Indestructible God King Chapter 341: Can break through even if irritating?

Half a month passed in a flash, Zhou Jing!

Wang Ke’s big cousin, with Baiguan, is offering sacrifices to heaven and earth! At today’s enthronement ceremony, Wang Ke did not invite friends from the two realms of Zhengmo to come over.

No need! Now his name, who still doesn’t know in the two realms of Zhengmo? The Great Zhou Dynasty was laid down by Wang Ke’s secular relatives, and no one knew it. After all, the vigorous Demon Slashing Conference and awards ceremony in the past few months has become a story in the 100,000 Dashan Mountains.

At this moment, Wang Ke was standing in an attic of the Buddha Head Temple, looking at the ceremony of enthronement in the distance, a flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

The reboot monk stood beside him, staring at a big snake beside Wang Ke.

“Bold evildoer! I don’t know how high the sky is, how dare you come to the Buddha Head Temple?” Rebooting eyes stared.

“Don’t, reboot, this is the friend I invited. You should prepare for your World Promise Contest! This snake king is a good snake! Some time ago, the rat tide slaughtered the city, or it helped to kill rats! “Wang Ke immediately persuaded.

The reboot eyes stared, and the Snake King shivered instantly.

“Hmph! I will spare you not to die this time. If I find that you dare to harm the people, I will not spare you!” Rebooting gave a cold snort,

“No, no!” The Snake King suddenly nodded in horror.

“Okay, you go and prepare for chanting! Also, if you don’t want acne on your face, just wear a hat and don’t show your stuff!” Wang Ke persuaded.

“Hmm!” Reboot nodded.

Reboot stared fiercely at the King Snake, and then walked to the Buddha’s Head Square not far away, sitting cross-legged, wearing a hat, and ready to begin to surpass the people who died in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there are countless Buddhist sounds around at this moment, but it is Countless monks of the Great Zhou Dynasty came to protect the Dharma of the holy monks spontaneously.

“Wang, Wang Ke, why is he here? I was scared to death just now!” The Snake King said in horror.

“I haven’t asked you yet, why did you suddenly come?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“You left last time and left me near Zhoujing. You forgot? I want to leave too, but what about my snake subordinates? Isn’t it done? After the rat tide, will you send us back to the Pleiades? How can you say nothing?” The Snake King said depressed.

“Uh!” Wang Ke’s face froze.

I really forgot last time. The Demon Lord is going to lead the Demon Cult and the Sirius Sect in a decisive battle. Who cares how your group of snakes go home!

“I heard that the Demon Lord is dead? The Demon Lord has ushered in the new Lord? Have you betrayed the Demon Lord?” The Snake King curiously asked.

“You are very broad-minded! Do you want to do things again?” Wang Ke’s eyes stared.

“No, I just want to ask, my snake subordinates, how can we go back? We are so embarrassed now. The mouse has finished eating, and the beasts around Zhou Jing are also going to finish eating. Special, my snake subordinates are hungry. It’s a stomachache!” The Snake King said depressed.

“Don’t worry, my eldest cousin will take the throne. Then, the river will be opened to let you flow eastward! After the Daqing dynasty, the Daqing dynasty will also open the river, you go back along the river!” Wang Ke said.

Snake King: “…………!”

“What are you doing? This expression?” Wang Ke frowned.

“From here to the Miasma Sea, my snake subordinates swim back by themselves? What a special thing, it takes their lives! You are too irresponsible!” The Snake King cried depressed.

“Then what do you want? Or, I ask the rebooting master to send you back with a big Luojin bowl?” Wang Ke said solemnly.

“He? He was fierce just now. I used a big Luojin bowl to collect my subordinates, won’t you cook them all?” The Snake King’s face twitched.

“Should not be?” Wang Ke frowned uncertainly.

The King Snake’s face became stiff: “Forget it, let’s go by ourselves!”

“Isn’t this all right? Zhou Jing is busy today, don’t always make trouble!” Wang Ke glared at King Snake.

