Indestructible God King Chapter 272: Have never lost bragging

Wang Ke pretends to be the ancestor of the blood robe, and dominates the lotus blood cave! Sitting on a chair, drinking tea, watching the rat king whipping the snake king and Nie Tianba, don’t mention how happy it is!

In this comfortable time, the atmosphere of the real blood-robed ancestor who suddenly came in a blink of an eye was suddenly embarrassing!

The Rat King and a group of demons all looked at Wang Ke.

This, what’s the situation? Gangster, can you explain it? Here comes another blood-robed ancestor, you blood-robed ancestor who came first, don’t you want to say a few words?

“What are you looking at him doing? Rat King, who is he?” The blood-robed ancestor on the sedan said in a hoarse voice.

Everyone looked at the blood-robed ancestor again.

Wang Ke took a deep breath, your voice is hoarse? It really helped me!

How about a true blood-robed ancestor? You are seriously injured anyway, what am I afraid of?

My Wang Ke has faced a lot of Nascent Soul Stages over the years. He has never won a fight, and has never lost a boast! Isn’t it just blowing?

“Are you all deaf? Do you want to betray your ancestors? Seeing the ancestors, how come they are stuck there like wood?” said a sedan chair in a deep voice.

The Rat King looks weird, just about to say something.

“The Rat King, I asked Nie Tianba to perform a show just now! What is the title of your current show?” Wang Ke looked at the Rat King.

The Rat King: “…………!”

How do I know the name, I haven’t asked you yet, what’s the situation?

“Rat King, who is he?” The True Blood Robe Old Ancestor asked with a hoarse voice.

Wang Ke didn’t talk to the blood-robed ancestor, but stared at the rat king and satirized constantly.

“Rat King, the Lord will come out in a while, I don’t know what you are going to do, ask Nie Tianba to taunt me? Then find a snake to come out to be a scapegoat? This is endless, right? Do you think I’m seriously injured, so it’s just a bully, isn’t it?” Wang Ke said in a cold voice.

The blood-robed ancestor on the other side looked at Wang Ke in astonishment, who is this person?

“The blood-robed ancestor, I don’t know him! I don’t know what’s going on, or how the four banner masters carried this person to impersonate you!” The Rat King immediately curiously said.

The true blood robe ancestor on the opposite side was taken aback, what’s the situation? You call him blood-robed ancestor? why? Say I pretend to be the ancestor of the blood robe? Are you blind?

The blood-robed ancestor hasn’t spoken yet, but not far away, Wang Ke is mad again.

“Huh, do you think I would believe it? Rat King, you repeatedly ridiculed me, wanting to fight against me? Do you want to fight against the Lord? If you want to rebel, you just go straight Say, look for these things, who is it disgusting? Ah!” Wang Ke scolded.


Wang Ke smashed the teacup in his hand on the ground fiercely. Suddenly, the tea splashed and fragments shot everywhere. All the demons were trembling, showing fear.

“I don’t, I don’t know him!” The Rat King suddenly cried out depressed.

“The Rat King, he pretended to be me? He said he was the blood-robed ancestor?” The blood-robed ancestor seemed to react and said angrily.

At this moment, Wang Ke, of course, couldn’t let him continue speaking, and he immediately rushed to talk.

“Come on, Rat King, I know that you are going to rebel today, doing so many twists and turns, is it interesting? The Four Bannerlords? And this person who pretends to be me! Isn’t the next step, right away? Come and assassinate me? Then you take advantage of the chaos and kill me. I know all your routines. Come on, assassinate me! I want to see, who will die first!” Wang Ke shouted.

“I didn’t!” The Rat King was angry.

Not far away, the blood-robed ancestor screamed: “Go, take the **** who pretends to be me, take it down! Life or death!”

“Yes!” The four banner masters who carried the sedan stopped shouting.

Put down the sedan chair, and the Lord of the Four Banners will culminate Xiang Wang Ke.

“I haven’t said it yet, look!” Wang Ke pointed to the lord of the four banners who rushed forward.

In the heart of the Rat King, 10,000 moms are selling batches! Is this really unclear?

“Four banner owners, what are you doing? Are you looking for death?” The Rat King roared.

“Rat King, you get out of the way, this is a fake, I will catch him!” the four banner masters shouted.

“Get out of your grandma, get out!” The Rat King spied out.


The Rat King’s blow, shaking the sky, and instantly, the four banner masters were defeated and flew out.

