Indestructible God King Chapter 269: Snake swallows crow

Because Wang Ke and Reboot were carried on the sedan chair, they were carried all the way to the lotus blood cave at a slow speed! It took a day and a night to arrive!

Although the Snake King’s injuries have not fully recovered from this day and night, it has also healed a lot.

“Over there, the oasis ahead is the boundary of the lotus blood cave. Look, Wang Ke and the others are still being carried by the sedan chair! Let’s rush over, hurry!” Nie Tianba exclaimed excitedly.

As long as you go and expose Wang Ke yourself, Wang Ke and reboot will be dead.

Quickly, go over!

However, the snake king stopped Nie Tianba.

“What are you doing?” Nie Tianba looked at the King Snake in astonishment.

It’s the last juncture, what are you doing with a moth?

“You came out of the lotus blood cave, you can enter and leave the lotus blood cave at will, what about me?” the snake king said coldly.

“I can help you prove it! They are all here to expose Wang Ke, and the Rat King will definitely thank you!” Nie Tianba said anxiously.

“Fart, don’t you know that snakes and rats are natural enemies? Expose the king? What if the rat king will serve me together?” the snake king said coldly.

“Natural enemy?” Nie Tianba said in astonishment.

“My inner alchemy is a great supplement to the rat demon, and the same, the rat demon’s inner alchemy is also a great tonic for me! I can’t pass!” the snake king said solemnly.

“Then you stay here, I will expose Wang Ke?” Nie Tianba said eagerly.

“Fart, what if you lie to me?” Snake King stared.

“How could I lie to you? I can’t wait to eat Wang Ke’s meat and drink Wang Ke’s blood. I was hurt by him!” Nie Tianba said anxiously.

There was a moment of uncertainty in the eyes of the Snake King: “Let’s go through the tunnel!”

“Huh?” Nie Tianba looked puzzled.

“You come to show the way, we will go through the tunnel to the vicinity of the lotus blood cave. When the time comes, only a hole will be exposed. I will see you with my own eyes to expose Wang Ke! I will monitor if you do what you say! You must not expose me here!” The Snake King said solemnly.

“Isn’t this necessary? Doesn’t it take time?” Nie Tianba said blankly.

“Roar!” The Snake King bared his blood basin grimly.

“Okay, listen to you!” Nie Tianba said immediately.


The snake king slammed into the sand, and a big hole was opened instantly. This is a desert, so it’s too easy to drill.

Nie Tianba could only follow him closely, and quickly got into the bottom of the sand.

“Huh? Why is there an entrance at the bottom of this sandy soil?” Nie Tianba asked in surprise.

“Mouses like to make holes, huh, this mouse king must have an escape route, you go ahead!” The snake king said solemnly.

“Yes!” Nie Tianba nodded.

Along the suddenly coming tunnel, one person and one snake walked inside.


Suddenly a mouse yelled in front.

Nie Tianba’s face changed, thinking that he was exposed, but he saw King Snake open his mouth and take a breath.


Suddenly, more than a dozen mice were swallowed by the snake king.

“There are so many forks in the ground. The Rat King should have dug a lot of holes in the ground? Keep going, you will lead the way!” Snake King said in a deep voice.

Nie Tianba said with a dark face: “I’m here for the first time, I don’t know this tunnel!”

“The visual sensing of the approximate direction, won’t it? I want to teach it?” The Snake King stared.

“Yes!” Nie Tianba nodded helplessly.

Following the tunnel, the speed of one person, one snake is much faster, and all mice encountered on the road were swallowed by the snake king.

Nie Tianba sensed the general direction and walked along the fork in the road. It didn’t take long to reach the exit of a cave.

Like a deep well, Snake King and Nie Tianba are at the bottom of the well, looking at the dim light above.

“Go up here?” The Snake King looked at Nie Tianba.

“This should be in a cave in the Lotus Blood Cavern, I don’t know too!” Nie Tianba frowned.

