Indestructible God King Chapter 346: The scene of cremation

“Wang Ke, die!”

Four strong men with Nascent Soul realm aura, covering their faces, cut towards Wang Ke!

“Fuck, four Nascent Soul Stages assassinated you? Wang Ke, how much hatred did you have?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

There are only a few Nascent Soul Stages in the entire hundred thousand mountains. These four suddenly came to assassinate Wang Ke. How many days should this king be angry and resentful?

“Security, security, help, security!” Wang Ke suddenly screamed back and forth again and again.

What’s special, the four Nascent Soul Stages, where did this come from? Damn it!

“Boldly evil barriers, I don’t know the height of the sky and the earth is thick, and I actually performed fiercely at the Buddha Head Temple, the big Luo Jinbo, the big Luo Fa curse!”

On the Buddha’s Head Square, the security captain who had just finished rebooting shouted loudly and waved his probing hand. Suddenly, the big Luojin bowl in mid-air produced a force of suction, as if he was about to inhale four Nascent Soul assassins .

A meal for the four Nascent Soul Stage figures.

“Not good, what a suction!” a masked man called.

“I’ll stop, you guys go on!” shouted another masked man.

While speaking, one of the masked men suddenly showed a magic weapon with a piercing light on his wrist. The magic weapon suddenly burst into countless thunder and lightning, and went straight to the big Luo Jinbo.


Thunder and lightning blasted towards Da Luo Jinbo, causing Da Luo Jinbo to have a sudden stop.

“Presumptuously, even the small vultures dared to make an axe, look at my mighty dragon!” With a roar of reboot, he rushed to the front.


Reboot and the masked man slammed their palms, and suddenly, the void burst into countless air currents and rushed in all directions.

“What? Lust, when will your cultivation base increase so much?” The masked man exclaimed.

“Poor monk rebooting is not lustful, sneaky, come to the Buddha’s Head Temple, looking for death!” Rebooting eyes stared.


The two fought fiercely.

“Guardian, there are three more!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

However, a masked man stopped rebooting, but the remaining three suddenly rushed towards Wang Ke.

“Wang Ke, take your life!” roared three masked men.

“Golden Feather, Tathagata God’s Feet!” Wang Ke immediately urged Jin Feather.


A huge Tathagata foot suddenly blocked the three masked men.

However, the three of them are in the Nascent Soul Stage, as if the Tathagata cannot stop them.

“What, what’s the smell?” a masked man suddenly exclaimed.

“Is this a Tathagata god’s feet? How come it smells? Oh, it smells! Is this a smelly feet?” another masked man exclaimed.

“Wang Ke’s Tathagata **** has a problem, don’t talk nonsense, the three of us will blow it up, hurry!” the last masked man shouted suddenly.

“Zhang Zhengdao, King Snake, you are all dead, hurry up, hurry up!” Wang Ke roared.

“Roar!” The Snake King suddenly rushed over.

“Wang Ke, need to add money!” Zhang Zhengdao shouted and rushed forward.


The Snake King and Zhang Zhengdao are also in the Nascent Soul Stage, and they are about to control the battle.

“Blast it for me, hurry!” one of the masked men yelled.


The three Nascent Soul Realms combined their forces and exploded the feet of the Tathagata.

“Yaoshou, how did you explode this stuff!” The Bujie monk changed his face and ran away.

Sure enough, the moment the Tathagata’s feet exploded, countless yellow smoke exploded and suddenly flooded the surrounding area of ​​the Buddha Head Temple.


Countless disgusting sounds came from all over the world. All the people in the Buddha Head Temple fled out in horror.

The Tathagata god’s feet didn’t explode, but just ordinary feet smelly. Now it’s exploded into yellow smoke. This richness is no longer smelly.

“Spicy eyes, oops, spicy eyes, vomit!” a masked man exclaimed.


Zhang Zhengdao followed the sound and cut with a sword.

“Choke your nose, why is the Tathagata’s feet so foul? Why didn’t you say it beforehand? Nah!” another masked man exclaimed.


