Indestructible God King Chapter 319: It’s all fake?

The Heavenly Wolf Sect was heavily foggy, and Lust and Zhou Lin separated, but Zhou Lin had a secret method to connect with Lust, and let Lust quickly converge with it!

Lust finally found Zhou Lin. As soon as he came, he saw Zhou Lin, Mo Sanshan and Crow General Wang Ke in the center.

Let Yutian’s eyes condensed, and not in a hurry to expose his figure, he saw Wang Ke suddenly take out the big Luojin bowl.

“Da Luo Jinbo?” Lulutian’s eyes lit up.

But not far away, Wang Ke immediately threw the big Luojin bowl out.


Da Luo Jinbo is about to fly far away.

“Hahaha, it’s really early, it’s better to come by coincidence!” Lu Yutian laughed and stood in front of Da Luo Jinbo.


Lust held the big Luojin bowl with one hand. Will the Big Luo Jinbo fly back? No, in my hands this time, you can’t fly away anywhere.

Before he had time to rejoice, Mo Sanshan didn’t know the situation, so he rushed forward anxiously.

How could Luluotian give up Da Luo Jinbo and slap it out. How could Mo Sanshan think that Lust would be here, plus his injuries were not healed, and he was immediately caught off guard.


Mo Sanshan suddenly flew upside down, spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Lust flies to Mo Sanshan, clutching the big Luo Jinbo and about to leave triumphantly.

Suddenly, Lu Yutian’s face became stiff.

“Fake? This big Luo Jinbo, is it fake?” Lu Yutian said in astonishment.

How could Lulutian think that Wang Ke made a fake big Luojin bowl, why are you so idle?

With an aura of anger, Lu Yutian walked viciously from the thick fog.

“Lust?” Mo Sanshan said angrily while vomiting blood.

“Uncle!” Zhou Lin said overjoyed.

The crow’s face changed: “Looking for the sky? You actually got in!”

Wang Ke’s complexion changed, so what is so special, why is there another lust? Why do you recite so much today?

“Wuyou Dao, Da Luo Jinbo was snatched by Lu Yutian, don’t you want it?” Wang Ke shouted first.

After shouting, Wang can turn his head and run.

“Give me the big Luo Jinbo!” The crow roared suddenly and rushed towards Lu Yutian.

“Stop!” Zhou Lin immediately stood in front of the crow.

“Fart, this is so fake! It’s a fake big Luojin bowl made by Wang Fujin!” Lu Yutian roared.

Suddenly, Lu Tian squeezed the big Luo Jinbo in his hand.


Da Luo Jinbo suddenly squashed.

Crow: “………………!”

Zhou Lin: “………………!”

Mo Sanshan: “…………!”


The three looked at Wang Ke, only to see that Wang Ke had already reached the entrance of the dungeon.

What’s the matter, Wang Ke ran away?

“Stop me!” Lu Yutian roared and rushed over.

The crow, Mo Sanshan, and Zhou Lin all rushed towards Wang Ke.

“Fake? It was false just now, but it is true this time. Don’t come here!” Wang Ke suddenly shouted.

Speaking, Wang Ke took another big Luojin bowl from his arms and projected it out.


The big Luo Jin bowl flew out, and Lust suddenly rushed to it eagerly.

The three crows looked over at once.

Look at Lu Yutian grabbing the big Luojin bowl and pinching it.


Da Luo Jinbo has been squashed again!

“Wang Ke, how many fakes did you make? They are fake again?” The **** is extremely lustful.

“Wang Ke, you stop!” Zhou Lin, Mo Sanshan, and Crow roared.

Wang Ke is about to run into the dungeon cave, seeing the four strongest pounce again. Suddenly, Wang Ke sprinkled it abruptly.

“There must be one true here, whoever snatched it!” Wang Ke shouted.

Suddenly, Wang Ke spilled another eight large Luojin bowls, and immediately, Wang Ke ran into the dungeon cave.

Eight big Luojin bowls fly in eight different directions.

Is it true or not?

The probability of false is higher, but what if one is true? First catch Wang Ke, what if you miss the big Luo Jinbo?

“Damn Wang Ke, hum, you can’t run away this time!” Lu Yutian roared.

The four of them rushed to the eight big Luojin bowls.

One person immediately grabbed two.

“Click! Click! Click!…!”

The eight big Luojin bowls were all crushed.

“It’s all fake?” Lust suddenly became angry.

“What’s the matter, Wang Ke is crazy, why are you making so many fakes? You are sick!” Zhou Lin cursed.

Amidst the curse, the four of them did not hesitate, and all plunged into the dungeon cave.

“Hmph, in this dungeon, there is only this one exit, Wang Ke, when you enter the dungeon, you are in a dead end, you are dead!” Mo Sanshan cursed fiercely.

At this moment, the four of them seem to have given up their prejudices. They are all going to catch Wang Ke. They want to make Wang Ke look good like a hungry tiger.

“There, the king is there, don’t run away for him!” The crow yelled ferociously.

“Can’t run!” Lu Yutian said viciously.

“Wang Ke, what is he doing? Did he jump the well?” Zhou Lin said in astonishment.

