bufan said solemnly.

There is a change of cloudy and sunny in the eyes of the dragon bone, how unwilling to be! How long is this? Was he driven to a dead end?

“Keel, you’d better leave Shiwan Dashan, it’s good for you!” Wang Ke persuaded from the side.

Keel stared at Wang Ke, good for me? Hello sister! When you helped me to sort out the purple extraordinary, you were also good for me, but you smashed me to death!

“Keel, pay homage to the leader!” Keel gritted his teeth, trembling all over, and bowed to Zi Bufan.

At this moment, all the demon cult disciples around have their eyes widened. What’s wrong? The leader of the church? Has the hall master changed?

“Keel, can you really bend and stretch?” Wang Ke asked in surprise.

“Oh, Dragon Bone offended many people back then. He may not have a good result if he goes out of a hundred thousand mountains!” Zi Bufan sneered.

“Too many enemies outside? Will you be hacked to death if you go out?” Wang Ke understood.

“Listen! Everyone! Wu Youdao betrayed the Demon Cult and removed the position of the First Hall Master of the Taiyin Demon Cult! From today onwards, this seat will reignite the Demon Cult and give the Dragon Bone the first Hall Master and allow the opening , Recruit disciples!” Zi Bufan said solemnly.

“Yes, yes, yes!” The countless demon disciples all around showed a panic.

“Zhu Hongyi, Nie Qingqing, how are you?” Zi Bufan looked at the two.

Zhu Hongyi and Nie Qingqing are holding their injured chests, and looking at Zi Bufan with weird expressions, will she become the leader?

“The two of me are fine! See the leader!” The two worshipped respectfully.

Seeing Zhu Hongyi bow down, Zi Bufan’s expression was complicated, but he didn’t stop it. If he didn’t set the rules, he couldn’t make a circle, and he re-held the magic sect. Naturally, he is the king of the world!

“Meet the leader!” Wang Ke also looked down at the right time and went down for a week.

“Meet the leader!” All the demon cult disciples respectfully bowed down.

At this moment, only Tong An’an and others who are hanging on the torture frame have extremely ugly faces.

Why, we thought Wang Ke was down! We only revealed all the secrets when we were beaten up. What is this now? Wang Ke’s position as Hall Master, the more stable he is? what should we do?

The King of Shaking Lu can use potions to play ugly and purple, causing serious injuries to Zhu Hongyi and Nie Qingqing. We not only offended Wang Ke, but also offended Zhu Hongyi and Nie Qingqing. No, we betrayed Zi Bufan, and we also offended the leader Zi Bufan.

Tong Anan looked around in horror, because he made a mistake in his judgment. Is this offending a group of bigwigs?


Tong An’s scared head twitched and passed away.

At this moment, Zi Bufan and others naturally did not pay attention to Tong An’an.

“Wang Ke, the leader, this is given to you by the Holy Son!” Zhu Hongyi endured the injury, stepped forward, and handed out two jade boxes.

“This is?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“The Saint Son lived on Shenlong Island during this period. He heard that the dragon bones were chasing Wang Ke, so he forced out his own blood and divided it into four parts for me, Nie Qingqing, Wang Ke, and Zi… and the leader! Said to help us improve our cultivation and repay our kindness!” Zhu Hongyi said solemnly.

“Dragon blood?” Wang Ke was surprised.

The true essence blood of righteous disciples has no devilish energy, so it is useful to demons. The true essence blood of the evil demon carries different devil qi, even if it is absorbed by other demon qis, the conflict between different devil qi will make the evil devil’s gain more than the loss! Therefore, the evil spirit only needs the true essence blood of the righteous disciples.

Last time, the dragon bone drew the blood of the Saint Child to recover from the injury, and broke the ban in the body. It made Wang Ke strange. He did not understand why the blood of the Saint Child was like this. Now I understand that the Saint Child is not a demon. It’s the dragon! Is this dragon blood?

“Holy Son actually prepared a copy for me?” Zi Bufan said with a weird expression.