The snake king’s tail slammed past.

Only the last masked man, tolerated writing, rushed through the thick yellow smoke area, and rushed to Wang Ke desperately.

“The Sword of Lihuo!” Zhang Li’er gave a soft drink beside Wang Ke.


Even if Zhang Li’er was injured, this last sword could still be cut out, and instantly hit the opponent’s long sword, and a sword pierced the masked man’s shoulder. This is Zhang Lier’s use of all his strength and a desperate blow to repay Wang Ke for his maintenance.

The masked man seemed crazy, even if his shoulder was injured, it turned into a stream of light and slapped Wang Ke’s forehead with a palm.

“Break it to me!” The masked man yelled.


There was a muffled sound in Wang Ke’s forehead.

“Wang Ke, vomit, Wang Ke!” Zhang Lier exclaimed.

This palm of the Nascent Soul Realm, Wang Ke is dead! Enduring the strong smell of feet, Zhang Li’er looked over.

But I saw that Wang Ke’s head was still there, not even a little blood flowed out, and it was still intact, but his eyes were staring with anger.

“Oh, why, why are you okay?” The masked man couldn’t understand.

I hit my head with this palm, why is it okay?

Are you okay? No, something is going on, something has happened.


A huge air current burst out from Wang Ke’s body, and his cultivation base broke through again.

“The fifth stage of the Golden Core Realm? Nah!” Zhang Lier exclaimed, enduring the stench.

“It’s dark? It’s dark again? What’s so special? You are crazy, ah!” Wang Ke shouted angrily.

Wang Ke felt the turbid essence in his body burn wildly, he was going to die, he was going to burn. The body is full of darkened turbid essence, black and translucent, I want to cremate.


Wang Ke roared and opened his mouth to spit out the turbid essence.


When Zhuo Zhenyuan emerged from Wang Ke’s body, they all turned into a blazing river of fire, heading straight for the masked man facing him.

At this moment, neither Zhang Li’er nor a masked person could think that Wang Ke’s mouth would spit fire! Why did this suddenly spit out fire? Who can think of it?


The masked man was suddenly full of flames. This muddy true essence, like oil, was sticky, and it burned next to the masked man.


The masked man suddenly let out a scream of pain, and beat the flames on his body. However, during this beating process, the masked black cloth burned out.

“Tian Zhen? It’s you? You bastard? I owe you? Why do you always attack me? Ah! Roar!” Wang Ke exhaled angrily.

In this way, the turbid true essence instantly enveloped Tian Zhen, making Tian Zhen suddenly cry out miserably.

“This kind of flame, why can’t it be extinguished, it hurts!!” Tian Zhen shouted in horror.

Wang Ke was about to continue vomiting, suddenly his expression changed: “Everyone, run, ah, it’s too late!”

I saw that the Buddha’s Head Temple was covered with billowing yellow smoke, and the feet were smelly. This yellow smoke could also catch fire and was lit by the flame Wang Ke spit out like this.


The entire Buddha Head Temple was shrouded in a raging fire, like a huge mushroom cloud, rising to the sky in the explosion.

“Wang Ke, what is this?” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed in the fire.

“Roar!” The Snake King also roared.

The children of the Wang family at the Buddha Head Temple, when the yellow smoke appeared just now, they were well-trained and ran away, and they still haven’t been affected much.

The Bujie monk holding the fixed light mirror and the seal of the gods, stumbled out of the Buddha Head Temple.

“I knew it, I knew it, Wang Ke, once you make a move, there must be nothing good, ah!” Bujie Monk was finally blown out by the flame explosion.

The huge explosion, shaking the earth, wrapped Wang Ke, Zhang Li’er, three masked men, Zhang Zhengdao, and the snake king.

The flames are soaring, and the mushroom clouds skyrocket.

The entire week, Kyoto was stunned, and everyone looked at them in astonishment.

Rebooted with a palm bombardment, shaking off the face towel of the masked man opposite, but it was Purple Mountain. Before the two were surprised by each other, they were stunned by the big explosion beside them, and they all cast stunned eyes.

