Indestructible God King Chapter 297: You guys can contract it

Zhou Jing, in a hall! Full of wine tables!

Wang Ke intertwined with a group of Righteous Dao disciples. For a time, the atmosphere on the wine table was warm. Everyone came to respect Wang Ke’s wine to thank the Righteous Dao disciples who Wang Ke saved from the lotus blood cave.

“Brother Wang, you have suffered. Not only did you save my righteous disciple from the Demon Cult, but you also rescued my righteous disciple from the land of the little demon in the lotus blood cave!”

“That is, the lotus blood cave is equivalent to a middle-level immortal gate in my right way. If it weren’t for hiding in the dust, we would have gone to destroy it!”

“If it weren’t for the lusty sky to be too powerful, what would it be like in the dusty desert? Extinguishing it would not be a big deal!”

“Brother Wang, you have done another important thing for the right way this time. If you have to send it, please don’t hesitate to say it!”

“Yes, Brother Wang, you help us every time, this time you also mention something and let me Zhao Si do it!”




After 30 years of wine, everyone talked with Wang Ke heartily.

“If you want to say something, there is something, I want to trouble you all, but…!” Wang Ke frowned.

“Oh?” Everyone had a meal and looked at Wang Ke together.

“It’s like this. Now the Great Zhou Dynasty collapses. Every city in Great Zhou City and monsters are harassing the people. My eldest cousin wants to save the Great Zhou from the disaster. I want to ask me to please Xianmen disciple, can you go to kill the monsters, at least it is to drive away the monsters, and prevent these monsters from harming the people of Li people!” Wang Ke explained.

“That’s it…?” Zhao Si asked in astonishment.

“Yes, the strongest monsters are only in the Golden Core Realm, and the ordinary ones are only in the Innate Realm, and I can deal with them. However, they are scattered in the major cities of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there are some avatars in the next! So, I want to invite you all Brother help!” Wang Ke said.

“Brother Wang, what are you talking about! The immortal disciple kills the beasts that disturb the mortal area. They are supposed to perform their duties. Every sect has a share of merit. Where is it not to kill? Brother Wang said , I am obliged to wait!” Zhao Si said immediately.

“Yes, these monsters are all monsters in the lotus blood cave. The lotus blood cave is dominated by blood monsters. How many monsters can there be? It’s not enough for us to stuff our teeth!”

“Yes, there are many cities? We share one point. There are more than 20 sects here, and one sect can contract one city!”

“Brother Wang, let us contract it!” A group of righteous disciples suddenly patted their chests.

Wang Ke smiled bitterly: “Everyone, I ask everyone to help, but I don’t want everyone to be in danger. I mean, can you help me call other fairy disciples to go together? With these monsters that harm the people, no need What are the rules, call more brothers, and we will fight more and less, and fight a victory without casualties, how about?”

“Okay, listen to Brother Wang!”

“With the current call of Brother Wang, I believe that as soon as it is spread, countless righteous disciples will come to respond!”

“Brother Wang is right. To fight a battle without casualties, we will gather friends from all sects tomorrow! And the great Zhou Dynasty will be peaceful!”




A group of people patted their chests suddenly.

“Thank you guys! Don’t worry, any city you stay in will be received by my king’s children. By that time, all meals, clothing, housing, and transportation will be covered by my king’s family!” Wang Ke said with joy suddenly.

“Hahahaha, good!” A group of righteous disciples laughed.

Wang Ke was even more excited. Countless righteous disciples lived in the place arranged by the children of the Wang family. Although they were to deal with monsters, they were also a bodyguard for the children of the Wang family. Who wouldn’t dare to assassinate them? Seeing so many immortals assisting the children of the Wang family to fight for hegemony in the Great Zhou Dynasty, should no one dare not look for faults?


The Pleiades, Shenlong Island!

Nie Qingqing handed the letter in his hand to Zhu Hongyi.