“The Rat King, you are crazy, he is fake, what are you doing in the Four Banners?” The blood-robed ancestor stood up and said in anger.

“Presumptuous! Who are you to collude with the Lord of the Four Banners, wanting to mess with the lotus blood cave?” The Rat King duaned.

True Blood Robe Patriarch: “………………!”

Do I need to collude with the Four Banners? Is this person impersonating me? What’s the way? Is it the Rat King deliberately?

“The Rat King, you really have nothing to do with them?” Wang Ke sniffed.

“Blood-robed ancestor, now, should you believe me?” The Rat King is also very depressed at the moment. What’s wrong with this today?

“Does it really have nothing to do with you? Then you will take him down for me, tie him up, and let me interrogate him. If it is really not the person you arranged, then I will serve you tea to apologize?” Wang Can say in a deep voice.

“Presumptuous! Do you still want to hang me up for interrogation? Don’t want to live? Who are you? Is it arranged by the rat king?” The ancestor of the true blood robe stared at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke did not pay attention to the true blood-robed ancestor, but looked at the more than one hundred monsters around him.

“Are you all deaf? You still don’t cooperate with the Rat King to take down these people who are pretending to be me, huh!” Wang Ke shouted at all the demons.

All the demons showed weird faces, but most of them took up their weapons.

“I am the blood-robed ancestor, let me see who of you dares to do it!” True blood-robed ancestor roared.

“Rat King, you didn’t mean to delay me, are you? Your subordinates have all started, so you just stand aside and watch? Watching this dog keep pretending to be me and taunting me? Or is it yours in the first place? People, you can’t do it at all?” Wang Ke cursed in a hasty voice.

The Rat King has a black face, what a special one!

“Boy, catch it immediately!” The Rat King roared.

“Rat King, I have seen you have a problem a long time ago. Today, you really did a round, waiting for me?” The blood-robed ancestor exclaimed in fright.

“Fart, just grab it!” The Rat King suddenly rushed over.

“Rat King, you made a mistake!” the master of the four banners exclaimed.

“Presumptuous!” More than a hundred demons suddenly rushed over.


The Rat King’s blow collided with the blood-robed ancestor. If it was the blood-robed ancestor in its heyday, the rat king would have nothing to do, but the blood-robed ancestor was severely injured and was immediately beaten out.

“Sure enough, it’s fake, I can’t even stand a blow!” The Rat King stared.

“Why, I’m injured, of course I can’t stand your blow, Rat King, do you force me to kill you?” The blood-robed ancestor climbed up from the ground angrily.

“Fart, the’blood-robed ancestor’ can take a punch from me, but you can’t. You are a fake, everyone, take them down for me!” The Rat King roared.


The monsters in the war were still a little worried. Now, the Rat King is really hammered. What are we guessing? The four banner owners are looking for death and killing them.

“Presumptuous!” The True Blood Robe ancestor roared while vomiting blood.

“Call me!” The Rat King roared.


For a time, the battle roared. Even if the ancestor of the True Blood Robe was seriously injured, he could fight against the Rat King and quickly took out the long sword and resisted hard.

Although the four major banner owners are stronger, more than a hundred monsters are not a display.

Hit! hit! hit! hit! hit!

For a time, there were shocks around the lotus blood cave, causing the nearby desert to roll up dust.

The Snake King is still in pain. Nie Tianba’s mouth is already swollen, but he still shouts, ‘You got it wrong! What I just said is true, this is Wang Ke, that is the blood-robed ancestor, you have to believe me! ’

Unfortunately, no one can hear Nie Tianba’s cry, mainly because he doesn’t believe Nie Tianba’s cry.

Nie Tian’s domineering vomiting blood, why are you all sick, are you all hurt by Wang Ke’s boasting?

Nie Tian looked at Wang Ke domineeringly.

However, seeing Wang Ke pour a cup of tea in a new teacup again, he watched the battle in front of him attentively and with relish, taking a sip of tea from time to time.

“Special, Wang Ke, you big liar, when the truth comes out, you are dead!” Nie Tianba cursed angrily.

Wang Ke glanced at Nie Tianba, rolled his eyes, you are crazy, I don’t have the confidence to win, how can I dare to blow like this?

What if it is exposed for a while? After a while, the rebooting monk will come out. When the time comes, a mighty dragon will turn the tide? I’m afraid of a fart! You should take care of yourself!

Wang Ke is not afraid at all! Sit there and watch.