“It’s okay, I don’t want to do anything, I just want to watch you expose Wang Ke, I want Wang Ke to die! Don’t expose me!” Snake King said coldly.

“Okay!” Nie Tianba nodded.

The two have the same purpose, so naturally there are not many disputes.

Nie Tianba took the lead to climb the well head, followed by Snake King.

This is a cave. As soon as he came out, Nie Tianba’s expression changed. This is the cave of the Rat King?

The cave of the Rat King, no one is allowed to approach it, and it makes it extremely quiet.

Nie Tianba was about to shout something, but suddenly his face changed and he covered his mouth.

Then the snake king’s head came out to survey the surroundings, and was about to speak, but saw Nie Tianba covering his mouth and pointing on a chair at the entrance of the cave.

On the chair, there is a dark crow.

“Is it a crow?” The Serpent King’s expression moved.

Nie Tianba was afraid of disturbing the crow. Naturally, the King Snake was also extremely careful. The King Snake was here to deal with Wang Ke, not against the King of Rats. What if the King of Rats found out about him?

No matter what kind of bird it is, don’t expose me. There is a cold light in the eyes of the snake king.

Slightly, the snake king swam out of the well and slowly approached the crow.

The crow looked outside attentively, and patted its wings as if a little annoyed.

“Wow!” The crow flapped its wings, as if about to rush out of the cave.

Said it’s too late, then it’s fast, the Snake King instantly violently swallowed it before the crow flew out to report the letter!

“Wow! Who!” The crow’s screaming voice has slipped into the belly of the snake king.

“I still want to report and dream! Nie Tianba, okay, you go and expose Wang Ke, I will stare here!” The Snake King said to Nie Tianba.

“Okay!” Nie Tianba nodded, and then rushed out.


In the cave of the Rat King.

The Rat King was also shocked when he heard that the blood-robed ancestor and Lulutian had returned. Listening to the next description of the report, I suddenly felt extremely troublesome.

“Guo Shi, what do you do now? The blood-robed ancestor and Lu Yutian are back together? He is asking me to take the pot!” The Rat King suddenly said nervously.

Obviously, the lustful days used to accumulate too much prestige.

“Don’t worry, maybe they are weak at the moment? Doesn’t the Gorefiend say that they will all come back with the sedan chair?” The crow said solemnly.

“But, but in case…!” The Rat King was still nervous.

“With me here, what are you afraid of? Even if the **** is back from the peak? What if you come to me and be loyal to me, what can he do with you?” The crow said solemnly.

“But, your body is not here! It’s just this crow clone, I…!” The Rat King is still a little frightened.

“You can’t beat it, can’t you run? Don’t worry, the blood-robed ancestor was seriously injured by me. You saw it, what are you afraid of? Go and see, don’t be fooled by them!” Crow said solemnly .

“Okay, okay!” The Rat King nodded with a trace of fear.

“Don’t worry, I am here!” The crow said solemnly.

The Rat King swallowed and stepped out to greet him.

The crow was standing on the chair at the entrance of the cave, looking at the distance intently.

In the distance, the mouse king and Wang Ke fought against each other. Because Wang Ke applied allergy ointment in advance, his face was uneven, so that even if the mouse king possesses spiritual knowledge, he cannot be sure whether he is Wang Ke or not. in.

The crow looked into the distance and saw rebooting.

“It’s lusty day, but how can this face be so compassionate? How can a vicious person like lusty day be this compassionate color? Humph, let my Buddha’s eyes see!” The crow’s eyes flashed suddenly. After a burst of golden light.

After watching for a while, the crow became more and more puzzled: “There is no magic in the heart, the Buddha’s light shines? Impossible, how could he be lustful?”

The crow didn’t believe that it was lust, and looked at Wang Ke, the man known as the blood-robed ancestor, shouting at the rat king to punch him.

The crow squinted and stared. I watched it for a while, and the more I watched it, the more things went wrong.