“Wang Ke’s letter? What kind of letter is he? Asking for money? He is crazy? His hands are stretched here? He still dares to ask for money from you? You and I help him guard The pledge of Shenwang’s banking business, he still has the face to ask you for money?” Zhu Hongyi was taken aback.

“We took care of these properties, and Wang Ke paid a salary!” Nie Qingqing said.

“Fart, that’s just a little bit, is he embarrassed to give it?” Zhu Hongyi stared.

“Look at something, give so much!” Nie Qingqing smiled bitterly.

“But, he still came to ask you for money, why did he have the face to ask you for it? I tell you, don’t give him money, don’t give him money! What’s so special, he is making money now and he is crazy. Have the face to ask you for money?” Zhu Hongyi stared.

“The main reason is that he came to ask for gong. He brought Nie Tianba back before. I asked him to help me wake up Murong Luguang and solve Murong Luguang’s obsession! He did it. Write to ask for gong!” Nie Qingqing explained.

“Didn’t you say that Murong Luguang has the third stage of Nascent Soul Stage? How did he do it?” Zhu Hongyi was still a little uncomfortable.

“Your people, haven’t you already sent a letter back? I heard from the witnesses at the time! Murong Luguang has regained his sanity, and it is Wang Ke’s feeding him something like the God-Awakening Pill!” Nie Qingqing said .

“Hmph, I don’t know what he did. I didn’t see it, it doesn’t count!” Zhu Hongyi said solemnly.

“But, I promised him, you will never let me break my promise, will you?” Nie Qingqing stared at Zhu Hongyi.

Ju Hongyi showed a wry smile: “Okay, okay, let me mention it!”

“What to mention? Go and discuss with Demon Lord! Fill the vacancy of the second hall master and let Wang Ke fill it!” Nie Qingqing urged.

“Yes, Wang Ke is now in the Golden Core Realm. You let him be the hall master, and you can’t convince the crowd?” Zhu Hongyi smiled bitterly.

“He can be the lord of the dragon in the innate stage, why can’t he be the hall master in the golden core stage? Can’t be served? Is the strength poor? I am still his subordinate now, who is not convinced, I will kick him to death! “Nie Qingqing stared.

“Yes, but…!” Zhu Hongyi looked embarrassed.

“Will you go? No, don’t come to my room tonight!” Nie Qingqing stared.

“Go, go, go! What’s special, choose the Golden Core Realm to be the hall master? I’m crazy! However, I will mention it at most, the devil disagrees, don’t blame me!” Zhu Hongyi smiled bitterly. .

“Go and ask first!”


The Pleiades, Devil Dragon Island! A square in the Crystal Dragon Palace.


With a loud noise, four men in dark golden robes suddenly crashed the surrounding walls and fell to the ground.

In the center of the four men in dark golden robes, standing there is a black robe demon lord.

Just now, it was the Demon Lord who defeated the four men in dark golden robes.

The four of them stood up, not afraid, but suddenly all clapped their hands.

“Taiyin Demon Lord? Very powerful, my four elders are not your opponent!” A man in a dark gold robe said solemnly.

“Why are you here? The Son is not yet enlightened!” Mozun said coldly.

The four dark-gold robe men stared at the demon for a while, and one of them said humanely: “We can’t wait for the enlightenment of the holy son!”

“Huh?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“I waited from beyond the hundred thousand mountains and came in a hurry, just to tell you, time waits for no one! We can’t wait for the enlightened son of the Taiyin Demon Sect! Your powerful talent shows us that you In the future, the achievement may be higher than the enlightenment of the Saint Child! Even surpassing the Dragon Emperor!” A dark gold robe man said solemnly.

“Beyond the Dragon King?” Demon Lord said coldly.

“Yes, you are now the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage. If you can break through the profound entrance, we can give up waiting for the saint son of the Taiyin Demon Cult and respect you as the new master!” the man said in a deep voice.

“Respect me as the Lord? Haha, I am not rare!” Demon Zun said coldly.