“Red Lotus Fury!” The blood-robed ancestor cut out the long sword in his hand.

Suddenly, eight red lotus appeared in the void, exploding all around Rat King.


The Rat King retreated abruptly, and the monsters fighting around suddenly had a sudden stop, and the battle came to an abrupt end.

“Red Lotus swordsmanship? How could it be?” The Rat King asked in astonishment.

People who pretend to be blood-robed ancestors can also use Red Lotus swordsmanship.

“How is it possible? Red lotus swordsmanship, only the blood-robed ancestor can do it! No, there is also the master’s coloring and desire to heaven! How can he?” The surrounding demons were surprised.

The blood-robed ancestor was also taken aback. I said for a long time that you didn’t believe me. Now that I use the red lotus sword technique, you believe it? Isn’t the person who impersonated me the Rat King deliberately made the game? I misunderstood the rat king?

“The Rat King, do you believe in my Red Lotus swordsmanship now? For so many years, only me and the Lord have known the Red Lotus swordsmanship. I am the blood-robed ancestor. This person is impersonating me! Cough cough cough!” The blood robe ancestor pointed at Wang Ke while coughing.

A crowd of demons and Rat King all around looked at Wang Ke.

What’s special, we want to believe you too, but the blood-robed ancestor who sits drinking tea, he also knows how to use Red Lotus swords!

Wang Kecha drank half of it, and everyone stared at him, making the tea cup hover in the air. This is indeed the blood-robed ancestor in front of you! What’s so special, you learn from me and prove your innocence with the red lotus sword?

But, do you think this will scare me? I told you, I, Wang Ke, bragging and never losing!

“Heh, Rat King, are you here again? Is this fun? I’m a fake? Hehe, he used a fake red lotus swordsmanship, and you are going to trouble me again? My cup of tea, in the end Do you want to drink or not?” Wang Ke said with disdain.

“You said that my red lotus sword is fake? Then my red lotus sword is not fake too!” The blood-robed ancestor said in a deep voice.

Speaking, the blood-robed ancestor turned his hand and took out a blood-red long sword.

Everyone’s complexion suddenly changed, Red Lotus Sword? Is this still fake? The Rat King also changed his face. Is it wrong?

“Yeah, it’s really a full set of drama, even my red lotus sword, you have made a high imitation? Humph, this drama is getting more and more exciting! But how exciting is it? Fake It’s fake!” Wang Ke said with disdain.

The blood-robed ancestor: “………………!”

What’s special, who is this guy, I’m like this, you still have the face to say that I’m fake?

“The real can’t be fake, the fake can’t be the real! Using fakes and fakes? Pretending to be high imitations? Huh, you have the ability, you can find a high imitation master to come up, I want to see if you can also get one Gao Fang’s master, and then stepped into the blood pool hole on the master! I’m sitting here drinking tea today! Rat King, I’m going to see, what role do you play in this scene, I’ll just sit here Drink tea and see if you will rush to me!” Wang Ke said with a drink.

As soon as Wang Ke spoke, the expressions of the Rat King and others changed. Yes, one of you must be fake, but will Lust be fake? The enchantment of the blood pool cave can only be entered by Lukyutian himself, Lukyutian must be real, and the person sitting there drinking tea must be the real blood-robed ancestor.

Who is true and who is false, do I have to guess again? Special, use a high imitation red lotus sword, also want to lie to me?

“Little thing, you are looking for death!” The blood-robed ancestor was furious and rushed to Wang Ke.

Wang Ke, like what I just said, really didn’t dodge, he just sat there drinking tea, but he looked at the rat king, as if he was confirming what role the rat king played in this scene.

Does the rat king play a role? Play as a fart! If this ‘fake’ blood-robed ancestor was allowed to attack the ‘true’ blood-robed ancestor who was drinking tea, then this matter is really unclear today.

“Find something dead!” The Rat King shouted.


With a loud noise, the Rat King immediately helped Wang Ke withstand a blow, knocking the blood-robed ancestor and the Red Lotus Sword back.

“Rat King, you!” The blood-robed ancestor said in anger.

“Look for something dead, pretending to be the blood-robed ancestor, and want to lie to me? Give me a shot!” The Rat King shouted again.

“Yes!” all the demons roared.


The battle continues!

Nie Tianba looked at all this dumbfounded, Wang Ke bragged, why do you believe so? He is fake!

Wang Ke continued to drink tea calmly.

ps: First update, the outbreak continues!

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