Indestructible God King Chapter 321: The Fall of the Demon Lord

Lunar Scepter?

The token of the leader of the Taiyin Demon Cult. Lulutian betrayed the demon in order to obtain this Taiyin Scepter. But, why is it in this jade box?

Wang can’t understand. Long Yu said at the beginning that it was Mozun who asked Long Yu to deliver it, and Long Yu asked him to help deliver it. Isn’t this unreasonable? why?

“Hahahaha, the Lunar Scepter? The Lunar Scepter? Back then, if I had the Lunar Scepter in my hand, would I be suppressed by Murong Old Dog? Huh, ha, haha, with this Lunar Scepter, I You can break the seal and get out of trouble!” The skeleton monster suddenly laughed excitedly.

“Lunar Scepter? How could it be, why, Wang Ke, why is it in your hands?” Lu Yutian exclaimed.

Lust of Lust is also crazy now, what is your king’s origin? Why are all good things in your hands? I won’t talk about the big Luo Jinbo, can this Taiyin Scepter be obtained too? Did you just give it away?

Where can Wang Ke know why?

“Senior, my gift, is it okay?” Wang Ke asked again.

“Yes, hahaha, yes! Wang Ke, you make me very satisfied! I don’t eat you anymore, this **** is your enemy, right? I helped you solve it!” The skeleton monster is in a good mood at the moment.

“Solve it? Senior, can you knock him out and hand it over to me?” Wang Ke looked forward to.

“Okay! Thank you!” The skeleton monster laughed.

“What? What are you going to do?” Lu Yutian exclaimed.


The fist of the skeleton monster slammed on the head of lust.

For a moment, the blood splattered all over Lustian’s head, his head broke, and there was no sound in an instant.

“Senior, I just ask you to stun him, how did you fight…!” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

“It’s just a broken head, no brain cracking, not dead yet! Here it is! Also, I sealed his cultivation base, it will not be solved without ten and a half months!” The skeleton monster is in the mood at this moment. excellent.


All the surrounding bones were immediately withdrawn to the ground, and fell to the ground.

Wang Ke stepped forward to check, and sure enough, he still had a breath.

“It’s fine if you haven’t died, thank you senior!” Wang Ke said excitedly.

The skeleton monster no longer paid attention to Wang Ke, but probed his hand to touch the Lunar Scepter.

“Oh? The traces of the demon lord on the lunar scepter have been erased? I can use it easily? Good, good, good!” The skeleton monster laughed.

Suddenly activated the Lunar Scepter, and for a while, a boundless fog suddenly appeared in the entire abyss.


“Quack quack!”

“Eat, eat you guys!”

“Kill you all, hahahaha!”




Wang Ke went to the corner of the wall with coloring desire, and looked at this lunar scepter with horror.

“Why are ghosts crying and howling wolves in this lunar scepter? What magic weapon is this?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.


There was a sudden loud noise, and a chain holding the skeleton monster suddenly broke and opened.

“Boom, boom, boom…………!”

Continuously, one chain after another broke and opened. The imprisonment of the skeleton monster was quickly broken under the urging of the Lunar Scepter. The shackles on the old demon’s body are getting less and less.

“Hahahahahaha, hahahahahaha, old dog Murong, your seal back then is broken! No one can hold my keel anymore, I, keel! Out of trouble! Hahahaha!” The skeleton monster was arrogantly big. Laughed.

Over a hundred years of suffocation, released in an instant, the skeleton monster is excited at this moment and doesn’t care about anything else.

While laughing, there was shaking in the cave, as if it collapsed at any time.


The sky over the Sirius Sect! Dark clouds billowed, thunder continued, and within that huge thunder dragon package, the demon venerated one finger to the sky, one hand to the ground, and domineering posture, which made everyone feel fearful.

Even at this moment outside the Sirius Sect, the four dark-gold robe men in the forest still sucked in cold air.

“Only in the sky and the earth do I respect the gong? I have seen many people practicing, but most of them got stuck in the middle of the journey and rebuilt it. There are almost no people who have crossed the tribulation of the profound entrance! The only one I know, I remember him already I have cultivated the body of an Arhat. With the body of an Arhat, I rebuilt my unique power in the heavens and the earth. After arriving at the tribulation of the entrance, I finally failed, and the state of death was extremely miserable. This is the first time I have seen it in such a long time!” A man in a dark gold robe said solemnly.

“So long, it should be about to pass, right?” Another person said in a deep voice.

“Once you get over, how terrible it will be? At that time, we will welcome such a new master back, can we still make him obedient?”



The four men in dark gold robes were silent for a while.

“Look, the Thunder Dragon has become clear, as if the Thunder Dragon is going to exhaust all its power!” Suddenly a man in a dark gold robe said in surprise.

I saw that the Thunder Dragon enclosing the Demon Sovereign suddenly swelled.

“Ang!” The Thunder Dragon roared, and countless lightning bursts out of the clouds, coming straight toward the Thunder Dragon, providing it with a huge energy supplement.

“This is the last blow?” a man in a dark gold robe exclaimed.

The last blow?

Not only the four dark-gold robe men could see it, but Gong Wei who was on the top of Lingshan could also see it.

In order to mobilize the Nine Heavens Heavenly Thunder and Slaying Demon Array, Gong Wei has exhausted all her strength, and the Demon Lord who looked at the sky with a pale face.

“Impossible, impossible, the same is in the Nascent Soul Stage, how can you be so powerful?” Gong Wei said weakly and desperately.