“Am I here to add chaos? You are not allowed to eat people. I restrain the subordinates from avoiding people. The beasts outside have eaten up, and they can only gnaw on the bark. What’s special, eat bark outside the city every day. , Do you know how we came here in the past few months? We are snakes, we are carnivores! We gnaw bark every day, can you imagine? My snake subordinates have lost a lot of weight, finally When I hear you come back, don’t I just ask when I can go home? This is also called Tim Chaos?” Snake King suddenly aggrieved.

“It’s all right! I’ll be back soon!” Wang Ke said with a weird expression.

Good Snake King, it’s like a bitter woman. What have you experienced in the past few months?

The Snake King doesn’t want it either. These few months have been taken by the devil’s majesty. I dare not disobey the king. I heard that the devil is dead a few days ago. I was about to tremble, stabilize my mind, and prepare to test Wang Ke. , If Wang Ke loses power in the Demon Sect, then he doesn’t have to listen to him. If he wants to eat people, he can eat people. Isn’t he doing whatever he wants?

As soon as the result came, I was rebooted and educated. What’s so special, why are all the big guys around Wang Ke? Forced to be helpless, can only pretend to be wronged. Fortunately, Wang Ke didn’t notice his own rebelliousness.

“Wang Ke, I just went to see…, Huh, King Snake? Why is it here?” Zhang Zhengdao walked over and suddenly said in astonishment.

“Your breath, Nascent Soul Realm?” The Snake King looked at Zhang Zhengdao in astonishment.

The last time I saw Zhang Zhengdao, wasn’t it in the Golden Core Realm? Why did it suddenly become Nascent Soul Realm? What have I missed in the past few months?

“Just treat it as air, don’t worry about it, you continue to say!” Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao.

Snake King: “…………!”

Why, I am also a Danying realm boss, do you treat me as air?

“Oh, okay, I went back to the Sirius Sect before, and wanted to ask Gong Wei if she wanted to participate in this World Promise Transcendence Conference, she seemed to be shut down by us! I’m afraid there will be a breakthrough! So… !” Zhang Zhengdao explained.

“Uh? Breath can also break through? Why?” Wang Ke was shocked.

“I don’t know, there are already several people anyway, Zhang Li’er, Zhang Shenxu, Murong Luguang, Gong Wei, all of them have been so angrily repaired!” Zhang Zhengdao said strangely.

“Me too!” The Snake King opened his mouth.

“Shut up!” Wang Ke stared at King Snake.

What are you doing for fun!

“I’m also curious, Wang Ke, do you know the reason? I’ve heard for the first time that irritating people can break through irritation. I used to see those practitioners who are irritated by anger, why do you Is it different?” Zhang Zhengdao asked curiously.

“Amitabha, because Wang Ke’s benefactor is predestined with the Buddha, angering people is not the goal, but an encouragement!” The Bujie monk who came by somehow started talking.

“Annoying is motivation?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.

“Yes, people who have a relationship with the Great Buddha do everything in an unconstrained manner! Wang Ke’s benefactor is like this. His irritating person is to grasp the key to the other party’s breakthrough, stimulate the other party’s inertia in one fell swoop, and let the other party achieve self. Break through!” Bujie Monk explained.

Wang Ke’s face was black: “If you don’t quit the monk, how do I feel, are you talking nonsense?”

“Amitabha, the king’s benefactor, you have a relationship with my Buddha, and every move has a great cause and effect, which can save the people around you. It is a pity that you don’t practice Buddha!” ​​Bujie monk explained.

Wang Ke’s face was black: “Are you complimenting me or scolding me?”

“If you don’t quit monk, don’t make a fool of yourself, just tell you, but the king is a satanic demon, how can he be a monk!” Zhang Zhengdao said with disdain.

Wang Ke: “…………!”

Are you special mother speaking for me?

“Don’t talk nonsense! Gong Wei breaks through, it’s my shit, it’s a good reboot, Zhang Zhengdao, forget Gong Wei if you haven’t invited me!” Wang Ke stared at Zhang Zhengdao.

