Indestructible God King Chapter 295: Monitoring of Duxue Temple

In the dust!


Seyutian vomited blood and flew toward the lotus blood cave.

“The **** king, what’s the matter, even I dare to play? I am injured now, or else I will kill you!” Lu Yutian still resented.

“My big Luo Jinbo? I pretended to be a monk. You refused to give it to me and smashed me? You want to lie to me for money? You dream, bah!” Se Yutian vomited blood and endured his injuries. Swearing all the way.

“When I get better, come and kill you again! I was in the lotus blood cave before and lied to me saying how much I admired me, didn’t I just want to cheat money? There is money in my blood pond, but I won’t give it to you. , I just won’t give it to you!” Lust cursed ferociously.

Just like that, I cursed all the way to the lotus blood cave.


Looking at the square outside the lotus blood cave, Lu Yutian suddenly stunned, because the enchantment of his blood pool is gone?

“Lord, are you back?” a handyman stepped forward curiously.

“Where is the enchantment of the blood pond cave? Where is the enchantment of the blood pond cave?” Se Yutian frightened.

“Wang Ke took a woman and broke it open! That woman, if her subordinate remembers the portrait correctly, it should be Nie Qingqing!” said the handyman.

“It broke open? Impossible, how could it break open? I have a flag formation in the blood pool cave, how could it break open? You are all blind, Wang Ke, they broke the blood pond hole, you don’t Stop it?” Lu Yutian roared.

“Lord, you made Wang Ke’be able to take it yourself’! With your order before us, we dare not stop it!” The handyman said with a worried expression.

Lust’s face twitched, wishing to slap the handyman to death. What’s so special, I was mocking Wang Ke at the time, can’t you tell me? Really let him take it?

“They broke through the hole in the blood pool, what did they take?” Lu Yutian looked at the handyman with an ugly expression.

The handyman also felt the anger of lust, and immediately bowed his head and said: “Lord, you, you should go and see by yourself!”

“Trash!” Lust cursed angrily.

After cursing, Lust suddenly rushed into the blood pool hole.

As soon as I entered, Lu Tian suddenly sucked in a cold breath: “Hiss~~~~~~~~~~~~!”

The handymen outside shrank their heads.

Why dare you not say? It wasn’t what Wang Ke took, but what was left in the blood pool cave.

Nothing, nothing! The contents inside were all stripped off by Wang Ke, and even the decorations on the walls were also deducted by Wang Ke. The land of the blood pool was even stripped away. The blood lotus was gone, and the forty people imprisoned in the depths of the blood pool were gone. . Even the display racks with a few magic weapons on the side, which were originally fixed on the wall, were also chipped away by Wang Ke.

Lu Yutian has never seen a thief like this before, especially, the move has not been so thorough!

“Wang Ke, Wang Ke, bastard, I’m going to kill you, puff~~~~~~~~~~!” The lustful weather attacked the heart, and a mouthful of blood spurted out again.

Outside, a crowd of handymen kneeled to the ground, afraid to speak. Everyone came in after Wang Ke had left, but when they saw the pictures inside, they didn’t dare to enter again. For fear of being implicated! It was well decorated with high-end and refined decoration, but Wang Ke just turned it into a rough room.

Se Yutian stared at the things in the blood pond cave and looked again. Although his most valuable thing was not here, he was still mad when he was deceived by Wang Ke!

“What’s special, when I was pretending to be a monk in Zhou Jing, Wang Ke Xiaoer, you still said that there was no way to get the blood pool hole, and I had to give you another money? Bah, you are so shameless! Wait! Lao Tzu recovered from his injury, I killed you! And the old demon clone under the lotus seal also ran away? Huh, run, run! I don’t care anymore! I don’t care anymore!” Lust roared anxiously.

Enduring the evil air, sat cross-legged and started to heal.

Are you angry! But there is no way, the body is still important! Heal your injuries first!

In this way, lustful days sat cross-legged for three days and three nights before slowly recovering from the injury.

Opening both eyes for a moment, I was in a good mood that I had recovered from the injury, and I was once again shaken by the air of the rough room.


With a cold snort, Lu Yutian got up and walked through the bleeding pool hole, not wanting to see this sad place again.

Waiting for Lutian to walk through the bleeding pool hole, only to find that a large number of blood demons were already kneeling in the square. The blood demons are all back, and more importantly, in front of the blood demons, the blood-robed ancestor Zhou Lin is kneeling.

“Naughty animal, do you dare to come back?” Lu Yutian’s eyes stared.

“Uncle, that day, the eyes of everyone were full, and the grandnephew was inconvenient to explain that the grandnephew came back specially this time and explained to the uncle!” Zhou Lin knelt down and respectfully said.

Desperately staring at Zhou Lin.

Betrayed by Wang Ke, no, Wang Ke is not a betrayal. He is not a thing in the first place. Lust had known it early, but Zhou Lin was different. He regarded himself as his own, and even passed the Red Lotus Sword. Give it to him, he betrayed himself? What a heartbreak this is.

“Uncle, please give your grand-nephew a chance to explain to you alone!” Zhou Lin pleaded on her knees.

“Okay, let me see what you say! Come with me!” Lu Yutian said solemnly.

Turning his head, Lulutian was about to step into the hole of the blood pond, but halfway through, his face became stiff, and he stepped back and walked to a hall not far away, avoiding this sad place.

