Indestructible God King Chapter 305: Tai Shang Lao Jun is as anxious as a law


Far away, there were roars from outside Zhou Jing. Accompanied by the roar, there is also the rattle.

The expressions of all the people and officials in Zhou Jing changed.

“What’s the matter? There was an earthquake?” many people exclaimed.

While screaming, they came to the gate of the city together to watch. All the people took a breath of cold.

“Mouse, mouse!” Someone suddenly yelled.

I saw that the distance was black, like a black ocean, sweeping toward Zhou Jing, wherever it went, no grass grew, the earth collapsed, and endless rats made deafening squeaks.

“Why are there so many mice?”

“It’s over, it’s over!”

“Zhou Jing is full of mice in all directions, where can I escape!”





Countless crying and shouting sounded instantly.

“Hahahahaha, the people of Zhou Jing are listening, this time the rat tide came because of Wang Ke and all because of the children of the Wang family. After you die, you will turn into the souls of wrongdoing. Remember to demand your life from the Wang family, haha Hahahaha!” Loud laughter came out from a group of mice in the distance.

But I saw that a huge mouse was floating in the distance in the air. The mouse was three feet tall and hideous, like a devil, and the people in the city suddenly showed hopelessness.

“No, no, it’s none of our business!”

“Wang’s family? Why? Why do you cause disaster and want us to die!”

“I don’t want to die~~~~~~~!”




Many people showed horror, and at the same time, they all complained about the children of the Wang family at this moment.

But when the mouse got closer and closer to Zhou Jing, there was another loud shout.

“People of Zhou Jing, what are you worried about? There is a holy monk who sits in Zhou Jing, and Zhou Jing blessed by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Can a group of little mice bring trouble to Zhou Jing?” Lang shouted through Zhou Jing.


The people who were still terrified just now were startled, yes, there are holy monks!

If it was six months ago, the people were only half-believing the holy monk, but two or three months ago, the holy monk summoned Otto…, no, summoned the super giant Buddha! Can this holy monk be fake?

The holy monk is here, what are we afraid of?

“I am the king of the evil spirits outside the city, and I am also the guardian of the immortal door of the Wang family army! I have been protecting the law for the holy monk for a long time, and the holy monk owes me great favors! How could the holy monk allow the evil spirits to stay in Zhoujing Do something wrong?” Wang Ke’s voice blasted this Zhou Jing again.

In the Buddha Head Temple, the monk of Bujie has a black face. What’s so special, who owes you great favor?

But the people don’t think Wang Ke is lying, they all think Wang Ke is right.

“It turns out that the holy monk owes great favor to the Wang Family? Great, I am saved by Zhou Jing! In this way, wouldn’t Zhou Jing be blessed by the Ksitigarbha? The Wang Jiajun is also recognized by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Sure enough, I did not stand in the wrong line at the beginning, the dynasty blessed by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, what else do we have to worry about?” No hundreds of people suddenly hesitated.

For a time, the name of the holy monk overwhelmed the fear in their hearts, and the people of Zhou Jing were no longer afraid.

At the same time, everyone following the direction of the sound, suddenly saw Wang Ke standing on the tower of the South City.

“There, the holy monk owes Wang Ke, who has the favor of Tianda, stand there!” some people shouted.

Fotou Temple, Bujie monk looked at Wang Ke on the tower in the distance with a black face, what’s special, did you say that? Now everyone in the city says I owe you God’s favor!

In the distance, the Rat King in mid-air also saw Wang Ke.

“Wang Ke, hahaha, do you dare to come out? Holy monk? Hahahaha, can he protect Zhou Jing? My little rats, but will burrow into the ground, I want Zhou Jing to destroy the city because of you! Hahahaha!” The Rat King stood in midair and laughed.

For Wang Ke, the Rat King hated him, but he didn’t rush to it. After all, the Rat King was not stupid and worried about ambush. But these little rat brothers are fine.

Because there are too many rats, too many and too many, your king can’t kill at all. I slaughter the city today, if only half of the people are killed, it will also make your king’s children lose the people’s support and prevent you from gaining the Zhou Dynasty. You are uncomfortable, I am happy!

“Hey, evildoer, I advise you to get lost and know how to return immediately, otherwise, if the holy monk gets angry, you will be destroyed by this rat tide!” Wang Ke cried out.

“Then come, my rat tide, you can escape! You flooded or burnt, it doesn’t work, I see what you do today! Is it interesting to fool these people? I’ll be in front of you today Face, let them die, let all the people resent your royal family, hahaha!” The Rat King laughed ferociously.

No hundreds of people still look at Wang Ke worriedly.

Wang Ke took a deep breath: “Monster, you are so obsessed with your own understanding, that’s no wonder I, I just asked for a talisman from the holy monk! Now, I will let you know how powerful the holy monk is!”

“Fu Lu?” The Rat King was taken aback in the distance.

But he saw that there was an altar next to Wang Ke. Wang Ke stepped onto the altar, grabbed a mahogany sword in his hand, and took out a piece of yellow paper with an unknown pattern in his other hand.

The king can put a wooden sword on the yellow paper, and after a few dances, he picked the yellow paper aside and burned the candle.

“Today, Wang Ke, by virtue of the talisman given by the holy monk, descended to the heavenly gods and Buddhas with the help of gods and soldiers! The great old man is anxious like a law!” Wang Ke cried out.

Wang Ke took a sip of wine, spit on the wooden sword with a spit, and suddenly a large flame was splashed.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. What are you doing?

“The evil barrier, Amitabha, the talisman of the poor monk, has a relationship with Taishang Laojun! You brag, can you pay attention to logic!” The Bujie monk at the Buddha Head Temple suddenly jumped up angrily .

“Clumsy!” Wang Ke stopped drinking.