“Uh, also, I went back to meet Senior Brother Tie Liuyun. He gave me a portrait, saying that Chen Tianyuan left the Shiwan Dashan Mountain and asked me to give it to you. The person in the painting is called Huang Youxian. It’s the former suzerain of the Golden Crow Sect, the Primordial God Realm, who just returned from the Shiwan Dashan Mountain. Let you be careful of Huang Youxian. This old boy is not a good thing!” Zhang Zhengdao handed a portrait.

Wang Ke unfolded a look, his face suddenly stiffened.

“Huh? Isn’t this the person who called Zhang Li’er away?” The Snake King curiously asked.

Wang Ke looked at a large hall in the distance.

Just now, an old man suddenly appeared and called away Zhang Li’er who was chanting in his ears to buy shares. Wang Ke was very grateful to the old man, and finally cleared his ears.

This, this old man, isn’t he a good person?

“Amitabha? Huang Youxian? Why did he come back?” Bujie monk also looked in the portrait in surprise.

“Do you know?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“Yes, he is the second-generation lord of the Golden Crow Sect. He left Shiwan Dashan decades ago! He looks amiable, but he is a ruthless character!” Bujie frowned.

“Is that Zhang Li’er in danger?” Zhang Zhengdao’s expression changed.

“Should not, he should not dare to move Zhang Li’er!” Bujie said the monk.

“It won’t be so good! Rebooting is about to begin in a while! Let’s listen to the super-duty first!” Wang Ke said.

While speaking, the rebooting monk on the Buddha’s head square suddenly moved.

“Da Luo Fa curse, Prajna Bah!” Rebooting stopped drinking.

I saw the big Luo Jin bowl tremble suddenly, and suddenly flew high into the sky, and suddenly enlarged in the high sky, turning into a super huge big Luo Jin bowl with a diameter of ten feet.

Reboot and tap lightly.


Daluo Jinbo made a loud noise, like thunder, and exploded over Zhou Jing. Not only that, the sound wave spread like waves to the Great Zhou Dynasty in all directions.

“According to your request, the voice of rebooting this time will pass through the big Luojin bowl to all the cities of the Great Zhou Dynasty!” said the monk Bujie.

“That’s how it should be! The people of Dazhou have suffered so much. It is good to listen to the scriptures!” Wang Ke nodded.

“The voice is all over the country? You are not going to do things, right?” Zhang Zhengdao knows Wang Ke best, and curiously asked.

“What can there be? It’s all for suffering the people! Don’t talk nonsense!” Wang Ke glared.

“Amitabha Buddha, a poor monk, who has been entrusted by the king’s benefactor, opened the Heaven and Earth Promise Transcendence Conference today, and carried out a transcendence for the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty in vain. May the deceased rest in peace and be prosperous! This event , Sponsored by the Great Zhou Wang who enthroned today! I wish the new Great Zhou Dynasty, the prosperity and prosperity of the nation and the people!” The reboot monk suddenly said.

Suddenly, Monk Bujie and Zhang Zhengdao looked at Wang Ke together.

“You asked the monk reboot to say this? For such a serious super meeting, you still want to make a national advertisement?” Zhang Zhengdao stared in astonishment.

“Amitabha, how can rebooting say such shameless words?” The Bujie monk looked away in amazement.

“Oh, I told rebooting, you made him do the opening remarks!” Wang Ke said directly.

The monk Bujie stared: “Fart, when did I say it? How could I let rebooting say such shameful things?”

“Uh, you forgot? It’s written in our contract. You need to cooperate with our publicity. As long as the publicity effect is achieved, you can notify you afterwards! The leaflet was originally issued saying that you are a disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva , It’s the same! It’s no big deal!” Wang Ke waved his hand.

Monk Bujie: “………………!”

What is special, compared to this unpredictable Wang Ke, my cheeky way is still too shallow!

PS: First!

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