“It’s not that you are rare. We have a dedicated record of your growth over the years! You are not a candidate in this world! But you are one of the top-notch people we track. One! I am not here to discuss with you, but to bring the decision of the elders. Please make sure to break through the entrance as soon as possible. Once you break through the entrance, we will have someone to pick you up from the 100,000 mountains! We will give you the new master!” The man said solemnly.

“I don’t need it!” Demon Lord said coldly.

The four men in dark golden robes suddenly put their hands together: “We are waiting for you!”

Speaking, the four men in dark golden robes stepped up into the sky without waiting for the approval of Demon Lord.


The four men in dark golden robes suddenly escaped into the mist of the Miasma Sea and disappeared.

The Demon Lord watched the four men leave, there was a moment of silence, his fists were tightly pinched, as if he was in a very bad mood!

During the battle just now, the Demon Lord ordered that no one is allowed to approach, and he doesn’t know what’s going on here.

Until the end of the battle, when the four dark-gold robes left, one of his subordinates tremblingly stepped forward.

“Mozun! Do you want to clean it up?” The subordinate respectfully said.

“Well, let’s restore it!” The devil nodded.

“Yes! Demon Lord, Hall Master Zhu Hongyi asked to see you just now, we stopped!” The subordinate respectfully said.

“Ju Hongyi? Let him come in!” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“Yes!” The subordinate stepped back.

Soon, Zhu Hongyi was invited in.

As soon as Zhu Hongyi came, he looked around at the battle traces in surprise.

“Mozun? Who are the four people just now? What a powerful aura! I’m afraid they are all at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, right?” Zhu Hongyi asked in surprise.

“It’s none of your business, don’t ask!” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“Yes!” Zhu Hongyi nodded.

“Why did you come to Devil Dragon Island today?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

Zhu Hongyi’s face was embarrassed for a while, and when Nie Qingqing was forced to come this time, he was also forced to be helpless! Let Wang Ke be promoted to be the head of the hall? This is really a joke. Don’t say that it is impossible for Demon Lord to agree, and he does not want to agree! Tell Demon Lord, isn’t that a joke?

“What’s the matter?” The Demon Lord doubted.

“Yes, that’s the case. Didn’t Demon Lord mentioned last time that we have to choose someone to fill the position of the second hall master? I have to think about and think of one person. I don’t know what Demon Lord wants!” Zhu Hong Yimian Lu Weiwei said.

“Oh? Who?” The devil looked at Zhu Hongyi.

Ju Hongyi’s face was stiff, and it was so difficult to speak. What a pity, Wang Ke, you bastard, I’m going to be ashamed today!

“Wang Ke!” Zhu Hongyi said with a blush.

“Who?” The Demon Zun was slightly startled.

“I suggest Wang Ke. Although Wang Ke has a weak cultivation base, he has also made a lot of contributions to the demon cult. In particular, this banking business has saved many demon cult disciples from the urgency. So, I think, can you use it? To commend Wang Ke for his merits, and to promote Wang Ke to be the hall master. Of course, the devil is unwilling, just pretend that I didn’t say it!” Zhu Hongyi said with embarrassment.

Choose the king to be the host? What’s so special, I can’t pass this level, how can the Demon Lord agree? Alas, I’m really embarrassed today!

“Wang Ke? It’s right!” Demon Lord said solemnly.

“I knew that the king would definitely not work, he…, ah? Demon Lord, what did you say? Did I misheard? Are you right?” Zhu Hongyi stared in astonishment.

Mozun seemed to be in a bad mood at the moment, and didn’t have much thoughts to accompany Vermillion to talk nonsense. After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Ju Hongyi stood there for a long time and didn’t recover.

“I must have heard wrong, how is it possible? The demon is right? Wang Ke is allowed to be the hall master? How is this possible?”

Zhu Hongyi still cannot accept the information just obtained. I just said it casually, why did you agree?

ps: The second one, and the third one!

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