“The big bang? Why is it like this? Can the smelly feet explode?” Zi Zhongshan asked in astonishment.

Outside the city.

Huang Youxian led the keel out of the city in order to give himself an alibi, so that if the four Nascent Soul Stages assassinated Wang Ke, Zhang Li’er would not fall on him.

But, how could Huang Youxian think that the Buddha Head Temple had a big explosion?

“What happened?” Huang Youxian looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance in astonishment.

“Is this Wang Ke’s support? Do you think I will be afraid?” Keel also stared in astonishment.

At the center of the big bang, everyone was recruited, but fortunately, everyone was burned only by the smelly flames of their feet, but Tian Zhen burned Zhuo Zhenyuan personally.

“Puff!” Wang Ke kept breathing in flames.

However, this great day of my own immortal magic is too evil, it is automatically replenishing Wang Ke’s true essence.

“Isn’t this a mortal area? Isn’t there no aura? My true essence, where did you add it, what’s special, why can’t you vomit!” Wang Ke yelled dejectedly.

“Wang Ke, we are on fire!” Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

“Get out, get out, get out!” Wang Ke roared.

Speaking, Wang Ke kept spitting flames at the other two masked men.

“Puff, puff~~~~~~~~~!”


“Why, you flame can’t even prevent my hood? It shouldn’t be! Ah!”

Even in the Nascent Soul Realm, being close to the body by this flame is like a dog skin plaster, and the whole body is on fire in an instant.

“Second elder in black and white? What are you doing? Why do you want Hetian Zhen, no, there is also the Sect Master, why, why do you want to assassinate Wang Ke?” Zhang Li’er exclaimed.

“Us?” The three elders’ expressions changed.

Why do you still ask? Isn’t it because of you? Special, is this exposed? Why are we exposed?

“Stop talking nonsense, it’s already like this, keep doing it!” Tian Zhen roared.

The second elder in black and white can only grit his teeth and rush towards Wang Ke.

“Boom! Boom!”

In the midst of the fire, Zhang Zhengdao and King Snake continued to block the two elders.

And Tian really wants to continue to pounce on Wang Ke.


Wang Ke sprayed the turbid true essence flame from his mouth, his eyes also sprayed the turbid true essence flame, and his belly button also sprayed the turbid true essence flame, heading straight towards Tian Zhen.

“Asshole!” Tian Zhen wanted to step forward, but couldn’t rush to it.

“You attack Wang Ke from the flanks!” Tian Zhen roared.

However, the second elders of black and white were also deadlocked by Zhang Zhengdao and the snake king. Can’t be distracted at all.

“Don’t give up monk, hurry up, give me the lens, hurry up, I can’t take it anymore!” Wang Ke shouted.

At this moment, Wang Ke feels that he is about to burn. Why? Why can’t I vomit this turbid Zhenyuan! I don’t want to become a fire baby!

Outside the Buddha Head Temple.

Monk Bujie looked around at the blazing fire. Although I heard Wang Ke’s cry, it was useless, I couldn’t get in by myself.

“Come and get it yourself!” Bujie monk shouted.

Wang Ke: “………………!”

I’m spitting out fire. When I move, Tian Zhen will be chopped off by Tian Zhen. I can come and get a fart.

“Come here, it won’t be burned, hurry up!” Wang Ke shouted.

“You fart! I burned to death when I went in!” Bujie monk suddenly refused.

Wang Ke: “………………!”

Just as Wang Ke was about to rush out depressed, there was a sudden tenderness on his neck.

“Zhang Li’er, what are you doing?” Wang Ke asked in astonishment.

Why opened Li’er’s mouth against my neck?


Zhang Li’er bit on Wang Ke’s neck in one bite.

“Ah~~~~~, you are a puppy, what are you doing when you bite me, ah~, it hurts, ah~~~~~~~~!” Wang Ke exclaimed in agony.

PS: Three changes are over!

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