“No, in Zhou Jing, when my Faxiang pinched the blood-robed ancestor, it could sense his body shape and even some subtleties. The blood-robed ancestor seemed to have practiced countless swords, and his palm was thick. Cocoon, and this person, the palm of his hand is thin and tender, he is not at all! Also, the size of the soles of the feet are also different! How is the size of this pair of feet a bit familiar? Shenwang Building, at that time one foot almost stepped on me, and this It seems, Wang Ke? Impossible, right?” The crow asked in surprise.

For some reason, the crow thought that the person in front of him was Wang Ke. The more he looked at him, the more he looked, and the more he looked, the more he looked like him. Suddenly, the crow remembered the acne on the face of the person in front of him, and the face of the holy monk in Zhou Jing. Acne, it seems! Seems to come from a person’s handwriting?

“Wang Ke? Is it Wang Ke? Is it him? He actually pretended to be the blood-robed ancestor? Is it a hoax?” The crow flapped its wings suddenly and said in astonishment.

In the distance, under Wang Ke’s flicker, the Rat King bowed to the rebooting in shock, letting the blood demons carry the rebooting to the blood pool cave.

“Scam, Rat King, it’s a scam! Wang Ke set up a scam!” the crow said angrily.


The crow flashed its wings and was about to rush out to expose Wang Ke and his party.


Suddenly a bowl of blood swallowed the crow.

“What’s the situation?” The crow said in astonishment.

Just staring outside was so immersive that I didn’t find the King Snake approaching, or maybe it was in the cave of the Rat King, so I didn’t expect to be attacked!

Have you eaten?

“I still want to report and dream! Nie Tianba, okay, you go and expose Wang Ke, I will stare here!” The Snake King said to Nie Tianba.

“Okay!” Nie Tianba suddenly rushed out.

The snake king stared at the outside world. I want to wait for Wang Ke to look good.

Just as the Snake King showed his hideousness and was about to wait for Wang Ke to be unlucky, suddenly, there was a scorching heat in his stomach.

“Ah, it hurts, what’s the matter? My stomach, ah!” The snake king suddenly rolled over in pain.

“Look for something dead, dare to swallow me? Look at my flames!” The crow rolled in the snake king’s belly.

“It’s the crow just now, bastard! Want to burn my stomach? Look at my poison!” The Snake King said angrily.


The crow and the snake king entangled. The Snake King kept twisting his body in pain.

And the outside world, no one knows what the Rat King Cave Mansion discovered.

“Master, the subordinates are convicted!” The Rat King shouted anxiously.

However, rebooting didn’t pay attention at all, and was carried into a cave not far away.

Wang Ke stood beside the rat king, like the blood-robed ancestor watching the rat king, making the rat king anxious, but he did not dare to jump the wall in a hurry. Watching reboot was carried into the hole of the blood pond.

I saw that rebooting was at the entrance of the blood pond, slowly getting off the sedan chair, because there was a barrier that no one could get close to.

Rebooting touched his hand on the barrier, but saw a wave of water ripples from the barrier, which made it easy for rebooting to penetrate.

“The Rat King, they are liars, they are not blood-robed ancestors! Wang Ke pretended to be! And this rebooting monk, extremely weak, fast, stop them!” Nie Tianba shouted never far Came from everywhere.

Nie Tianba rushed to reboot, and the group of blood demons who had just carried the sedan chair suddenly stood in front of Nie Tianba: “Legacy!”

“He is fake, you have been deceived! Rat King, stop him! The rebooting monk is extremely weak now, he is going to enter the blood pool cave and restore his cultivation base. Once his cultivation base is restored, no one will be able to do so. Enemy, hurry up, stop him!” Nie Tianba shouted immediately.

The Rat King not far away, however, his face sank. Looking at the rebooting monk in the distance with amazement, could it be that I was deceived?

ps: First! Keep on breaking out!

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