In the main hall, Lu Yutian sat on the throne, coldly looking at Zhou Lin who followed.

“Uncle, you know, my grand-nephew has a little talent for spiritual practice, plus the spiritual stone my uncle gave me. My grand-nephew has reached the pinnacle of the innate realm a long time ago, and I want to go further! Uncle generously gave me one A demon! Uncle knows that, in fact, you and I have been under the supervision of Duxue Temple at the beginning!” Zhou Lin respectfully said.

“Huh?” Lust raised his brows.

“The night before I fell into the devil, I was caught by them. In order to let me listen to them, even the host of the Duxue Temple came to instigate me, saying that I should be his disciple! And they will be the Duxue Temple’s A lot of Buddhism spiritual fruit was given to me, which made my practice smoother. My grand-nephew did not dare to resist at the time. Once I resist, I am afraid…!” Zhou Lin said with an ugly expression.

“Go on!” Lu Yutian said solemnly.

“The grand-nephew pretended to agree to them, but later discovered that once I set foot on this road, it would be difficult to turn back. They asked me to report your news from time to time! And to inquire about your Buddha’s treasure. My grand-nephew never told my uncle After inquiring, I know that my uncle hates Duxue Temple, and my grand-nephew hopes to help my uncle find information about Duxue Temple. Unfortunately, they are too careful, and even sent a monk to spy on me! Even a few days ago, my uncle was there. Zhou Jing fought against the national division, they actually contacted me quietly!” Zhou Lin said solemnly.

“Duxue Temple? Watching you?” Luyutian’s face sank.

“Yes, the previous big pestle was given to me after you entered the big Luojin bowl, and they told me to strike the big Luojin bowl! They didn’t say that they would trap my uncle in it. I I was also deceived by the monk at the Blood Temple. If I knew, how could my grand-nephew do it? If my grand-nephew wanted a big Luojin bowl, how could he be deceived by Wang Ke to face Murong Luguang at the Buddha Head Square? Please uncle Mingjian! “Zhou Lin pleaded on her knees.

Lust stared at Zhou Lin, as if analyzing what Zhou Lin said was true or false.

“You come back and tell me the truth now, are you going to break with Duxue Temple?” Se Yutian said solemnly.

“No, on the way to escape just now, I met a disciple of Duxue Temple. He suggested that I should come back to lie to you, stay by your side, and wait for the opportunity!” Zhou Lin said with his head lowered.

“Ha, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, what a disciple of Duxue Temple? What a lie to my trust and wait for an opportunity?” Lu Yutian said angrily.

“Uncle, I thought at the time, maybe uncle needed me to inquire about Duxue Temple, so I agreed with the situation!” Zhou Lin respectfully said.

Lust stared at Zhou Lin for a while: “Okay, I promised! But, you lied to me for so long, you also lied to me!”

“The grand-nephew knows his uncle’s temper, so I dare not say it! Once I say it, my uncle must…!” Zhou Lin said anxiously.

Sex Yutian was silent for a while: “Okay, let’s do this first, and then it depends on your performance!”

“Yes, thanks to my uncle for believing!” Zhou Lin said gratefully.

“Do you know anything about rebooting?” Lu Yutian said solemnly.

“I don’t know, rebooting? Is it another personality of my uncle? I haven’t heard of it in these years!” Zhou Lin puzzled.

“I learned a general situation from Murong Luguang! Rebooting is another character in my body. Want to take me away? Go dreaming! I have been sitting in that remote Zhenmo Temple for years in painful meditation. , So it’s not well known! Huh, I just said, why do I often appear in inexplicable places, it turns out that it is this rebooting? OK, OK, OK, if you don’t quit this old monk, you have played good Dharma. , I want to see, who can beat who!” Lust said coldly.

“Uncle, who is the monk of Bujie…?” Zhou Lin asked curiously.

“No? It is my former master, the host of the Duxue Temple of the previous generation. Although it is not a good thing, it is not a hypocrite like the present Duxue Temple host! Hmph, don’t care about it. You still have to take care of Duxue Temple!” Lu Yutian said solemnly.

“Yes!” Zhou Lin respectfully said.

“Also, gather the blood demons, and check my other character reboots for me, what kind of behavior I have had over the years!” Lu Yutian said solemnly.

“Yes! By the way, Uncle, what about the Great Zhou Dynasty now? I have been exposed and can no longer become the King of the Great Zhou, and the Great Zhou royal family has been killed by the national teacher. Now this Great Zhou Dynasty , Do you just hand it over to others?” Zhou Lin asked.

“The dynasty of the world is just a fetter, what do you care about the royal power for the immortality you want to cultivate?” Lu Yutian said in a deep voice.

“I’m not reconciled. The Great Zhou Dynasty will be lost if I lose it. I’m afraid it will fall into the hands of Wang Ke! I also learned this morning from the blood demon who just came back. Wang Ke is now instructing his big cousin, I’m preparing to fight for the hegemony of the Great Zhou Dynasty! I don’t want to give this Great Zhou Dynasty to Wang Ke!” Zhou Lin said anxiously.

To Wang Ke?

Lu Yutian’s face became stiff. What a damn, I am just a piece of toilet paper, and I don’t want to give it to Wang Ke! What I don’t want, I don’t want to give Wang Ke.

“You are right, Wang Ke, a bastard, still wants to fight for the hegemony of the Great Zhou Dynasty? Let’s dream!” Lu Yutian roared.

ps: Three changes are over!

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