Indestructible God King Chapter 268: I was dumb by the master

Most of the monsters in the lotus blood cave have been dispatched. There are not many monsters stationed in the lotus blood cave. Even so, nearly a hundred monsters came to greet them!

Wang Ke and Jiisei sat on the sedan chair and looked at the large number of cave openings on the mountain wall not far away. The two of them were a little confused for a while, which one is the blood pool cave?

“Master, ancestor, please get off the sedan chair!” a blood demon respectfully said.

“Am I going to get off the sedan chair?” Wang Ke said coldly.

The blood demons had a pause. I don’t know what to do for a while.

“The lord will return to the blood pond cave to rest and take it directly to the entrance of the blood pond cave!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

The blood demons looked at each other, and finally nodded.

“Blood-robed ancestor, are you angry with me if you refuse to get off the sedan chair?” A cold voice came out not far away.

But he saw that the Rat King slowly walked to the front surrounded by a group of subordinates.

The mouse king walked slowly. Although it looks like a human, it is still a big mouse, just a big mouse walking upright. Although wrapped in a blood robe, Wang Ke still sees a pair of mouse paws in his sleeves. .

“Rat King!” the blood demons respectfully said.

On the sedan chair, rebooting his face darkened, what should I do now?

“Ahem, Rat King, your hands are really long stretched out! This is the attitude when you see the Lord?” Wang Ke said hoarsely.

The King Rat on the other side looked at rebooting, then looked at Wang Ke.

The Rat King also has divine sense. The blood-robed ancestors used to cover it, and the divine sense could not detect the appearance of the blood-robed ancestors, but at this moment, the cover is weird. But at this moment, Wang Ke’s appearance had changed.

“Hey, the blood-robed ancestor did not hide his appearance today? Is it fake? Aye, is this a human face?” The Rat King’s face changed wildly.

Wang Ke is still that Wang Ke, but at this moment, Wang Ke has countless pimples on his face. There are three layers inside and three layers outside. The Rat King’s consciousness swept away and he almost fell ill!

No wonder the blood-robed ancestors never showed their true colors before. The Rat King can only stop worrying about the appearance of the blood-robed ancestor in front of him.

“The Lord of the Four Banners first followed Murong Luguang to find the Lord, and found that the Lord not only had a complete cultivation base, but also forgot the past. He only thought that he was a monk and called the monk of rebooting? Not the Lord, but the rebooting monk? And the body is weak and weak?” The Rat King sneered.

Jie’s face became stiff, and he was guessed by the rat king?

“As for you, why is your voice hoarse? Are you the blood-robed ancestor?” The Rat King looked at Wang Ke coldly.

Wang Ke’s heart is stunned. What a pity, this rat king is so shrewd. Have you guessed it? How does this make me blow?

No, the Rat King just called me ‘blood ancestor’? Does this mean that he is not so sure that I am fake?

“It’s the little thing I asked to report to you just now. Did I tell you something?” Wang Ke said hoarsely.

“Yes! He said that when he saw you, the Lord would not be able to fly, and your identity was only confirmed by calling you blood-robed ancestor through a demon snake! Are you blood-robed ancestor at all? He is not sure!” The Rat King said coldly.

All the blood demons and monsters around their faces changed, and they looked at Wang Ke questioningly.

“Then what are you waiting for? How about you try to test me? How? Let’s see if I am a fake! Come on! Do it!” Wang Ke defied in a hoarse voice.

The Rat King was stunned. Don’t tell me, I was ready to test it just now. What do you want me to do? You must be well defended, what if it is a trap?

“Rat King, I think you don’t want to live anymore!” Wang Ke said hoarsely.

“What did you say?” Rat King said coldly.

“Before the two of us took action and controlled the lotus blood cave, it was because we heard the news of the death of the upper body of the Lord. If the upper body of the Lord died, you and I will naturally be in power! But now, the Lord is still alive, do you still want to die? You? I thought that the demons you subdued would still betray the Lord with you? Will they die with you?” Wang Ke said hoarsely.

With Wang Ke’s words, all the surrounding demons panicked.