I saw that under the southern part of the city, there was a loud noise, and a large area of ​​land was overturned. It looked like a giant snake swam out of a big pit. The giant snake held its head high and was as high as five feet. The upper body is even more of a giant.

“Snake, it’s a snake! What a big snake!”

“It’s not a snake, it’s a lot, a lot, how can it be, how can it be?”

“Emerging from the ground?”




No hundreds of people exclaimed.


The King Snake roared and ordered countless poisonous snakes to swim out instantly.

It is densely packed and overwhelming, as if a battle between the two armies was formed in an instant with the rat tide.

The Snake King roared, but he cursed in his heart.

“What’s so special, Wang Ke! Do you want me to hide and act with you? Acting a fart, what’s the point of acting?” The King Snake looked depressed.

In the distance, the Rat King stared: “Is it you?”

“Roar!” The snake king roared ferociously.

“It just happened to be here, I killed you! Return my Danying!” The Rat King glared and roared.

“Give me to eat, all the mice, eat them all, if they can’t be eaten, they will be poisoned to death, hurry!” The snake king roared.

“Roar!” countless venomous snakes roared.

In an instant, the two armies confronted each other and made contact.


Outside the city of Zhou Jing, the battle started.

The snake king and the rat king also entangled in an instant, and the battle between the snake and the rat began. No hundreds of people suddenly sucked in cold air.

“Those snakes crawled out of the ground? Could it be that the king summoned them from hell?”

“It must be, the talisman of the holy monk, which can summon countless venomous snakes from hell, must also summon evil spirits. With the blessing of holy monks, what are we afraid of!”

“The royal family has the blessing of the holy monks and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who is against it?”

“I will write to all my relatives in other places tomorrow, so that they can take refuge in the Wang family as soon as possible. This is the general trend!”

“Great Zhou Dynasty, I only serve the Wang Family!”




No hundreds of people were suddenly excited.

Fotou Temple, the monk Bujie is still angry at Wang Ke’s phrase ‘the old man is anxious like a law.’

Zhang Zhengdao persuaded: “If you don’t quit the monk, don’t get excited. Wang Kewu can’t afford it early. He started the altar there to engage in feudal superstition. He was marketing to Wang Jiajun. ! After today, the remaining opposition forces in Zhou Jing will not object at all. At the same time, the major cities will receive news soon!”

“Fart, he called the old gentleman, he did what he did. What did the gods do? I am a Buddhist monk! He brags to summon the sea of ​​vipers from hell, why should he call the old gentlemen too?” No Monk Jie stared.

“Uh, Wang Ke said earlier that it would be more murderous to call the old gentleman eagerly like the law! Buddhism’s slogan is too gentle and not suitable for immediate publicity!” Zhang Zhengdao explained.

Bujie monk: “…………!”


The Snake King and the Rat King started to bite. The Rat King was re-tuned from the Danying second stage back to the first stage. The Snake King was also the Danying stage first stage, and the two of them fought half-heartedly.

And the Snake King has not been idle these days, and he has also asked his subordinates to gather countless nearby poisonous snakes to participate in the battle.

There are mice on the ground and snakes on the ground.

There are mice under the ground? There are also snakes under the ground!

Wang Ke said a nest of snakes and rats, the holes made by the rats, the snakes can penetrate, for a time, the war is extremely fierce.

“Asshole, Snake King, don’t you want King Keming too? Why do you listen to King Ke?” Rat King said angrily during the battle.

“He has a big Luo Jinbo, I’m afraid he will hit me, if he has the ability, you will steal his big Luo Jinbo!” The Snake King refused to give up.

The battle between the two is extremely fierce.

Lekyutian and Zhou Lin in the distance are also dark.

“This Rat King, what can’t you do? I still expect his rat tide army to invade Zhou Jing, what is this? How can I do it if you don’t create chaos for me? Special, Gong Wei, Murong The green light must be hiding in the dark!” Lu Yutian said with an ugly expression.

Let’s **** is not afraid of Gong Wei and Murong’s green light, but wants to kill with one blow.

“Uncle, what should I do now? Do you want to do it?” Zhou Lin asked.

“Let the Rat King first try what is in the ambush around Wang Ke!” Lu Yutian said solemnly.

“Huh?” Zhou Lin asked puzzledly.

However, she saw Lulutian pick up a side of the stone and shoot it at the far away Snake King.



Snake King’s head was attacked, and he staggered and fell down.

The Rat King took a fancy to the gap and grabbed the snake king by the neck.

Lu Yutian’s face turned dark: “This **** Rat King, what are you doing while biting the Snake King? You go attack Wang Ke!”

“Ah! Wang Ke, I was attacked! Come and save me!” The Snake King let out a scream in the distance.

“No one can save you!” The Rat King bit the Snake King’s neck ferociously.

“Look at my mighty Tianlong!” Wang Ke stopped drinking.

Wang Ke stopped drinking with a cry, and he was stunned in the distance. What’s the situation? You will also be great?

The Rat King was also taken aback, biting the snake king’s neck and turning his head, only to see a big bowl smashed in front of him.


It was the big Luojin bowl, which was hit by Wang Ke like a cannonball on the rat king’s nose, and flew back in an instant.


The Rat King suddenly released the Snake King in pain, clutching the broken nose and screaming.

The snake king was saved instantly, and immediately opened his mouth to bite the rat king, and the two demon kings entangled again.

In the distance, Lu Yutian looked at Wang Ke blankly: “What is it, this is called Dawei Tianlong? You fart, obviously you are putting a hidden weapon! You are insulting my trick!”

“Uncle, your big Luojin bowl is a hidden weapon type magic weapon?” Zhou Lin looked at Lu Yutian.

“Shut up!” Lust turned dark.

ps: The outbreak continues, first!

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