“Fuck, Wang Ke, you, you don’t want to live anymore? Are you going to jump into the abyss?” Mo Sanshan exclaimed.

But there is an abyss in the dungeon, and a skeleton monster is suppressed below! Wang Ke jumped in without hesitation!

No way, the four great Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses surround me, even if I use the fake big Luo Jin bowl to lengthen the distance with everyone in a short time, what can I do next? I must not be able to run away from them, as long as I was slapped by them again, my turbid essence would turn black and I would be cremated!

Just a fart!

It’s not enough to surrender at this time. What if they tortured me? Still need to be cremated!

Only skeleton monsters can protect me!

“Senior, help!” Wang Ke shouted and jumped in.

This jump shocked Mo Sanshan. Mo Sanshan knew what was down there, better than anyone else, how could Wang Ke dare to go down? Going down is a place to die without burial!

“There is no way, don’t go there, the trolls are suppressed below!” Mo Sanshan suddenly exclaimed.

“What?” The crow just cried out.


The crow rushed down, not only the crow rushed down, but **** also rushed down. After all, the big Luo Jinbo is too important to him, and he has to get it no matter where the king can go.

Only Zhou Lin, because he ran to the back and saw Mo Sanshan retreating in horror, he immediately stopped.

“Mo Sanshan? What are you doing? Why did you stop? What’s down there?” Zhou Lin looked at Mo Sanshan in surprise.

Mo Sanshan’s face is cloudy, but he doesn’t speak.


Wang Ke jumped into the abyss, and quickly entered the abyss as he did last time.

“Wang Ke, let me see where you go!” the lustful roar behind him savagely.

The crow followed closely behind.

Wang Ke’s expression changed, and he kept throwing big Luojin bowls at the two of them. In order to delay time.

“Catch, catch!” Wang Ke called.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!…”

Lust, the crow quickly grabbed the big Luojin bowl, and then squeezed it again, deforming it again.

The **** has a dark face.

“Wang Ke, how many big Luojin bowls do you have?” the crow said angrily.

“Wang Ke, what do you forge so many large Luojin bowls for? All fake, all fake?” Lu Yutian roared depressedly.

I’m just worried that one of them is real, and I’m desperately not to miss one. Is it so special, all are fake?

“It’s Gao Fang! It’s not a fake!” Wang Ke said in embarrassment.

Do I want to tell you that I am going to use these big Luojin bowls to make money in the presence of tourist souvenirs?

“Gao imitating a fart!” Lu Yutian said angrily.


At this moment, Wang Ke was the first to land.

Without hesitation, Wang Ke leaped towards the corner of the abyss.

“Senior, I’m back, I have brought the person who will kill your son, please help, Senior!” Wang Ke suddenly shouted.

The bottom of the abyss is still as empty as last time. The previous group of demons have been eaten up by skeleton monsters. There is only one table of Mahjong in the corner, which is pretty good.

On the huge bone throne, still sitting the huge skeleton giant, it is the father of the Son, the skeleton monster.

At this moment, Gong Wei from the outside world consumes the Lingshan spirit stone with the Nine Heavens Thunder Slaying Demon Array, which also loosens the seal against the skeleton monster.

So much so that around the bottom of the cave, there was a shock.

The skeleton monster is sitting there at the moment, but it is in a mood, as if it is going to be able to go out, accumulating energy, ready to break through the seal.

At this moment, Wang Ke came down.

“Senior, I’m back, I have brought the person who will kill your son! Help, Senior!” Wang Ke rushed over as if he saw his relatives.

The skeleton monster suddenly looked down.

But I saw that at the mouth of the abyss in front, two figures rushed straight down.

“Wang Ke, let me see where you go!” Lust, the crow pounced angrily.

The two don’t care about the others at all, just catch the king! I don’t care about anything else. What’s more, the bottom of the abyss is extremely dark at the moment, and it is enough for the two of them to stare at Wang Ke. They must grab Wang Ke before each other and grab the big Luojin bowl.

Just when the two were about to pounce on Wang Ke.


Suddenly, two sharp bone spurs appeared on the ground, and instantly pierced the crow and lust.

The figures of the two of them leaping forward are all set in the air.

“Puff! What?” Lust looked at her stomach incredulously.

My own stomach, not to mention being invulnerable with swords and guns. When there is no defense, it is impossible to easily break the defense when you enter the Yuanying realm for the first time! This bone spur broke through his own defense in an instant and penetrated his abdomen?

And the crow is equally incredible, has he been penetrated?

Why, how could this be? What can the king do?

“Thank you, seniors, for your help!” Wang Ke suddenly exhaled and worshipped the skeleton monster excitedly.

The underground is dark, and at this moment, Lulutian and the crow can see that there is another monster.

A huge skeleton monster, sitting on the throne, stared at the two with a pair of faint red lights.

“This is, what is this? Puff!” Lu Yutian pulled out his body from the bone spurs and looked at the skeleton monster in horror.

Lexutian felt a huge aura emanating from the surface of the skeleton monster, a breath of death, which made Luztian chill.

“Teacher, leader?” The crow suddenly showed horror.

“The leader? You call it the leader?” Lu Yutian looked at the crow in astonishment.

ps: Three changes are over!

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