“The so-called ignorant is not guilty! The Lord has already talked to me about everything you have done before! That is to say, after hearing the news of the Lord’s death, whoever did something wrong ! The master is forgotten, but if you see the master and still don’t realize it, that’s a capital crime! Ask these subordinates, who is willing to rebel with you? Who is willing to rebel against the master? You control the methods of these subordinates. In front of the Lord, it is not worth mentioning at all. The Lord wants you to live, and you will live! If you want to die, you must die!” Wang Ke said in a hoarse voice.

Sure enough, there was a panic among the demons around, and after the panic, they cast allegiance to rebooting.

“Just now, I just saw that the little thing didn’t live or die, so I asked him to come back in advance to report to you! Why, he was about to smash with the Lord?” Wang Ke looked at a Gorefiend behind the Rat King.

“No, no, the villain didn’t have anything, just told the truth about what the ancestor wanted to bring!” The blood demon knelt down in shock.

“Hmph, don’t scare me, you are in Zhoujing and have been seriously injured by the national teacher! As for the Lord? He is also weak now, right?” Rat King said coldly.

The Rat King thought he could scare Wang Ke, but he made Wang Ke sigh. What, succeeded? Does he doubt my identity anymore?

“Yes, the Lord is very weak now, the kind that is very weak, or else, you come to attack the Lord and see if the Lord will be killed by you? Or, the Lord will kill you Massacre!” Wang Kehan ​​said.

Not far away, rebooting rolled his eyes at Wang Ke. Are you really cheating me?

Perhaps the Jiwei of Lu Yutian back then was too terrifying, even if the Rat King guessed that rebooting was weak, he would not dare to do anything.

“What about you?” Rat King said solemnly.

“Me? Didn’t I let that little thing bring you a message? I’m too weak, weak and pitiful, come and try to attack me!” Wang Ke sneered.

The Rat King’s face suddenly sank. What’s the situation?

If Wang Ke said he was okay, the Rat King would definitely think he was strong outside and doing it, but Wang Ke said he was hurt badly. Is this true or lie?

Are you cheating me?

“Aren’t you suspicious of me? My voice is dumb, and you suspect that I am a fake. Come on, come and try!” Wang Ke said in a deep voice.

The mouse king narrowed his eyes: “Do you think I dare not?”

The Rat King is not scared. Although it is getting more and more confused whether what the King can say is true or ironic, but at this moment there is no retreat. You can’t be scared by you, just be stupid!

“Hahahaha, are you quite persistent? Okay, come on, cough cough cough! I’ll help you!” Wang Ke pretended to be coughing while arrogantly said.

The Rat King stopped the two, but he became more and more puzzled. Is your cough serious?

“Let me get off the sedan chair!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

“Yes!” the man who carried the sedan chair respectfully said.

The Rat King became more amazed. You have to get help even when you get off the sedan chair. Don’t you lie to me?

After getting off the sedan chair, Wang Ke walked off the sedan chair with injuries.

Slowly walked to the rat king.

“What are you going to do?” Rat King said nervously.

“I’ll help you! In front of the Lord! Come and give me a punch! Cough cough cough!” Wang Ke said solemnly.

The Rat King: “………………!”

“Don’t be nervous, I was seriously injured by the national teacher, but I still don’t cough like this! When I found the Lord before, I was like you. I didn’t put the Lord in my eyes, and then I was caught by the Lord. The call is so hoarse and coughing, coughing coughing, come on, you try to punch me too!” Wang Ke said again.

The Rat King looked at Wang Ke, and then at rebooting.

What’s the situation? The Lord is not really weak, he is pretending? Did he hurt you badly like tuberculosis? real or fake?

And you let me punch you.

“I’ll give you a try and punch me! Remember, the Lord is watching, how did you punch me? When I recover, how will you be beaten back by me!” Wang Ke Shang Previous step.

The Rat King: “………………!”

Do you want to return this punch?

The Rat King’s eyes were surprised and doubtful. Is this the real blood-robed ancestor? It’s not true, how dare you give me a punch? Fight?

Once you do it yourself, you will offend the lusty and blood-robed ancestors, but you don’t want to expose it, and you are not reconciled, especially, if it is fake, I am not a pit?