“Nie Qingqing and I have both absorbed our share, the Nascent Infant Realm has been completed, and it is even possible to go further! It turned out to be dragon blood, really extraordinary!” Zhu Hongyi said solemnly.

Zi Bufan’s expression was complicated for a while: “No matter, I don’t need this, Wang Ke, you have protected the saint son many times, and I will give it to you too!”

“Good!” Wang Ke immediately put away the two boxes of dragon blood.

The speed of the action made the faces of keel and vermilion stiff, we want it too!

“The saint son is kind, not a reason you can ask him wantonly. In the future, whether or not the saint son intended, whoever dares to let the saint son bleed, I will kill anyone!” Zi Bufan said in a deep voice.

“Yes!” All the disciples of the demons responded.

“Keel, did you hear it?” Zi Bufan looked at the keel.

“Yes!” Keel nodded depressed.

“Master? I heard just now that you founded the Taiyin Demon Cult to protect the Son?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

Zi Bufan looked at the Golden Dragon on the side, then looked at everyone and nodded: “Yes! My original intention when I was a startup, huh, Keel, have you forgotten it a long time ago?”

The keel lowered his head depressed.

“Holy Son’s mother is the Dragon King in your mouth? The Dragon King is dead?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“No!” Zi Bufan shook his head: “The Dragon Emperor was suppressed in the mortal area of ​​the hundred thousand mountains!”

“Mortal area?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“Nie Qingqing, you should know this history, right?” Zi Bufan said solemnly.

Nie Qingqing took a deep breath and nodded: “There are records in the Sirius Sect! More than two hundred years ago, the Buddhist traitor Dragon Emperor, with a group of enchanted subordinates, settled in the 100,000 mountains and raised countless righteous disciples. Eat hundreds of thousands of people, harm the common people, and do harm to the world!”

“Buddhist traitor, Dragon King?” Wang Ke’s expression moved.

Suddenly, Wang Ke finally understood why Mozun had the first Buddhism technique, and why Zi Bufan had Buddhism’s great day Tathagata magic! So they came from Buddhism?

“Destroying the common people? Doing harm to the world? Hahahaha, this is how the Dragon Emperor was recorded? The ridiculous Sirius Sect!” An uncomfortable flashed in Zi Bufan’s eyes.

Nie Qingqing felt uncomfortable for a while when he heard Zi Bufan’s revelation of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, and stopped talking.

“What happened later? Where is the Dragon Emperor?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Later, Master Zhang from the Dao Sect brought people to the end, and sealed the Dragon Emperor and a group of his men, and sealed them in the mortal area. At this point, the mortal area had no aura, and it was all sealed! “Zi Bufan explained.

“No wonder there is no aura in the mortal area, Zhang Tianshi? Sealed the Dragon Emperor?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

“So, we all desperately tried to break the seal to save the Dragon King, but unfortunately, we have been unable to do anything! I also founded the Taiyin Demon Sect at that time! It didn’t take long for Buddhism and Taoism to establish blood The temple and the Golden Wuzong suppressed the two great protectors of the Dragon Emperor, Dragon Blood and Dragon Wu! I am one of them! The **** of Dragon Blood was suppressed in Duxue Temple!” Zi Bufan explained.

“Sure enough, there is another in Duxue Temple!” Wang Ke nodded.

“The existence of the Taiyin Demon Sect is to protect the saint son and try every means to break the seal of Zhang Tianshi. Unfortunately, the Demon Sect fell into the hands of Dragon Bone later, but he was so absurd that he did not dare to act recklessly after decades of fright. Finally, I couldn’t help coming out to do evil, and as a result, as soon as he acted recklessly, he was suppressed by the sudden arrival of the Sirius Sect! The incense of my magic sect was almost ruined in your hands!” Zi Bufan stared at the dragon bone.

Keel looked ugly for a while, but he dared not refute it.

“The Demon Lord, do you know him?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Mozun? It’s a young disciple that the Dragon Emperor received back then! It’s just that this young disciple who just received will eventually support the Demon Cult! Dragon bone, don’t you feel ashamed?” Zi Bufan stared at the dragon bone. .

Keel: “………………!”

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