At this moment, most of Lingshan has collapsed, and the consumption has far exceeded Gong Wei’s expectation. Is this going to end?

The last blow? If the Demon Sovereign had survived the final blow, then the righteous immortal gate of the entire hundred thousand mountains would be destroyed.

Are you finished?

Above the sky.

Mozun also felt the overbearing power of Thunder Dragon’s final blow.

In this period of crossing the catastrophe, the black robe of the demon lord has also shattered a lot, and the evil ghost mask has also exploded by a half. Obviously crossing the catastrophe is not easy. However, Mozun’s eyes were not tired.

The last blow?

The Demon Lord does not look at the Thunder Dragon, but at the Sirius Sect. His eyes are radiant with golden light, as if it penetrates the Spirit Mountain of the Sirius Sect, as if he can see the depths of the earth.

“The lunar scepter is in place? Oh, that’s good, I can leave with peace of mind!” Mozun sighed lightly.

Looking up, the Demon Lord looked at the roaring Thunder Dragon with its teeth and claws.

This time, the Demon Lord did not wait for the bombardment of the Thunder Dragon, but suddenly stretched out his arms to face the Thunder Dragon.

“What is the devil doing? He opened the empty door, is he going to commit suicide?” A man in a dark golden robe exclaimed in the dark.

At this moment, Thunder Dragon crashed into Demon Lord.


Like the impact of a great collision between the sky and the earth, endless thunder and lightning exploded and exploded like the sun exploded, exploding in all directions, shining brightly in the sky and the earth.

The huge explosion backlash, even more directly towards the Nine Heavens Heavenly Lightning Demon Slayer Array, with a boom, it seems that the Nine Heavens Heavenly Lightning Demon Slayer Array collapsed in an instant.

Gong Wei manipulated the pillar of the Nine Heavens Thunder Slaying Demon Array, and suddenly it exploded, and the huge backlash caused Gong Wei to fly upside down.



Gong Wei spouted blood and fell to the ground. The disciples of the Southern Wolf Palace who were guarding her were blown into the air. They wailed and were all injured.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Slaying Demon Array broke, and the fog that enveloped the Sky Wolf Sect suddenly disappeared.

The two disciples of Zheng Mo, all looked up at the sky. Because, the robbery of Demon Venerable’s entrance is over.

After daylight, it dimmed quickly, leaving only a few lightning wires flashing in the clouds.

The disciples of the Demon Cult and the Righteous Path all stared, holding their breath, looking for the Demon Lord.

In the sky, the dark clouds dispersed little by little, and the traces of the tribulation disappeared little by little. The strong wind was blowing in all directions, but the figure of the demon no longer disappeared.

“The devil? The last blow, blasted into powder, dead?” A man in a dark gold robe asked in surprise.

“Mozun, it’s gone? Is it dead?”

“It’s impossible, it’s all at the end, why did you die in the last blow?”

“The last blow is the strongest blow! The Demon Lord did not take it down after all!”

“Only in the sky and on the earth, I am the only one who respects the merits? Although it is powerful, after practicing, it all ends in destruction!”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, such a good seed! I was supposed to take him back to be the new master!”

“I’m dead, then find another alternative?”




After analyzing the four dark gold robes, they shook their heads and sighed.

At this moment, the two disciples of Zhengmo Dao have also analyzed everything one after another.

“The devil is dead? Impossible!” Zi Bufan exclaimed.

“Mozun? Why, how did it fail?” Zhu Hongyi also surprised.

“Ha, ha ha ha, the devil is dead, ha ha ha!” Tian Zhen exclaimed suddenly excited.

“The devil is dead, the devil is dead!” Countless people shouted with different emotions.

“The Demon Lord is dead, and the Demon Sect is dead, all righteous disciples, don’t quickly take action, destroy the Demon Sect, and return my 100,000 mountains of righteousness!” Zi Zhongshan suddenly shouted with excitement.

“No~~~~!” Countless disciples of the Demon Cult said in despair.

This disappears and the other grows, the Demon Sovereign is annihilated, and the Demon Cult is about to decline completely. Everyone can foresee this. This is also the excited Nascent Soul of Zi Zhongshan at this moment.

“Zi Bufan, lead your patrons, withdraw!” Zhu Hongyi roared.

“Okay!” Zi Bufan nodded.

“Go? I want to go now, isn’t it too late? Hahaha!” Tian Zhen laughed wildly.

“Disciple of the Demon Cult, go ahead thoroughly!” Zhu Hongyi yelled.

“Yes!” countless demon disciples roared with sadness.

“You can’t leave! Where are the disciples of Gong Wei, Murong Luguang, and the Sky Wolf Sect? Don’t intercept the disciples of the Demon Cult!” There were countless thunder and lightning all over Zizhongshan.

In the distance, Murong Luguang and Gong Wei all have a gloomy expression. Although the devil is dead, the disciple of the Sky Wolf Sect, it is not your turn to command the Golden Crow Sect Master, right?

The disciple of the Demon Cult at the entrance of Zhu Hongyi immediately responded to the order of Zhu Hongyi and retreated. And Zhang Zhengdao was free in an instant.

“The devil is dead? It’s incredible! Ah, no, don’t chase those righteous disciples who are lying there. If you die, you will lose money. The king will deduct my bonus. Ah!” Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

In anxious, Zhang Zhengdao went straight to the group of major immortal disciples.

ps: Second!

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