“Fight?” Wang Ke was aggressive.

“Come!” Mouse King said with a stern face.

Coming? Wang Ke’s face changed. You rat king is sick, really?

Wang Ke’s thoughts flashed in his mind. According to normal logic, the Rat King should have been scared to get down when he saw the blood-robed ancestor coming back with the coloring desire, but in the end he argued with himself for a long time and wanted to do it? Unless, in other circumstances, this Rat King has other backers?

Does the Rat King have other backers? What a great loss this time!

“Why? Don’t you dare?” The Rat King suddenly sneered when he saw Wang Ke hesitate.

“Where’s your fist?” Wang Kehan ​​said.

What a big loss, really a big loss!

“Here!” Rat King’s right paw suddenly clenched, and he slammed a punch at Wang Ke.

Even if it is a rat demon, it is a demon beast. The power of the fist is so terrifying that it instantly hit Wang Ke’s abdomen.


The powerful impact formed a wave of air, and the surrounding monsters suddenly appeared in amazement.

The punch of the Rat King is so terrifying. Even though the Rat King first entered the Nascent Soul Realm, it is also the Nascent Soul Realm. Ordinary Golden Core can be punched through with a single punch. But right now?

The blood-robed ancestor did not move! Yes, I just didn’t move, I didn’t take a step back. It’s just that the robe swayed violently.

All the monsters’ eyes widened, showing a look of horror, what a terrifying defense.

Rebooting is even more staring. When did this king become so exaggerated?


A blast of air suddenly blasted from Wang Ke’s body.

“This is…?” The Rat King asked in astonishment.

It seems that it is the aura of a breakthrough in the Golden Core Realm cultivation base?

Of course, it was the Golden Core Realm cultivation base that broke through. This punch made Wang Kexiu directly reach the second level of the Golden Core Realm! The golden-yellow muddy Zhenyuan turned into bright yellow in an instant! What a great loss!

“Cough cough cough cough cough, it hurts me to hit me, and I feel puffed up! Cough cough cough, Rat King, didn’t you eat today? Cough cough cough cough!” Wang Ke explained while coughing The cause of the air wave.

The Rat King was immediately distracted by Wang Ke’s words. It hurts to be beaten by me? Who are you lying to? You didn’t even move. Did not eat? Do you think I am not strong enough?

If this person is a fake blood-robed ancestor, it doesn’t make sense. My punch is not in the Nascent Soul Realm. It can’t be caught. He just swelled a wave of air and it was over?

“Rat King, I was punched by you, and my blood robe was also punched by you. I will remember. I will return you a punch and a hole in the future. Now, to No, you go to the Lord to see if the Lord’s body is not strong, and you can’t stand it?” Wang Ke looked at the Rat King.

Reboot: “………………!”

When I was punched by the rat king, my intestines would come out, Wang Ke, are you sure you were pitting me?

The Rat King looked at rebooting, but his expression changed. Do you want to sing a double song with Lu Tian, ​​play with me? What’s so special, you offended Lust, if you were seriously injured and coughed by him, you can still take my punch. You are so subdued by Lustian, let me offend Lustian again? Am I sick?

“Lord, **** your subordinates, I have been offensive before, but I am also obsessed with ghosts. It was the blood-robed ancestor who advised me to betray you!” The Rat King suddenly bowed and said in horror.

Rebooting still doesn’t speak.

“Hmph, what are you doing in a daze? The Lord was seriously injured, did you not see? The Lord is going to return to the blood pool cave to heal, but still not lift the Lord into the blood pool cave?” Wang Ke was rushing. The blood demons shouted.

“Yes, yes, yes!” A group of Gorefiends suddenly shrank their heads.

Suddenly, a group of Gorefiends carrying rebooting and walking towards a cave not far away.

“Master, the subordinates are convicted!” The Rat King shouted anxiously.

However, rebooting didn’t pay attention at all, and was carried into a cave not far away.

Wang Ke stood beside the rat king, like the blood-robed ancestor watching the rat king, making the rat king anxious, but he did not dare to jump the wall in a hurry. Watching reboot was carried into the hole of the blood pond.

ps: Three changes are over!

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